16494/Awkward Bunny Sandwich

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Awkward Bunny Sandwich
Date of Scene: 05 December 2023
Location: Joe's Restaurant and Cafe
Synopsis: Bunny and Mark meet Sunny after work. Innocent flirting gets a little too intense and Bunny has to reign in the Viltrumites that are awkward.
Cast of Characters: Mark Grayson, Bunny Macleod, Sunny Harlow

Mark Grayson has posed:
There had been a few text messages back and forth and finally there was a chance to set up a meeting with Sunny for Mark and Bunny. It's near the end of Sunny's shift when the pair arrive, bundled up against the cold outside. Mark is dressed in some warm fleece with a coat over it and a pair of jeans with some comfortable shoes and he holds the door open for Bunny to come in.

Once she's safely inside, he raises a hand to wave to Sunny when he notices her in her waitress outfit and moves to secure a table in the back as he slides in next to Bunny, leaving the other side open for Sunny when she decides to join them. "Wonder what the pie of the day is..." he muses as he notices the sign for the homemade pies.

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    Bunny is wearing a bright pink coat with a little white dot on the back and bunny ears on the hood. Yes, it is actually made for children, but it's warm. She takes off her gloves and gives a bright 'Hi Sunny!' before she follows mark. She opted for sneakers today -- there's a couple of icy patches and wiping out on her skates didn't seem like it'd make a Good Impression.

    She pauses to give a sniff.

    "Eggnog pie maybe? Oooh or chocolate cream. In which case I'm ordering two slices." the young mutant grins.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
Her shift was over, another little reminder that heroics didn't quite offer financial incentive and her costumes and outfits don't tend to offer regular enough regular income she could quite get away from Joe's entirely. Still, wrapped in her white button-up blouse, skirt and apron. Her hair was tied back, a neat ponytail to keep those locks out of the wayas she approaches the table. "Pumpkin," Sunny answers Mark's question as she comes up behind the pair, grinning a little. "Although we've got peach, cherry...all the usuals." She grins, breaking professionalism a little to lean against the booth. "It's cliche, but there's a lemon meringue pie there that's -really- good too."

Mark Grayson has posed:
"No chocolate cream?" Mark asks, an amused smile tugging his features as he tries to get Bunny what she wants. "And your shift is over, you're our guest, not the waitress. Though the outfit looks nice on you." A warm smile at her, as he reaches past Bunny to grab one of the menus to prop it open and look at it.

"I am kinda hungry. I'm going to get the burger steak with rice and green beans. And then come back for the pie." he promises as he glances over at Bunny and kisses her cheek.

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    "Lemon meringue is an acceptable replacement *IF* there is no coconut cream. Especially if a pie fight errupts." Bunny comments with a warm grin up to Sunny. "An' Mark's right. You're off the clock. Sit down and --" she pauses at the kiss on her cheek, and gives a small squeak " -- relax a minute!" as she huffs slightly.

    "Honestly, I'm just here for pancakes and bacon and pie." she adds on, her short hair showing its natural blonde and long-faded pink highlights. She gives a soft hrrrm.

    "How was your shift? Hopefully no one needs to have their shins kicked in. I totally will kick in shins for butt-touches. Happens where I work."

Sunny Harlow has posed:
     "Fair point," Sunny grins, shrugging her shoulders lightly and then starting to unfasten her apron. After all, it tended to be the main indicator of one still being on duty. Scooting her way into the booth beside the pair she grins, considering for a moment. "In that case, I'd -love- a sundae," she muses lightly.

Bunny's question brings a little laugh and she shakes her head. "No butt-touches today, although there is the occasional leering by some. Keep your shin-kicking boots handy i guess."

Mark Grayson has posed:
"You are not starting a pie fight, Bunny Macleod." Mark comments teasingly and smirks widely. "We don't want to get Sunny fired from her job." he points out, before something else catches his attention. A frown creases his features and he fidgets his hands.

"I can't help it that I broke that guy's wrist when he grabbed your ass, Bunny." he murmurs quietly. "You told him not to, I just... you know... enforced it." He at least sounds apologetic for it. "Cecil said he'd take care of it."

Suddenly flanked on both sides, Mark feels his cheeks warm for a moment, but turns his attention fully on the menu. "Bunny's a little ass-kicker when she needs to be. It's one of the things I admire about her." he admits as he flags down a waitress for the ordering of drinks. He goes with a cola.

