16544/The Important Thing Is...

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The Important Thing Is...
Date of Scene: 11 December 2023
Location: 4B - Mark and Bunny's Apartment
Synopsis: Bunny, Mark and Sunny arrive to talk some things over during BReakfast.

And then Omni-Man.

Cast of Characters: Bunny Macleod, Mark Grayson, Sunny Harlow

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    It's a morning in the Grayson-Macleod (of Clan Macleod) residence. Which really means one thing.

    "GEEEEEEEEEP!" thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump

    OK, two things.

    One, Bernice "Bunny" Macleod was glad that there wasn't anyone in the apartment beneath them because of two:


    The bigger-than-football sized ankylosaurus is currently trapped in a five-gallon bucket that was used to transport salad greens into his room, and is currently rolling around inside of it with his tail (which has pool noodles rubber-banded to the club portion) being used to provide propulsion around the kitchen, where Bunny herself was sitting on a counter, waiting for eggo waffles to come out of the toaster while monching on microwave bacon because she can't possibly continuously subsist on a steady diet of malt toaster items (waffles), high sugar handpies from the toaster (pop tarts), and whipped cream (literally once tried to justify having a whole can for lunch).

Mark Grayson has posed:
Mark has been trying /so hard/ to balance Bunny's diet. While she is going full on sugar rush toaster mode, he has a couple of pieces of bread next to the device, waiting patiently for their turn. Eggs are in the pan, getting cooked, a bowl of fresh furit (not just for Beeper) on the counter.

When he notices Bunny reaching for another piece of bacon, he gives her hand a love tap. "No more bacon until you eat some fruit." he chides her playfully.

His attention back to the meal at hand, he slides the eggs onto a plate and sets them up with some bacon and fruit. Well balanced breakfast, especially after he gets a mug of coffee.

When he hears Beeper's distress at being trapped, there's a smirk. "I'll go pull him out." A kiss to Bunny's cheek as he heads for the spare bedroom, calling over his shoulder. "And I'm serious, fruit before bacon! The cantalope's decent!"

Sunny Harlow has posed:
She had an invitation, but that didn't mean Sunny wasn't nervous. Whatever things might be, this -was- also the only people she knew of completely into the life and aware of her being 'Belle'. Then there was the other stuff to talk about...

But hey, defeating nerves with sweets had worked so far and thus as she made her way to the door, a small box of baked goods was tucked against her stomach while she knocked on the doorway.

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    Bunny withdraws her hand with an 'eep!' and is quite thankful that Mark can pull his punches.

    "It's a process Mark! I'm used to 'two bowls of oatmeal is my day'! she complains, and then there's a knock on the door. With Mark getting Beeper, she calls out that she's got it, and makes her way to the door.

    And what greets Sunny as the door opens is Bunny, casually dressed in a pair of pink pajama pants a T-shirt with a My Little Pony from the 80's and THUG LIFE under it, and one of Mark's sweatshirts. It is definitely probably Mark's because it hangs on her frame. And bunny slippers.

    "Oh hey Sunny!" she greets the other blonde with a bright grin.

    "Mark's just wrangling Beeper -- want some fruit?"

Mark Grayson has posed:
"Yeah, well, you can use more protien in your life!" Mark calls back. Opening the door to the bedroom, Beeper /gleeps/ happily and thumps his tail against the bucket loudly. "Who needs children when we have you?" A small little grin at that as he slides his hands around the illegally smol dino and lifts it out of the bucket. "And up!" he says, setting him back on the floor. "You're free!"

Checking the bucket to make sure it's empty, he puts it away, sliding it on the shelf when he hears the door and Bunny announces who it is. "Hey, Sunny!" comes the call from the extra room. "Be there in a moment..." a pause.

"Make sure Bunny eats some fruit!"

Sunny Harlow has posed:
Sunny was...less casually dressed than Bunny, but then she had just travelled across town. Wrapped up in a pair of jeans and an off-the-shoulder sweater worn over a black tank top undershirt. A little wide-eyed look at the picture of adorable that is Bunny before the box of chocolate-filled pastry is held out towards the other blonde.

"Sure! I mean, I didn't bring fruit but...chocolate is made from beans technically, right?"

Beeper? There's a tilt of her head. Did they happen to have a cat or....

"What. Is. THAT?"

Okay, smol dino has been spotted. What is this? The secret house of adorable?

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    "Geep!" Beeper adds excitedly, taking off as fast as his stubby little feet can carry him to meet a NEW PERSON. This brownish-green creature with a yellowish underbelly is a tactical assault dino, with bright blue pool-noodle foam over the club of his tail to help stop it from wrecking shins, and as Bunny accepts the pain (nyuk nyuk nyuk) she takes a deep breath.

