16985/One Hell Of a Mission
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One Hell Of a Mission | |
Date of Scene: | 22 January 2024 |
Location: | Arby's Restaurant (Yonkers) |
Synopsis: | Arby's never saw it coming |
Cast of Characters: | Wade Wilson, Melissa Gold
- Wade Wilson has posed:
"Hey... hey... hey man."
The teenager's voice had a hint of a twang to it that sounded like he might've been a transplant to the great state of New York. He held his mop in one hand, slouched a little at the shoulders, and definitely could have benefited from some time in the sun if only to help his complexion. But despite these small drawbacks, he at the least seemed to have a quality of being a bit fearless as he stood there looking over the man in red and black's shoulder.
"Weren't you here like a week or so ago? With a spear gun?"
Which served to be enough to get that man in the mask's attention as he had for the most part been focusing on the application on the table in front of him. "You got a good memory there..."
Wade turns and looks up at the kid, then down a little at the nametag on the side of his Arby's Uniform. Deadpool leans forwards and grabs that nametag, pulling it closer so he can read it better as he finally says, "Dwayne. A very good memory. I'll remember you when I begin my meteoric rise through this organization."
To which Dwayne looked down at the man in red and black with those katanas on his back and the pistols in the holsters at his waist. Although, to be fair, the pistols had apparently been spray-painted orange. So clearly they were props.
"You're seriously applying for a job here? You know they're not going to hire you. You were gonna shoot Trev."
Swinging back to his task at hand, Wade says over his shoulder. "I wouldn't have shot Trev. The spear gun was for intimidation. At _most_ I would've winged him. A little. Just a smidge."
- Melissa Gold has posed:
And that's when things took a turn for the worst for in through the doors came a slight figure dressed all in black tactical gear. Along with a Nomex tactical hood that covered all but their eyes. Only those eyes were hidden behind darkened goggles so there would be no way to tell who the person was at all. Other than their height. Which was petite. And they seemed to have a slight frame.
Which might be enough to send the already traumatized staff freaking and running for cover. But the figure didn't approach the counter. They moved over toward the figure in red and black. And then they stopped about five feet away. Slowly they reached into their jacket then started to withdraw something.
Which turned out to be a piece of folded up poster board. And on it, written in rainbow colors with butterflies and unicorns around them was "BRING BACK POTATO CAKES!"
- Wade Wilson has posed:
"Oh hey, Mel." Wade said absently sidelong as Dwayne looked over at the newly arrived figure in black. He held onto his mop and seemmed a bit puzzled, but then turned and walked back over toward his bucket to get back to work. Trev over near the cash register looked on as he slouched next to it, supporting his chin with one hand as he slouched.
A heavy combat boot kicks one of the chairs out toward Melissa, offering her that seat while Deadpool says idly, "I figure I'm gonna be the change I want to see, so gonna apply for a job here. Also apparently you get like 50% off all the menu items. So there's that."
Which might seem not the entirely best incentive, especially considering after their last job the Squaddies had made off with roughly 4.5 million each. In cash.
- Melissa Gold has posed:
As the seat comes her way, a boot comes up to stop the forward motion of it and she settles down into the chair across from him. While still holding her sign and keeping it directed toward the counter because of course this is going to help matters. Power of the people and all that. Though the fact that Wade used her name had her scrunching up her face behind the mask. "I'm trying to be incognito here," she mumbled. Which didn't come out as clearly as she'd like. And suddenly she pulled down the mask to uncover the lower half of her face, dragging in a deep gulp of air.
"How the fuck do you breathe in these things?!"
Then she shook her head and focused on the task at hand. "I think that's probably not going to help matters. We could start an online campaign. Get more people protesting. Something." A shrug.
"We do have enough money to handle anything we want at this point. Though technically it belongs to the ...business." She was choosing words carefully though really, the Arby's employees didn't seem to give a damn. "Just depends what we all want to do with it."
- Wade Wilson has posed:
"Mesh weave, it breathes." He offers in response and then he holds up the blue BIC pen in his hand, frowning to himself as he taps it against the cheek of his mask. "I'm trying to remember all the teams I've been on. I've got... let's see. Weapon X, Alpha Flight, Omega Flight, Great Lakes Avengers, X-Men, X-Force, X-Factor, X-FearForce, X-ForceFactor, X-FearFactorForce Starring Joe Rogan, the Fantastic Four, Fear Factor Force Fantastic Five: The Perfect Collection."
A frown, "I feel like I'm forgetting something." He taps that pen a little more, then he shakes his head, "Well fuck it, if I can't remember it then it can't have been that important."
He leans over the table and scribbles a little more, this time in the margin as he draws a small supporting illustration for part of his work history.
- Melissa Gold has posed:
As he started listing off teams, Mel's eyes widened behind the goggles. Not that he could see that as dark as they were. Hell, she couldn't even see what he was drawing there in the margin either due to the tint.
