16732/Post Zombie, Pre 2024
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Post Zombie, Pre 2024 | |
Date of Scene: | 01 January 2024 |
Location: | Broken Mug Bar |
Synopsis: | No description |
Cast of Characters: | Inez Temple, Ben Grimm
- Inez Temple has posed:
It's been a couple of hours since an unexpected zombie attack, and as the hours tick closer to NYE people have begun to find places to be to celebrate.
With her enhanced durability and healing factor, as well as the alcohol tolerance of the average Texas cowgirl, Inez decided on a seedy bar in Mutant Town. The alcohol is cheap and extremely strong... it's the type of place even Wolverine could get smashed if he really made the effort.
"I'm tellin' y'! It were a T-Rex!" Inez shouts to the bartender, on her knees on her bar stool for emphasis as she shakes a fist in the four-armed man's face. She's in daisy dukes and an I <3 NYC shirt, cowboy boots and her beloved Stetson hat... And two revolvers at her hips. They don't *look* like costume pieces...
The bartender just sighs, holding up two hands in a placating gesture while two more pull and open a bottle of whiskey to set in front of the blonde cowgirl.
- Ben Grimm has posed:
Ben Grimm has been bar hopping, buying a lot, and getting sober seconds later....he checks his watch, how many days til Syrum Day when he is human again/ Sigh...too damn many....he did hear about that Asgardian place but as he trudges through town signing the occasional random autograph he walks in and spots some tailored to those of large size such as himself. Well now, then he spots...."Yup...I was there, for real. Lady knows how to Ride....beat that bastard like a drum...." He extends his hand, "BEn Grimm...and you are?" Not that he needs to introduce himself...ever...but he'spolite.
- Inez Temple has posed:
"She's Crazy Inez." The bartender says helpfully, calmly. And doesn't flinch when Inez's breath catches and she reaches down, grabbing the glass he places in front of her and throwing it as his head.. That he catches. "Settle down or I'll bounce you." He warns the young woman.
Inez relents, glaring as she lifts the bottle to her lips and takes several generous chugs, not the least bit bothered by the lack of a glass. She sniffs at the bar tender, turns her back to him to face Ben, and knocks back her hat with one knuckle to stare up... and up... and up...
"Biggun, ain't ya?" She says irreverently, and takes another drink. "Inez. Inez Temple. Pop a squat an' help me welcome in t' new year?"
- Ben Grimm has posed:
Ben Grimm takes two chairs and puts them together and asks, "Give me the heaviest thing you got in the biggest thing you got." They cater to mutants eh? Well, some of them are heavy hitters...it might get him buzzed...for a short while. Hell, right now he'd try rocket fuel. "Nice to meet you C...Inez. I'd normally call you Ms Temple but people I clobber with get the first anem treatment. Call me Ben as you like....." he nods to the bartender as he slides a small sawed off barrel full of somethig foul smelling as he begins to take a swig.
- Inez Temple has posed:
Inez Temple clicks her tongue at Ben, shaking her head. "Ain't no Miss Temple. I look like a lady t' you?" She snorts, inelegantly, and takes another pull from the bottle of whiskey, wiping her mouth off with the back of her hand as she puts the bottle down. "Just Inez works... Ben." That's said with a smirk, as she then squints at the barrel he's lifting. "Fuck, man, looks like t' shoulders ain't t' only big thing on y', cowboy." She sounds impressed, despite hanging out with such known heavyweights as Cable and Wade Wilson. "Y' one o' t' Fancy Four, ain't y'? T' Thang?"
- Ben Grimm has posed:
Ben Grimm does not quuit blush but hsi mouth hangsopen a bit. You live as long as he has and the occasional young woman wants something signed in an interesting location, and if no kids are around, why not? But at a random bar, he is rarely the one who get attention like that...that's hot head. He chuckles, "I do really the female line about Drapes? But yes I do have a big heart...." he winks, He slams even more of the booze, its not bad, but it will take more though he does drink a bit more than he otherise might "Ben please. If I had a time machine and could find the journo who came up with that name..." he shrugs, "Things aright. Its better than a lot of what I've heard.
- Inez Temple has posed:
At his impression of a fish, she smirks, leaning forward to push his mouth closed again with not the least bit of hesitation of touching his rocky form. Honestly? Considering who she's married to? A rocky hide ain't nothing.
She takes the opportunity to pull from her bottle as he tops off, eyes turning towards the clock. Almost time!
"Meant more y' liver, but I reckon' y' big all over, Benji." She tells him with a smirk, blue eyes taking him in top to bottom without an ounce of self-consciousness.
- Ben Grimm has posed:
Ben Grimm orders a second demibarrel feeling sligthly inneribarated but not enough for new years....he looks her up and donw and seems to enjoy the view, inking once but chugging the WHOLE second barrel. "Thats more like it."