17141/Tranquil Teas
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Tranquil Teas | |
Date of Scene: | 09 February 2024 |
Location: | Strawberry Fields |
Synopsis: | Brief meeting in the park between Belinda and Saeko. Tales told of the stars! |
Cast of Characters: | Belinda Gutierrez, Saeko
- Belinda Gutierrez has posed:
Evening stretches into night. Stars emerge, the faintest twinkle become even fainter before the shining blaze of glory that is the near, distant New York skyline. Winter's passing teases with a brisk cold, a breeze carrying with it the faint traces of the sea, of the docks, of the sounds of long foghorns on distant ships, mournfully calling the passing of visibility.
Belinda Gutierrez sits quietly on a low bench, gazing up as the last shimmerings of sunlight fade, orange stretching to red, to purple and the dark blue of night. The last touches of winter, fading like distant dreams.
"I am certain there is a poem here, somewhere," she murmurs to herself, half smiling as the evening colors fade. She tightens her clasp on the warm paper sack at her side; within come the tempting smells-- warm bread, cool strawberries, the freshness of crisp apples. Solemn bliss.
- Saeko has posed:
A sweet evening here in the park, the comforts of nature as an oasis from the city, large as it might be...it was a preferred place for Saeko, and not just because of her modest little shrine within the park itself. Her own form wrapped in what appeared to be simple black pants and a red peacoat-like short jacket, Saeko moved through the space. Simple magic had her more vulpine traits hidden, the Kitsune appearing just as beautiful but noticably human...at least to the eye of the beholder.
Inhaling the scent of the air she moved, clearly content to enjoy the space and the notes of winter slipping away.
- Belinda Gutierrez has posed:
From sea to shore, the wind rarely finds cause to move or turn from its path, but like everything of siple, natural chaos, it moves for the simplest things. Trees, buildings, man-made hillocks crowned with semi-real grass. Not quite the realest of things, but solid enough to divert the air.
Scents. Warmth. Joys. The subtle and grand and most wonderful--
"...Tia Saeko?" Belinda murmurs quietly, eyes flickering open from her meditation on the drifting air. A glance to either side, bnack to the simple, smooth stone of that deceptive altar. Around again-- focus, caught on one just walkin through the park, enjoying the last vestigages of the air before it turns, ripens, deepens--
Hope against hope-- the young lady rises from the bench, brushing her hands against her jacket before she casts a smile, a quick wave. Hesitation, then--
Bow. Back straight, hands at sides, fourty-five (fifty? Sixty?) degree angle. What did booklet say?!?! Panic, firmly stifled!
"Ms. Saeko," Belinda begins, eyes warm. "Kami so Shisa, irasshaimase." Pause. "....I think. Divine Messenger, welcome!"
- Saeko has posed:
Thankfully, language fell under her divine knowledge. Truth be told the Tenko could almost certainly speak in some of the most obscure dialects...though the nuance of slang and practice might escape her. It was how she'd been comfortable with English when she'd come to America after all! Still, Saeko couldn't help but appreciate the attempt greeting and the words, a little smile on her lips before her own light bow was returned and then she lifted a hand.
"Your formality is not necessary Belinda Gutierrez...but I appreciate the intent behind it. How does this night find you?" she offers in greeting and question alike.
- Belinda Gutierrez has posed:
Belinda giggles laughter as she rises, quivering from head to toe before she controls herself with a visible effort. "I have been very well!" she exclaims, pursing her lips before a sharp exhale. She gestures to the simple shrine, blushning briefly, warmly. "I tried to keep the leaves off when they fell," she admits, "When I was here. It has been a very busy tome."
She brings her hands back together, eyes sparkling with warm joy as she considers.
"Placed applicatoons for college, managed to help save La Lady Libertad from crazy lizard peop-- crazy people dressed as lizards." Pause. "...saboteurs. And bandits, muggers, thieves! Also helping other people do important, heroic things, managed not to be shot at *all* the tome, met an ancient Spirit of the Himalayas, travelled to Antarctoca. Almost. Travelled to space!" Squee!
"Ah, and also-- a piece of rock from the Moon itself." Double squee!
"And tried to visit each Sunday," she adds, "Make sure the shrine was taken care of, cleaned up some. I know the park cleaners do so as a matter of course, but it stoll felt right to do so. You were out, doing... Kami-things?"
- Saeko has posed:
"There is a difference," Saeko agrees lightly, chuckling at the mention of those dressed as lizards with a nod and stepping up to her shrine. There's a small little waver to the air, like looking through a heat haze, that drifts outwards from them. Basic magic, an illusion to those outside that might see them just as they were...but within the 'bubble' Saeko's true nature was revealed to Belinda as her pointed furred ears and those infamous tails flared into visible spectrum, her attire changed to that slightly too revealing yukata and those whisker marks appeared on her cheeks.
"I have been here, answering when called...but I have also been elsewhere, where I am called, where I am needed....and sometimes I am simply among the Amatsu-kami, when Inari has need of me."
Space however, that is a curiousity for the fox who sits herself down. "Tell me then, of the trip to the stars."
- Belinda Gutierrez has posed:
Belinda takes her seat alongside the kami fox, a breath drawn quiet and deep as the illusion shimmers, as the world takes on its subtle ripple. "I travelled there twice," she admits with care, head bowed as she offers the story. "Once, first, to save someone very important to all of us, to people everywhere. Superman--" She grins breiefly, visibly proud, joyful-- not *quite* euphoric. "It was almost entirely in a strange... place-between-places. Colors and shimmers, swiftly done. Slower and smoother on the trip back; I saw a great cloud of dust and debris and space rocks; it was larger than the space in our Solar System, the Sun and all the worlds." Calmer as she speaks, cooler-- the tingles of other times, of past adventures' subtle lingering --it fills the limbs with gentle control, heartbeat easing as it gleams from within the girl.
"The second time, it was on a great station in the sky, a city floating around the world called Asteroid M." She gestures upward, taking in the heavens above. "It is a place of politics, sadly; some here do not like them, and do not want them anywhere, even there. The worst of these people, cruel and evil men, came there to hurt them all, perhaps to kill them all. The leader there, La Dama Mistique, issued a call for help, and I was close, and so..."
She smiles, biting back a giggle before she shakes her head. "The rock from the moon was a gift from a friend. He brought it to me one evening at work, at Ms. Crowe's store."
- Saeko has posed:
"I know Superman," Saeko offers, a little smile on her lips but a gesture for the other woman to continue. Giving a little shift of her tails, the kitsune woman offers, folding her arms under her bust. Still, she listens, considering for a moment. "It sounds wonderous," she muses, gently considering. "There is much to see in the heavens and Earth, realms upon realms...but the stars I have not ventured to before.
"Though, perhaps it is a shame that things have become so that the politics of man reach even beyond the world to the stars themselves.
"Still, a token from the stars is a sweet gesture."
- Belinda Gutierrez has posed:
Belinda smiles gently, nodding with a sigh. "Just the human condition, no?" she asks, keeping her grumble to herself. Shaking it off with a huff! "Still, given how many troubles we have seen that are out there even now, I would rather people go out ther eand take part, *be* a part, do things than let things be done to us in turn." She glances aside, eyes twinkling faintly. "Surely, Amat-- Amaesa-- Ammi--"
She sighs, reaching up to rub the bridge of her nose. "I am getting it wrong. That your superiors would surely not object to going out, seeing the stars and worlds and things beyond!" She grins anew, eyes gleaming full joy. "Star'sune!"