17228/If You Teach A Yeen To Skate...
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If You Teach A Yeen To Skate... | |
Date of Scene: | 19 February 2024 |
Location: | Tricorner Island |
Synopsis: | Sma'shaw joins Harley's roller derby team after meeting the yeens Bud and Lou! And a mysterious shudder befalls her future opponents as he's brought aboard as the armorer for rocket skates, and maybe more! |
Cast of Characters: | Sma'shaw Ihaka, Harley Quinn
- Sma'shaw Ihaka has posed:
Making a set of skates was easy as hell. It's pretty much a shoe with wheels, not that hard of a concept, especially if you have any inkling of engineering or ah, cobbling. What IS difficult, as Sma'shaw had come to learn, was actually -using- them. Frankly, this was one of the few times that he was glad to have such a wide berth from other folks as they kept far away from him as possible, as if being in his general proximity would instantly kill them. Which it might, as he stumbled over himself and it the ground in another hard tumble. The spinning, technicolor lights and cheery 80's synth were little comfort for the soreness in his calves and the aches in...well, pretty much everywhere else he'd landed on.
- Harley Quinn has posed:
The bowling alley slash skater rink was just up Harley's alley with the throwback to the 80s in all it's technicolor magnificence and glory. And even she had moved to Brooklyn over a year ago this still had a place in her heart whenever she visited.
Like tonight!
Harley walks in, or rather slides in, roller skates on her feet. Shorty shorts of yellow and red color. A top so bright with faux-diamonds that instantly throws anyone that stares too long right back to the 80s. Technicolor 'sunglasses' and of course a pair of hyenas flanking her. The hyena duo seems to have the responsibility of carrying her bowling balls, little bags on each side of them as their tongue lol out.
"Ahhhh, been a while since we been heah boys! Shall we go skate some befoouh we go toss some balls?" the two hyenas yelp, Harley grinning and releasing the bags to put them on a bench. "Go have fun!" she tells the hyenas. And so they start running, off onto the rink.
And right towards the hyena mutate present!
- Sma'shaw Ihaka has posed:
Sma'shaw had just -barely- begun to peel himself from the floor. His head was still spinning a tad, but he wasn't too banged up least. And right when he reached down to dust himself off, BAM! His whole world went horizontal as something or someone tackled him right back into the floor! "Oi!! This is a skatin' rink, not a mosh ye' DRONGO!" He hauled himself up to get a good look at the offending party...only to be met with snouts shoving into his face, snuffling with curiosity and eyes as big as his!
"...Oi must've hit me 'ead a few toimes too many..." He remarked with a completely baffled expression as he snuffled back. Thankfully, he didn't smell burnt toast, so no risk of stroke at the present. Furthermore, these actual hyenas smelled real enough...and they had someone else's scent. He scanned the rink to see if he could get a beat on the owner, or if they were approaching. And, naturally, he'd provide some ear scritchies free of charge to the snuffle buddies!
- Harley Quinn has posed:
These hyenas are no pushovers and they work in tandem to bring the big hyena down, jumping and pushing with their large paws until Sma'shaw is on the ground. It helps that he's on those roller blades too which just makes him easy pickings for the duo. Maybe that's why they went full on charge against him! They sniff and move around him, yelping and getting their snouts everywhere, excited as heck!
"Holy shit! I let you guys loose a moment and you are already multiplyin'!" That's Harley with her telltale Brooklyn slash Gotham accent, rolling closer in her roller blades in that kind of manner as if she did this for a living, a natural on those skates!
The hyenas sure don't mind the ear scritches when they come their way, rolling about but once Harley is close they show their teeth at Sma. Paws atop him to keep him down. "Oh stop that, you dunces." she tells the hyenas, rolling her eyes.
The hyenas just yelp and then jump out of Sma, moving closer to Harley. "Don't mind Bud and Lou! They just like ta play." she assures the hyena mutate, reaching out with a hand to help him up.
- Sma'shaw Ihaka has posed:
A right furious duo the two were, keepin' a big fellas like Sma'shaw down...and then knocking him down AGAIN when Harley approached. "Oi'll 'afta take ye word for it, was more of a sea koinda fella than a land fella." He took up the hand as more of a gesture, barely putting much of his weight on it given his mass...as once he was back of his feet, he easily towered over her...even dwarfing her a bit in width. He was muscled up pretty good...but more importantly, he was shirtless! All that well-condition yeen fluff was on full display, catching the lights of the rink with a bit of a shimmer!
"Thanks for th' assist. Oi'm already 'aving trouble as it is troina keep on me rollahs as it is." His Australian accent was thick as ever, spilling out with plenty of warmth and energy to it. His roller-blading, however was about as graceful as a newborn calf trying to walk on grass for the first time. The yeen was having a time of it, alright. "Name's Sma'shaw, pleased as punch t'meetcha. Love y' fellas there, very cute, good choice of companions...no boias on moy pahrt, of course." He snuffled innocently, suppressing a big yeen grin from himself!
