17042/A Clone Alone

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A Clone Alone
Date of Scene: 30 January 2024
Location: Lobby - Four Freedoms Plaza
Synopsis: Kaine answers a media blitz offering support for those with unique Super Science Problems. It isn't a scam! Sue promises to give his information to one of her genius family members to do the actual, you know, science.
Cast of Characters: Susan Richards, Kaine Parker

Susan Richards has posed:
It's not very often that Susan Richards actually gets a response to any of the many many (many) outreach programs and support groups that Fantasticorp options. After all, they employ the best candidates they can find to handle the day to day operations while Susan's attention is monopolized by being one of the main contacts for the Fantastic Four with the other super teams across the world, to say nothing of how much time it takes riding herd on her family to stop them from their various and oh so unique trials and tribulations.

But no one's stranded in another dimension now, and an email crossed Susan's desk that someone who was reaching out for her Clone Support Group's assistance that would need the personl touch of the Invisible Woman, as their concerns went beyond the typical 'Just need to talk it out' counselling.

And so she finds herself waiting in Four Freedoms Plaza, eyes sweeping around, partly keeping an eye out for... well, she's not sure who. Someone who looks like someone else, she supposes. That's the irony of clones.

Kaine Parker has posed:
"I didn't think I believed all the ads," a voice calls out from above then starts to lower downward from a perch up high. It's how they lower. All of it has the hallmarks to a familiar neighborhood hero. However, when the individual stands, it's clear they're not Spider-Man.

Blood Spider stands there looking at Sue Storm. "How do I know this is genuine and not a trap?" there's some distrust. "Sometimes what you're looking for has a real rough go at life," he says with suspicion in his voice. Honestly, this could be a ruse. And that's the last thing he wants to give a trap.

Some would go to these sick levels because clones are property. Depending on the clone, and those looking, determine it's value. So, if this place cast a wide enough net they could be looking to bag a big one. Or this could be a deep rooted mistrust in most people that Blood Spider has.

Susan Richards has posed:
Susan's head doesn't quite snap around, because... well, mostly because she's in her domain as it were, if that voice from above was a threat, Reed's sensors would have alerted her before she even heard the voice... and also it would probably be booming and talking in the third person. So much third person narration from the costumed villainy crew.

Eyebrow perks as the figure descends, lands, be's... Spider-y. Hands clasp elbows, Susan dressed in a casual outfit that recalls her costume. No bodysuit, but a turtleneck in the same blue shade with a '4' on the chest (of course) fills in, dark slacks providing business casual attire and comfort. Her lips quirk in a little grin. "Well, I mean, realistically? Aside from decades of upstanding public service by the Fantastic Four... no one worth capturing would /fall/ for a cross-media ad blitz... and really, putting out an offer of help to clones has a /shockingly/ high percentile chance to result in someone who's partly Kryptonian showing up, and I /like/ my home decor and don't want it smashed apart."

She smiles lopsidedly and sighs out, "I mean, I was going to go for a fluorescent lit room with a folding table with stale cookies and bad coffee on it, but..." She shrugs in a helpless little gesture.

Kaine Parker has posed:
"Point," Blood Spider says to everything. That th is would be an extreme bad idea on many layers. And so the hero just listens to everything.

He will pull out a thumdrive. "I'm everything you're looking for with this program except with a twist I need brilliant minds for," and this when he hates to admit putting his neck out there. He has no choice though.

"I'm unstable. The suit slows it down, but it doesn't stop it. I won't fall apart tomorrow, but my cells are breaking down at a faster rate. There is at least one 'perfect' subject," he practically sneers using that word. "I'm not it," he admits softly. It's a rough pill to swllow that says undoubtedly how flawed you are.

"The data in the thumb drive is my findings, tests and readouts from earlier points and now. Even how the suit slowed the rate. I'm looking for a cure. Maybe even turn the clock back a couple of genetic years just to give me a little more time. I know I can't undo all the damage, but sotp future damage. Clean up what I can of the damage done," Blood Spider knows he will be the older "cousin" amongst the spiders. He just doesn't want to be -that- much older than the others.

Susan Richards has posed:
Susan's eyes narrow slightly as she reaches out, but rather than taking the thumbdrive directly, there's a little invisible tug. Apparently not-entirely-trusting is a two way street as much as trust is!

"Well, on the plus side, we've got a lot of those around here. I'll spare you the platitudes and jokes about how everyone's a little unstable, and assume you mean in a more... directly related to cloning way. The good news is, we've had experience with unstable genetics before. The bad news is, you might wind up having to wear a bracelet or some other clunky thing that /totally/ doesn't go with any outfits. But I suppose that's better than the alternative." She pauses for a moment and grins just a little, "I'll make sure that it's reinforced though, just in case you wind up hitting someone with it. You know. Unexpectedly." She sighs out and nods her head, "And I can understand wanting to turn back the clock. People always talk about living a life without regrets but... I don't know, lately I feel like no one gets out of life without some baggage."

She lets a business card float up and twirl through the air from her pocket with a brighter smile. "Here, my number, if you don't hear from me in a couple days, you can give me a direct call to check on things. But I'll make sure someone treats this as a priority... I mean, I'd say /I'd/ treat as a priority but honestly? I mostly just quote Star Trek at my husband and daughter and hope they're distracted enough not to call me on it when it comes to the /real/ science. And I'll make sure they don't get too ambitious with the genetic tinkering. Restoration and damage mitigation strictly, no... tinkering with your Spidery-ness."

