16140/Look Who is Back
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Look Who is Back | |
Date of Scene: | 21 October 2023 |
Location: | Bar With No Doors |
Synopsis: | Daniel finds Rien at the Bar With No Doors. Scene incomplete. |
Cast of Characters: | Daniel Ketch, Rien D'Arqueness
- Daniel Ketch has posed:
Ah, the Bar With No Doors. The one place where Daniel can say everyone is so weird that he feels almost normal. The secret, magical bar he discovered while skimming over the books in the Velvet Room, before the place burned to cinders.
It is not a cheap bar, or he would be here more often.
Otherwise, good place to hide from reality when he has some extra cash. It doesn't happen often, but it happened today. He managed some overtime the past month, and he is not the kind to save for bad times, because it is always bad times.
The young man goes to the bar and considers if he wants to start with a beer, or go straight for the bourbon.
- Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
Rien has been a sometimes patron of the place for decades. No matter where it resides in the world, she seeks it out as a place where she can get a *real* drink. Something that can potentially overcome her regenerative abilities and let her actually enjoy the effects of liquor
Tonight, she can be found floating on a 'cusion' of blue light in the middle of the pool, sipping on a concoction that glows a virulent yellow. Idly chatting with one of the merfolk that's taking a brief break from drink service. She glances up when Daniel enters, one brow listing. Returning her attention to her mermaid companion, she gives a murmured good-bye and smiles as they head back to work at the underwater part of the bar.
"If you want something truly spectacular, you should try the dwarven whiskey, or the Andorean ale. Both are heads and shoulders above the usual fare."
Rien glances sidelong towards Daniel, lifting her glass towards him with a smile as she floats along in the pool. She isn't the only one, either. There's a number of magical people/creatures that have taken to enjoying the warm waters of the pool with their drinks!
- Daniel Ketch has posed:
Daniel blinks when he hears familiar unfamiliar voice. He peers at the pool and spots the blonde woman. Oh, right. "Rien... it has been a while." And she is doing weird things, like many people here do. Like swimming inside the bar. "I don't want to get spectacularly drunk, I have to drive."
The Ghost Rider motorcycle drives itself, though, so a little drunk is fine. It might be the safest vehicle in the New York state. At least in as long the driver is human, not a flaming skeleton.
Besides, magical drinks? No, thanks. "Good to see you, though. I thought you had returned to Europe or something." Like getting killed. It happens a lot in their business.
- Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
"If I'm not mistaken, your Rider can kill any buzz you get before you have to go anywhere. Why would you not enjoy what you can while you can?" She sips on her drink and watches him from her float, smiling faintly.
Shaking her head, she murmurs, "Extended vacation.." Rien looks to him and lifts a shrug, "All good things must end, however. And Europe is not my home. New York is. The Clan calls France home, but it is not mine..."
"Good to see you as well. You're looking... relatively the same as the last time we met. How has life treated you?"
- Daniel Ketch has posed:
"Eh, that is not how it works," replies Daniel. Which is not a bad thing, it would be pretty bad if the Rider could prevent him from getting properly 'buzzed'. He is pretty sure the judgemental skeleton doesn't approve excessive drinking.
"I am exactly the same I was last time we talked," confirms the young man. A pause to demand a pint from the bartender. "Which means life is still being life, and I am not getting vacations. I am pretty sure my 'partner' hates vacations."
- Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
"If you call him it is... the Rider isn't subject to drink. Dwarven whiskey, Andorean ale... both very potent... and very mundane. Just because a race is magical, doesn't mean everything they do is also magic." Rien lifts a small shrug and sips from her drink. "But, your choice, obviously."
Giving a small nod, she offers, "I do understand that.. being on vacation doesn't stop things from happening around you. Didn't stop me, or Chas, from having to take care of certain... evils..." Rien quirks a faint half-smile, "Demons go on vacation too, after all. And for some reason, people in the Carribbean are entirely too fond of summoning all sorts of nasty spirits and demons." She lifts a shrug.