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    "I was going to go for his ankle with my heels if he tried again. At least the Bouncer knows you. An' approves of you. And offered you a part time position. Beau'd do it too." Bunny states, and then mutters "And you never let me have any fuuuuun." in playful complaint.

    Mark is then sandwiched.

    "Oooh a sundae's not a bad idea. But I'm supposed to have actual food before loading up on sugar." Buns says from the other side of Mark. She orders a sprite, a coffee with extra cream and extra sugar, a sweet tea and a water with lemon, along with a slice of cherry pie. To start with.

    "I still haven't met Cecil yet." Bunny murmurs, and gives a soft 'hrrrm'.

    "And yeah. I can, and will, kick ass when needed."

    And she hops up to her knees to flex her arm at Sunny, behind Mark's back.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
And now, Sunny couldn't help but to whince a little, if only for the fact that Mark had touched on exactly why she hadn't quite been as quick to enforce protection of herself, accidental injuries from super strength could break one's cover all too easily. One half the bread in this sandwich she grins at Bunny's flex, lifting a hand to mime swooning at the display before she comes to lift herself up on one knee, one arm sort of bracing on Mark's shoulder to look over him at Bunny. "So...waffles then? That's real food and goes really good with icecream. Sounds perfect for me."

Mark Grayson has posed:
"Pfft!" Mark snorts. "I let you have all types of fun." he protests, before he adds, "I'll have a slice of lemon meringue." To Bunny, he comments, "We'll share." he suggests, because they pratically share everything else.

"And no, you haven't. And I'd like to keep it that way. Because then I don't have to worry about him using you as leverage on me or Sunny." he points out. "If at all possible, I don't want him knowing about her..." a bump against Sunny. "At all. There's some things that happened at the beginning that I don't entirely trust. Even if he is funding most of my life outside what I get from the Titans and Young Avengers and what mom and dad send me for school."

And then he's got Bunny leaning on one side, and Sunny leaning on the other, and he realizes how close both women are to him - and he's already scootched up against Bunny as much as possible. He folds his hands in front of him on the table, "We're all going to be sampling each other's food." he admits with a laugh.

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    "Some jerks deserve it. They target people they think are weak, who'll just put up with it. So when we *can* break their wrists, ankles, whatevah -- do it. Make *them* just a little bit afraid to do it next time because no one should have to put up with that shhhtuff." Bunny states. She doesn't fight Mark on not meeting this Cecil guy. So far everyone from the West Coast she's met who's been involved with Super Heroes has been kind of a bummer.

    WE'RE LOOKING AT YOU NOLAN. Art's good stuff though.

    "Oh heck yeah! Waffles alamode with vanilla ice cream and maple syrup!" she squeaks out with a bright grin.

    "And bacon, Because bacon is a real food and I think Mark's mom /disapproved/ of my sugar consumption." she stage-whispers to Sunny behind Mark's head. She's not trying to keep it a secret at all from poor Mark who now is eye-level with two chests and stomachs.

    "OOOH and we should get french fries too! To dip in the ice cream!"

Sunny Harlow has posed:
Recommendation taken, Sunny beams in approval towards Mark before she comes to settle herself down onto the seat once more as food comes up. That and it helps camoflague her blush at the mention of Bunny being leveraged against her as much as Mark. They'd put a 'pause' on discussions like that in the past and Sunny wasn't quite brave enough to go pushing against it yet.

As their orders were collected and gathered to provide them with a feast, she tilts her head to the side.

"It was really great to get your message guys, to hang out like this..."

Like this clearly refering to 'out of costume'.

Mark Grayson has posed:
One chest and stomach he knows very well. The other... well, he won't lie about not being curious.

And they both smell nice. Mark laughs as the pair of women chatter above his head and he asks playfully, "Would it be better if I went to the other side of the table?" comes the amused question, but when Sunny settles back in against him again, he gives her shoulder a small squeeze.

"You're are friend, Sunny. I know things have been a little awkward." There's a thoughtful pause. "But regardless, we're not going to ever not want to spend time with you when you want."

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    "absolutely. one, you have fantastic taste. Two, you're an amazing fighter and experienced in your other job." Bunny states as she sits back down, and then leans forward so that she can be part of the conversation and not hidden behind Mark.

    "Three -- who else am I going to excitedly squeal about over *the best* strawberry shakes on the West Coast? No one else." she states and offers a fist bump to Sunny.

    "Location: Coolsville. Population: Us!"

