16569/Omni-Man: Hospital Visitations

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Omni-Man: Hospital Visitations
Date of Scene: 14 December 2023
Location: 4B - Mark and Bunny's Apartment
Synopsis: Mark and Sunny meet up while Bunny is healing. Things are looking pretty bad, and Mark loses his cool.
Cast of Characters: Mark Grayson, Sunny Harlow, Bunny Macleod

Mark Grayson has posed:
It's been a few hours since Cecil and his team, along with Kate, had collected Mark, Sunny and Bunny (really need to find a way to shorten that) and brought them to his base to start treatment. Cecil has had experience in healing Omin-Man, so taking care of the pair of Viltrumites that were brought in was not a problem.

Bunny, on the other hand, was still in surgery and touch and go.

Mark had regained consciousness and after realizing where he was... he had to get back on his feet. While there was no way he was going to be able to visit Bunny yet, Sunny on the other hand...

The door to her room is opened and when Mark comes in, he's a mess. It's as if Nolan had concentrated on pummeling his face. It's swollen, bruised and looks like a package of ground beef with facial features. One arm is in a sling, but he can walk. Dressed in a hospital gown, he makes his way further into the room, an IV bag of hydration and a mild sedative following him on a small rolling pole.

He pauses at the entrance as he realizes a big issue. As worried about her as he is? She may not want anything to do with him after tonight. It's a fear that's gnawwing his gut about both women. So a voice that is usually confident and flirty instead is a trepedacious to the point of being afraid.


Sunny Harlow has posed:
Fortunately for Sunny, pure-born viltrumites healed just as well as the human-hybrid ones. That didn't mean things didn't hurt, but at least she was currently recovering relatively fast. Her face was still bruised, her limbs were still immobilized or in a cast respectively. She had to make sure they healed 'right' after all.

She didn't exactly look like the 'bright and gorgeous' type right now, she rightly looked like she'd had a pretty bad day.

She also hadn't been allowed out of bed properly so...that wasn't great.

The sound of the door opening? Her gaze looked up from the pillow, a blink and a sigh of relief as she spotted Mark.

Injured or not, there was no missing the look of relief as she pushed herself to sit up. "Mark! Have you seen Bunny yet? They wouldn't tell me anything about either of you..."

Mark Grayson has posed:
He had expected a bed-pan to the face, to be honest.

Instead, when Sunny greets him more kindly, there is a moment of relief as he lets out a breath he didn't realize he was holding.

It hurt, causing a momentary coughing fit.

"Not yet. They're in surgery still. My mom said she was on her way and will make sure she's not alone when she wakes up." Mark explains before he looks up at the normally gorgeous blonde, and his expression sinks at realizing what his father did to her.

"Can... can I come in?" he asks, ready to turn back out if she says no. "I wanted to make sure you were here. That you were getting taken care of. Sunny... I'm sorry." Tears settle at the damaged corners of of his eyes as he studies Sunny's face. "I didn't know about this. And we had just, the three of us, and..."

Those have got to be some mighty broad shoulders on Invincible for him to shoulder so much blame.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
It wasn't the relief she was looking for, but at least he was upright, and that was half of what she was needing to see. His request? It brings a nod, an akward little shuffle over in the admittedly small hospital bed and offers him the space beside her. "Please..." she speaks, beckoning him to join. "I was so worried about you, and Bunny and..."

She exhales, patting the bed beside her. "Please."

Mark Grayson has posed:
His steps carry him to her bedside, Mark's own shuffle just speaking to him of how much he hurts. He was going to just grab a chair when Sunny makes room for him on her good side. There's a moment's pause and then he slips onto the bed next to her. His good arm comes around her back to pull her in close to him, an awkward sort of hug.

Usually by now, he'd cracked some joke about it all. Try to find some levity to make it all better. It's worked so well in the past.

Right now, he just wants to hold onto one of the few people that mean the most to him. His hand lifts, brushing against her blonde locks. Hopefully those don't hurt.

And he tries to find words, but there's not there. Just that almost needful want to make sure Sunny's okay.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
It was probably an akward hug, between the cast on her arm and her leg, but she'd lean into it none the less. A little sigh, her eyes close and she leans into the touch, into his shoulder as best she can. Her bones would heal, she'd probably be up and about by the next day, but...well, this hadn't exactly been the meeting with a Viltrumite icon she'd been hoping for.

Finally, afer a few long moments she'd turn, look at him with a best attempt at a smile she could manage. "Think you could...scratch my back right over my left shoulder-blade the cast is...kinda making it tricky?"

Ever Sunny, she was trying to do her best to make him smile.

Mark Grayson has posed:
That breaks the ice.

Mark was totally awkward about it, so riled up with fear and guilt. But Sunny's request brings a smile to his swollen lips, there's still some of his teeth missing. They'll grow back.

Bunny is always grossed out by that.

