17028/Bob Buck Rides Again
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Bob Buck Rides Again | |
Date of Scene: | 27 January 2024 |
Location: | The Corral |
Synopsis: | Bobby Lane makes the wrong (or is it right?) turn in NYC. He gets something invaluable for all foster children: stability. |
Cast of Characters: | Opal Moirai, Bobby Lane
- Opal Moirai has posed:
It's Friday night and The Corral just opened. Waitresses and bouncers are in their places, and the bartender is slicing limes to prepare for a night of shots and margaritas. The place is pretty quiet so far, and the jukebox is playing George Strait. The owner normally doesn't come down until much later in the evening, but the blonde cowgirl is already chatting with the bartender.
Opal is dressed for the occasion, in a denim skirt, fancy boots, a black-and-red checked shirt with the tails tied up to bare her toned abs. And, of course, a pristine, straw cowboy hat, pulled down low. Opal often wears mirrored aviators, and tonight is no exception.
While there isn't much for the owner to do to open, Opal just had feeling tonight. And she learned centuries ago to listen to those feelings...
- Bobby Lane has posed:
Bobby may stick out like a sour thumb when he wanders into the place. Somehow waived through by security with all clears instead of fumbling a dress code check. Dressed in a pair of black jeans, a dark gray heavy coat and a shirt for Ghost. The shock of blonde hair atop of his head stands out a bit. Plus, how he carries himself isn't like the usual patrons.
He'll slip to the jukebox before evening sitting down. Cycling through song after song, he goes through the list. Sighs and runs it back. "(Ghost) Riders in the Sky" is his choice and he'll pay to start that one up. Even if country isn't his usual go to music, everyone respects Cash. Well, everyone -should-.
Bobby will look about before grabbing a spot a little more toward the back. Blue eyes just sprawl over the place. "I definitely took a wrong turn," he says softly to himself. Yes, he does look like a fish out of water. However, he's still getting used to the city. So, this is him rolling with it. Seeing what the place can offer, reassess his situation then figure out the rest.
- Opal Moirai has posed:
Okay, so Bobby's entrance doesn't go unnoticed. Truth be told, he'd be noticed even if the place was full, but with just a regular or two staked out in their usual seats, all eyes turn towards him. And then they turn back.
Opal keeps her gaze more focused on Bobby once he sits down towards the back. Her hackles when up when he entered, and now she knows the reason why she got that hunch earlier. She gives one of the waitresses a knowing nod, then heads towards Bobby's table with a scrape of boots and a sway of that denim skirt.
Sliding into a seat across from him, the blonde offers a warm smile. "Evening, friend. We don't get many newcomers here." Her accent is light, more European than Southern.
- Bobby Lane has posed:
Bobby audibly gulps when the blonde with the mixed accent and cowboy hat sits across from him. People just don't do -that- with Bobby. He's not sure if it's liked, but Bobbys getting used to it. "Ummm. I think you got me confused for someone else, cutie. I'm sure there's tall, dark, handsome with a twang in the back," he gives a friendly smile.
What he doesn't see is what hits Opal's vision. First there is a young boy, standing with a bunch of other children. They're waiting on two adults. Like they're being chosen for something. The blond boy nudges someone forward a little bit. Another image flash later the nudged child is walking out of the door with the family. It's clearly some kind of orphanage. And this boy helped someone else get adopted over him.
Next, the boy is older and in some kind of facility. He's wearing a dark red and gold outfit. There's flashes of panic among the faces of two others with him. They're fleeing something. Somewhere. Lots of panicked moves before the trio suddenly hit land. They're on a beach. Tears and screams are had. They all hug close before leaving off with an older guy.
Bobby's in that same outfit again, but the colors are brighter. It's been modified. The two others from before are with him. One a girl with a pink streak in her hair. The other a bigger guy. The trio are clearly working together in some kind of heroic situation. Just images of them stopping bad guys, helping people, the typical fanfare. Out of the trio, Bobby's outfit looks the most "Superhero" like.
Bobby cants his head a little bit, not sure if the lady can hear him. "You don't need to stay, if you stay. I may think you're interested and that'll make half the bar pissed at me." He gives a friendly smile, "Do you know if this place serves food?" he will asks. Clearly, bobby is new. He just confirmed the whole "new comers" bit with that question.
- Opal Moirai has posed:
Opal Moirai's smile slowly broadens as the flashes of insight flicker past. Yes, she is somehow looking into those past scenes. Her gaze is impassive behind the mirrored aviators, and there's a momentary uncomfortable pause after he speaks.
"You have a good heart, Bobby Lane." she declares in a low voice with a thicker, German accent. Pointing a manicured finger towards his heart, her expression softens and her smile becomes more knowing. She lowers the glasses, showing a bright blue right eye. The left is a perfectly smooth, perfectly round opalescent gemstone. "You are welcome here at any time." With her other hand she passes over a business card with The Corral and the address on the front, a hand-written phone number on the back.
And right on cue, a pretty waitress steps up just then. "Hey there, sugah! Can I get y'all somethin' to drink? Somethin' to eat? We got the best burgers North of Texas."
- Bobby Lane has posed:
"How do you know my name?" his voice trails then she's showing the eyes behind those mirrored glasses. "A cowboy witch?" Bobby pauses as this seems like a combo that shouldn't work, but somehow Opal is making it work. She slides him a card, "Don't tell me that or I may never leave. I'm still new to the city. Still learning it," he says with a smile then flicks the card over to see her number. Both brows shoot up.