Sunny Harlow has posed:
"Damn right," Sunny offers before reaching out to return the fistbump. "We're awesome!"

Reject akward, embrace desserts!

Their food would arrive quick enough, Joe was certainly a good enough guy to treat Sunny and her friends to quick service at the very least! The woman comes to consider tilting her head to the side. "So, what have you two been up to lately?"

Mark Grayson has posed:
"She knows I don't like strawberry." Mark teases as he leans back, arms up on the shoulder rest and hands draped down slightly, not quite touching the pair of them, and allowing Sunny and Bunny to freely converse in front of him.

"We have a new apartmemt. Getting it ready for the holidays. We're going to stay here instead of travelling out to my parents." he admits as he smiles. "You'd be welcome to come over and visit sometime. Besides my mom, you two are probably the two most important women in my life."

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    "That's because I'm enough pink for you in your life. Nyeeh." Bunny sticks her tongue out at Mark, and then gives a soft 'eeee' at the arrival of food.

    "Mark's mom might show up. She's more chill than Mark's dad. And likes me. Terrifying though, honestly? I'm more scared of your mom than I am your dad." Bunny states with a nod to M ark, and digs into the cheery pie, the waffles and ice cream, and takes a sip of her sweet tea because good lord that sugar.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
"How does someone with such good taste get so wrong about milkshakes?" Sunny teases mark, gently elbowing her fellow viltrumite playfully before she comes back to look up at Bunny only to blush brightly at the comment of her importance. Thankfully that was easily hidden by taking a bite of the food served to them.

Bunny's comment brings a little nod and a smile, reaching a hand out to 'boop' Bunny on the nose. "I mean, what's not to like?"

More terrifying? That makes Sunny grin, looking back to Mark. "I like her already."

Mark Grayson has posed:
"You do have plenty of pink." Mark says, and he knows exactly what he's saying when he says it. "Oh, I'm more of a vanilla," he admits to Sunny. "Bunny is the one that likes all the exotic stuff."

He gets elbowed and drops his arms around both women and gives them an affectionate squeeze. Surprise attack!

"I know I'm the lucky one in all of this." he comments as he moves his arms finally to help sort out the food and drinks. "And you're pretty amazing yourself, Sunny."

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    "He's definitely vanilla, except when I order his milkshake and then there's this whole ridiculous set up with chocolate covered potato chips and gummy worms. And he likes it." Bunny replies smartly, and she recovers from the boop on her nose gracefully by leaning into Mark a bit, and then gets surprise attacked with a hug!

    "I think we're all pretty lucky. I mean, eight billion people on this planet and we found each other. That's pretty great."

Sunny Harlow has posed:
"Not to mention all of the weirdos that came from the stars above," Sunny adds with a little laugh and a wink, only to give a little squeek of her own as she finds herself pulled into the hug, the noise turning into outright laughter and then a lazy little half-lean. Clearly they were all comfortable enough with personal space being shared at this point, so the blonde leans across Mark's arm to steal a spoonful of his own food, making to claim a taste triumphantly.

"Speaking as one of those weirdos? I'm feeling pretty lucky."

Mark Grayson has posed:
"Yeah. I found someone I love and someone I consider my best friend." Mark admits supporting both women leaning on him as he works on digging into his own food. "Eight billion people on this planet, and you still end up with two aliens, Bunny." he points out with a little more amusement and considers.

Pushing up on his knees, he crawls over Bunny and settles, putting her between Sunny and Mark. "Easier to talk this way!" he points out with a nod of his head as he scoots his plate over to his new spot.

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    "We're all weirdos. Well adjusted people don't work for the superhero community." Bunny states, fork full of cherry pie. "... or play piano in gay bars." she adds.

    And then Mark hops to his knees, and Bunny gives a soft 'eeep!' sound as she lifts her fork, trying not to drop cherry pie into Mark's hair or onto his back until she's placed in the middle.

    She looks over to Mark... tall.

    She looks over to Sunny... tall...

    And then she grumbles something about being short and stuffs the cherry pie fork into her mouth before it hits her shirt. Feel free to imagine a little stormcloud over her head at this.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
True enough, height was on Sunny's side compared to Bunny, something she was very much going to get a giggle about as she comes to pull Bunny into a hug before resting her head atop the other woman's in a little lean. It really did enhance the 'adorable' factor of the other girl before she looks up at Mark. "Perfect."

Mark Grayson has posed:
Mark takes a bite from his lemon meringue pie and smirks as Bunny gets stormy. "You're adorably fun-sized, my dear." he points out to her, before setting another bite on his fork and offers it to Bunny so she can try it.

