16986/Never Tut a Cat!
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Never Tut a Cat! | |
Date of Scene: | 22 January 2024 |
Location: | The Lair of King Tut! |
Synopsis: | All hail...Catseye! |
Cast of Characters: | Ted Grant, Sharon Smith
- Ted Grant has posed:
King Tut manges to keep the bouncy Catseye occupied, despite several oofs and eees! "Have some more wine oh beloved of Bast, Chorine of Cats, Petite Purrfection..." He gets a nod from the Royal Vizier (highly recommended by his colleague Dr. Crane of Arkham). The Pharoahrises, clutching Catseye, "You will be the mother of a new dawn, (sharp snorting inhale) wherein I regain control of Thebes misnamed Gotham. Nyehahahaha! You might even live to see it! Open the tube cretins. Tut attempts to shut Catseye in a human sized test tube.
"Nyaha SOON I will have on all! Especially Batman and the Bird Boy."
DISCLAIMER: Batman doesn't know he's alive.
- Sharon Smith has posed:
Sharon Smith beamed with a smile. Her blue eyes glowed bright, partly because of the dark Egyptian themed eye-shadow, but also because of her wide look of excitement. "It is nice being a god." she agreed, reaching up to give a gentle pull at King Tut's earlobe. Her fingers released the soft flesh, trailing down the side of his arm as she stepped forward toward the frightening looking test tube. She didn't seem to be putting up any resistance or complaint. Maybe she was hypnotized! Or perhaps she really did enjoy the idea of being a god.
Catseye made a dramatic show of dropping the white ceremonial robe from her shoulders. The light garment fluttered into a pool at her feet. She glanced over her shoulder with a devilish grin. Ears popped up over the top of her head and her pale skin vanished into a mysterious sea of black fur. The humanoid feline stepped into the glass coffin and turned and gave her best medatative pose. The pointer finger on each hand bent to meet her waiting thumb. She bent her arms and lifted her poised hands along with her chin as she waited in her best god-like pose.
The pose wasn't exactly one of the ones listed in the 'how to pose like a god handbook,' but maybe the next version would surely feature it. She seemed entirely immersed in her new role. She would make a great method actor.
- Ted Grant has posed:
Ted Grant peers down from the rafters. "I'm getting too old for this shit he thinks but doesn't move yet. The villain hasn't monologued. There are rules.
"That's a good kitty goddess. You will birth a generation of warriors to shame the Amazons of Themy... shira... skeera... Paradise Island. Behold!" He does an angry chin point when there is nothing to behold and lackey draws back a curtain to reveal several rows of cat mummies, standing in a strange bubbling bath and wired to a bank of machinery. The same machinery trails wires to Catseye the goddesses divine tube.
"We have treated these darlings for six months with alchemical potions, radiation and good dose of water from Slaughter Swamp. They are now ready to partake of your Felinity, young goddess, new worshipers for your cult!"
"Oh for cat's sake," Ted mutters. Then he dives down to the floor. It is too late. The switch is thrown, arcane energies arc between Catseye and the mummies, which begin to writhe, grow and stand upright.
Tut screams, "AN intruder... a big one at that. Feed him to the crocs!"
- Sharon Smith has posed:
Sharon Smith smirked and gave her best evil laugh "Har har har." She really had to work on her evil laugh, but this one would do for the moment. She did a fantastic job playing out her god role. Her gold, Egyptain themed jewelry contrasted wonderfully against her black fur. The odd ceremonial outfit perfectly accented her powerful pose.
Her power stance would melt at the announcement of an intruder. She gave a grumpy expression and pointed to the shadowed corner with a black claw. "Seize him!" The odd cat mutant was a little too immersed in her god role for her own good.
