17428/An Encounter at the Last Stop
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An Encounter at the Last Stop | |
Date of Scene: | 16 March 2024 |
Location: | Last Stop |
Synopsis: | Caleb and Alfred meet and bond in battle. |
Cast of Characters: | Alfred Pennyworth, Caleb Dykstra
- Alfred Pennyworth has posed:
Alfred Pennyworth is picking up a pizza order, because the last time they did it for a large overnight stake out, ingredients were forgotten, and then the sheer grousing caused him to make sure the ingredients were right. It wasnt that they were ungrateful, but....well. Better safe than sorry. He waits patiently.
- Caleb Dykstra has posed:
Also waiting for his pizza order to go, is Caleb. Dressed in a long coat and a hoodie, he keeps this one over his head, as if to hide from someone. His eyes dart over whoever walks in, over the people talking - is that italian? -, over the man waiting for his pizza order, Alfred.
A nice enough a man, Caleb figures, so he offers a polite nod. "Evening, sir."
- Alfred Pennyworth has posed:
Alfred Pennyworth says, "Good evening" he smiles. He isnt unfriendly though for a bit he's lost in his own little world but he looks with curiousity at the look of curiosity on Caleb's face. "What...puzzles you?""
- Caleb Dykstra has posed:
"What puzzles me?", Caleb repeats. "Oh, I'm not puzzled. Just watchful. An old habit caused by 'Gotham Syndrome'."
Yes. He has a clinical name for the factor or set of factors that create vigilantes, loonies, and suspicious people in this city. 'Gotham Syndrome'.
"But I think you're okay, so... Friendly greeting applies."
- Alfred Pennyworth has posed:
Alfred Pennyworth smiles, "I appreciate it."
Things get awfully silent on the counter as there is gunfire from the parlour into the crowded parlour which causes panick outside as Alfred pushes Caleb to the ground to be able to dodge the gunfire.
- Caleb Dykstra has posed:
Alfred may find, as he pushes Caleb, that he's no slouch either; he was halfway prepared for something like this to happen. So, when he hits the ground, he's also pulling Alfred so the man doesn't get shot on his account.
He finds himself gritting teeth while glass breaks and people scream for cover. "Never a dull day in this city, is there?" He looks at Alfred, "You okay, good sir?"
- Alfred Pennyworth has posed:
Alfred Pennyworth says, "I'm fine." He says with mild indignration but not at Caleb. He looks at the street and the reactoins of others vs Caleb and says, "You seem....awfully familiar wiht this kind of thing."
- Caleb Dykstra has posed:
"Mister, whenever someone asks me how familiar I am with this sort of thing, I simply re-state what I just said: 'Gotham Syndrome'." He crawls towards a hiding spot, below a table to keep clear from falling debris. "This happens an average of five times a night. And I doubt we'll be having cops here anytime soon. Because - you guessed it - 'Gotham Syndrome'."
He looks at Alfred, holding out a hand to pull him to safety. "If it comes to fighting, can you handle a weapon?"
- Alfred Pennyworth has posed:
Alfred Pennyworth smiles sardonically, "Yes, I would ay so. Since before I was a butler I was in the service. My employer doesnt like guns given his history, but I defintiely know how to use them."
- Alfred Pennyworth has posed:
There is a burst in the window and a smoke bomb is thrown in.
"Oh dear." He sighs and grabs a stake knife. It might not be a batarang, but he isnt keen to pick up a gun. He throws up a table as cover.
- Caleb Dykstra has posed:
"Okay, this is not just a scare tactic for turf wars", Caleb affirms, ducking for cover behind the table. "They're gonna come in for a body count."
He notes the fact that Alfred is a butler, but also that he was in the service. "Well, if I must, I'll apologize to your 'master' for giving you these, but if we don't use them, we won't be walking out of here except in body bags." As he speaks, he pulls out a survival knife, the handle welded with a brass knuckle, plus a gun, also modified to have a blade welded to it.
He's a bit of an inventor, he is.
- Alfred Pennyworth has posed:
Alfred Pennyworth picks up several plates and sends them into men as they enter. The plates take them in the throat and they drop the guns through two men behind them shoot at the two of them behind the tables. "I'm not going to go and get one fo theirs" he huckles, "and unless you ahve a spare?"
He nods, and take sthe offered weapon and points it at the ankles of another man, shooting twice with deadly accuracy. He is loathe to do it but these men are attacking an armed restaurant.
- Caleb Dykstra has posed:
And Caleb actually whistles at that accuracy. "You have not lost your aim, sir."
He pulls a few more of his gadgets: throwing knives the size of fingers, even a few shurikens, and from a pouch he has with him... Caltrops. "I'm showing them the error of their ways in throwing a smoke grenade." Caltrops which he throws to the ground. "Hard to see where they step on with all that smoke, I'll bet..."
And the series of yelps, and thuds to the ground, followed by outright sreams of pain prove his point. The expletives need not be mentioned, as the player is trying to keep it a family-oriented scene.
- Alfred Pennyworth has posed:
Alfred Pennyworth smiles thinkly, "Well done sir. Quite a good use of skill." He isnt into hurting people but there are families in this palce, and on of the family has not yet arrived to clean up the mess. Sirens in the background do get cloer though.He shoots a short burt as they begin to retreat. A few pick up their fallen comrades, but some are left behind.
- Caleb Dykstra has posed:
"Why thank you, good sir." He holds a hand for a shake. "I'm Caleb, by the way."
- Alfred Pennyworth has posed:
Alfred Pennyworth smiles and shakes Caleb's hand, "Nice to meet you. Alfred....Alfred Pennyworth. Listen, I hate to say this but when I said my employer didnt like guns...I wasnt kidding...do you mind if I duck out the back? I'd rther not show up in apolice report....
- Caleb Dykstra has posed:
"Heading out the back myself", the young man says. "It's not like these things are actually legal, even by Gotham standards."