17130/AKA The Shady Men's Club

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AKA The Shady Men's Club
Date of Scene: 07 February 2024
Location: New York City, New York
Synopsis: A 'is my husband cheating on me' case takes a turn for the weird. Danny and Jess find a rich guy cult club and the police seem to be protecting the killer.
Cast of Characters: Jessica Jones, Danny Rand

Jessica Jones has posed:
The police were circling the block. It's like they were hamstrung, unable to decide on a course of action. Jessica watched as the patrol car went by again. Its slow roll annoying the cars behind it but they're the police - what are the cars going to do.. beep at them?

Jessica was in her own beat up shit box slumped down. Binoculars in hand. She made the call an hour ago but it takes time for available defenders to traverse the many streets of New York. Besides, this one was a slow burn. It heated up a few hours ago and since then the case has been smouldering.

The other police car was parked out front of the gentlemen's club. It had been since she got here. Only one of the officers went in: the older more experienced one. Rookie was told to stay in the car it seems. Whatever this is is over his head. But here's the rub - this should be a straight forward arrest. Murder, red handed. Jessica saw it happen.

Danny Rand has posed:
Maybe Danny was just in the area already or maybe he's just FASTER than the rest of them. It's probably the former. There's really no missing that beater of a vehicle once he's nearer the scene.

Hands shoved in the pockets of his hoodie, hood pulled up over his blonde curls, Danny makes his way down the sidewalk on the other side of the street until he can cross over towards Jessica's car. If the door happens to be unlocked, he just slips right on into the passenger seat. If it's not, he'll tap on the window. Either way, once inside, he asks, "What are we looking at here?" He knows little to nothing about the club itself, it's really not his scene.

Jessica Jones has posed:
Jess caught glimpse of Danny in the side mirror. The hoodie is generic enough but the way he carries himself is very distinct. Always ready for action yet so relaxed about it. Jess is an endless ball of anxiety and issues so she knows she blends in better with the regular New Yorker on that account.

There's a folder sitting on the dash. An actual manilla folder. Who does that anymore? Inside - a dossier, a job, and photos. "Wife thinks her husband is cheating on her. The guy comes here every other night. I'm not sure what they do in there. May be he is cheating on her. I went to their block to pick up his trail again tonight and heard the gun shot."

She frowns, "Asshole murdered his wife - then he casually drove to this club. He's been in there ever since. I called the police on him. They turned up and one officer went inside. Nothing ever since."

Just as she says that a police officer emerges from the club. Purple satin walls are revealed when the double doors open briefly. He takes off his cap and ruffles his own hair before getting back in to his cruiser. The two officers exchange a few words. It gets heated briefly. The junior is at the wheel and they drive off.

Jessica watches this exchange with growing annoyance. "What? ... what the fuck. Where's the arrest?" Her agitation is palpable. She tunes in her police scanner and catches part of the report << "Seems like another prank call from Jones. I don't know why anyone at dispatch listens to her. The guy was at the club. He's been there all night. Whoever offed the wife wasn't this guy. Assign a detective to follow up on this tomorrow morning." >>

Danny Rand has posed:
"You sure the husband fired the shot?" Danny asks. Always the one to give the benefit of the doubt even if Jessica saw him exit the scene. "Could have been out before of the apartment before it happened." He knows it's unlikely even when he says it. He kicks back and props a foot up on the dash. His attention, for a moment, is focused completely on the exchange between the officers. "That's odd."

He chews on the corner of his lip a moment before, "If he did kill her, you think he has someone high up in his back pocket?" Wouldn't be the first time. "So what's our next move? I'm just here for moral support." If someone needs punched due to their lack of morals or something.

Jessica Jones has posed:
"Some moral support. You didn't even bring food." Jessica glances side long at him. Foot on the dash - once upon a time she'd have cared about that but standards slip and hers slipped a lot. "It was definitely him," she grabs her camera from the back seat and turns it on showing the photo she took of him holding the gun with the muzzle flash.

"Someone is protecting him. I don't know why - he's not that important. A software developer for Gaptech. I wouldn't put him in the top ten wealthiest New Yorkers who can shrug off a murder wrap."

She puts the camera strap around her neck. "Come on, let's get a closer look at this place." Her eyes scan the alley way and the front doors. "Divide and conquer?"

Danny Rand has posed:
"No, that would be me," Danny jokes, tone deadpan. He's not /that/ rich. "I'll buy dinner after," he offers to make up for his lacking duty. Well, innocent until proven guilty, a glance at the camera tells him this guy is guilty. Jessica knows him well enough by now to notice the tightening of his jaw and that little twitch that comes will it. He's pissed. For all his 'balanced chi' bullshit, he still has a temper.

"Software developer? Could be he's developed something someone wants protected, he doesn't have to be rich to have done that. At least not yet, but he will be soon if that's the case."

He glances down at his hoodie, jeans and runners. "I should have worn a suit." Would have made front door a whole lot less conspicuous for him. "Divide and conquer. You want front or rear?"

