16801/Fun in the Sun!
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Fun in the Sun! | |
Date of Scene: | 06 January 2024 |
Location: | 4B - Mark and Bunny's Apartment |
Synopsis: | Sunny, Bunny and Mark take a well deserved break on a beach...even if they have to fly for a while to find one! |
Cast of Characters: | Sunny Harlow, Mark Grayson, Bunny Macleod
- Sunny Harlow has posed:
A date! A day out at Sunny's suggestion. Of course, it had come with a long flight, away from the colder weather and with Sunny and likely Mark holding Bunny's hands to keep her flight under control. The one piece of advice she'd given? Bring a swimsuit!
The destination? A small island in the pacific, technically international waters and probably not always there half the time...but it was theirs for the time being.
"So..." Sunny offers as they begin to descend. "What do you think? I mean, I know we can all fly but...C'mon, tropical island?"
In her other hand? She'd brought a picnic basket with a blanket, towels, snacks and drinks to complete the trip.
- Mark Grayson has posed:
Bunny gets the Superman treatment! Mark on one side, Sunny on the other, the young mutant stretched out between the two. Mark snickers. "Maybe we should get Bunny a tether." he teases. He almost adds, 'Or a leash', but that is still hitting far too close to home.
He no longer shows the marks or wounds that marred his body from his battle with his father, but those closest to him - the two women right with him can tell, he's bulked up slightly - the usual side effect of a battle out of his range.
"This reminds me of one of my first dates with Bunny." he admits with a laugh, squeezing Bunny's hand affectionately. "I should have brought the boogie boards!" comes the realization as he carries his own small pack to assist. Including a watermelon and a couple of poles for smashing it later.
"Bunny, do we need a codeword in case you start to feel a loss of control of your flight? And Sunny..." A warm smile to her. "This is a great idea. Thank you."
- Bunny Macleod has posed:
Bunny is towed along like a wee kid between Mark and Sunny. There are times she has to shield up when they fly faster than what she's comfortable with (she still can't go supersonic, and she starts to have trouble breathing around dive hundred miles an hour, but shielded she's able to at least get towed along).
Bunny had given a toothy grin from behind a pair of aviator sunglasses.
"Well, we're on the wrong side of the country for Riddle Island, Mark -- and preeetty sure if we needed a codeword for 'not feeling so great' on flying, it'd be 'guys I don't think I can -- aaaaaaaaaah!' she dramatically throws her head back, imitating a sudden fall, and then she turns to Sunny.
"This IS a great idea!" she confirms. "Just gonna need like, all the baby sunblock."
- Sunny Harlow has posed:
Given they could travel out of atmosphere, the odds that a Viltrumite could get sunburn (without being thrown into the actual sun) was fairly low, but good habbits from being raised by human parents was a thing. "Deal," she giggles at the pretend 'falling' noises. As for the sunblock? Sunny grins as they touch down and she starts to shrug out of her outer clothing, revealing the bright yellow two-piece bikini she'd been wearing beneath. "Well...if you need a hand with that?" she teases, stretching out as they look over the shoreline around them.
- Mark Grayson has posed:
Mark's never had to worry about it, to be fair. Though when Bunny remembers the name of the Island, there is a bright smile. "We still need to go back there and find that bag we lost. Maybe we'll take Sunny with us this time." he points out as he smirks at her falling impersonation. "Falling upwards with style, Bunbun?" he asks with a lift of his brow.
With the island coming into view, he realizes. "I wonder if there's like... some world war ii relics here or something. That's be kinda cool." he admits as they touch down. As Sunny makes her bikini'd presence known, he moves to set things down before removing his shirt to expose his chest and the mid-thigh speedo type swimshorts that he wears beneath a pair of sweatpants. A brush by Sunny and his arms close around her, a quick embrace and a tease of her midsection before he moves to help with camp setup. "I brought marshmallows as well if we want to roast them over a fire later?"
- Bunny Macleod has posed:
"Into the Suuuuuuuuun!" Bunny protests as she comes to a land as well, and after dancing on the sand a minute she digs out her sand shoes, and peels off her T-shirt, showing her pink retro-style bikini top. Unlike the other two, she is sporting a couple of scars from the last few months, including a long one up her side.
"We should have brought *longboards*. Boogie boards make you look like seals from below -- and then CHOMP! Shark eats your board and you have to figure out how to get a shark off you!" Bunny protests, looking over to Mark with a grin.
"And definitely gonna need help applying sunblock to my back. Can't trust Mark to."
She faux-stage-whispers to Sunny "He gets distracted."
- Sunny Harlow has posed:
"And here I thought I was being original," Sunny mock-pouts, grinning at Bunny's antics before she looks back towards Mark, not entirely immune from a little distraction of her own. "But still, we should make a habbit of this if we have fun." She'd say more, but the invitation to help with the sunscreen brings a giggle. "Well, I'll -totally- do better...or at least I'll try," she offers before looking back to Mark.
"Y'know...I've never even thought about it, but sharks would seem almost...comical compared to some of the stuff."
