16636/Movie Night at Izzy's!

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Movie Night at Izzy's!
Date of Scene: 20 December 2023
Location: Isabel's Apartment
Synopsis: Movie night with whiskey nog!
Cast of Characters: Isabel Kane, Samuel Guthrie

Isabel Kane has posed:
The time and day of the date had been agreed upon, Izzy made sure to text Sam her address and gave him the code to punch in to get to the tennant/guest parking under the building. There's an elevator that will take him from the garage to the lobby, and another bank of elevators will take him up to the apartment itself. While the building isn't overly fancy, the multiple layers of security are probably a result of her working for SHIELD.

When he knocks at the door, he'll hear a quick, "One tic!" and some shuffling about, then the thump of quick, socked feet across a wooden floor. Izzy opens it with a warm smile, "Hey! C'mon in." Stepping aside to let him pass, she's simply dressed in worn jeans that fit like a glove, a worn t-shirt depicting constellations on it, and socks with spaceships on them. Yep, she's still a bit of a nerd.

Once he's inside, she motions him forward, "Wasn't sure if we wanted t' do a whole dinner, so I mostly made some finger foods t' go with th' popcorn. Made up some wings in th' air fryer, some coleslaw t' go with 'em. Nothin' too heavy. Got Budweiser chillin' in th' friedge..."

The apartment is nice, spacious for being New York, though by no means is it fancy. The kitchen is older in style, but it has one of those bar/island set ups between the kitchen and living area. No formal dining space, just a smallish table with a couple chairs. The living space has a working fireplace, and a fire is going, crackling away merrily. The tv is currently set to Spotify and playing Country tunes from varying decades. Off to the side is a small hallway that has the bedroom, a bathroom, and a small closet that holds the washer and dryer.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie has brought a bag as she suggested. He has it over one shoulder, and in the other hand he has a bunch of flowers for her. A dozen ocean blue roses (https://www.fromyouflowers.com/products/one-dozen-ocean-blue-roses.htm?refcode=11G2&CAWELAID=120014120000218371&CAGPSPN=pla&CAAGID=&CATCI=&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiAm4WsBhCiARIsAEJIEzWX5XBrqoyOR5NN90B-R_IYrWLcnD86TSI0YmzyiGEbsU59aPDHigEaAqgbEALw_wcB) He offers her a smile and says "Sounds like a plan, Ah brought you a house gift as well." He tells her, as he waits till she takes the flower, and then he pulls the pack off and fishes out a nice bottle of whiskey offering it to her.

Isabel Kane has posed:
The whiskey will have to wait a moment. At the sight of the flowers, Izzy gasps, "Whoa... those are *beautiful*... Sam, I... thanks.." She takes the flowers, then almost immediately drags him down into a kiss. Swift, fierce, impassioned, and all too brief. When she does pull back, there's a bit of flush to her cheeks, but also a smile. "Here, c'mon, let me find somethin' t' put these in..." THe whiskey is accept ed with a grin, "Perfect. Ain't made th' nog yet, always better fresh."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie is a bit surprised with the kiss, but he does not object holding her close the bottle held at the small of her back during the kiss. He grins a bit and says "Ok mental note bring more flowers." He jokes a bit smiling at her as he follows her into the the room with the eggnog.

Isabel Kane has posed:
Izzy grins over her shoulder at him, leading the way into the kitchen so she can find something vaselike to put the flowers into, along with some water. She even takes the time to cut the stems under running water and stir in the little packet of 'food' to the vase so the flowers will last longer. "I think this is th'... third time I've ever gotten flowers. Both previous times were from a dance at school." In other words, yes, more flowers will likely result in more kisses! Taking the whiskey, she pulls ou the blender and whips up a fresh batch of eggnog in moments, adding in the whiskey and offering him a glass with a smile, "So. We're doin' Gremlins... did ya have any other movies in mind that ya like?"

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie hmmms and takes a sip of the nog, and thinks for a moment, and says "Ok, do you want to go with the more fun Christmas movies, or more classic types of them?