"Excuse me, that lady," he begins speaking to the woman with the Southern Drawl. He points at Opal, "She's your boss?" he asks and then he smirks. "I could use a burger, your boss umm. Whatever she'd recommend, or you. You recommend. Either, no tomatoes," he says just willing to trust both of them. Bobby knows when greater hands are at work. He will piocket that card just still letting his mind catch up to the oddly good fortune.
- Opal Moirai has posed:
The waitress gives a playful little laugh, then starts scribbling on an order pad. "One Texas burger, then. Topped with brisket, barbecue sauce, and a big ol' onion ring. Fries okay on the side? An' we got twelve beers on tap, plus just about anything you'd like in bottles." The redhead cocks her hip, looking from Bobby to Opal, then. "An' yeah, sugah, she's the boss. It's her place, after all."
Opal pushes the glasses back up again, although the waitress doesn't seem troubled by the artificial eye. And she doesn't seem to mind speaking with the waitress is there, either. "Then welcome to the city, Bobby. I'm Opal Moirai, and this is my place." Her accent has faded back into something almost neutral. "I don't think the term 'witch' is entirely appropriate, I just -know- about people. It is something that I've long since stopped questioning. If you ever need refuge, this is a safe place for you." The blonde shrugs lightly, then. "It is what I do."
- Bobby Lane has posed:
"If there's chipotle sauce on the side, I may have to marry someone if you keep sweet talking me with that kind of temptation," Bobby approves of the food. Who doesn't like a onion ring on a burger?
He nods at the redhead's assessment.
"Nice to meet you Cowboy Sorcereses," Boby winks, it's obviously one of the last times he'll use a term like that unless she brandishes it in a code name.
"What did I do to deserve your kindness? Most don't offer shelter to stranges and most don't offer shelter to me. What's the catch?" he asks, a litlte suspiciously, Opal may understand that someone questions his luck.
- Opal Moirai has posed:
The waitress scribbles some more, nodding. "Fries with chipotle sauce, gotcha." she replies. "An' I'll bring you out a beer, too." Then she is turning and sauntering back towards the bar.
Opal chuckles at the title, shaking her head. "I'm no sorceress." she replies, all evidence to the contrary. "I'm just gifted with a little Second Sight." Opal points towards his heart again before she continues.
"You have shown kindness to others from a very young age, Bobby, and you are a genuine hero. There is no catch. I know, which is why I have placed myself at your disposal. Don't ask so many questions. If there ever comes a time when you need me, I am here."
- Bobby Lane has posed:
A brow goes up at the redhead. "Seriously. Does someone want me to make a pass at them for this kidn of food?" Bobby starts to feel a little more at home here. The music's not quite right, but it doesn't have to be. Music has something for everyone even when the music isn't normally for you. If a person looks deep enough, they'll still find gems.
"Well, just don't second sight me too much. You may not like what you find," he gives a sad smile.
"I may confuse kindness for something else if you keep sweet talking me," Bobby tries to deflect a little. To him, it's just being a good person. Nothing worth a reward like that.
- Opal Moirai has posed:
Opal Moirai tilts her head at that, the brim of the hat dipping down a little as her cheeks color. "There's nothing to confuse about it." Opal replies in a low voice, giving the brim of her hat a light tip with manicured fingers. "It isn't my destiny to be in the front of the great conflicts, so I do what I can behind the scenes."
The waitress brings his beer, as well as one for Opal. The blonde doesn't look up as the glass is set before her.
"I meant what I said. Every word. You would -not- be reading too much into the offer and it is quite genuine, however sweet it may sound."
- Bobby Lane has posed:
Bobby blushes as he struggles with the words then takes a sip of the beer. "Aahhh." Waves a hand, "No. I am saying a guy like me. May see it as more than just a harbor in the storm. Like you have a crush, which is why I said, careful or I my read it wrong," he says just clarifying that. However, having a safe spot in tbe city is definitely a boon. That's something.
- Opal Moirai has posed:
Opal regards him with a little tilt of her head for a moment. Then she tosses her head and laughs, reaching out to press a smooth palm to his cheek. There's no explanation, only that laugh, at least not at first. The shades are lowered again and she peers over the top of the lenses. "We will see, Bobby Lane, we will see." she replies, withdrawing her hand. Lifting her glass, she takes a long, slow, deep sip of the beer and licks her lips.
- Bobby Lane has posed:
"See? Like I said, Misread, but either way, I don't know many out here. And it'd be nice to think of a place as safe," he admits softly. A brow will go up and lower to that drink, but he'll sip his own beer. Just listen to what plays on the juke box now. "What else can you see with the eye?" he asks.
- Opal Moirai has posed:
"Well now you know me." Opal declares, pushing the shades back up again. She shrugs at the question, toying with her own glass. "Glimpses, mostly. Sometimes from long ago, sometimes very recent. It all depends on the person. I get... hunches. Like the feeling that told me to be here before you arrived. I didn't know -who- would be arriving, only that they would be significant."
The knowing smile returns. "So in a way, yes, I was drawn to you. And now that we have met, I understand why. You have a safe place here, Bobby, for whatever you need and however long you need it. This is my home, and my home is yours."