"So while we're discussing things. Are you on any teams, Sunny?" he asks. "I was going to suggest talking to Kate, she leads the Young Avengers and are a local team." Not trying to distract from the subject at hand, promise!

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    Bunny is now a chinrest. This is acceptable. Though she mumbles something about setting expectations and bad habits before she accepts a bite of lemon meringue, and her mood improves dramatically.

    She continues to let Sunny set her head on Bunny's as bunny reaches over for her waffle.

    "I know I know. It works well for me when they're laughing before I break their kneecaps." she counters.

    "But we respond to a bunch of different things, like the Avengers do."

Sunny Harlow has posed:
Only for a moment more before Bunny was released from chinrest duty, lest the food end up in her hair. Still, her gaze was on Mark for the time being as she considers his words. "Not yet, aside from working as a reservist for the JLA. I'm always happy to be able to lend a hand where I can though."

Mark Grayson has posed:
"Well, if you want to join us..." Mark shrugs. "Kate's always looking for more people, I don't think she'd complain about two Viltrumites. I know Bunny wouldn't complain."

A bite of pie offered to Sunny, since they seem to be sharing everything. "But if you already have a gig with the Justice League, you're a step ahead of both of us." There's a small smirk at that.

Once Sunny takes her bite, he starts to dig into his meal with gusto, as he drops his hand down to give the top of Bunny's leg a reassuring pat.

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    Bunny gives a waggle of her head to loosen her neck back up.

    "She wouldn't complain about having an additional heavy hitter on the team provided we don't outstrip our food allowances." she gives a small smile, and then she blinks.

    "Wait wait, I wouldn't complain about two Viltrumites on the *team*, right?" she asks, her cheeks and ears turning red.

    "And I've helped out the Avengers! Twice! AND the Spiders! A lot! I'm good at what I do!" she protests in a squeaky voice, and then stuffs waffle and ice cream in her mouth as her shoulders rise up.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
"I mean, you were called to the same job, so it's not really a formal gig any more than yours is..." she points out before leaning in, claiming the bite offered to her before giving a little grin. "But sure, give Kate my number, if you up for seeing mroe of me in the...work hours" she adds to the pair with a little blush.

She was a little slower to get the double meaning, but that just brought a little look towards Mark. He knew how she felt, and the comment brought a mock roll of her eyes after a moment. He was totally messing with them.

Mark Grayson has posed:
He's really just messing with Bunny. But Mark cools down as he works on eating his food, his attention mainly on that. "I never said I didn't mind your company, Sunny." he points out. There's a shrug of his shoulders. "The Titans are so big, and they focus on like... universe size stuff, like time travel and stuff. It's nice to just be local, you know?" he asks the two as he finishes off his hamburger steak and starts sopping the gravy up with bread.

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    "Until all you do is 'be local' and then you're dismissed as the farm league." Bunny points out with a small huff. "Not my fault I don't have phenominal cosmic powers and can only form shields, roller skate real good and bust kneecaps." she breathes out. "... but it is nice to have a team to back you up for those times someone gets the coffee order." she sticks her tongue out playfully at Mark.

    she's also aware of how Sunny feels, however, and lets the double entrende go flying past.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
"I get it, and I'd love to," Sunny agrees, laughing softly and then giving Bunny a little nudge of her shoulder. "You're awesome and don't ever forget it. You're the most adorable heroic leg breaker there is..."

Back to their desserts, she comes to steal another mouthful of sweets that Bunny had ordered and then looks back at Mark. "Give Kate my number then, to make sure you guys are stuck with me!"

Mark Grayson has posed:
"Knee breaker. She always goes for the knees." Mark says with amusement as he pushes what's left of his pie to the two girls for them to share. "I'll make sure Kate gets your number." he promises, as he leans back, settling his hands on his stomach. This is nice. He could get used to it.

He reaches for his soda to take a drink and just relax. "You're pretty adorable yourself, Sunny. Don't forget that."

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    "Kneecaps just make the best snapping sound." Bunny states, like that's not a creepy statement to say between Sunny and Mark as she stuffs more waffle in her mouth.

    "Kate's good people. You'll get on with her good. And Billy's also pretty great. And then you've got some of the Avengers that come and hang out sometimes. I used to hang out with Tony Stark. Played piano for him and his girlfriend-slash-secretary once."

