17377/Bowlin for Bunnies.

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Bowlin for Bunnies.
Date of Scene: 08 March 2024
Location: Middle of Knowhere Cosmic Bowling
Synopsis: Bunny and Mark go out on a real date. They actually do things other than talk about work.
Cast of Characters: Mark Grayson, Bunny Macleod

Mark Grayson has posed:
It's been... a long time since Mark has gone bowling. But when he stumbled across the website for COSMIC BOWLING - he could not pass up the chance to ask Bunny out. Sunny also got an invite to show up if she wants, but he wanted to get out of the house for a bit.

This would normally be a place that Mark would have totally passed on when he met Bunny, but now? It's intiguing, his tastes having evolved since he met her. Dressed in one of the shirts Bunny got him for Christmas and slacks, he even has the shirt /untucked/ as he opens the door for her and grins broadly.

"Huh? Huh? What do you think?" he asks, gesturing around with his arms. "Totally up your alley, right?" Pun count: 1.

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    His shirt was untucked. That was the first thing that she noticed. The second thing was the grin as he asked her on a date, which was already weird. But now?

    The sound of pins falling. The whining of a retro jukebox returning a vinyl record into place. The crash of people getting a huge basket of deep fried snacks with zero nutritional value.

    Blacklight. Activated. Carpet and Shelving.

    To say Bunny was bowled over would be an understatement (pun count: 2), she actually gives an 'eeeeeee' sound as she bounces on her bright pink chucks and then leaps up to grab Mark and kiss his cheek!

    "This place is amazing! Ohmigod!"

Mark Grayson has posed:
That's what he needed. Right there. To see Bunny knocked over, bowled down and just excited to be out again. As he catches her in that hug and returns the kiss to her cheek, Mark grins even brighter. "I mean, between the stinky fake fragrance shoes, the arcade and bowling balls, we may end up back in the eighties yet." he teases her.

Catching her hand so that he can turn in his reservation for three (currently two) and giving out his shoe size, "But they actually bring the food to the lanes that you pick, so we don't have to wander far." he points out to her.

Once they have their shoes, he's ready to lead the way through the blacklight decor to one of the lanes to set up. This is what he needed to get things out of the gutter.

(Pun Count: 3)

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    Bunny gives her shoe size. She's given kid's shoes. They're bright pink and they are PERFECT because they also react to the blacklight, and she's running a little bit. "Okay, but you realize I am going to eat *so much fried food* because you stock healthy stuff when you grocery shop, right?" she states with a slight grin as she looks up to Mark's face.

    "Just lane-ing it out for you so you know. I spare no one when it comes to fried foods!"

    Pun count: 5

Mark Grayson has posed:
"Fine, you can sleep next to Sunny and she can suffer Bunny St. Helens when she gets all gassy. And I'll be spared." Mark counters playfully as he sets up in the lane, going to change his shoes. "And, may I point out, the fridge is divided between us, you can get your own food!" He just wants her to have a salad every once in a while.

Oh, and now she's starting on her puns. That's better. So much better.

Picking up the bowling ball after the pins are set, he steps up, wiggles his rump at Bunny and sends the first ball down the aisle. Nine pins knocked down!

He waits for the ball, sets up, and sends it down the lane - and picks up the spare! See, the pun worked.

We're at six now.

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    "I do NOT get gassy!" Bunny protests as she sits at the Star Trek-styled console and begins to type in names. New frame. SPACEBUN and ALIENABS.

    She watches the pins come down, and she watches as Mark takes the first round. She watches the cake wiggle and then gives a soft "OH they have shakes here too?" with a grin, and begins to order So Much Junkfood.

    She gives a round of applause as Mark knocks pins down for a spare.

    "Nice, you had me on pins-and-needles waiting to see if you'd get that." she gives a bright smile as she goes to pick up a ball. Bright pink, of course.

    She takes a breath, and she brings the ball through, skidding a little on the waxed and polished floors to the lane, but manages to knock all but one pin down!

Mark Grayson has posed:
There's a soft groaning laugh at the name choices as Mark takes a seat to watch her turn, because Bunny cake is better than Little Debbies, as he looks at the order for the amount of junkfood she placed.

"Why didn't you just hit the one of everything button?" he teases her as she gets up to take her shot. "You're adora-bowl!" he calls out to her as she sets up.

