16407/A night under the stars

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A night under the stars
Date of Scene: 25 November 2023
Location: Apple Park: Salem Center
Synopsis: And a first date goes well.
Cast of Characters: Samuel Guthrie, Isabel Kane

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie took a day before he called Isabel not wanting to seem to desperate. He asked her what she was doing this weekend, and if she would want to go check out the stars. When she agreed, he made sure to get a few things together. A couple blankets, and two sleeping bags went in the back of the truck as well as a cooler with some food and drink in it. There is even a lantern with a red light in it and a couple of astronomy books. Even a small telescope. Sam knows it is a date but does want to look at the stars and not make her think he expects more. So, he pulls up to where he is to meet her in his truck, and is getting out to knock on her door like a proper gentleman.

Isabel Kane has posed:
Isabel answers the door promptly, offering a smile when she sees him, "Hey Sam! Really glad ya called.. been hopin' we could get together this weekend." She grabs her coat off the rack near the door and shrugs into it, then closes and locks up the door behind her as she steps out, taking his arm and smiling up at him. "Ain't done somethin' like this since... high school? Most guys won't do stargazin'.."

She hauls herself up into truck and gets buckled in, casual in jeans and boots, a simple thermal long-sleeved shirt, and a shearling ranch coat. "If ya head for Salem Center, there's a park there. Go to the south lot, near where they hold the Ren Fest. We can park in the lot an' get a great view of the sky."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie nods his head a bit and says "Yea, Ah know the spot." He tells her. He is dressed in something similar but a flannel jacket for a coat. He opens the door for her and then climbs in starting to head out and says "Need anything before we get out there?" He asks her as they drive along.

Isabel Kane has posed:
She looks over at him and grins, shaking her head, "Nah. We got you, me, truck bed, and a sky full of stars. Don't need nothin' else." Isabel looks out the windshield and offers, "Still not used to livin' somewhere where I can't see the stars... this city.. it's got a lotta ups, but man, I miss bein' able to climb out onto the roof and just stargaze."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie nods his head a bit to that, and says "Luckily out here there are a few places you can see them. " He tells them "Did bring some food and something to drink as well." He tells her. As he pulls out into the road that leads to the ren fair. He will pull to the gate, "Give me a minute and I will open the gate." He says as he gets out.

Isabel Kane has posed:
"Yeah, once you get outta the city, you can see way more. Thankfully, there's country just past the city. Makes living here a bit easier." Izzy smiles, then adds, "Still kinda miss the country sometimes, though." Then he's going to get the gate and she gives a nod, watching him in the headlights of the truck.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie pulls something from his wallet, and after a moment he is opening the gate to let the truck through. He looks over and says "Want to pull her on through and I will close it back up." He offers.

Isabel Kane has posed:
Sliding over the center to get behind the wheel, Izzy calls back, "Gotcha covered!" She'll put the truck in dive and pull it forward through the gate, parking again beyond the swing of the gate before sliding back over to wait for him to rejoin.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie will close the gate and puts the lock on it, but does not lock it. He hmmms and may have to talk to Gambit or one of the tech guys find a way to signal if someone comes by the gate after them if they do this again. He will come walking back up, and says "Just gotta make sure lock her back up when we leave."

Isabel Kane has posed:
Nodding, Isabel grins at him, "If we get caught, I can always claim it was an undercover stakeout, that the park was reported being used for international smuggling..." Giving a nod, she chuckles, "But I'll remember, and I'll remind ya if ya don't get to it first."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks over to her, and says "International Smuggling?" He asks a brow raised a bit to this and says "I thought you said you studied stars and owned a farm?" He asks as he finds a place to park.

Isabel Kane has posed:
"I have a degree in Astronomy and I inherited grandpa's farm when he passed... but the farm's in Iowa. I live here in the city cause that's where my job is. Well, mostly. It takes me all over, when called for, but it's based in the city." Isabel lifts a shrug and grins at him, "I'm a multipurpose girl these days."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie 's brow raises a bit as she does not actually answer with what she does. "Well, Ah know most of the cops around here, Ah am pretty sure at the most would get a warning to leave, without pressing charges." He parks and moves to get out and open her door for her.

Isabel Kane has posed:
Isabel gives a nod and chuckles, "I bet you do.. serve 'em drinks long enough, they're likely to turn a blind eye to the occasional small infraction or misdemeanor." She hasn't says what she does, but then, neither has he. So they're both dancing around what they do, which means they do very interesting things indeed!