- Mark Grayson has posed:
"I cannot help getting distracted." Mark protests, his cheeks puffing and hint of warmth showing in them. "Your butt is very cute." And he leaves it at that as he nods. "Longboards would be a great idea out here, yeah. I haven't been out on the water again since that date. We should do it again."
His attention turns, looking out over the surf, watching the waves come in and back out and he has an ephiany. This was probably what Sunny had in mind when she asked to be a relationship with him and Bunny, Mark realizes. Not the madness he's pulled her through in the last month. He draws in a breath and blows it out slowly, his back to both of the women as he takes the moment to collect his thoughts.
- Bunny Macleod has posed:
"I dunno. They could be mutant space sharks from another dimension with specialized chompers to strike through invulnerable skin seals or something. Either way, they'll mess up your swimsuits. And yeah, my butt? It's Ah-Mazing." Bunny confirms with a bright smile as she sets up some of the compact beach chairs, and slaps a wide brim hat over her head.
"... we should make a habbit of having fun. Just the three of us. Once a month someone picks an activity. Next month? Indoor Skatepark. You wanna see me fly without powers? I gotta be on wheels." Bunny gives a bright smile as she looks over to Mark as he goes quiet.
"... everything okay, Mark?"
- Sunny Harlow has posed:
"I -do- like this swimsuit," Sunny muses, nodding at Bunny's warning and then nods in agreement at Bunny's words, retrieving the sunscreen and beginning to apply it...to herself at least. "I can't wait to try it...though you'll probably be picking me up off the floor -way- too much."
Mark gets her attention in that moment of silence that Bunny calls out, looking up towards her boyfriend and tilting her head in the same question asked silently.
- Mark Grayson has posed:
Mark's looking upwards. His eyes focused on some faraway spot. And he's like that for several seconds.
Nothing's going to come down.
Nothing's going to attack them.
He's not coming back.
There is no impending invasion.
Worked through the problem, he blinks a couple of times, snapping to as he spins around to face his two girlfriends and smiles. "Yeah, I'm good!" he promises the pair as he starts to float is way back over to them to join them with the setup.
"Once a month?" Mark chuckles at Bunny. "I'm assuming you mean like... a big trip like this? I assumed we would be dating more often now that we're living toegther." A wink at Bunny.
"Oh yeah. I suggested that Sunny could bring over some of her stuff. I mean, we have Beeper's room. She could use the closet there, eh?"
- Bunny Macleod has posed:
"Yeah, big things once a month. And hey, I got Mark on skates. I can get you on skates. Your center of balance is lower, you'll do fiiiiine." Bunny gives a bright smile at Sunny, and she flops back into one of the lounge chairs.
"Maybe we could get bunk beds for her and Beeper?" she offers in jest.
"I'm not making you share a room with the dinosaur. That's /gauche/." she replies with a great big grin, and stretches her mouth a moment, like her jaw had been tense.
- Sunny Harlow has posed:
"I mean, we're on a private island and we didn't even have to be billionaires or drug dealers!" Sunny teases lightly before grinning, only going to blink as Mark just sort of casually drops that question in. Thankfully, Bunny seems to take it into her stride. Go Bunny!
Drawing nearer, Sunny comes down to lean against the chair, a little lazy peck on Bunny's cheek and a little nudge suggesting she roll over before grinning.
Much appreciated...he's great to hug, but I think he'd eat some of my stuff."
- Mark Grayson has posed:
"Not to mention, Beeper would get offended. All his stuff is in there." Mark smirks. "I meant more her extra cosplay stuff." He explains as he considers. While the two girls are chattering and working on slathering Bunny up, he turns his attention to the water.
He steps away from the pair and he rises into the air. "Be right back." he promises. And with that, he launches into the air with surprising speed.
About thirty seconds later, about half a mile off the coast, there's a large splash as Mark splashes down, kicking up a small plume of water that collapses in around him.
- Bunny Macleod has posed:
"He would definitely eat anything cotton. Mark's lost undershirts to him." Bunny replies as she rolls onto her stomach, pausing a moment to draw her nose along Sunny's cheek in passing, before she hups herself over, and then turns her head to watch Mark take to the air.
"... think there's gonna be a wave? Should we pick up the bags?" she asks of Sunny.
- Sunny Harlow has posed:
The little nuzzle taken with a smile, she begins to gently draw her fingers over Bunny's back and gently slather the sunscreen over the other girl's back, her deceptively soft hands massaging the lotion in while her own eyes lift to Mark's dive. "I mean...I'd like to think he'd warn us before dropping a small tsunami on us, right?"
- Bunny Macleod has posed:
"... I mean you'd think, but I worry sometimes. He adored his dad, you adored his dad. This must be really hard on the both of you... 'cause there's bound to be people who don't want to see past your race. Same way that people don't like to see past me being a mutant. But there's thousands of Mutants. There's only two Viltrumites." Bunny states softly, and she reaches out, and she puts her hand lightly on Sunny's wrist.