Kaine Parker has posed:
"I wear a bodysuit to keep me from dying at a faster rate. You can stop this and make me look younger while wearing a clunky wrist bracelet...If you weren't a wedded woman, I'd flirt with you forever if you could deliver a garish life saver, even if I can't bedazzle it," he says honestlyon that one, a little humor slipping in. That's not his aim, but he would be eternally grateful on that one. To him tha's a -vast- imporvement over right now.

"I'm not saying undo it all. I'm just older by a good seven years from counterparts. Maybe ten or more by the time this is done. I'm shooting for five to seven years older. I'm not asking to be the pretty one. Just clean up some of the damage. Not all of it," he says just making that one clear. Then he will snag the card. "Just butcher the Star Trek quote a little bit then add something like, 'Duncan Idaho said that, right?' They'll be so distracted by your nerdy faupax, they won't hit you with the real science," he grins under the mask. Blood Spider speaks nerd. It's a family thing.

Susan Richards has posed:
Sue quirks an eyebrow and hums out softly, "Well, I'll tell you this much... if Reed is the one who whips this thing up? You can /try/ to flirt with him! I give you permission. But if it's Val..." Her eyes narrow seriously... for like, /almost/ a full second before she's snickering out, "No, seriously though, I'll let Reed and Valeria know you want... whatever permanent solution. Chances are we can find some sort of gene treatment or... energy field or something that won't involve /any/ clunky bracelets. The future is now and all."

She bobs her head with a lopsided smile, "Yeah, I mean, on the plus side, having a little bit of an age difference between you and anyone else is probably a good thing. Two people who look like they /could/ be brothers? People won't think twice, lots of people look really similar to one another. But two people who look like they're mirror images and insist they're not related? Way more attention-getting." She groans out softly and shakes her head, "I'm not quoting Dune. Quoting Dune is how you get people explaining Dune to you, and... as someone who deals with the byzantine realities of interplanetary commerce on the regular? That stuff is /dense/."

Kaine Parker has posed:
"I'll flirt with Reed maybe. Not the kid," he chuckles a little bit and shakes his head. At least Susan has a good sense of humor about things.

"I don't mind older. Just make me look like older brother, cousin, but right now I'm on my way to being Dad, or uncle, at suspiciously young ages. Things like that," he shakes his head a ltitle bit.

"I'm just giving a name example. You can quote Star Wars than say it was Professor Dumbledore, head of Slybtherin that taught you there," he says pointing out the fact it's less about the Duen part. It's more to do with grabbing a borderline obnoxiously wrong quote source.

Susan Richards has posed:
Susan snorts and snickers softly, "Oh, careful, that kid's..." She frowns thoughtfully for a moment, "Goodness, I think she might be twenty two! I mean, not adjusting for any strange temporal shenanigans she's gotten up to." She bobs her head and grins crookedly, "Got it, aim for older Spider-brother, not Spider-Dad... Noted!"

She tucks that thumbdrive into her pocket and smiles. "But yes, as I said we'll contact you as soon as possible, I'd say within a few days, but knowing Reed it might be tomorrow morning. And if any more clones take me up on this whole support offer thing, maybe there /will/ be a support group with sugar cookies and... trust falls?"

She frowns thoughtfully, "I mean, trust falls seem a little ridiculous when so many of the clones I'm aware of can levitate or fly." She snorts out softly, "Though I think I'm going to take your idea of misquoting names from quotes and see if I can make Johnny's head explode before the super bowl by naming random teams."

Kaine Parker has posed:
"Big Spider Brother," Kaine says thinking it's okay to look a little older. His gaze, despite being masked, stays on Sue. "Trust her with the clone you know," he preens a little bit. Although he expect to get hit by something invisible now.

A nod comes when it comes to support group, sugar cookies and trust falls. "Conceptually it makes sense." His focus stays on her for a moment. "And it's the principle of the matter." Then he snickers, "Mess up the team name and the sport. Example, it's the San Franscisco Red Wings and the Kansas City Blackhawks that fought in the super bowl from a few years back. You've got the wrong tonwn name for Hockey, and the wrong Mascot name for Kansas City Football," he grins under the mask showing Susan ways on how to be even more annoying.

Susan Richards has posed:
Susan snickers and nods her head, "Oh, I'll be sure to do that. I mean, I doubt Johnny will really mind... or Ben will be needling him even more effectively anyhow!" She's about to say something more when there's a garishly chipper tune chiming from her pocket and her phone's out in a flash, fingers tapping as she groans out. "Oh my god, who schedules a meeting for intergalactic diplomacy on /Shiar/ time? Their calendar is just... the worst!"

She flashes a rueful little smile and bobs her head, "But it's nice to meet you! We'll get your clonely problems sorted out, and then you just..." She pauses for a moment, head tilting, "Get to deal with the usual absolute deluge of Spider-Hero problems? But hey! You don't need a support group for that because there are enough of you to basically count as one, right?"

She sighs and lifts up from the ground, invisible platform under her feet lifting her up, "But have a good day and rest easy knowing you /have/ found the brilliant minds to help you!"