And then she nearly gets all the pins. "Not bad! You can pick it up!" he doesn't add 'Imagine it's Mister Manners' - this is a work-free date.

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    "Because I didn't feel like the Ultra Hot Death Wings!" Bunny answers back as she picks up the ball again, and her arm gives a little quiver.

    "Ugh. If you kill me with the puns, you can't claim you were framed!" she answers back, and goes chasing that last pin!

    Pun count is now nine.

Mark Grayson has posed:
"I mean, I would have tried them." Mark replies easily as he watches Bunny's form and arm. "...you alright?" he asks. "Is it too heavy for you?" he asks, a lift of a brow. She's able to handle a lot of weight with ease, why is it quivering.

"Oh, so you can dish it out, but can't handle it when I split it back at you?" he asks as he sees if that last pin is hit.

Hey look, Puns are at Spare. Time for a new frame!

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    "I didn't think you liked spicy stuff?" Bunny asks, and she looks at Mark, and looks at the ball.

    "It's a nine pound ball. I was definitely holding back." she explains, giving a bright smile, and she flops into one of the seats, and she looks around. "This is kinda nice, y'know? Normal stuff. No work. No weird stuff." she pauses, and then leans forward.

    "I wanna cover Uncle Bucky's arm with reactive stickers and see him bowl. Think he's a lefty?" she questions, looking over to Mark with a bright grin.

Mark Grayson has posed:
"I don't. But I also didn't think I would be in a relationship with the two best girls in the world." Mark responds. "I'm trying to open my experiences a little. Break out of my shell." Step out of his father's shadow.

"That was the plan. No work stuff. Just us on a date, having fun, remembering that we're a throuple first - heroes second." He lets out a breath. "No weird. No work. Just a date."

"Are you suggesting we do a group bowling night? I could get behind that - but I wonder if there's roller skating or something that could be done under black light as well? We have all that empty room in the building..."

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    "Yeah but I'm a much better skater than I am a bowler. Bowling at least you might keep up with me." Bunny sticks her tongue out at Mark as she leans into him, happily, resting her head on his shoulder.

    "We're a throupple, true... but sometimes I just want *one* alien menace to deal with." she grins, looking out ove rthe lanes. "It's nice to have a normal date."

Mark Grayson has posed:
"Oh, I feel so wounded. So hurt. It may be fatal." Mark swoons in Bunny's arms as she holds him, and his arms encircle her, his hands holding her close and he presses a kiss on the top of her head.

"That's fair." he admits quietly. "Sometimes it's okay to have the OG, right?" He is never going to be good at slang, sadly. "Normal dates are great."

"Order for Macleod?" comes a voice, and Mark looks over at the trays of food that have arrived. And while he may have an appetite... "We're going to have so many leftovers, Bunbun."

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    "If you die I win by default." Bunny points out and she gives a bright smile.

    "ANd no way we're going to have leftovers. I'm starving. You're handsome. There's protein to consuuuuuuuuuuuuuume." Bunny reaches over, and she pulls off a motz stick.

    "We coul get my brother to DJ a party."

Mark Grayson has posed:
Grabbing a slice of pizza, Mark smirks. "We'll see. This is a lot of food." And then he takes a mozzerella stick, rolls it inside the pizza slice, and that gets dipped into ranch dressing as he takes a bite from it.

Just in case Bunny forget he was an alien. At least it's not mustard? And he doesn't want ranch on everything.

"So we're seriously considering a party?" he asks, as he hrms. "Yeah, I haven't seen him in a while. Bastien, right? Not one of the jerks." A smirk at that.

"Question is... if we held a party, would people actually show? It seems like... I don't know. It's hard to get everyone together." But that's not his problem.

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    Bunny is an American. Americans dip everything in Ranch. Or BBQ. Or both. Yeesh.

    "Yeah, Bastian, not one of the jerks, the *other* Family Familure." she trails off, and purses her lips again as she takes a pizza slice and wraps it around a chicken tender. This gets BBQ.

    "We don't even need a reason to celebrate. Just people, getting together, being weird."

Mark Grayson has posed:
"That's fair." Mark makes note of what Bunny's doing and he gives a grin, playful and warm. "Then we'll just have a party. Set up decorations and food, and whoever shows up shows up? I can dig that." the Viltrumite offers with a nod of his head.

"Alright.." He pops the last of the pizza into his mouth. "My turn!" he offers cheerfully as he goes to start to bowl again.