Isabel Kane has posed:
"Mmmmmmm.. fun. Th' classics are classics, but also kinda depressin'. Always felt like most of 'em weren't actually good watches round th' holidays.." Isabel shrugs and smiles, offering a small toast of her glass against his before taking a sip of the nog. Considering it and grabbing up a cinnamon stick to grate a little fresh into each of their glasses. "There."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie nods a bit and says "We always watched Emit otter growing up, but if we are looking for a bit more fun. Maybe Lethal weapon, Die hard, Trading places, stuff like that?

Isabel Kane has posed:
Izzy smiles, "We always watched th' old Irving Berlin claymation movies." Shaking her head, she chuckles, "Bite yer tongue. Die Hard is fer Christmas Eve. Tradin' Places would be good. Home Alone. Grinch That Stole Christmas... but only th' original or th' Jim Carrey one. Didn't care for th' newest one..."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie smiles a bit to her, and nods his head a bit to this and says "Well, lets start with Gremlins, and then we can do Trading places, and see what type of mood we are in. He looks around and says "Anything I can do to help?"

Isabel Kane has posed:
Izzy gives a nod and smiles at him, "Sounds like a plan." She glances around, then holds up a plate to him with a grin, "Yeah, help me eat up some of this food." She plunks the blender's cup into a bucket and pours in ice around it, then grins, "Easy refills." Getting her own plate, she leads the way into the living room, setting things down on the coffee table before flopping onto the couch with a content sigh. She'll set up Gremlins first and pat the cushions next to her, "Ready?"

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie nods his head and will move to sit down on the couch and puts his arm on the back of the couch so she can slide up next to him if she wants to. He smiles and says "You do have a nice place here"

Isabel Kane has posed:
"Thanks. I probably coulda gotten a bigger place, but I liked th' security this buildin' offers." Izzy does indeed tuck herself up under his arm and against his side, resting her head on his shoulder with a smile. "An' I got a washer an' dryer in th' apartment. No more five story treks up'n'down into some murder basement t' plug quarters into a washin' machine that was on its last legs five years ago."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie nods a bit and says "Ah have been lucky on that one. Either been at the mansion or a pretty decent apartment. Right now, still got the lease on a place down town, but as Ah said is a bit odd staying there. Have when Ah worked a double or something but not often."

Isabel Kane has posed:
"Well... yer welcome t' come here if yer stuck in th' city an' not wantin' t' blast or drive..." Izzy glances up at Sam with a smile, her free shoulder lifting into a shrug. "I wouldn't mind occasionally gettin' someone snugglin' up in bed." She chuckles lightly, "Or, if yer more comfortable, th' couch folds out into a sleeper. Leftover from when granddad were still alive. He'd come visit but refuse t' take th' bedroom. Had t' make sure I got th' best sleeper sofa I could find."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie nods a bit to this and says "Yea, Ah can understand that." He puts his hand on her arm holding her "It took a bit of talking to get ma to let them put her up with all the little ones when she visited

Isabel Kane has posed:
Isabel chuckles softly and gives a nod, "Family can be like that. But anyways... offer stands." She sips on her nog and watches the movie, smiling, content. "Which Gremlin's yer favorite?"

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie says, "Ah think the first one, but Ah heard they are making a new one, should be interesting."

Isabel Kane has posed:
"Yeah, they've been sayin' that for years now. But then again, they finally made a second Beetlejuice... so anythin's possible," Izzy cuddles in a little closer and smiles up at him. "So.. Sam... I was thinkin'... an' I know this wasn't your intention but.. d'ya wanna stay th' night?"

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks to her, and moves just a bit so he can lean over and instead of giving her an answer verbally, he leans in and kisses her softly. Breaking the kiss he smiles "Ah think that would be nice/

Isabel Kane has posed:
Returning the kiss, Izzy is left smiling when he breaks from it, giving a nod and snuggling in against him, "Good. I think so too." She brushes a soft kiss across the side of his neck and settles back in to watch the rest of the movie with him. "Really likin' this vibe we got goin'.."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie nods his head a bit to this and kisses the top of her head as he cuddles her with him while they watch the movie.