Jessica Jones has posed:
"It's a gentlemen's club. They're not going to let me in the front..." Jessica opens up the car door and steps out, "Definitely not with a camera either." She peers at his jeans, runners, and hoodie. "I don't know - you look like a regular rich guy from Los Angeles to me." With a thud she closes the door. It doesn't quite stick the close so she nudges it again a few times until it closes properly.

The sky is getting cloudy over that bright moon. The cool in the shadow of the buildings suggests it's going to rain. Why's it always rain when there's a murder? Jess waits for the cars and then hoofs it over to the other side of the road and down the alleyway.

Finding a side entrance she waits until someone opens the door to take out the trash. Before it can swing shut she puts her foot in the way and quietly follows the worker inside.

Danny Rand has posed:
He huffs out an annoyed breath. This really isn't Danny's sort of place and it's really not somewhere he wants to be throwing his name around. Such is life though.

He slips out of the car, trying to be as 'unseen' about it as possible. Last thing that will get him through those doors is being seen getting out of Jessica's shit show of a car. Back straight, chin up, he strides right on up to that front door as if he owns the entire block it sits on. Heck, maybe he does, or at least his company might. It's not like he keeps track.

Danny already has his wallet in hand when he gets to the front door and opens it. He knows he's probably going to be stopped before he gets much further, but even from just inside the door, he's already looking for the cheating, murderous husband.

Jessica Jones has posed:
The doors open to a plush purple satin entry way. The place screams elegant money and Danny knows exactly what that means - conspiracies, rich people, continuation of bad social norms. The security guard is dressed in an armani suit and steps up to block Danny.

But the concierge sees that very special credit card being waved about by Danny and he steps out from behind his desk with arms open, "Weeeelcome." A hand shoos the security guard back. "Mr...," he spies the card, "Rand.

Those kinds of credit cards only get given to the richest of people. Even if Danny mostly uses it to order pizza for his friends. "Welcome to Club Eternia." His hands eagerly reach for the card, "Let me get you signed up with a visitors pass - unless you wish to join."

Jessica pauses in the unadorned back hallways of the club. There are people being busy moving alcohol about and making food and cleaning up messes. It seems to be a high pressure job as there's a woman crying with two of her colleagues consoling her.

She walks down the hall until she spies a changing room. In she slips and borrows bits of the uniform so she can blend in. She ties her hair back and takes off her jacket replacing it with a serving vest.

Danny Rand has posed:
Barf! No, Danny doesn't but it makes him sick to think about 'joining'. "Just a visitor for the evening, need to check things out before I make the leap to joining," he replies with that charming businessman smile. It's the one that makes the little laugh lines at the corners of his blue eyes crinkle a little. It's the mask he puts on when he has to become 'Mr. Rand' and not just Danny. He can slip that mask on with ease.

He'd much rather be eating pizza with his friends.

Danny slips his hands back into his pockets and waits patiently for that pass. He's still searching for any sign of the man he saw on Jessica's camera. ...and for Jessica herself.

Jessica Jones has posed:
A pass is presented to Danny and the man shows Danny in to the main club. It's all old oak and deep colours in here. Not a night club at all. Snifters of whisky and people with expensive suits and expensive watches to go with it. These people take themselves very seriously. A bevy of waitresses are moving through the room ignoring conversation and providing refreshments.

The walls are covered in a two story high vestment of rare books and almost cliche at the center of the room is a bronze globe that rotates with the weight of a flywheel. Jessica is cautiously moving through the crowd. Her eyes glancing this way and that. Her camera is hidden under a tray of drinks - and in the corner at a wet bar is the man of the hour.

Contrary to the police report he has blood on his top. He looks shaken but also elated as people keep offering him drinks. It seems to be a celebration - a right of passage perhaps. Jessica is failing to hide her frown as she takes discrete photos of what she sees.

As the concierge leaves Danny to his own devices a man approaches. "Greetings." He offers his hand, "I'm Dominic Goodman. I've not seen you here before. Are you a new member?"

Danny Rand has posed:
It's not that Danny isn't accustomed to all this pomp and circumstance, it's just that he really doesn't care for it. It makes him itchy. What's also making him itchy is knowing that a man killed his wife and the police are doing nothing about it. That itch grows once he notices the blood and the celebration.

"Danny, Danny Rand," is offered along with the hand shake. "Just scoping the place out really." He nods his head toward the wet bar. "Seems like the party's over there?" It's a question that seems to be asking for an invitation. The question is, will he be able to behave himself if he gets that invitation and gets close to the man of the hour. It wouldn't be the fist time that his temper and his sense of justice combined to explosive ends.

Jessica Jones has posed:
Dominic glances over where Danny gestures and says, "Oh that? Just a guy who let go of his burdens. He's on the path now. It's like this divine right to give yourself over to a higher power that grants us long life and great fortune. The journey is different for every one. Looks like that guy got in a bar brawl or something."

He scoffs with amusement at the idea of having to 'work' to get on the path. "Everyone is shouting him drinks. I don't know the guy myself. Personally I think there are better ways to walk the path than listening to the old guy."

