16800/Into the Depths of Hellfire Club
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Into the Depths of Hellfire Club | |
Date of Scene: | 06 January 2024 |
Location: | Conference Rooms - Hellfire Club |
Synopsis: | Lois makes her first foray into the Hellfire Club, and wrestles with how dedicated she may be. |
Cast of Characters: | Lois Lane, Sebastian Shaw
- Lois Lane has posed:
Clark and Superman look completely different and seem to fool people with just glasses. So what would people think of Lois if she wore extensions to make her hair a bit longer, then died it blonde (blondes have more fun?) and even got different colored contact lenses to make her eyes green.
Yes, no one should pin her as the ace reporter, Lois Lane. Instead, she's Laura Lockwood, a young woman down on her luck, having heard that the Hellfire Club was always looking for people to work at the restaurant or at other places.
And so, after submitting her resume, she simply waits for the call. She dresses somewhat in a revealing manner, befitting a potential Hellfire employee, as she does what she can, dealing with the cold. If it wasn't for her peacoat, she'd probably be freezing her booty off.
- Sebastian Shaw has posed:
The call comes fairly quickly. Perhaps quicker than Lois would have expected. The phone interview is cursory, and the man on the other end encourages her to come in for a visit. A tour, and perhaps some light conversation.
It is to be an interview, of course, that she is summoned for.
Upon her arrival, she is greeted at the door by one of the security members who phones up, and within a minute she is whisked away past the sprawling masses at the various social aspects of the club to a more formal office setting, leaving behind those glimpses of scantily clad employees, and in some cases, even more scantily clad patrons.
Behind a desk sits a fairly non-descript man, watching the door and offering a warm smile at Lois' arrival. "Hello there, please, come in, have a seat." He rises as well, and indicates the chair opposite him.
- Lois Lane has posed:
Is the disguise working? Has anyone recognized her for anything other than Laura Lockwood? She glances about, trying to take mental notes of the goings on that she sees so far before she's presented towards the non-descript man.
Bowing her head and doing a little curtsy, she smiles warmly. "Of course. Lo-aura Lockwood." she says, introducing herself while extending a hand out towards him.
- Sebastian Shaw has posed:
The man has the courtesy to meet Lois' gaze for _most_ of her introduction. He takes her hand and manages to glance down only during half of her curtsy, as if sizing up what her assets might potentially be to the Hellfire Club. "A pleasure," he says, releasing after the firm hand shake and moving back around to take a seat at his desk.
"So, tell me - what makes you want to join the Hellfire Club family?"
Behind him are various pictures of celebrities in and around the Hellfire Club, all seeming to have a good time. Some former Presidents, too.
- Lois Lane has posed:
There's lots of potential answers. Generational wealth. Connections. Fame. Infamy.
Clucking her tongue on the inside of her cheek, she answers simply. "I want to make enough to where if I have a family, my daughters wont need to do what I've done so far." she says softly, coming up with a story on the fly.
"I've done many things I'm not proud of, and I want something more steady, and someplace that I can point to and be proud that I'm a part of it."
- Sebastian Shaw has posed:
Nodding along as she gives the answer, the man does not make any notes on the pad in front of him, his attention focused on Lois. Well, Lois' poise and posture. Or something along those lines, at least.
He arches an eyebrow, but seems satisfied with her answers. His question, of course, follows directly from them. If Lois was expecting him to dive into her future, she will be mistaken.
"What sort of things, Miss Lockwood?" The man's eyes give her another once over. "Have you done so far," he adds, in clarification.
- Lois Lane has posed:
Her posture is straight, as she knows there is a certain level of bearing one must have to be at the Hellfire Club.
Her cheeks flush a bright tinge of pink at the mention of the things that she has done to take care of this alleged daughter.
"I've been with men who I knew were not good for me because they enabled me to take care of my child." she says matter of factly, not seeming ashamed of the fact in the least. "A mother must do what she has to to make sure her child thrives, yes?"
- Sebastian Shaw has posed:
"So you have a child?" There is a click of his tongue that seems to indicate that this is not a good development, and the way his eyes scope out of her form it may be that he is assessing the impact that might have on her otherwise.
"Family is very important," he says, clicking his pen open and then closed. "And I can certainly understand someone who would do what she must for her child. It is a very noble thing, to give of one's self for another."