Sunny Harlow has posed:
"Billy?" Sunny repeats, a slow-blink from the Viltrimite and a little drop of her spoon. Mooooooving on, Sunny just shakes her head clear of the thought and then looks to Bunny. "Tony Stark huh? You think he'd let me try making a costume out of some super-fancy nano-thingy material or something?"

A beat, she comes to look up at Mark's praise and give her most dignified response: poke her tongue out at him.

Mark Grayson has posed:
"Billy Kaplan. He's a wizard." Mark explains as he smirks at the tongue is stuck out and he quips. "Don't stick it out if you're not gonna use it!" Because it is totally worthy of a high school taunt. "Wouldn't hurt to ask?" he suggests about the idea of asking Tony Stark to make a costume. "Have you tried to reach out to Janet van Dyne? At worst, she'll say no."

And with that, he steals a bite of Bunny's sundae as well.

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    "Can confirm. He's a wizard, and also has a great sense of humor when grocery shopping for the team." Bunny states, leaning back a moment as she takes another bit of the lemon meringue pie.

    "How come everyone wants to go to Janet? What's wrong with Art's work? Is it because of your Dad?" she akss, and then she blinks, and straightens.

    "Is it because of me?!"

Sunny Harlow has posed:
Oh. Not the one she was thinking of. "A wizard huh? Neat." She muses, lifting her hands. "I mean, that's a little more fancy than just punching things super hard."

She finds her sweets eaten, but the blonde gives a little laugh and then considers to look at Mark once more. "I haven't come across Janet, but I was kinda considering going to talk to Art. See if maybe there was some sort of...paid internship I could do. As nice as Joe is, I don't really want to be pulling a diner graveyard shift all the time."

Mark Grayson has posed:
When Bunny flies into conspiracy theory mode, Mark sighs heavily. "Art still lives out west. Unless he moves his shop closer, Sunny would have to spend most of her time out there. It has nothing to do with my dad." And he nudges into Bunny, pushing her into Sunny and sandwiching her together with the girl.

"And it definetly has nothing to do with you. I adore you. I love you. You are the best thing that's happened to me." he grumps, "So please. It's never going to be you." And when Sunny chimes in, he points. "See!" he says. "I'm the idiot here." And he sticks out his tongue.

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    Bunny huffs a moment.

    She points at Mark. "Not an idiot, don't even begin on it."

    she tpoints up at Sunny.

    "That is a brilliant idea. You know what the team needs? A *Team Designer* who is strong enough to help fix supersuits. You're brilliant. Never change." she states, and then she's sandwiched in, and she just gives a small eep sound and then whispers:

    "Mark. /Mark/ This is not fair to do to the bisexual dumpster fire girlfriend staaaaaaaaaaaahp. Gabby would be *laughing her ass off* right nooooow." she complains, and she just turns a vivid shade of red, nose wrinkling as her shoulders draw up.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
It's not much fairer to Sunny, but that doesn't mean she wasn't half of the sandwich none the less. Still she comes to wrap her arm around Bunny, although that is as much action as an enabler to poke Mark in the shoulder. "I mean, other side of the world isn't that hard for us to get to...if y'know, you shortcut towards the upper atmosphere..." she trails off lightly. "But staying closer is easier, and it could be nice to meet Janet and see her work too."

Bunny's words, that has Sunny grinning as bright as her namesake, her arms giving the other girl a happy squeeze. "That would be amazing!"

Mark Grayson has posed:
When Bunny points that out, Mark ohs. He had made the terrible mistake of thinking it was good fun. When his girlfriend actually complains? He retreats. He pulls back and ends up against the wall. "Sorry." he murmurs, his own cheeks dark with realization. And sorry, as Bunny knows, is probably his most used word.

He drinks from his cola, even if the slurping sound says that there's nothing but ice left. It's a nice distraction from what he's doing. Or has done. And is now overcompensating for.

He goes quiet for now. He messed up and he knows he did.

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    Bunny is hugged. She breathes out, and she wriggles a little bit out of Sunny's grasp.

    And she breathes out, and then pokes Mark in the shoulder, and then leans into him.

    "Hey, it's OK. You recognized I wasn't comfy when I said something. You stopped. That's a Good Thing. You showed me an' Sunny respect. Which means that I don't have to break anyone's kneecaps. Especially not yours, 'cause your kneecaps are *probably* pretty tough." she smiles quietly. "It's okay. You didn't mean to make me uncomfortable." she breathes out against his shoulder.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
Sunny wasn't blind to it, even if she was drifting back in the akward box and had to push down the niggling voice in her head that suggested she'd caused this problem. But at least they seemed quick to regroup to each other, the blonde biting her bottom lip and then considering for a moment. "Hey...why don't I go get us a refill on our sodas?"

