17311/Zoom Zoom in the Zoo
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Zoom Zoom in the Zoo | |
Date of Scene: | 01 March 2024 |
Location: | Gotham Zoo |
Synopsis: | Bart and Megan hang out |
Cast of Characters: | Bart Allen, M'gann M'orzz
- Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen is at the zoo today, but he is not working. He came in to help with something on his day off, but since he has finished, he thought why not take a bit of time to see the zoo during day light hours for a change.
- M'gann M'orzz has posed:
M'gann enjoys visiting the various zoos between Metropolis, Gotham, and New York. Since she was near Gotham today, she decided to go for a visit. She's in her facade as Megan Morse, wearing some weather appropriate clothing as she wanders around. Taking pictures here and there of the animals she finds cute, one shot pics up a familiar figure on her phone's camera and she smiles, putting it away so she can wave and call out, "Bart! Hey!"
- Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks about as he hears his name called. Then when he sees who it is he smiles and raises his arm waving in that goofy way of his "Hey Megan, how are you doing?" He says as he walks over towards her.
- M'gann M'orzz has posed:
"Oh I'm doing alright. How are you? I didn't figure on seeing you during the daytime." Megan flashes a grin at him as they approach one another. "I was nearby today so I thought I'd come visit the zoo. I love seeing all the animals. I've been trying to add in aquariums to the visits lately too. I love seeing the ocotopi."
- Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods his head a bit to this and says "We had some penguins coming in today and I offered to help with it, you know just in case." It being Gotham, maybe Bart was worries about a certain flightless avian based villain. "But seemed to be an easy intergration, so I figured I would spend a bit looking around the zoo myself, while not working.
- M'gann M'orzz has posed:
"Oh, that's wonderful! I'm glad it seems to be fitting in alright," Megan smiles at Bart, then glances around quickly before looking back to him. "Well, since we're both here, want to wander around together for a bit? How's things going with your girlfriend? Emiko, right? And school, how is school going?"
- Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods and says "We are doing good both busy but spending time together when we can. School is going pretty well, even ended up able to turn my job into a bit of extra credit." He tells her. He will walk with her, stopping for a moment to get some popcorn and asks Megan if she would like some.
- M'gann M'orzz has posed:
"That's great! It's good that you guys still get to spend time together. I'd been seeing someone, I thought it was going somewhere, but it ended up falling apart." Megan offers a quick smile and lifts a shrug, "Guess I still have some learning to do about people and socializing. So instead I'm focusing on school and Uncle John is back from his trip, so I'm trying to spend some more time with him, too." She pauses, smiling and accepting the offered popcorn.
- Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods a bit and says "Sometimes, it takes a bit to find the right one, I know I dated a couple people before Emiko." He does not go into how many people some of his friends have dated. "I hope his trip went well I had not heard he was away but you know how it is keeping track of everyone.
- M'gann M'orzz has posed:
"Yeah, I keep thinking that I'm still just not quite... I don't know, like I'm still a little too strange?" Megan shrugs a little and chuckles, "But that's alright. At least school is going well." She grins, "Well, you know how it is with private investigators. Sometimes they just sort of... seem to disappear for awhile, then they show back up with a finished case you didn't even know they were on."
- Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods a bit to this and says "Yea, trust me I know a bit about strange" He lowers his voice. "A thousand years can be almost like another planet." He offers "So, how has your school been going?"
- M'gann M'orzz has posed:
Megan grins at him and gives a nod, "I bet. But we're glad to have you." Nodding, she chuckles, "School is good. I'm doing very well in my linguistics courses, but I expected that. My people have always been very good with languages." Being telepathic doesn't hurt, either! "I sometimes wonder if I took on too much with the dual major, but I'm enjoying the classes for both."