- Ted Grant has posed:
Ted Grant says, "Oh my God, this takes me back!' Four burly henchmen mob the catsuited man and four burly henchmen get their heads banged together. SRSLY, in a comic book it'd be one of those "But what will ya do in the second panel?" stories. Unless Kirby was doing it because the King knew how to play out a fight. Look at the Thing vs... anybody. However, off to the side, the cat mummies assume human size and proportions, only bits of their wrappings remain to reveal, Mummy Cat Girls! The newly arisen watch Wildcat with hungry eyes.
- Sharon Smith has posed:
Sharon Smith had one job... stay in the silly glass tube while magic energy coursed through her to animate her evil mummy cat minions. Unfortunately, it was near impossible to tell a cat what to do, or have her stay still for extended periods of time. She hopped down from her strange alter to huff at Wildcat. "You don't know what powers you are messing with!" she warned him in evil fashion.
With the ritual interrupted, the cat girls fell into a heap on the floor in a sudden deanimation.... all except for one. Catseye stared at the heap of lifeless catgirls before glancing back at the alter she'd just stepped down from. The phrase of 'oops,' crossed her mind briefly, but the worrisome phrase wasn't uttered because 'oops' wasn't a part of the proud cat-god's vocabulary. "Seize him!" she complained to the single standing cat minion. She even stomped her foot for emphasis.
- Ted Grant has posed:
The surviving cat girl strode to Wildcat, shedding bandages and a little fur (she being a longhair). At the last moment she leapt, into Wildcats arms. He hurriedly seized her, and was seized then treated to a 80 decibel purr. The Cat Girl Mummy looked to Catseye and shrugged demurely and sighed quite happily.
Tut opened up a mouth of Egyptian, <<Seize him means kill him you idiot! Kill him! Your Pharaoh is speaking, wench!>>
The cat girl blinked at Tut and then an evil twisted look came upon her. She looked positively monstrous. Pre CC monstrous!
"Rrrrrrarkkkkakkk akkakakakaKAK! Hiccup <<Pardon me!>>" A huge hairball is expelled.
Wildcat pats her back. "Poor thing."
- Sharon Smith has posed:
Sharon Smith paused. It seemed things had devolved to the hostage taking stage. She seized King Tut's arm, pulling him sharply against her dark figure. Catseye seemed entirely lost what to do after that. She wasn't very good at taking hostages, and it was doubtful the long dead Egyptian King was going to give her much leverage... if any.
She took a deep breath to say something dramatic, but nothing came to mind. Her deep gulp of a breath faded in defeat. "We can still make our escape." she decided on her clever plan B. Plan B hadn't gone far past the R&D stage, but it would no doubt be a spectacular plan once it was fully developed.
- Ted Grant has posed:
Tut the mighty, Son of the ... ahhh skip it. Tut grabs Catseye's arm and leads her to a secret door. Actually it's a secret firedoor. "Quickly while he is distracted." Distracted is one word for a purr sounds like it's a leaf blower tripping.
Wildcat is busy rubbing the Cat Girl Mummy's back and holding her hair for hairball #2. He's about to chase after the two and give Tut a thump and catseye a good talking to, but CGM huuuuuurrrks again and looks up at him with those big kitten eyes. She puts her hand out to paw his arm. Then is astonished by the fact she now has thumbs.
- Sharon Smith has posed:
Sharon Smith scampered quickly down the spiral stairs to escape deep into the labrynth of King Tut's layer. Her glowing eyes darted around the dark maze in a hasty inspection before tugging at the Egyptian god's wrist. "This way" she commanded as though she knew where she was going. Perhaps the hypnosis gave her some intrinsic knowledge about the strange place... or perhap she was just guessing. Either way, she seemed very confident when she pulled him down the dark cooridor.
- Ted Grant has posed:
Ted Grant finally gets loose of a very needy, clingy cat girl. There were strongarms who delayed him less. The door unfortunately does not yield to his kicks and the pair are long gone. "I better spread the word Tut is back, on the loose and with a crazed wanna be goddess." He looks back to the Cat Girl Mummy who removed some bandages and is... licking her shin. "I wonder if I can get Nettie on the phone?"