Very superhero, looking for a retreat...

Mark Grayson has posed:
When Bunny leans into him, Mark reflexively hugs her to him. If only for a few moments. "My fault." he murmurs. "I wanted to be okay. Show you both that I was okay with things and instead..." he overplayed his hand. He tried to be too okay. "I'm sorry, Sunny. Bunny's right. I didn't have the right. I just... I wanted to make sure you knew that you will always be our friend, even if..." he trails off and kisses the crown of Bunny's head. "Sorry, babe. I suck at this." he admits quietly. And when Sunny is trying to escape, he realizes just how badly he fucked up. He starts to reach for his wallet to pay for the meal.

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    "Nah-uh. We're facing this awkward Here and Now." Bunny reaches up to grab at Sunny's sleeve, and she sits up straight.

    "/I/ have been in a polycule. It was weird because I had no idea what I was doing, my girlfriend was way more experienced, and our boyfriend was awkward because he didn't wanna be involved in heroics." she takes a deep breath.

    "Things can be talked about, but nooooot in Sunny's place of work because people talk. So... why don't we meet up at our place some time? And we will settle the awkward where we can order pizza and be super casual and everything." she huffs, trying to be The Boss and use her Big Girl Pants.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
Sleeve caught, escape thwarted, super strength or speed be damned. Boss Bunny!

Still, it had slowed the roll enough that she heard Mark's words and her face was bright red as she turnedd to face the pair properly, her own hands clasped akwardly in front of her. "Okay with...I.." she begins before exhaling a breath with a nervous laugh as the Non-viltrumite commands the two essentially born killers outright. "I'd like that. Your place, mine...whatever. You already know who I am so..." she trails off, lifting a hand. "You don't suck at anything Mark. I'm just...we're all just not completely 'invincible' in every aspect."

Mark Grayson has posed:
Mark is just listening at this point. "That's fine." he manages, knowing not to interfere with Bunny when she takes charge of a situation. "Our place will be better. You can meet Beeper and we have a lot more room than we used to." he admits before he glances to Bunny. "If that's okay."

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    "If it wasn't I wouldn't have suggested it." Bunny gives a grin.

    "And yeah, everyone loves the Beeper." she grins, and turns to brush a kiss to Mark's cheek, to confirm that everything was relation-ship-shape.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
Having no idea what or who Beeper was, Sunny gives a little nod. Seems she'd go along with things well...slipping back into the booth she gives a nervous laugh, looking down at their mostly devoured spread and scooping one of the remaining spoonfuls of her sundae. "I guess I need to work out what I'm getting you two as a Christmas gift, huh?"

Mark Grayson has posed:
Mark leans into the cheekkiss and returns it with one of his own, before he laughs. "I'm still trying to figure out what to get Bunny." he admits with a chuckle. "I'm a terrible boyfriend when it comes to gift-giving." he admits. "Espcially since Santa already gave her a pretty awesome gift and I'm like... having to top that now."

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    "Yeah no one's topping Santa's gift, don't even try." Bunny gives a bright smile. "But ah... really. My favorite thing? Flying. Hands down. I've always wanted that power, ever since I was little. So just keep that in mind. Experiences over Stuff." she gives a bright smile to the two.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
In that case? They could probably think of something. Sunny would keep the wheels turning in her head till later, she'd probably even end up messaging Mark at some point to swap notes with her idea buuuut. For Mark? She'd just have to come up with something else. Was it really that suprising that Sunny was into the seasonal spirit? She probably had a christmas-themed version of her costume somewhere.

"So...are you going to share what that was or...is it super secret?"

Mark Grayson has posed:
Mark has plenty of ideas - but they're all half-baked, as he chuckles. "Maybe I should just ask Tony for a jetpack." he comments with a teasing lit as he slides his hand into Bunny's to hold onto it. "She hasn't even told me what it was yet." he admits with a smirk.

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    And Bunny has ideas, and they're mostly done.

    "Nnnope. It's special. You'll see it at Christmas." Bunny gives a bright smile as she leans back, relaxing. The awkward has passed. The storm has ceased. She's seated between two tall alien type people who can benchpress tanks.

    ... all is well with the world!~