"I...okay, some of those teams yes. But others I suspect are not teams. Which has me thinking maybe you shouldn't include them all. They hire kids in high school with no work experience. I think as long as you haven't tried to rob the place or kill someone on the premises, you're probably good."
If only she knew.
Finally she just gave up. Off came the goggles, being placed on the table in front of her. The hood followed, leaving her white and pink hair on display as she considered the image. "And drawing a picture of you decapitating someone with two katanas may /not/ be a good selling point for a customer service position."
- Wade Wilson has posed:
"Hey, when I do work, I let my employer know _all_ my skills are at their disposal." Wade says as he flips the sheet of paper over and finds the back of it blank, then he flips back to the front. "Nowhere to list my extracurriculars nor special skills. I wonder if there's an expanded application I can use."
That said he _bounds_ up out of the chair, bouncing twice on the balls of his feet then spinning around. "Ok Dwayne, Trev, Rerun, Raj, Shirley. I'm all set." He starts to walk over to the front of the counter, holding out the job application with something not unlike pride. He then _thwaps_ it down beside the register. "That's not my home phone number," He points at it. "That got turned off a few weeks ago, but that's the laundromat next to where I live. I go down there and hang out between three and five each afternoon. Mainly because they have this sweet Galaga machine there that's free to play."
He spreads his gloved hands, "So alright, you can reach me there. But don't be too hasty. Otherwise your excitement over the prospect will weaken your bargaining position. Okay? Okay."
He turns away from the counter and walks toward Melissa. Once he's near he says, "You know the crazy from us is rubbing off on you. Nice poster, by the way."
- Melissa Gold has posed:
At first she started to say something then Mel paused. If she worked in fast food, she probably would like to know one of her co workers was more than capable of dealing with robberies. And assholes. So she simply nodded and waited for him to return to the table.
She glanced down at the poster in question and shrugged. "I thought Harley would like it. And I'm pretty sure I already had a different sort of crazy covered considing that whole Mimi era I went through." She wasn't quite their level of crazy but yes indeed, Mel came with her own issues as did most people in the world to some level. Just hers was on that higher scale. Just not the Alps level like Harley and Wade.
"Though I did find some potato cake things at Walmart that looks a lot like the ones they used to do here. I wonder if we got a deep fryer and the same sort of oil they use..."
- Wade Wilson has posed:
"I'll get the low down on the recipe when I start working here," Then Wade's alredy strolling toward the door, turning around to walk backwards as he calls out to his future co-workers, "Alright, I'll be seeing you guys later." He gives double finger guns, "Don't worry fellas, reinforcements are on their way." Those finger guns shift into double thumbs ups and then he's shouldering the door open and stepping on outside.
Once they're both clear and he's walking out into the parking lot, his black boots scuffing up some of the snow, he turns and looks at her, "So I never did ask you, whatcha gonna do with your share of the cash?"
- Melissa Gold has posed:
As he started out, she quickly tucked her hood into her tactical belt and hooked the strap from the goggles over her wrist before moving to follow him to the door. Once there, she paused long enough to raise the sign, shake it a little of emphasis as she eyed the workers, then she stepped out to be sure everyone in the parking lot saw it. Before it was folded up and tucked back into her jacket as they walked
"That's...a really good question. I heard there was this guy who can heal people..." She glanced away as she said it, instinctively bringing up a hand to touch at the base of her throat but it wasn't done in a demonstrative way. It was more she didn't realize she was doing it. "I thought about seeing if I could get my voice and powers back instead of having to use the harness. Only, the harness allows me to do things I couldn't before. So is it worth it?"
- Wade Wilson has posed:
"That's a shockingly reasonable thing to do." Wade says as he kicks up some snow with the toe of his boot and sends it spattering into the side of his KILLZ WITH THE SKILLZ Pest-Control Company van. He walks up and yanks open the squeaky driver side door but then leans against the frame, armms folding over his chest. "I've been considering ditching the whole Suicide Squad thing after killing Skullface and taking his share."
He shrugs a little, "But I get the vibe Waller might be the type to hold grudges." He turns his head and looks down the road, then back to Melissa. "Anyhoo!" He gestures to the back of the van, "I'm gonna head into the city and see how much it'd cost to buy the M&M store in Times Square. You coming?"
- Melissa Gold has posed:
"Yes, Waller holds grudges. For decades apparently. So no killing Skullface. Even though he's a dick, he has served the team well. Let him live."
And then he invited her into the van. This was the point where anyone with half a brain would have that stranger danger kick in from their childhood. Or perhaps more fitting, memories of Buffalo Bill in Silence of the Lambs. No one really remembered him because of Anthony Hopkins but she did!
Yet, Mel also knew Wade. "Think it's out of your price range but I'll tag along. To keep you out trouble if nothing else."
- Wade Wilson has posed:
"Pfft," Was the succinct reply that Mel earned with her lack of confidence in Wade's chances. He double thumped the door and then slid it open, "Just for that you ride in the back." And with that they were off.