A hand rests upon Dominic's shoulder. A man with a goatee smiles in greetings. He looks positively pale like the sun refuses to touch him. "Dominic I think your new friend is missing the finer details of what this establishment is about."

He offers his hand to Danny next, "Harold Bonifia. I'm one of the owners of this establishment Mr. Rand. What is it you're doing here? It's not every day a celebrity such as yourself randomly wanders in to our little... club."

Jessica starts grabbing carefully placed headshots of the various people milling about. These men all seem very sure of themselves. She takes a turn out of the main room and down one of the corridors. There she sees a long row of robes hanging from the walls. A security guard steps out in front of her, "This area is off limits to the staff."

Jessica feigns ignorance, "Huh! Oh! Yeah in orientation! I thought that was.. like.. the other corridor."

The guard looks unimpressed but seems to buy it. He motions for her to leave the corridor - which she does.

Danny Rand has posed:
Wow, things are getting a little 'cult-y' up in here. Danny plants that charming smile in place and shakes Harold's hand. He's going to need to scrub that when he gets out of here. "Celebrity?" he shakes his head. "I don't know about all of that." A beat before he answers the question. "Been by the place a time or two, thought I'd drop in while and see what it was all about." His tone expertly sounds as if he's leaving something out, as if maybe he's heard rumors about the place and its secrets, if only just the barest hint of them. ...and he's interested. That last bit isn't hard to fake, because he's not faking. He /is/ interested.

"So, why don't you tell me some of the finer points and convince me to sink Rand money into a full membership?" Again with the subtle innuendo. This time it hints at, well, bottomless pockets of cash to flow into the club should he be impressed by it.

He's still keeping an eye on their suspect and the occasional glance about to keep track of Jessica is still on the agenda.

Jessica Jones has posed:
The man of the hour is being escorted away from the wet bar and passes by Jessica as he heads down the special corridor and Jessica leaves. She turns her head to watch him as he goes in with an almost manic look on his face. A quick look over to Danny she gives a subtle shake of her head 'no' as she then glances toward the exit.

Dominic says, "Have you ever heard of the Sun Glistened Go-" Harold raises up a hand to halt Dominic's words. "I'm afraid that won't be necessary Mr. Rand. As much as we would appreciate your patronage this club is by invitation only."

He motions to the exit, "And you have not been invited Mr. Rand. In fact, you have never been here before today. I think it's time for you to leave."

Danny Rand has posed:
These guys are giving off 'punch me in the face vibes' so loudly that Danny has to clench his jaw and close his eyes for just a blink to not, well, punch one of them in the face. "Fine. Although I never said I've been here before. I said I've been /by/ here before." Which might not even be a lie? Had he walked by here before? He's walked by lots of places that he doesn't actually remember.

"I'll show my self out, Harold." He spits the name out like it tastes bad. Harold really is a name that leaves a bad taste in his mouth.

Sun Glistened what? Is what's actually going through his mind as he makes for the exit. He takes one moment to look over his shoulder and indicate 'get out' to Jessica with a nod toward the side of the building.

If he's not relieved of it by someone else, Danny does not give up that visitor's pass.

Jessica Jones has posed:
Jessica grabs her jacket on the way out the back door. She's not leaving that prized possession behind. The serving tray is tossed in the trash and she lets her hair back down. It's not just raining but pouring. She makes a quick hike back over the road and in to her car.

The beating of the rain is unmuted for a moment when Danny joins her in the car. She's flicking through her photos. Lots of faces. Lots and lots of rich guys. "Did you get creepy cult vibes too? I got creepy cult vibes... hell I need a drink after that." She reaches behind her and grabs a bottle but its empty. "Damn."

"So what we have here is typical police corruption, a weird cult gentlemen's club and a murderer being protected. What'd you find out?"

Danny Rand has posed:
"Mega creepy cult vibes and I think, Sun Glistened something that starts with Go? Sun Glistened Gods maybe? I had one guy with really loose lips chatting all about taking the path, the divine right of giving yourself over to a higher power that grants long life and great fortune." It's all giving Danny a slight dejavu feeling.

"Anyway, his name was Dominic Goodman and the man that promptly shut Dominic down and kicked me out was Harold Bonifia."

He holds the visitor's pass up between two fingers. "I got to hang on to this though. Don't know what good it will do us."

Foot back up on the dash, he adds, "You need a drink, I need a shower. I can feel the slime from those two all over me."

Jessica Jones has posed:
"Bonifia? That's a dumb name," Jess states as she turns the engine over. The keys were left in the car the whole time. If someone stole it it'd be a burden on them rather than a stolen treasure. The engine takes a few attempts to turn over before it comes to life. She looks at the card and nods her head, "You know hacker types. May be they can get something off of it."

She has no idea if Danny knows hacker types. She just assumes he does - he's the sort of guy who has a 'hacker guy' in his back pocket for a rainy day. Today is a rainy day. "Luke's bar then," she comments on the combo of booze and shower. Special Defenders privileges to use the upstairs rooms. Luke doesn't seem to mind.

Jess pulls out in to the traffic and heads south. This case has taken a turn for the worse. She expects the police will be knocking on her door soon enough. They always do.