Hopping out when he opens the door for her, she pauses to lean up, pressing a quick kiss to his cheek. "For bein' a gentleman." She offers a quick smile before moving towards the bed of the truck.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie smiles a bit and says "Well, was always taught to treat a lady like a lady." He offers and does drop the tail gate and offers her his hand to step up into the bed. "Brought a red lantern so we can have some light without messing with out night vision."

Isabel Kane has posed:
Taking his hand, she pulls herself up into the bed, then blinks and lets out a chuckle. "So.. are you sayin' you're gonna turn on the red light?" Callback to the old Police song! He may or may not get it. Izzy nudges him lightly and smiles, "That was real smart thinkin'. So.. do ya know the constellations? Which ones are visible from when and where?"

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie smirks a bit to that and says "Well, I think might be more you turning it on." He grins at her, and says "Yea." He will move to have a seat against the back wall of the truck, and starts pointing out the ones he knows. It seems he has a decent knowledge of them

Isabel Kane has posed:
"Hmmmm.. well, my name *would* fit better into th' rhymin' scheme. But its your light, you gotta turn it on," Isabel grins and winks at him, then moves to seat herself next to Sam. Tilting her head back and looking up into the sky, she smiles as he points out the constellations he knows, offering anecdotes or tidbits she knows about each of them, or the stellar bodies they're comprised of. Little by little, as they caht more, she relaxes more, eventually ending up leaning into his shoulder.

She smiles a little more easily, laughs a little more naturally, and the country starts to show up a little more as they chart stars and constellations. Isabel relates a few stories that suggest she's not only studied space, but has been there. Then glances at Sam and smiles, "Wanna make up a few new constellations? Always thought there were more options than were taken advantage of..."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie 's brow does raise a bit at the sounding as she has been to space. He does not press it, he knows what it is like to not tell things. "Ah used to make some up back home a little different here but close to the same " He points out a group "That always made me think of a squirrel guarding it's nut. " He hmmms a bit and says "With other races out there makes you wonder what constellations we are a part of."

Isabel Kane has posed:
Looking to where he points, Isabel chuckles, "Hm.. don't know of any squirrels in Greek mythology that would fit that.. but there's at least one in Norse mythos. Ratatoskr.. th' squirrel who carries messages along th' world tree Yggdrasil." She glances to him with a grin, "So looks like ya just named a new one." There's a small laugh as Izzy nudges him lightly, "Planets ain't usually part of constellations. Too big. But, I spose we could always ask around th' Spaceport, see if any of the aliens there use our galaxy for constellations."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie says, "Well it would be the sun, not the planet, but Ah mean, Ah wonder if the Kree, or the Shi'ar can see Sol from their home planets. Ah means Ah know they are empires and not just one planet, but Ah figure the home planet is probably knowns by all then each other has its own."

Isabel Kane has posed:
"Mmmmmmm... since their homeworlds are outside of our galaxy, I would say no, they can't see our sun from their home planets. Otherwise, we'd be able to see their sun from ours, too," Izzy flashes a grin at him and leans in to bump her shoulder against his. Then she's half-turning to look at him with a lifted brow, "How d'you know about the Kree an' the Shi'ar? They ain't exactly common bar topics, far as I know."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie smirks a bit and says "Well, Ah told ya Ah have studies xeno stuff a bit. The Shi'ar are pretty common knowledge with the space port, but Ah have heard of them, the Dominion, and a few others." The Dominion has heard of Sam as well, considering he threated their home world after they messed with the X-men and New Mutants kidnapping someone Sam considered family. It was more a show of possible force threat that one he planned on carrying out but it had worked.

Isabel Kane has posed:
Isabel laughs and shakes her head, "Pretty sure you said you took a few xenobiology classes in college... which, unless you're still in, weren't gonna be coverin' the Kree an' Shi'ar." She purses up her lips lightly and murmurs, "Not a whole lotta folk like th' Dominion, I don't think.. they're not exactly 'friendly' after all." She hasn't personally had a run-in with them, but it's almost certain that between SHIELD and the Shi'ar, there's bound to be at least some information on them.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie smirks a bit and says "Well Ah am still in college, doing it part time between work and other commitments." He explained. Ah figure probably going to take me about one and a half to two times what it would take normally, but this way Ah can pay for it, and not a burden on anyone.

Isabel Kane has posed:
Isabel Kane says, "Ahhhhh, see now that's good t'know. I had t' take time off finishin' my degree, just managed it last year, in fact. So I feel ya on th' whole 'takes longer than it should' thing." Izzy stretches her legs out in front of her and leans in against him, looking back into the sky, "Tell me somethin' about yourself, Sam. Somethin'.. real.""