- Harley Quinn has posed:
"Ooooh, that's a weird ass accent!" Says the clownette, known for her own WEIRD-ASS accent. But she seems to have said it in an appreciative manner anyway. She grins at Sma'shaw when the mutate gets up to his 'feet', her hands returning to her hips as she takes in his skating prowess. "Yea, this your first time or somethin'?" she shakes her head, "But don't worry, they are ha'mless foh the most part. I have gotten them off their human diet a good while back.." is she being serious right now? Hard to tell with that manic little grin on her expression.
"Anyways, I am Ha'ley Quinn. Former clown princess and all that." she waves her hand as if brushing that over her back. "It's all in the past. Sma'shaw, is it?" she nods and that looks thoughtful.
"Heeeey, no relation to Bebop and Rocksteady, are ya?"
- Sma'shaw Ihaka has posed:
"Well it is from th' Down-Undah, tends to flip folk's brains around, can't blame 'em." He grins big and wide, giving Harley a playful wink! Which quickly shifted in a more sheepish smile. "Eh...maybe. Nevah exactly had the opportunity to go, an' since Oi'm workin' on making some SICK FAHCKIN' rocket skates, figure it ah, moight help to have some experience with regulah skatin' before Oi add the 'rocket' to the equation."
...Did she mention 'human diet'? Naaah. Must be his imagination. "Hah, formah clown princess and formah poirate prince walk int' a skatin' rink. Sounds loik a set-up to a grand fahckin' joke." He beams, his fluffy tail starting to wag a big! But he blinked as she name dropped a couple of fellas. "Mmmh...nah? Oi know a Sally Proide, though, if tha' counts? Nevah heard of th' otha two, though."
- Harley Quinn has posed:
"Oh fuck, from the upside down." Harley's eyes go wide before she laughs at that, "Don't meet many of your people ovah heah." she says, and it seems she means Australians. Not hyena-mutates! Those are normal to her. Maybe. "Pirate prince?" She quirking a brow at him, "No peg leg or eyepatch." she shakes her head at him before considering Sally's name. "Uuhhhh, think I heard of her befoouh from the others. Maybe it was Raph that was talkin' about her..." she purses her lips together, silent for a while as if considering something deep until...
"Wait, did ya just say rocket skates?" for when before Sma had her curiosity now he clearly has her attention!
- Sma'shaw Ihaka has posed:
"Us Aussies are a rare breed fuh sure." He nodded sagely with a relaxed. "Oi-oi, don't see you rockin' a clown nose, we don't gotta play stereotoypes...'sides tha', Oi lost me favorite eyepatch ages ago, and Oi never really did get wounded enough to need a peg-leg. Not fuh a lack of troyin' though." He scritches his neck, slowly pushing off into a lazy coast around the ring, twitching every now and then as his body tried to correct his balance. "Cat lass, cute loike, wears a leatha' jacket an all. She's cool, pretty cool." He looked like he had more to say than that, but his thoughts were immediately overtaken by EXCITEMENT.
"YE!! See, Oi already made some dyson-propelled shoes, m' kinetic jumpahs, but Oi wanted t' make somethin' a bit more -speedy- on th' ground, you know?"
- Harley Quinn has posed:
"I will let ya know I can rock a great clown nose!" Harley retorts, hands to her hips and lifting her chin just so, "And I am suwah she must know my turtle buddies! Or maybe Bebop..., depends wheah she bends towards." she moves closer now, her eyes wider. "ANYWAYS...!"
"I got a proposition foh ya. So, I have this roller derby team. Out in Brooklyn." Harley skates around as she talks, a little spin here, another there, "Aaaannndddd...., sorta lookin' to find a competitive edge foh my gals. And if you think ya can explain ta me, or even get me, some of those rocket skates I will teach ya to skate. How about that?"
"Dependin' on your skills maybe I could make ya the team armorer." She grins at herself, "Yea, that's a good title."
- Sma'shaw Ihaka has posed:
His round yeen ears flick up in interest as Harley makes her proposal. And his big, wide yeen eyes almost see to sparking in their brilliant amber hue as she makes a tentative offer to have him join her TEAM! "Ooooh, rollah derby? Is that where ye' MOSH roight inta folk? That does sound appealin'- ohp- shit-..." He mutters as he's still trying to keep his feet underneath him. "...Well! Count me the FAHCK in! Oi can easily make ya some rocket skates! Just ah, don't expect them t' be terribly controllable. More tinkerin' tends to ah, sidestep a lot of the hang-ups of conventional engineerin', so they can be a touch volatoile."
- Harley Quinn has posed:
"Eeexxcelllent." Harley uses her best Mr. Burns impersonation when Sma'shaw accepts joining the team as their official armorer, "And I am suwah ya can do moouh than just rockets. But all in due time!"
Bud and Lou already ran off, pursuing some other skaters who are screaming and fleeing the rink. Harley doesn't seem to care too much just yet though. No one's got bitten. "Now ..." and she points at Sma's skates, "This is gonna hurt but ..., as all things in life that's how ya learn. But I will promise that when I am done with ya you'll be skatin' like the best of them." she winking after.
"I feel this is the start of a beautiful friendship!" And painful too!