But the question of asking him for a scratch makes his shake his head with a small chuckle. His hand lowers down onto Sunny's shoulder and onto her back, finding her shoulder and his fingers curl as short nails dig into her skin to find the sport. "There?" he asks, making sure that he's hitting the spot that she wants him at.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
It wasn't exactly how any of them had probably expected to be cuddling up, but life was very much going to be what it would be and she was certainly grateful for the moment...and that they'd all survived. Her nose was still swollen, one cheek was still purple and yellow with the later-stages of bruising...but she smiled all the same, letting out a sigh of relief at the scritching.

"My hero...you're a lifesaver."

Mark Grayson has posed:
It had been going well. Once he had dragged his fingers over the spot and Sunny seemed improved, everything was going well. Mark could pull through this.

Until those words. And it all comes down like a house of cards.

"I'm not." A hero. A lifesaver. His frame stiffens against her as that guilt bumrushes him and hits him as hard as one of his father's punches.

It's going to take some time or something jarring to get Mark back to as he was. Because right now, beneath that trembling surface is a whole bundle of guilt and fear.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
Time was needed, trauma was real, for all of them, but...well, that wasn't going to stop her from turning to face him enough that she could lift her hand to his cheek, to turn his gaze back to her own once more and to lean in enough to touch her forehead to his.

"Yes. You are. You were willing to stand up to your own father, for us, for earth...and we're still here."

Mark Grayson has posed:
Turned to face her, Mark winces when Sunny pushes her forehead to his. It's still bruised and tender. Probably had a skull fracture there at some point. His one open eye searches Sunny's face at this close range, his hand dropping down to slide his fingers over Sunny's.

When his eye lifts back up to meet hers, he can see the faith and affection there. "We all are." he agrees with her quietly. "It's going to be okay."

Even if right now there is so much that is not okay. He lifts his head and those bruised lips place a light kiss to Sunny's forehead. "Not exactly how any of us expected this to start. Thank you for being there with me, Sunny." His fingers tighten in hers. "And for Bunny. Who I am so chastizing when she wakes up from whatever she did to herself."

Sunny Harlow has posed:
Her fingers move, gently interlacing with his if permitted and gently closing her eyes to that little kiss of her brow with a murmer of agreement. His comment on Bunny, she nods gently, a little quiet murmer of agreement following.

"I can't believe she took those mystery pills and...who knows what they would have done to us, let alone her...but she did it for us, and I know she's going to be okay."

A beat, she looks up at him with another attempt at humor. "But...I get to pick the next date, I think."

Mark Grayson has posed:
"The doctors won't tell me anything except that the surgery was okay and she's in recovery." Their fingers lace and Mark squeezes her hand, not letting her go. "I'll feel better when I know that they haven't turned her into some kind of monstrosity. Not that I wouldn't care for her anyway." he murmurs softly and leans back into Sunny, getting closer and more comfortable.

When she takes another stab at humor, he squeezes her hand for the effort. "I think that's fair. I was just going to take you to see Bunny play at where she works. You need the same hazing I got when they found out I was dating Bunny." he rumbles teasingly.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
"If I'm not walking yet, you'll let me know...right?" Sunny questions, though there's not really any doubt to the thought. Returning the lean and the comfortable closeness in the confines of the hospital bed, she gives a little raise of her battered brow at that comment. "Hazing? What exactly am I in for?"

Mark Grayson has posed:
"If you're not walking, I'm putting your cute butt in a wheelchair and taking you down there." Mark replies, admitting that Sunny has a cute deriere. With the subject turning to Bunny though, he chuckles, a small gurgle in his throat at the noise.

"Now that, Sunny, would ruin the surprise." he comments with a small pull on the smile on his bruised lips. "But she is very good at what she does, and I rarely miss a show and make sure you bring tip money."

Mark, leaving it ambigous and tantalizing, all at once.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
"You better," Sunny affirms, compliments to her hind-quarters not unnoticed even as he teases her. "How...have I never managed to get her to tell me her job before now?" she pouts, clearly left to the mercy of the unknown and imagination with his insinuations. "So not fair..."

Mark Grayson has posed:
"She's very talented with her fingers." Mark leaves little breadcrumbs for Sunny's fertile imagination as he talks about Bunny. "I know you work at the diner and go to school. I go to school and work with the Titans, which is how I have my stipen." he explains, so that Sunny knows where the money's coming from.

"I'm sure Bunny will be okay with it, but if you need to crash on the couch at any point..." Since they are in the trial period of the full relationship still. "And it is totally fair. Because that's part of what dating is about, Sunny. Learning more about those you're most interested in."

Sunny Harlow has posed:
"You're terrible," she teases lightly, but the pout is playful rather than any real indicator of displeasure. "I mean, you're not wrong but..." she begins only for his invitation to bring a smile to her face and a nod. "My place is small and...well, there's kinda a lot of sewing stuff in one side of it...but you know you're both welcome there too."

Dating. All three of them...even with all that had happend, all that had been revealed about their people? That hadn't been taken away from her, and it was enough to make her smile. "I'm looking forward to it. Really."