"You know I trust you with anything, right?" she ventures to the other blonde, before she looks up and gives a bright smile to Mark.
"I'll go in the water! I just need my skin to absorb all this zinc first!" she protests with a bit of laughing.
- Mark Grayson has posed:
Mark would have landed much closer to shore if he wanted to make a wave that'd ruin the fun! He's not that much of a killjoy and it would probably be a break up offense. Wherever he landed, he's probably gone under deep and is taking his time to make his way back to shore.
He grew up near the water, it's like a second nature to him, and he plans to spend at least a couple of minutes getting the feel of being back in it. And if a shark bugs him - well, grilled shark is good eating, right?
- Sunny Harlow has posed:
"I didn't really know what it meant to be a viltrumite..." Sunny speaks softly, slowly letting one hand continue some semblance of continuing to gently rub the sunscrean in for a few moments more before she sets her hand against the small of Bunny's back, just a little gentle resting while they speak. "I grew up believing a second-hand version of...what I think Mark grew up with. That they were beacons of enlightenment and hope, sent to protect the innocent and make the world a better place. Now..." she trails off, looking back down at Bunny and gently lifting a hand to stroke her cheek. "I do...and it means the world to me..."
- Bunny Macleod has posed:
"Becaus eyou don't have to be Viltrumite to save the world. You just have to be willing to fight for it." Bunny gives a smile, and then darts up to give a gentle peck of a kiss to Sunny's nose.
"And the same goes for Mark. And I'll do everything /I/ can to help keep you two safe. Even if I'm just a little Bunny." she jokes.
- Sunny Harlow has posed:
"You're the best Bunny, the cutest, most wonderful and...I can't believe how lucky I am to have met you," Sunny blushes, the words of adoration practically spilling out of her before she brings her hands to gently hug Bunny's form against her body. "And I don't think either Mark or I could have made it without you...not even counting the fact you ate experimental alien technology for us."
A little peck returned, she giggles. "You're wonderful."
Her gaze does lift, looking out to the water where Mark was...somewhere. "Like you said...only two viltrumites...and only one Bunny. Must be fate we'd end up all together."
- Mark Grayson has posed:
Finally, there's a bubbling of water just off shore. Coming out of the water, Mark shakes off the excess, letting it cascade off of his frame before he slicks his hair back. He makes his way back up on the beach, moving slow enough so that the two women can get a good look before he rejoins them.
Taking up a towel to dry off, he moves to take a seat next to the pair and stretches out, toes into the sand. "Water feels great." he offers. "Really cool down deep." He'll work his way back into the conversation when he realizes where they're at.
- Bunny Macleod has posed:
"Yeah, my willingness to punch Nolan that day was *way* stronger than my survival instinct. That's *probably* a problem." Bunny comments quietly to Sunny as she looks to the bubbling, and she gives a bright grin.
"Hey, how *deep* is deep?" she questions, making a concerned face. "... wait, how long *can* you hold your breath? That was a long while, like, ... three... five minutes?" she questions, looking at her wrist as if she were wearing a watch
- Sunny Harlow has posed:
"Uh...you'd be surprised," Sunny offers at the mention of the breath holding before looking back towards Mark and grinning. "Well, lets go check it out! Maybe there's some old wrecks nearby...oh! Or random treasure! Wouldn't that be wild?"
Hands come to give Bunny one last completely required butt pat before she makes to stand, stepping out a little and beckoning the pair. "C'mon, lets go get wet, we can lounge and dry off when we want to stop for food!"
- Mark Grayson has posed:
"Currently?" Mark considers for a moment, thinking on it. "I can go into space, spend the day on the moon, and come back without needing to take a breath. I have a rebreather that will allow me to go further. I should share that with our tech people to make Sunny one." he suggests. "I want to start working up to maybe go to Mars and back without issue."
Because clearly his father was so powerful he could leave the solar system in a day and not need to worry about a breath.
"Most of the wrecks out here are warships from World War II. No treasure there, just graves." he points out. "But I'm all for going back into the water!"
- Bunny Macleod has posed:
"I'm always surprised, and rarely is it good surprises!" Bunny complains.
As she gets a butt pat, she gives a squeak, and then hops to her feet in her sand shoes.
"I dunno if I wanna go into any shipwrecks. I think my thassalassaphassaphobia would probably kick on hard. And I don't think /I/ can hold my breath so long." she states, her shoulders sagging.
- Sunny Harlow has posed:
"I'm not some sort of tech genius!" Sunny protests, already wading out into the water and up to her thighs where she was splashing away happily. Still, the reality check of Mark's words and Bunny's fears brings a little lift of her hand and a waver.
"Alright, so just swimming and playing around in the water? I can live with that."
- Mark Grayson has posed:
As he passes by Bunny, Mark gives her hand an affectionate squeeze, "We'll keep you as safe as you kept us, love." he promises her quietly. "We all have the other now. And that's more than enough. Plus, mom would kick my ass if I let you get hurt again." A smirk at that as he glances out into the water where Sunny is. "Let's join our girlfriend?"