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie hmmms and looks over to her, and figured he might as well come clean with one that is a bit of a public thing "Ah'm a cop. Ah wanted to help folks, and figured it was a way Ah could help. When New York was starting the Special Unit squad, Ah joined in, and Ah work the occasional beat in Bushwick." He says this watching her reaction. He seems content with her leaning on him.

Isabel Kane has posed:
Smiling faintly, Isabel gives a nod, "I wondered... you got a way about you. Not quite military but not quite civilian, either." She considers it for a moment and adds, "I'm with SHIELD. I work for them. Joined not long after I finished my degree." Glancing towards him, her head cants to one side, "Bushwick... so, are you a mutant, or an ally? Or just a good cop?" To her credit, she doesn't seem upset or freaked. If anything she seems a little relieved that they have a bit more in common than first appearance.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks to her, and seems to ponder a bit to this and says "Well, if ah am being real, yea to all three, Ah guess, but most on the force don't know it. " He figures he might have a shield bio from X-men stuff and such. He honestly aint sure. "Figure if most folks don't know it, they don't flavor their reactions one way or another to me."

Isabel Kane has posed:
Izzy gives a small nod and smiles towards him, "Well, you won't find any issue with me. I ain't gonna fawn over ya for your powers, ain't gonna hate ya for 'em." Pausing, hesitating, she adds, "I'm.. human. But I'm also part of the Shi'ar Imperial Guard." Her eyes flicker towards him, "My joining SHIELD is part of a sort of.. show of cooperation. After the treaty was signed, the Shi'ar wanted to have someone they could trust working with Earth's forces.. and having a human already on the Guard made me the easy choice."

THere's a pregnant pause before Isabel asks, "So... are you attached to Xavier's, then?"

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie 's body stiffens a bit at this question, giving an answer he might not verbalize. He realizes some of the Shi'ar might thing all mutants are part of Xaviers. A human though he is unsure. He studies her for a few moments and says "Mind if Ah ask what you know of them before Ah answer?"

Isabel Kane has posed:
Isabel notes his immediate reaction and lifts a hand to squeeze his shoulder gently, a silent gesture of camaraderie. She gives a small nod to his question and smiles faintly, "I can't blame you for being cagey, Sam. I probably know more than most people, but not all of it. I can't really say too much, though. The Shi'ar have.. a lot of rules. So does SHIELD. An' frankly, I don't wanna piss off Miss Grey."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie nods his head a bit to this and says "Well, Ah will say Ah have some connections, but you might want to watch asking folks about it. Ah know some of the government may have some ideas, and the Shi'ar for sure, but there are folks about here who do not and we try to keep it on the need to know for students safety.

Isabel Kane has posed:
Chuckling, Isabel glances at him, "I appreciate the concern but.. I ain't exactly plannin' on datin' a buncha guys t'be in a position t' ask 'em bout it. Only reason I asked you is cause everythin' you been sayin' sorta... added up t' th' school bein' part of it all." She smiles, "It's just between us.. an' I'd 'preciate it if ya didn't go 'round mentionin' th' whole Imperial Guard thing t' people. Ain't a ton of people know that part."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie nods his head a bit to that and says "If Ah mentioned it to someone it would be someone at the school, but Ah don't see a reason to tell people about you, plus from what you said Ah take it some there know of you already.

Isabel Kane has posed:
Lifting a brow at him, Isabel laughs softly, "Not sure if I should feel insulted or not, that you don't want t' tell people bout me.. feminine pride an' all." Winking, she leans back and glances skyward again, "Only Miss Grey.. maybe th' Professor. I ain't exactly a super known quantity there, just tryin' t' foster good relationships an' help out where I can."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie smirks a bit and says "Well, Ah ment more the whole imperial guard thing. Ah am pretty sure got a couple buddies will have heard Ah was throwing blankets in the back of the truck and will be grilling me. Half surprised aint seen them trying to follow me."

Isabel Kane has posed:
"Oh good... was startin' t' think I'd lost my appeal," Isabel laughs and leans back in against him, letting her head rest on his shoulder. "Mmmm... gonna be hard t' top this date, y'know. We'll have t' think of somethin' real good." Glancing up at him, she smiles, "If you're still interested, I mean."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks over and says "Ah think it would be a nice thing, been a while since Ah been out on a date, to be honest." He admits to her. "And so ya know, yea Ah have met some of the type of folks Ah mentioned."

Isabel Kane has posed:
Chuckling, she asks, "Ain't think a date?" Then she gives a nod, "Know whatcha mena, though. Ain't exactly had a whole lotta time to date til the last year or so, an' then I wasn't really sure where t' start. Who I could go out with that I could even really tell anythin' to. So.. this has been real nice." Isabel glances at him and grins, "So.. next time.. whatcha think?"