Mark Grayson has posed:
"You started it." Mark points out diplomatically as he considers Sunny. "Do you need anything? Since I seem to be the only one walking, could see about getting you a bite to eat or something... while we wait. I can only drink fluids until my throat's healed." A small grumble at that.

But yes, all three of them are dating. But it doesn't feel the same with Bunny in dire straights. When Sunny and himself are hurt, Mark's sure they will heal at some point. Bunny's got him worried and scared. "She's going to be fine." he reiterates.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
"I mean...I think the first thing we should do when we get out of here is find some real...well, bad for us but totally delicious food." Sunny muses, "but for now? I'd settle for some hot chocolate or something or..." she trails off, exhaling a little. "She'll be fine, this place is...like, super hospital for superheroes right? There's nowhere better for her to be."

Mark Grayson has posed:
"Real food will sound wonderful." Mark replies with a sigh, but when Sunny brings up where they are, the young man's demeanor changes, as if someone turned off the light. "I've been here before. When I took some real beatings after first getting my powers." he explains as he moves to sit up more fully now that they are on the topic.

"Mom trusts Cecil. I'm not so sure. He was dad's handler before I got my powers." The dad just slips out. He can't let go. Not yet. Despite what Nolan's done to him.

"It was too convienent that he knew about this. I had my earbud, yes. But... something doesn't feel right. He's always wanted me to work for him. Even pays for some of my expenses. But I don't want to be a government agent. So... just be careful. Don't agree to anything he asks blindly." Even if Sunny would be smoking hot in a SHIELD agent's suit and pencil skirt.

There's something else that Mark mulls over as well. "Why didn't he give me any warning." he murmurs to himself mostly. "...he would have known that Omni-Man was active and maybe..." He'll have to chew on that later.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
"Well, you turned out all right and still have that winning smile...so I trust them," Sunny offers, ever trying to return a little of that sunshine. She hears him call OM dad but...she doesn't pull it up, doesn't call him on it. That was still his family, and she still had to silently wonder what she didn't know about the mother she thought had delivered her to Earth for a safe and peaceful life.

"We can ask...as soon as we're all back to full strength, okay?"

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    "No need to wait, I've already got answers. If you had gotten warning, you might have gone out on your own before we knew what the move was, and it would have been a worse outcome." comes an exhausted sounding voice as Cecil makes himself known. HIs pale eyes look over Sunny and Mark, and he breaths out in a sigh as he hands over a coffee and a hot chocolate.

    "We had a crash room set up for Mark. You and Bernice were something of a surprise." he offers the coffee to Mark and the cocoa to Sunny.

Mark Grayson has posed:
That smile is still there, even if it's damaged klike whoa right now. "I should get you that hot chocolate and let you rest a little longer." At least that was the plan until Cecil showed up. And when he speaks as the words that were so totally and terribly true, Mark winces.

It's true. It's very true. Mark's reckless. And that shows now. Because as right as Cecil is, as soon as he says those words, Mark is off the edge of Sunny's bed. Despite how hurt he is, he's grabbing him by the front of his coat with his good hand and lifting him off the ground, sending the coffee and hot chcolate spilling to the floor.

"Yeah, well, then I'd been the only one to get hurt!" he yells, his gown fluttering in the breeze.

"Instead, you endangered both of them when it could have been just me and you would have gotten your answer regardless!"

Sunny Harlow has posed:
Cecil was...really only a face she'd seen at the end before she'd eventually passed out and been carried off to be treated. Of course Mark had mentioned him before and how he'd hoped that Bunny and her both would never meet him but life didn't really seem to care that much about it.

Of course, Sunny was certain her and Bun would have come to his aid...and Nolan did mention looking for her as well, but she doesn't really want to interupt Mark. Instead she adjusts her position in the hospital cot, cast and all.

"So what happens next? Do we know if he's telling the truth about others on their way?"

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    "You would have been killed. Then someone would have lead the charge for revenge, and they would have been killed too." Cecil states plainly, looking down at the spilled hot drinks, as he breathes out in an exhausted-sounding sigh, and looks back up to Mark.

    "We had to move with what we had at the time. We couldn't work out what he was doing. He had us fooled too." he states to Mark. "You're not the only one who got betrayed. So. Put me down and I'll give you an update on Bernice." Cecil states as he turns his head to Sunny, dangling a little bit off the ground.

    "We have to assume he had no reason to lie anymore."

Mark Grayson has posed:
Mark's one good grey eye is filled with anger as he has Cecil up in his hand. But he doesn't buy Cecil's words. Nolan wouldn't have killed him, right? He pulled back. Mark has to hold onto that thread of hope that his dad is still his dad.

Setting Cecil down, he slumps backwards into the chair next to Sunny's bed because there's news. "How's Bunny?" he asks. Dad can wait. Whatever the plan, whatever the implication. He has to know Bunny is okay. "And what the !@#$ did she ingest??"