"Vacation is just what I did in the time between exorcisms or fights... at least it let me get in some relaxation for awhile. Sadly, Chas has been recalled to the Pearly Gates for a time... so here I am." Rien chuckles softly, "Back in the saddle again, so to speak."
- Daniel Ketch has posed:
"I got my worst hangovers after the Rider leaves..." starts Daniel. Then pauses to listen to the rest of Rien statements, eyes squinting in disbelief. "You gotta be joking," demons gets vacations but Daniel doesn't. Life is unfair. He needs another drink.
"Maybe I will wake up in a Caribbean beach some day," he muses, since it wouldn't be the weirdest place he did, "if only I would be so lucky. Good to hear Chas is okay-ish, too."
- Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
She lifts a small shrug and offers a wry smile towards him, "Demons like to possess people of means. People of means tend to jetset around the world." Her hand rolls along as if on a ship.
"If you want to go to the Carribbean, I can facilitate that. But believe me... you would be busier than ever. Jamaica has one of the highest murder rates.. there are areas, tourist-y areas, that are safe. Specifically so. But there are other areas... dark areas. That's where the evil lives. And there is far more of it than there is of the white beaches and tropical drinks." Rien finishes her drink, tucking the glass into a bubble of water that rises up from the pool. She folds her hands under her head and smiles, "He's fine, just.. recalled for training, or orders... when the angels are called, they don't really get to say no."
- Daniel Ketch has posed:
Daniel gets his beer and takes a long, poignant draught. Then he turns to Rien again, "sounds like Gotham, but with more beaches and less bats. I will call it vacations," he makes a handwaving. "Hey, are you going to stay in the pool or join me at the bar? Talking like this is weird. And for once, I can buy you some drinks."
- Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
"It... isn't quite so gloomy as Gotham, but that's not a bad analogy." Rien chuckles softly and glances to the pool, then over to Daniel. Lifting a brow, she smiles, then falls *through* the float and steps out of a portal that lets her take a seat at the bar next to Daniel. Her clothing morphs as she steps through, shifting from a bikini to leggings and a tank top with a pullover tied around her hips. "So," she smiles at him, "What have you been doing?"
- Daniel Ketch has posed:
Daniel huffs a the display of magic. "Showoff..." he mutters. "I have not been doing anything special. I just earn some cash as a mechanic, then the Rider comes and punches demons, burns thugs and scares the living daylights of most people."
It is not a very fun living, but Daniel is okay with it as long as he doesn't lose more friends and family. Except he has almost none left. "Do you know Nettie Crowe? She must be your age, British witch, she is now in charge of the old gang."
- Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
"What, you wanted me to swim across the pool, spend ten minutes showering and drying off, another five minutes getting changed..." Rien chuckles softly and shakes her head, "This was quicker." She waves a hand around, "Most people are idiots."
She laughs softly once more, "My age? Which age is that?" She gives a small shake of her head, "The name isn't familiar, but that's not terribly surprising. Most magi, especially long-lived ones, tend to keep a low profile." Rien gives a small nod, "Good luck to her."
- Daniel Ketch has posed:
No, he probably expected Rien all wet in a bikini. But to say he expected anything would be too much. "Alright, fine," he offers. "And I mean she is over a century old and doesn't look like it. She talks like a grandmother, though. Although that might be because she is British." Not that Daniel knows much about grandmothers.
- Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
"Ah, so long-lived. And I would bet it's the accent." Her own is in full effect, but the French accent just makes everything sound scandalous. She chuckles softly and gives a nod, "Well, I will wish her luck with it. I have no interest in taking the job from anyone." She looks over the mundane offerings and nods towards a mid-range bourbon, motioning for two servings, one for each of them.
Rien glances sidelong at him, curving a faint smile, "If you want to get me wet, you'll have to work a little harder."