16250/A returning X
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A returning X | |
Date of Scene: | 03 November 2023 |
Location: | Xavier's School Front Yard |
Synopsis: | People catch up |
Cast of Characters: | Samuel Guthrie, Emma Frost, Kitty Pryde, Rachel Summers, Logan Howlett
- Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie is out front of the mansion. He has just finished working on his truck, and is walking from the garage. He pauses looking out over the yards of the mansion. He smiles a bit as he sees some of the younger students playing in the distance. He smiles to himself, as he remembers when that would have been him and his friends. Now Sam is all adult and even helps teach here on occasion. That and keeping an eye on which ever other Guthries might be going to school here this year.
- Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost enters along into the courtyard. Over one arm she's carrying a small tablet, over which she's skimming news as it goes along. She taps along it, occasionally scrolling up and down before she catches sight of Sam and gives a nod. The table is taken underneath an arm, folded up, and then put over in her purse.
- Kitty Pryde has posed:
A shadow can be spotted on the paved driveway around Sam. About the time he might look up, a little purple space dragon comes deftly gliding down, riding the cool November breeze. He circle about Sam before coming to a hover, flapping gently keep himself aloft.
Someone else then descends from the roof. Far less gracefully. A body seen plummeting towards the ground and hitting it- wait, correct that. Disappearing right into the ground like it wasn't there.
And then Kitty Pryde rises back up out of the ground until her feet are on ground level and she's walking over. Lockheed moves to land on her shoulder. "Hey Sam," she says brightly, giving him a smile. Her eyes go over to Emma Frost. "Emma," Kitty says. Not quite as brightly.
- Rachel Summers has posed:
Rachel Summers Is here too. She's been gone a while a long while. She had too much damage, too much pain.. to many things were diffrent and she couldn't deal so he left and went to learn about this world and timeline and find herself.
Though she kinda makes a flashy entry, the whole flamming brid flying down to land and all that tends to get a lot of attention! As She seems to land, that bird almost gives a cry, and to alot of x-men it would be a VERY familiar look till it fades.. showing the Very bright red hair of the girl inside the fire.
- Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie nods first to Emma, and then over to Kitty, as he reaches out to give Lockheed a head scratch. As the new brightness appears, Sam shades his eyes to get an idea on who it is. Once he sees it is someone he knows, the little bit of tension that had crept into him will fade away. He smiles "Rachel." He steps back to not be between Kitty and Rachel, she might be able to walk through people, but when ya can avoid it you do.
- Emma Frost has posed:
This catches Emma by surprise, and she goes to instinctively shift over into her diamond form upon seeing the flamebird that accompanies Rachel's arrival. Upon identifying who it was, Emma would switch back to normal.
"Ms. Summers, I hope that your.. Walkabout went well." The girl had vanished but they had heard nothing that implied something bad had happened.
So Emma had presumed that was what her months had been spent doing.
- Logan Howlett has posed:
The current groundskeeper has been absent and the verge has been growing a little too verdant in the meantime. So, with school spirit to spare, Logan has been out front for most of the day trimming the errant evergreens. It is the sudden, flamboyant arrival that prompts him to frown and turn his head away from the task.
"Jeanie?" he murmurs to himself, before his vision clears a little and he sees the truth of things.
He tosses the hedgeclippers to the ground, moving towards the icebox and pulling a cooled bottle of water from it. He wipes his forehead with the back of his hand, gulps down a few swallows, and watches the pageantry on the lawn.
- Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty Pryde mostly tries to avoid walking through her friends. It being hell on their cell phones or other electronics. But Sam's giving space is warranted as Kitty grins and will move over to offer Rachel a short, tight hug of greeting if the redhead allows her.
"Hey, there you are. Was starting to worry about you," she says to Rachel. "Welcome back. There's still plenty of Halloween candy in the jar in the kitchen. Though people are picking through it for their favorites. Won't be long before it just has candy corn and tootsie rolls in there."
Lockheed curls up about Kitty's neck, though his tail swings about in sinuous motion, and if Rachel allows the hug from Kitty, she'll get a brush of dragon wing and a nuzzle of dragon muzzle too. "Sam, missed you at the haunted house," she says.
- Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would glance over at Logan, "Ahh, greetings. I heard that you'd come back here. So did you have a good.. Trip, at least?" She had no idea where Logan had gone off to or for what reason. If he felt like sharing it, then he would.
"And Rachel is an.. Adult. I don't think that any of us could do anyhting to her the likes of which she has not seen far, far more.. complicated than." Emma doesn't say worse.
- Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks over to offer Logan a nod in greeting as well. He looks over to Kitty, "Yea, Ah was putting in some extra hours with work. During Halloween they need as many guys on the street as possible. Ah did have to work, but figured if Ah did, then some folks who had local family could have a day off.
- Kitty Pryde has posed:
Lockheed spots a Canadian standing over on the lawn enjoying his water. He gives Kitty a little nudge to draw her attention over. "Hey Logan," she calls over to him. She's been working in the city at Stark Tower three or four days a week, so hasn't been about as much. She glances at his water and asks, "Have another one of those for an old friend?" she asks, flashing a little grin his way.
- Logan Howlett has posed:
"Don't gotta feign interest, Frosty," Logan tells Emma with a sidewards glance, "I learned some stuff. Keep it at that."
When Kitty makes her request, the Canuck stands still for a moment with arms folded over his chest and a critical look on his face.
"An' who're you? One of the new students? Look familiar. Like someone I knew long, long ago ... "
Then he smirks, reaching into the cooler to pull out a bottle of Canadian root beer which he tosses in Shadowcat's direction.
"Knock yourself out."
- Emma Frost has posed:
Well, that's a very informative response from Logan. And about what Emma was expecting. If there was something pressing tos hare, it would come out along the gossip network. That was the way such things spread. Rogue wasn't particularly good at secrets after all.
"I do hope tha tyour.. Internship with Stark has been going well." Was it a full job yet? Was it a light jab at Kitty? Or was it just her giving Kitty an opening to talk about what -she- was doing for a change more at length?
- Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie smirks a bit at the Canadian's reaction. He leans against one of the porch posts and says "We should hit lunch in town sometime, you can show me all your fancy toys at work."
- Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty Pryde snags the root beer out of the air and flashes a grin back at Logan. "Thanks," she tells him as she holds the bottle up to Lockheed. He grabs hold of the cap and twists his head and the cap pops off. Kitty wipes at the bottle top - dragon drool, you know - and then takes a sip of it.
Her own head twists about Emma's comment. "Internship?" she says. "Haven't ever done an internship, even when I was contract with Fisk International and JVD Fashion it was full time," she replies. "And it is going well, thank you for asking. How are your... efforts in Bushwick going?"
Kitty takes another sip then asks Sam, "So by the way, which precinct do they have you working out of? Maybe Logan and I can come get arrested some night."
- Logan Howlett has posed:
"You got a low opinion of me, Pryde," Logan mutters, closing the cooler and sitting down on top of it. It's one of those fancy reinforced camping deals, meaning that the weight of his skeleton isn't going to damage it. Nevertheless, it groans a little.
- Emma Frost has posed:
A light smile given over to Kitty, but first Emma glances to Logan, not asking for a beer herself. The creaking of the metal sounded like someone with old bones groaning from moving too quickly.
"And well enough. Mos tof the damage is.. Emotional. Which is harder to deal with than physical. Things can be rebuilt and injuries healed. But restoring trust takes time and is far easier to lose."
- Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks over and says "Most times Ah am working in Bushwick myself, but since Ah am special units, it is more fill in around places when Ah am doing normal beats." He admits. He nods a bit listening to the others as they talk. If call comes in for the Special Units, then have to head out and help out there.
- Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty waggles the bottle back at Logan. "Now you're assuming that it won't be me that gets us arrested," she points out to him. There might have been a night dancing on the bar at the Hellfire Halloween party.
Also fighting a raccoon.
She takes another sip and then gives a small nod to Emma. "True, that," Kitty says, and it won't take Emma's telepathy to know Kitty is thinking about an entirely different moment than Emma was referring to.
"So, have you let them know about your powers? Or keeping a low profile?" she asks Sam. Kitty still hasn't come out publicly as a mutant. Though even if she had she wouldn't be giving Sam any guff about whether he kept it quiet or not.