His tone seems at odds with his words, but his focus remains on Lois. "Tell me, then, what sort of talents you would bring to this position? Why you, over the dozens of other equally attractive women who want to be where you are?"
- Lois Lane has posed:
As if sensing that it might be seen as good thing, she decides to add, "She stays with my mother, her grandmother. For now, I just send money and see her when I can." 'Laura' adds, taking inspiration from Les Mis of all places.
"And it is. I wish I could spend more time with her but..."
And then, she bites on her lower lip as she thinks of what she could bring to the table. "I have a bachelors in psychology. I wanted to be a counselor, and so I know I'm good at listening to folks. Sometimes when people go to a bar, they just want to kvetch to anyone who would listen. Sure, there are women out there who are sexier, but I would bring something they cant to your clientele: peace of mind."
- Sebastian Shaw has posed:
A quick notation is made on the pad. From the way he nods and breathes out, it does appear to be a good thing. Lois is a student of people - she might sense that that answer kept her from being bounced out.
"Truly, I am sorry. Perhaps we can help you get to see her more, or sooner, Miss Lockwood."
The pen is clicked again and then set down as the man steeples his fingers, gazing at her for a moment. "Those are certainly admirable attributes that we are looking for in our staff. You are right, it is not enough to be sexy, although that is always a good start."
He considers for a moment, and then nods. "Let us say that you wished to convince _me_ of something, Miss Lockwood. With your skills in psychology, your ability to read people."
He places his hands on his desk and leans forward a bit, watching her expression. "What do you think you would need to do to convince me to bring you on?"
- Lois Lane has posed:
"I would simply hope that my credentials and experience would be enough." she says matter of factly. Oooh, confident. She's not the type to immediately think that other 'favors' need to be performed in order to get the job, though from the way she's dressed, it's not out of the question that it might be something she expected as part of the interview.
"You're expecting some desperation that I would be willing to do -whatever- it took to get a job. I have other interviews for positions at different hedge funds." As someone who would be the face that clients meet, no doubt. "I don't think I would have to do anything 'extra' for such an interview, yes?"
- Sebastian Shaw has posed:
"Hmm." The man says, studying Lois. Eyeing that confidence. His eyes drift down to her attire, as if seeing a clash with her demeanor, before glancing back up.
"No, Miss Lockwood. We do not want desperation. We do, however, want commitment." He leans forward to smile at her. "Where do you think the men who run those hedge funds come to lavish the money the earn on those who earn their attention, hmmm?"
He shrugs, and settles back into his chair. "You likely would not need to do anything extra, true." He places the pen on the pad. "But they are not the Hellfire Club, Miss Lockwood." He glances up towards the wall, at the clock.
- Lois Lane has posed:
Strip clubs. She knows the answer. She's even done an expose on them before.Still, her brows furrow at the question and then the mention of not having to do extra.
"You will get someone who knows what she's doing. I've worked as an executive assistant for almost ten years, and have the capability of chief of staff. Surely, you can find a place for me within the Hellfire Club that could use a bit of spit shine in terms of operations?"
- Sebastian Shaw has posed:
"Perhaps, although if you had done your research into the Hellfire Club then you would know that everyone starts at the very bottom and works their way up towards the pinnacle, regardless of their intended position." A pause. "Except, of course, those with the wealth to buy their way in."
The man leans forward. "I am going to level with you, Miss Lockwood. You strike me as a very intelligent woman, and one who could be extremely successful here, no doubt. But everyone comes in entry level. Everyone. And I suspect that you do not have the fortitude required to survive at such a lovely long enough to make it to the top."
He glances down at his pad, and then back at her. "I think it would be a waste of your time to invest in a position here."
- Lois Lane has posed:
Her teeth grit for a few moments at the thought of someone who couldn't hack it. Her hands ball into fists briefly, as she takes a deep breath to calm herself and regain her composure.
"I will have to respectfully say no. I do have everything that it takes to rise within the ranks. I do not mind starting from the bottom. I started in a mailroom." Oop! Did she?
- Sebastian Shaw has posed:
The man's eyebrows arch, his hand pausing as her documents were midway along towards the circular file beside his desk. "The bottom, here, Miss Lockwood, is considerably lower than the mailroom."
The paper flutters in the air conditioning, a simple release of his fingers capable of dropping it into the trash. While all records are likely electronic, it is a performative piece, and Lois knows that all too well.
But it is effective in conveying that her chances of infiltration remain on a precipice, and the story ready to slip through her fingers.