    "Chocolate comes from trees and is practically a salad." Bunny agrees with Sunny, and Beeper pauses to spin in a little circle and look up with his black eyes.

    "This is Beeper. I accidentally became his mom after I got kidnapped by an illegal prehistoric black market ring before I met Mark." she gives a bright grin.

    "Come in, come in, before Mark starts threatening me with more melons!"

Mark Grayson has posed:
When Beeper escapes, "Code Jurassic Park!" Mark calls out from the bedroom before he comes out. When he does, he's wearing a t-shirt from the Soel Hee tour of 2020, covered in stylized snowflakes, a pair of loose pajama shorts and socks on his feet. When Bunny mentions melons, he /coughs/, his cheeks darkening hard as he retreats for the kitchen. "Did you have breakfast yet, Sunny?" he asks, changing the subject. "Bunny probably has a couple of more pop-tarts or I can scramble you some eggs?"

With his plate and cup of coffee grabbed, he heads towards the sitting area to settle down and scoots over to make room for Bunny. "No class today. So going to just relax and finally get up our tree."

Sunny Harlow has posed:
"Kidnapped by illegal prehistoric black market ring?" Sunny repeats slowly. "Okay, sure. I've seen weirder."

Stepping through to bend down and pet the dinosaur, it took everything she had not to go straight for squeezing the bundle of ancient adorable. Still, she comes to stand, moving through to claim some fruit for herself...and one for Bunny, she shakes her head lightly at Mark's words with a grin.

"I kinda brought the pastries thinking they'd do for breakfast, or at least a treat."

A tree up? She nods, considering for a moment. "I really should put up a tree, but my place is kinda small and filled with...craft stuff."

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    "Yeah, early investigation before I was really on a group or team. It was a mess. My ex's sister apparently rescued me." Bunny shares as she plunks down with a plate of waffle, egg, bacon, and yes. Fruit. She does push the fruit bowl over to Sunny in offering as well.

    "I heard the cantelope is really good today." she lilts a moment as she looks up to Mark, and then back over to Sunny.

    "Pastries are always a welcome addition." she states with a nod of approval. "SO yeah, Beeper kinda took to me when his egg hatched when they stuck me in a cooler unit and I guess I was close enough to trigger the hatch-en-ning, so now I'm Beeper's mama. And he likes being picked up and held like a baby, just be careful of his tail. He's kinda --"

    THUMP! The tail hits the side of the table and rattles everything on it.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
Shared food claimed, she does take a little bite of offered waffle and nods as the story was shared, only to dive to stablize the table just in time as to not wear half the breakfast. "-Gets excitable?" Sunny finishes with a little laugh, grinning at the other blonde and Mark as they share in the breakfast. "We'll you are pretty likeable Bunny, so it figures he'd take to you. Though you really win in the exotic pets department."

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    Bunny gives an embarrassed laugh "Yeah, he's kinda learned that he can thump his tail on things and make other things happen. Would you guess that there's pretty much no resources for training dinosaurs on the internet?" she gives a small grin, her arms splayed as well to steady the table before she leans down and scoops up tthe dino, turning him onto his back.

    The tail goes limp. And Beeper makes a satisfied 'geep' noise.

    "He does get heavy after a while though, if you don't lift tanks on the regular."

Mark Grayson has posed:
When Bunny settles in, Mark scootches closer to her, so he can pass over the occassional bite of egg or melon to his girlfriend. He's sneaky like that. At least between his own bites of food. "Bunny told me about her adventures before we met, they're fun stories to listen to. For the most part." He knows there's some dark things in there and he's not going to be the one to share them.

"That's usually my cue to go put him back in his room." He looks to Bunny for confirmation on this, because Beeper would be kind of a distraction, all things considered. Setting back down his plate, he holds out his arms to take the dino to go put away. "But Sunny's right, you are pretty likable, Bunbun." A wink at her before he's up.

Someday, he'll get to eat his breakfast while it's hot.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
Belly scritching a dinosaur is not something Sunny generally expected to do this morning, but she wasn't going to complain in the slightest. That little 'geep' noise was enough to bring a small squee from the taller blonde before she turns back towards Mark and his comment about putting Beeper away. Fair enough, and so she takes another bite of the shared meal they were once again indulging in much like the diner.

"Thank you for inviting me too, it's nice to see you two when I'm not in an apron or...y'know, cape.

