16578/Defying Gravity

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Defying Gravity
Date of Scene: 15 December 2023
Location: Centennial Park - New Troy
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Wally West, Bart Allen, Roxanne Spaulding

Wally West has posed:
Centennial Park. Wally doesn't have too much time to rest, but when he does? He likes to do it in peace and quiet. He can't go to the Tower. The...situation there is a little rough, but Wally is trying to be respectful. A red and blue streak -Not Superman- is running through the city, until it comes to a good place where no one would suspect Wally of being the Flash.

He steps down some stairs before making his way to the park proper. There's plenty of people here. Plenty of tourists, couples, families...even a full zoo!

But Wally goes for none of that. Instead? He just settles on a bench, wearing a red T-shirt and black jeans, a beanie on his head to keep his messy red hair under control as green eyes just...observe. Something his future self had taught him during their brief time to converse:

It's okay to slow it down.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen is here as Bart, not Impulse. He comes walking out of the zoo area, wearing kaki shirt, and pants with a brown hat and jacket on. The jacket says "Gotham Zoo." It seems Bart had to make a trip from one zoo to the other, but he has finished it now, and is walking out after touring the zoo.

Roxanne Spaulding has posed:
Transient life is the best life.

It's not like she's got any real place to stay, so a certain Miss Spaulding has been going around, traveling from city to city, trying to remain somewhat inconspicuous, even though walking around in a tight fitting bodysuit with jacket does make one stand out.

As she wanders through the park, just having arrived a few hours ago. An arm remains around her leather jacket, keeping it tight to her chest as a little fluffy Furby-esque alien peeks out its head every now and then.

"Queelocke.. no..." she hushes the creature before stuffing it back down, as her gaze flits about to make sure no one noticed.

Unfortunately, she did that as she passed by Wally and then Bart.

Wally West has posed:
Wally sits there in peace. He takes a long, deep breath. He slowly exhales. A little raise of a brow though as he watches Bart Allen walk out of the zoo. "Yo, Bart! Did you get the jacket from Gotham or are you comin' in from there?" Wally questions the other speedster, a chuckle touching his features in friendly humor. Though something that grabs his attention is the sudden-

'Queelocke, no'.

Wally instinctively turns his attention to watch an alien peek it's head out. Curious, and friendly, he clears his throat. "Excuse me, miss? Whatcha got there?" He's not moving in on her. He's simply sitting down. A question given. If she wants to answer it, she certainly can.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks over and says "Was bringing some baby bats over to give to their nocturnal exhibit. We just had a litter come to age, and made a deal to bring them here to help with their colony and help diversify their breeding stock. They are going to send us some mercats when the next litter is born. When Wally brings the attention to the girl he looks over as well, resisting the urge to zoom over and try to see what peeked out of her jacket.

Roxanne Spaulding has posed:
The Furby-esque-slash-catlike-alien from another universe peeks out once more with a puzzled look on its features. "Quee?" it goes as its eyes peek first at Wally and then Bart.

"A cat." Roxy replies as she lets out a nervous chuckle. Queelocke, with his bright green fur does have some feline features, but it most certainly is not any known Earthly cat in anyway shape or form. "No big deal, you know? Just kinda getting cold, so have to keep him warm and all that." she says with a flash of her pearly whites, hoping to charm them into not questioning anything more about the alien.

Wally West has posed:
"/That/ is a cat?" Wally chuckles at Roxanne's explanation, especially considering that this 'Quee' emerges from it's hideaway and Wally is just blinking at it for a moment. "That doesn't even look like it's from Earth." He chuckles faintly. "But hey, no big deal at all. If you want, you can have a seat?" He gestures to the bench he's sitting on with a kindness on his features, a warmth.

Like he'd just be friends with literally anybody and everybody.

He turns his eyes towards Bart. "Baby bats, huh? How does Batman feel about that?" A little smirk crosses Wally's features, before he's turning to Roxanne. "I'm Wally by the way. This-" he gestures to Bart. "Is Bart."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks over and says "Feline maybe, but I think he maybe right, looks like he is happy though, thats always an important part." He looks over to Wally and says "Gotham has a large colony of bats at the zoo, and figure he would probably be ok with people fostering baby bats." He says the last bit with a slight smirk.

Roxanne Spaulding has posed:
Not from Earth, not from this universe, what's the difference really. A soft chuckle can be heard escaping from her lips as she nods slowly. "I adopted him from a shelter." Again, another half truth from Roxanne as she hrmms and looks at the invitation.

Wandering on over with a shrug of her shoulders, it couldn't hurt to meet some people as she listens about the baby bats. "Don't bats have rabies? I mean, I've seen baby bats before, they do look awfully cute."

As she says this, the green 'cat' peeks its head out and goes QUEE! as if agreeing.

Wally West has posed:
Wally tilts his head at Roxanne for a moment. "From...a shelter? Like Stitch, from Lilo & Stitch?" The little alien who crash lands on earth but ends up getting grabbed up by a pet shelter. Or rather, he sneaks into the pet shelter. It's...all very confusing. But that's okay, it's not necessarily supposed to make sense! He watches that little creature with a tilt of his head, but eventually, he just turns his head to Roxanne herself.

"Depends on the bat, I think. Same as how a dog can get rabies, maybe?" Wally shrugs, tuning his attention towards Bart for a moment. "Feline. Huh. I guess you're right, it does look really cat like. Does the species have a name?" THe question is directed towards Roxanne.

Then of course, the cat's head emerges. "Hi there little guy." He looks at Rox. "Can I hold him?"

He turns his eyes back towards Bart. "I guess you're right."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods, and says "Yea, it is more what they have been exposed to, more with bats you have to be careful of their poo to be honest." He explains to him. He does listen and look over the creature "Whats his name, and if you don't mind me asking, how long you had him?"

Roxanne Spaulding has posed:
"Queelocke." because that's the name she heard when she got him. The mention of the shelter and Lilo and Stitch causes her to chuckle a bit, reaching back to scratch the back of her head. A tik that happens when she's not exactly telling the truth.

"Yeah. I figure it's some pokemon-esque thing where he says what he is over and over again, but yeah green cat and all." Roxanne explains before she looks towards the creature and purses her lips for a few moments. She just looks into the creature's eyes, before she looks towards Wally and then shakes her head.

"Sorry, but he doesn't know you yet. He's had a hard life, so more than a bit wary of strangers." before looking back towards the creature. "Which would be fine, if he kept out of sight, but he wants to look around all the time." she says with a laugh.

Then to Bart, she hrmms, "A few years now."