- Logan Howlett has posed:
"Oh, I know it won't be me," Logan mutters, reaching to pull a crushed-up denim ball cap from his back pocket and pulling it down onto his head, "You're just thinkin' I'd hang around with ne'er-do-wells."
He waves a heavy hand through the air, shaking his hand and having a gulp of his water.
"You can keep the city."
- Emma Frost has posed:
Why, it's like Katherine hasn't forgiven or and doesn't trust her. Emma is well aware of hte fact.. And that Katherine is right in it. So Emma doesn't belabor the point, or bring up other things. It's something that will not ever be repaired, nor does it ever deserve to be.
Turning to Logan. "I know that wanderlust is your forte, so you should probably work on finding a long term teacher to have as an alternate for your classes."
- Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks over and says "My captain knows, but most of the others don't know. Ah have been thinking about it, aint like no one back home does not know half the family is mutants."
- Kitty Pryde has posed:
The young woman listens to Sam's reply, nodding thoughtfully. "Well, if you ever need any scrubbing of video or the like to help cover you up there. I mean if you're wearing a body cam that might be kind of hard to explain. But people's cell phones or CCTV or something that might have caught you Cannonballing about, just let us know of course," she tells Sam.
Kitty takes another sip of the root beer. "So Logan, you planning on being part of cooking for Thanksgiving this year? We could get one of those outdoor fryers if you wanted to try your hand at a Cajun turkey. Show Remy how it's done?"
- Logan Howlett has posed:
"Not sure what makes you think that's your business," Logan grows cold, his brows knitting at Emma, "That's between me and Doctor Grey. If you're flavourin' it as friendly advice, might want to work on the 'friend' part first."
There's a grunt as the Wolverine rises to his feet, reaching down to grab his cooler and heft it up onto his shoulder.
A glance is given to Kitty, and a brusque shake of his head: "No."
"Suddenly find myself with somethin' better to do," he growls, "Have a lovely day now, kids."
That said, he stalks off down the hedgerow and around the side of the house.
- Emma Frost has posed:
As Logan leaves, Emma goes to raise an elegant eyebrow at Kitty, "If you want to be subject to my cooking, thenof course. But you'll need to have something flown in by air to consume instead. Which given the day and the last minute might take some organizing." By which paying a hideous amount of money, even by thes tandards of Xavier's.
"I hadn't any particular plans for the holiday. Normally I spend it catching up on any reports and departmental updates that I've fallen behind on."
- Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks over and says "Not sure if Ah will be in, but if Ah am will throw some chicken and biscuits into the mix. With as many kids as we have around here, figure the more choices we have the better. The closes call Ah have had was with Big Wheel, had to make sure cops who Ah turned him over did not recognize me.
- Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty lets out a soft, "Mmmm," sound at Sam mentioning his chicken. "Best fried chicken ever," she murmurs, and Lockheed even sits up as if to confirm this. "I'll see if I can get Mom to send a care package with baked stuff. Otherwise, well, I'll buy something. Or pour you guys bowls of Crunch Berries," says the girl whose cooking prowess is the stuff of legend at the school. Bad, bad legends.
Looking back to Emma, Kitty says, "Bushwick could probably use more help. Food give aways and maybe some kitchens for holiday meals. I normally go over there and volunteer at least part of my Thanksgiving time off," she says. "I don't know if your company gets involved in those or not."
- Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would nod at Sam, "Will your family be coming here then if you're not going home?" Knowing full well how close the Guthries were to one another. Her making the assumption that if the children were staying here in Salem then Sam's mother would be coming down here for the holidays then.
"We do." Emma alwys donated money. Even if it was done under the table and most often anonymous. She had to play up to her reputation, after all. But, she didn't push people within her company to do so nor encourage them to.
- Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie says, "Trying to decide still, Jay and Paige are both out and about right now, so there is talk we may all go to where one of them are. We will figure out though know Professor is usually ok if they come up."
- Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would nod at Sam, "Of course. No matter what, I'm sure that you'll have a wonderful time." Family brought together was supposed to do that. Emma's tended to mostly delve into assassination attempts.
- Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty Pryde waves to Sam and Emma, saying, "Going to head in and get some soup or something." She pulls her light jacket about her a little tighter as if it's not quite enough for the cooler weather today. She and Lockheed head on in.