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    Bunny does take bites of Mark's food, distractedly. It's clear that she's used to multitasking on her own, and handles Beeper as she moves closer to Sunny so that Sunny can tummy-rub the scutes of the ankylosaur.

    "I've got him Mark --" she states around a bite of melon, "you eat!" she gives a grin as she draws up.

    "It's good to see you out of uniform too. Like, you know, normal people." she gives a grin.

    "Ah. So. We've gotta address the elephant in the room sometime." she gives an awkward smile.

Mark Grayson has posed:
Fine. Mark'll eat. Another bite from his plate, breaking the yolk on his eggs to spread them out. "You are our friend, so it's always great to see you, Sunny." he ventures, a wave of a yellow-covered fork at the taller blonde before he scoops up some of the eggs to eat.

And now that pleasantries are out of the way, and Bunny brings up the thing that is probably bigger that Beeper, all things considered. "Mmhmm." he manages between a mouthful of eggs, fork still stuck in his mouth. Nope. Taking his time with this bite.

It tastes /much better/ than his foot.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
Welp, there it was, nerves were trying to claw their way back. Still Sunny smiles, bright as her namesake and nods, taking a little bite of her pasty and then shrugging her one mostly bare shoulder. "I mean, I -hope- it's less uncomfortable than most 'Elephants in the room' are but...yeah."

A beat, a swallow of her next mouthful before she looks between the pair as Bunny returns. "So...you both know you're special to me either way, right?"

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    "I know. And that's one of the things we gotta talk about. 'Cause I've been a triad before and always felt kinda like a third wheel... but I was pretty clueless and tired out all the time so I also kinda didn't realize what we were until like, two weeks in." Bunny admits, and she rubs the back of her neck one moment, still cradling the baby dino in her other arm.

    "I'm no lie, scared of being left in your guys' dust sometimes. I'm not as strong, or fast. I can't fly or lift busses. And I know when we first kinda started out, things were kind of weird with me having been in a multipersonal relationship and I'm babbling now gonna go put Beeper away."

Mark Grayson has posed:
Mark sets down his plate as he listens to Bunny. And he draws in a breath. He's kinda skirted the issue, because he knows Bunny has feels. For both of them. But at the same time...

"Sunny, you need to know. I'm in love with Bunny. Fully. Wholeheartedly. I have dreamed of a life with her." Mark starts off. "When we met, it was instant sparks and they haven't gone down yet. She talks about how much she is going to be left behind, she doesn't realized how scared I am." he admits as he folds his hands into his lap. "I worry that if you do come in, Bunny is going to fall head over heels for you, and I'll no longer be part of the equation. It's not about how strong we are. It's not about the fact that we're both Viltrumites or Viltrumite blooded or whatever." He glances to where Bunny left to and he sighs.

"You're gorgeous, Sunny. And you're sweet. She's totally crushing on you. At least, I think she is. I asked her when we started dating to be mongamous. Because I wanted to make sure that we were strong enough together. That we... you know..." he tugs at a loose string on his shorts. "She wanted to be with me. I'm secure in that now."

Sunny Harlow has posed:
"You're worried about being a third wheel?" she questions softly, tilting her head to the side before she comes to lower her snacks and then shaking her head. "Just because I'm bulletproof doesn't mean I..." she trails off as Bunny retreats and comes to fold her arms underneath her bust as Mark speaks. "I...understand, really. You know how I feel, and that has nothing to do with being Viltrumites. I mean...yeah it's nice to know there's someone else like me but...I grew up on Earth, I'm basically just human with some extra benefits in my own mind I..."

A breath, she was rambling much like Bunny had felt like she had been and Sunny stopped to let her collect her thoughts.

"You're both wonderful Mark. You -and- Bunny. And I've been crushing hard on you both for...well, I think you guys know. I can see how much you both care about each other...it's wonderful, and I'd never want to get in the way of it."

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    "I worry about a lot of things." Bunny tags on as she returns. "Don't let the chipper exterior and willingness to celebrate everything fool you." Buns smiles as she sits back down. "We all grew up on Earth, in different ways. Mark's solidly middle-class. I'm riches to rags -- my dad used to pull in millions a year, but got accused of stealing from the company so we went from Manhattan Penthouse to a two-bedroom in Bushwick." Bunny gives a grin, and she rubs the back of her neck. "Somehow we ended up all becoming superheroes."

Mark Grayson has posed:
"I think that in a way, it's weird, because we all kind of have feelings for each other and we're not really sure what to make of it. What's actual feelings and what's hormones, because we're all young and hot." Mark offers in a slight tease, but he draws in a breath to refocus.