- Lois Lane has posed:
"I'm willing to start at the bottom. What is it?" she asks, her brows furrowing as she looks at the chance for her Pulitzer disappearing.
"What do you want me to do? What will I need to do?" she asks softly, seemingly resigned to it.
- Sebastian Shaw has posed:
"I can take you there right now, to see for yourself, if you would like, Miss Lockwood." The man watches her, gauging her response, spoken and unspoken.
"As far as what will you need to do?" He smiles. "You are the one who said you could use your psychology. I trust that you can figure it out."
- Lois Lane has posed:
Harumph. That's not exactly an answer she was hoping for, but an opportunity seems to come out of it. "I'd like to see it. I'd like to see the bottom of your club." There is genuine curiosity in her tone as she eases on up and looks at him expectantly to lead the way.
- Sebastian Shaw has posed:
"Of course." The man moves his hand back over the desk and drops the paper back on it before rising up. "Right this way, Miss Lockwood," he says as he comes out from behind the desk and extends an arm towards the door out of the office, back towards the hallway and the elevator that brought her here.
- Lois Lane has posed:
With the arm extended to the next room, she eases on up and bows her head. She takes a few steps ahead out of the room before she looks around at the hallway, taking in any sights, sounds, or smells that could be of particular interest.
- Sebastian Shaw has posed:
The hallway is non-descript. It could be copy and pasted from any office building in America. The elevator of course, is unique. Once summoned and they step inside, there are mirrors around all three sides, with one wide row of crimson plush cushion halfway in between.
There are several buttons, but none seem to be for the floor they are on now. He waves a keycard and the doors slide shut and the elevator begins to descend. Not to any floor that lights up or has a button on the display. They go past the lower basement, and continue downward, until the elevator finally comes to a halt.
"This way, Miss Lockwood," he says as the door slides open, and the elevator is immediately assaulted by a cacophony of sounds.
A deep rhythmic bass punctuates the air, and the corridor outside the hallway is dark, lit only gas torches. Once the elevator door shuts behind them, there is no artificial light of any kind.
He indicates to move forward down a hallway littered with doors, the sounds emanating from behind each are the sort of things that might be found in the back section of a video store. It is not hard to imagine what is happening within, and the overpowering smell of musk and oil fills the corridor.
This should come as no surprise, of course - most believed that the dungeon of the Hellfire Club was a hedonist's delight. They did little to hide it.
But here she was, Lois Lane. In the dungeon.
- Lois Lane has posed:
A sub-basement and basement. That is definitely something she wasn't expecting at the Hellfire Club. Apparently this is where all the rumoured activities of things like Eyes Wide Shut parties and other lewd acts occur. Or at least, that's what she imagines would go on down here.
Taking in the hallway, she squints for a few moments as she nosewrinkles at the smell of sex and other such things.
Fortunately, she becomes nose-blind to the scent, and she glances about. "So, are the rich and powerful really kinky?" Lois asks, completely deadpan.
- Sebastian Shaw has posed:
"I would not so much say that being rich and powerful lends itself to that, Miss Lockwood," offers the man as he leads her along slowly down the hallway. "But it certainly affords one the opportunities to indulge." He stops outside of one door, four down from the elevator, and reaches around Lois to turn the door knob. It swings open to reveal a lusciously appointed room with a large four poster bed, a crackling fireplace, a comfortable looking luxurious leather chair, and a man wearing a fancy mask with an elongated nose seated with in, wearing a crimson silk robe.
"And the ability to reward handsomely those who support such indulgences."
He waves his arm inside, a clear indication to Lois of what he expects.
- Lois Lane has posed:
You know what they say about men with long noses... no really, she doesn't know what they say.
Once the door is opened, she looks around, perhaps having expected something a bit dirtier; more along the lines of leather daddy sex dungeon than something with a fireplace and a large bed.
Still feigning innocence, she looks towards the man, "And what is the reward for this gentleman? What did he do?"
- Sebastian Shaw has posed:
Stepping into the door after Lois, the man allows the door to close behind him. There is a slightly audible click this time, the door behind locked from the inside. Easily opened, of course, by anyone within with the turn of a knob.
"What he did is unimportant," offers the man. The gentleman in the seat takes more than a casual once over of Lois' form.
"As for his reward?" The man leans forward and whispers against Lois' ear.
"You, Miss Lockwood."