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie hmmms a bit in thought and says "Maybe a movie and something to eat, I can show ya around Bushwick if your interested in learning more about it.

Isabel Kane has posed:
Isabel smiles, "Maybe skip the movie for now? Unless you wanna do it at your place or mine. Never found sittin' in a theater with sticky floors an' a buncha strangers to be real good for dates.. can't really talk or do anythin'.. an' we ain't so far into datin' that we ain't got stuff we can talk 'bout over dinner." A pause and then, "But dinner an' th' walk sounds real good."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie nods a bit to this and says "Sounds like a plan then. Maybe grab food at either the dinner or the milk shake place. Depends on what your more in the mood for then. Ah did bring drinks and some food tonight as well." He motions towards the cooler.

Isabel Kane has posed:
"Both sound great, lets see how we feel when we get there?" Izzy glances towards the cooler and chuckles, "Well then, lets open it up an' have a lil picnic. Then we can huddle up under a blanket an' look at the start some more?"

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie nods his head and will move to get the cooler, and opening it, shows some sodas, some beers, sandwiches and other finger foods and such." Ah was not sure what you would like so tried to bring a mixed bag of stuff."

Isabel Kane has posed:
Leaning forward, she smiles at the assortment and glances to him, "You came prepared. Sandwich an' a beer sounds good t' me. I like t'think I'm pretty easygoin' when it comes t'food." Picking out one of each, Isabel scoots back up against the rear of the truck bed and unwraps the sandwich to take a bite. Cracking open the beer, she washes it down with a swallow, then smiles at him, "So how is it you're single, hm? Seem like a real nice guy that's got a lot goin' for him."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie sighs a bit and says "Well, my last relationship was a serious one but ended with some things outside our control. Which is sorta what left me not dating in a while." He says as he gets himself a sandwich and a soda, since he is driving.

Isabel Kane has posed:
"Ahhhhhhhh.. so I'm your rebound girl?" Isabel teases him gently, curving a smile in his direction before taking another bite of the sandwich and swallow of the beer. She glances off into the distance and murmurs, "I never had a serious relationship.. never really got heavy into datin' in general, really. Always just... too much goin' on. Never quite sure if it was even okay t' date because.. who th' Hell could I date without havin' t'lie my ass off bout myself, my job, an' all that?" Glancing back at him, she adds, "Least, til just now."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie nods his head a bit to her, and says "My last girl found out she was a mutant after we met, and her immediate family were anti mutant. That was not the issue we had, we are still friends, but nothing gonna happen there." He tells her, even if Sam has a bit of habit of redating girls. "And na, been long enough your not a rebound." He offers with a smile

Isabel Kane has posed:
Isabel gives a small nod and glances at him, "Can't believe that would be easy on any relationship.. I'm sorry it didn't work out... but. Selfishly. I'm also kinda glad." She smiles at him, "I like you, Sam Guthrie.. an' I think I'd like t' keep datin' ya.. if you're up for it." His last comment has her chuckling, "Good... rebound relationships never really last."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie nods his head a bit to this and says "Well, Ah am up to seeing how we get along and seeing where it goes." He admits to her. He leans a bit to put his arm around here a bit and says "So, the Shi'ar take you back to their space?"

Isabel Kane has posed:
Isabel smiles, leaning up to brush a kiss across his cheek, "Good. I am too." Leaning in against him when he puts his arm around her, she chuckles at his question and nods, "Yeah. When I first got chosen, I was taken t' th' Shi'ar Empire for trainin' an' integration into th' Guard. I got brought back lil over a year later. Do missions here an' there when they ask it."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie nods a bit to this and says "Been to a few places out there myself, but never got to go much into the Shi'ar space." He admits. "It is part of what got me interested in it."

Isabel Kane has posed:
She glances at him and smiles faintly, "Would you like to? Can't take you to th' homeworld without you bein' vetted an' tested.. but there's a lotta worlds in th' Empire an' some of 'em are real interestin'. We could visit 'em if you wanted."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie says, "Maybe sometime, but it would be a while before Ah got things where ah would be ready, most of my trips have been quick and short.""

Isabel Kane has posed:
Laughing softly, Isabel shakes her head and grins at him, "I meant like.. for a date. Not for an extended stay. I can't just up an' run off to another galaxy, got too much goin' on here. But.. we could take the Shi'ar gate at the Spaceport an' go to one of th' outlyin' systems in th' Empire. Let you see all new stars in an all new galaxy..."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie nods a bit and says "Pretty much how ah have seen things. A little bit here, a little bit there. Dealing with this or that." He admits as he eats his sandwich