"Our relationship is still young. It'll be four months on Christmas Eve. I... want all of us to be happy."

When Bunny returns, he holds out a hand for her, if she wants it, and then nods with a laugh. "I've met most of Bun's family. Her dad really does not like me becasue I look Asian, and I told him I'm an alien. And worst of all, I'm not studying to be a doctor."

Sunny Harlow has posed:
"My...dad is an accountant, my mother is actually a family medicine doctor..." Sunny offers, "And I'm a cheerleader working studying design...and spending most of her time making costumes that get burned or shot up." She trails off, coming lifting her hands self-conciously. "What I mean to say is...just because I'm an alien doesn't mean I'm not some hot mess that just fell into things as well." She comes to settle back against her chair, eyes moving over the two with a little smile before clasping her hands together. "I'd love to...I dunno, try...but if it's too soon, or too much? I'd understand."

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    "No no the Hot Mess stuff comes to most superheroes naturally." Bunny states, holding Mark's hand as she gives a slight grin.

    "I just wanna make sure that we're on the same page about stuff, because a regular relationship is hard, but opening it up to a third person makes things super hard especially since we're all awkward little dumpster fires I guess? Bunny treads, and she rubs the back of her head.

    "So how about this. We can give it a try and do a check-in in like... thirty days and see how we're all still feeling? And of course should something come up, we need to approach it with honesty and frankness." she offers out.

Mark Grayson has posed:
"So, since we're sharing parents. My dad writes travel books and my mom's a real-estate agent. They live in suburbia, nice three bedroom split level home. We're so completely normal." Mark comments with a snort of a laughing, lacing his fingers with Bunny's. Waffle.

When Bunny makes her suggestion, Mark considers it, a chew on his lower lip. "I'm okay with that." he finally decides. "But like Bunny said. Communication is going to mean a lot in this." He trusts her. He always will. And he recognizes the trust being given in return. He lifts his eyes up to Sunny to see how she feels.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
Wait. Omni-man is an author? No. Focus Sunny!

"I get it...and you guys have already been through a lot in four months, you've got memories and an apartment and...I'm still new to this, to relationships in general to be honest, but I do want to to try."

It's nervous, super nervous, but she does offer that smile as bright as her namesake. "I'll do my best, and whatever happens I'll want you two to be happy, even if after 30 days you end up sick of me."

A nod, she leans forwards, resting her own hands on the table, one atop of the other. "Open and honest, all the way."

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    "That's going to be the only way this thing works." Bunny gives a wry grin. She doesn't talk about her mom, but she does fiddle with a necklace of rings that's beneath her shirt a moment.

    "Then it's decided. We'll take a look again in... let's say five weeks because Christmas and New Year's is /exhausting/." she trails off and gives a huff.

    "... but this means now I have *two* people to fly me around... this is aaaaall working out to plan." Bunny states with faux evil in her voice.

Mark Grayson has posed:
Omni-Man hasn't been around in over twenty years. Of course he had to pay the bills somehow.

Noticing Bunny playing with the rings, he kisses her cheek fondly. It's meant to remind her that she's not alone and will never be that way. Lovers, friends, he thinks her mom would be proud.


That. At the window. Mark glances up for a moment, but he dismisses it.

"It also means, Bunny, you have twice the people to find Christmas gifts for." he points out to her diplomatically. "And I'm sure we'll figure out New Years. Somehow." A shrug of his shoulders.


"I think a bird hit the window." Rising to his feet, he untangles his hand from Bunny's and gives her a warm kiss before coming over to Sunny. His hand caresses her cheek and he kisses her on the top of her head. "Be right back and we can talk some more. Or something."

Going over to the window, he opens the curtains. When he does, what he sees causes him to audibly gasp. A step back from the window, his hands flying up to his mouth. "WHAT?! HOW?!"

Standing there, on the other side of the glass, a figure in white. Red trim. A stylized M inside an O on his chest. His cape flutters in the wind. That black, cropped hair cut with white trim and toothbrush moustache.

His father. Omni-Man.

"Hello, Mark. Are you going to invite me in? I need to talk to...."


Bunny Macleod has posed:
    Bunny hops to her feet at the gasp -- it's not often Mark's taken by surprise enough to gasp, and she purses her lips as she comes around the corner -- and goes behind Mark, blue eyes going wide as she grasps the back of his shirt as her heart leaps up into her throat.

    The dents at Art's weren't a fluke.

    Omni-Man had returned.


    INDESTRUCTIBELLE will return...