17074/When The Waves Turn The Minutes To Hours

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When The Waves Turn The Minutes To Hours
Date of Scene: 02 February 2024
Location: Atlantic Ocean Coastline
Synopsis: Kiana arrives at a shipwreck to save the crew of a fishing ship. Namor observes the unexpected action from a distance.
Cast of Characters: Kiana, Namor

Kiana has posed:
The day had only gotten progressively worse for the fishing ship Excalibur. Already down one of their two engines, they had been limping towards the US East Coast when the weather turned exceedingly foul. Cold winds blowing down from the north were stirring up large waves that were rocking the boat ferociously.

The captain ordered everyone into life jackets, fearing the worst. When the crew discovered the boat taking on water, hed put in a call to the Coast Guard. No cutters in the area, and the wind would make it rough on helicopters. Other commercial ships in the area were asked to respond, but nothing on the radar within a few hours of travel.

And then the gigantic wave had risen upon their port beam. The captain had spun the wheel, pushing the throttle to try to bring the bow about into the wave and punch through it. But before the boat could make it around on one engine, the wave hit. The boat capsized, crew washed overboard into the huge swells of the cold January Atlantic.

Namor has posed:
A distress signal in the water usually gets Namor to head towards the sound of it, and today is no different. A capsized ship, with it's crew washed overboard, and Namor is on the way to do what saving he can. He is still a way's off though when the wave hits the lifeboat, and it seems those who have just gone overboard are destined to a cold, watery grave, as he probably won't get there in time, even swimming at his fastest.

Kiana has posed:
Though the sea rolls overhead in an almost angry fashion, down below it is much calmer. The rolling whitecaps provide background noise, but down deep enough the currents are barely affected by the storm above.

Up ahead, nearer to the floating sailors, a disturbance stirs a spot underwater, about 30 feet below the surface. A horizontal plane of the water seems to spiral in on itself, and then someone rises out of the spot who wasn't there a moment ago.

Kiana's skin is obviously sun-darkened, her dark brown hair lightened by exposure to the sun. There's a Polynesian or South Pacific feel to her. She's wearing a bikini, blue at the bottom that has a gradient that gradually turns to aqua by the top. A glint of silver might be noticed about one ankle.

After she appears, Kiana looks about up at the capsized fishing vessel and watches the torn lifeboat starting to sink into the water as well. Spotting some of the sailors, she suddenly zooms forward underwater. Propelling herself more than visibly swimming, she begins rapidly closing the distance to the stranded sailors.

Namor has posed:
Well, this is new. Namor is not so distant that he misses the disturbance in the water. He comes to a stop, and lets his eyes glide over the figure of the woman as she gets to work on rescuing the sailors, though he does not move to help himself. Not yet, anyways. He also works to remain mostly out of sight of Kiana, so as not to arouse her suspicions about who he might be.

Kiana has posed:
Kiana doesn't seem to be aware of the Atlantean down deeper and further away. Her attention is held by the men struggling to stay afloat with the waves.

One goes under, rolling head over heels as a wave sweeps him up and dashes him back down into the water. The teenaged girl jets over to him with the speed of a barracuda, gently grasping him and turning him upright, then bringing him back up to the surface.

From there, her legs can be seen as she keeps hold of him and the pair move, a little more slowly to keep him on the surface, over to another sailor that is in the water. Before long she has two of them in hand and is moving on to recover a third.

Namor has posed:
The speed, and maneuverability of the seemingly-human girl in the water seems to be what is keeping Namor's gaze on her. He hmmms, and then calls a fish over to him, murmuring to it, before he sends it off to get a closer look at the girl and how she might be moving so quickly through the water.

Kiana has posed:
As the fish approaches, the water begins to swirl beneath the girl and the three sailors who are clinging to her as if for dear life. Much as it did before she arrived, though this time it is right at the surface.

It turns about itself almost like it was going down a drain that isn't there, and then Kiana and all three men sink down into it, disappearing as if they were passing through an opening to somewhere Namor, and the fish, can't see.

The water quickly grows normal after she's gone. Several more minutes pass, and Namor would be able to spot two more sailors and the captain, struggling to stay afloat. One of them didn't make it into his survival suit and the cold is getting to him.

Though after a few minutes, the water takes up that pattern again, and the girl emerges from it again. She floats for a few seconds, seeming to get her bearings, turning slowly until she's facing the sailors, before she seems to actually spot them. When she does, she ducks under the water and shoots forward. The fish can sense the current pushing back from her, propelling her forward, but doesn't her actually swimming with her hands and feet.

Namor has posed:
When the fish returns with it's report, Namor tilts his head, and watches even more intently, as if considering something. It would appear that after a few minutes, he has seen enough. The surface dwellers are saved, and he has a new problem to puzzle over. A whirlpool teleporter, and her magic-like swimming ability. He zooms off before the human spots him.

Kiana has posed:
Kiana propels herself through the water, gathering in the remaining three men one by one. She tells the one without a survival suit he'll be ok, she'll get him out of the water quickly.

And then as Namor is himself swimming off, a glance back over his shoulder might show the water moving in that way it has each time the South Pacific island girl has appeared and disappeared. She and the men disappear into it, and don't return. Leaving just the capsized sink to float there for a few more hours before it finally sinks for the last time under the waves.