
From Heroes Assemble MUSH
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Date of Scene: 21 March 2024
Location: Empire Diner
Synopsis: Freddy and Billy Reconnect
Cast of Characters: Freddy Freeman, Billy Batson

Freddy Freeman has posed:
Freddy received a text from his brother to meet him at Empire Diner. That is good news because it means good food and Billy foots the bill. So Fred crutch-walks his way down the sidewalk quickly and with enthusiasm, his wild hair flailing about as he moves. He navigates his way around slower, fully-abled people who would have to make a major effort just to keep up with this skinny kid and his metal crutch.

"Pardon me. Excuse me," he says with energy in his voice. "I'm on a mission from the gods here, people." His hazel eyes sparkle and a grin graces his face.

Dressed as he is in hand-me-down jeans, a Captain Marvel T-shirt, and an unbuttoned flannel draped over his thin frame, he gets some dubious looks from staff when he walks in the door.

"Can I...help you?" one such employee asks Freddy.

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson stands up from the booth he has occupied, "Freddy! Over here!" He waves and lets out a whistle for good measure. What is wrong with people? Freddy never needs help. Well not since they left those Brewer jerks back in Philly. Billy is actually pretty sure they wouldn't have a chance one on one against Freddy. Or Mary. Or Darla. Especially Darla, let's be real here.

The booth table has several packs holding electronics, and a plate of jalapeno poppers.

Freddy Freeman has posed:
With a thump-step cadence Freddy moves swiftly past the snobby staffer. "Sure, you can help me, Gaston," Fred quips. "I'll take a Sprite with two squirts of vanilla syrup and two squirts of orange syrup. I'll be over here with my brother."

The cold air from the streets clings to Freddy for a beat or two as he slides into the booth and haphazardly chucks his crutch on the floor under the table. "Sup, Billy!" he says as he chucks a popper into his mouth. "What's all this?" he asks as he starts pawing over the electronics with the tactile enthusiasm and wide-eyed wonder of a child.

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson grabs a popper before answering. "This? Camera, mike, Selfie stick, Laptop to edit what I record. For my show: Batson on the Town. I know you been busy but seriously, Monday nights at eight... usually. Person in the street interviews, Mutant Town segments. Mutant Town segments put me over the top. Mutants watch it to see me treat them like anyone else. Mundanes watch it because, despite their prejudices, they're curious and the Friends of Humanity watch thinking they'll get some intell."

Freddy Freeman has posed:
A server stops by and drops off Freddy's drink. She offers him an apologetic smile. "I'm sorry about Eric when you first walked in," she offers.

"All good!" Freddy exclaims as he beams at her with his best winning smile. "I know I'm dressed like crap." He takes a sip of the syrup-enhanced Sprite. "Mmmmmm, this is perfect! Thank you!" The kid's a natural flirt.

Then back to his conversation with his brother. "So isn't today Thursday? Why you luggin' all this stuff around today?"

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson shrugs. "I have nothing better to do. I figured get a little ahead. Thursday usually date night. I had another break up Freddy. It hit me hard. Here see..e pulls his phone out to show a skinny fifteen year old in a yellow swimsuit he's teaching to swim. He flips the photo to show the same girl looking tall mature and gorgeous with warm green eyes of all things.

"She's a Flash Freddy, and a time traveler. I think she went back home. I'll be 28 when she's born near as I can figure. It just stinks." At that point a server shows up with two platters of triple decker bacon cheese burgers and fries. Billy indicates he ordered in advance.

Freddy Freeman has posed:
"Oh," Freddy says. This is one of those rare subjects that he doesn't have much to say about. Awkward brotherly stuff. "That's, um, yeah. Bro, I'm sorry you had a break up." He opens his mouth and anybody -- ANY BODY -- who knows anything whatsoever about Freddy can tell he's teeing up some ball busting. But at the last moment he senses that this one is hitting Billy hard and he shuts his mouth. "I'm sorry, man," he murmurs. That's literally the closest he gets to a mushy emotional display.

But timing is everything in life, and here comes the food! "Oh shit, this looks great!" The skinny young man barely waits for the plate to be fully set down in front of him before he picks up the burger and tears into it with the gusto of someone who doesn't know the first damned thing about being crippled and helpless...with the gusto of someone who just enjoys the moments of his life as they come.

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson is very silent well into the meal. Then he looks at Freddy and says, "Why do we change back? Why do you change back? We can be gods. No need to eat or drink or breathe or... any human needs like love say. But we change back. We have the Rock. We don't need jobs or college... I think I just want to be Shazam all the time." There is a rumble of thunder as though he came close to saying the word to invoke the change.

Freddy Freeman has posed:
Freddy pushes some ketchup around on his plate with a fry as he contemplates. He peers down at his food as he speaks. "I mean...it's a universe we don't fully understand. The gods have lent us their powers so that we can be champions of good. Not so we can get out of the stuff we don't want to do."

He takes a sip of the Sprite.

"This is who /you/ are. This is who /I/ am." He shrugs his thin shoulders. "Once you start hiding behind the other guy, then who /you/ are is just some kid cowering behind a god." He glances up at Billy again to see if he inadvertently offended his brother.

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson shrugs but says, "I could do a lot of good being Shazam 24-7. It wouldn't be for selfish reasons. I'd be beyond petty concerns. I could focus on doing the gods' will, fighting evil like that. You think Superman has a secret identity? Batman? Batman doesn't for sure. It's about focus, Freddy. Besides as time goes by Shazam feels more like me."

Freddy Freeman has posed:
The elder-by-seven-months Freddy looks at his foster brother and murmurs, "Then why are you ready to pull the trigger right after a breakup?"

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson looks at the half eaten burger and says, "Maybe you're right. But I feel like I make a mess of everything, even though I'm supposed to know the right thing to do. And I just want to stop screwing up other people and myself. Maybe having the Wisdom all the time will help me." He takes a bite of burger, chews it slowly.

Freddy Freeman has posed:
Freddy lets his brother introspect for a bit. Sometimes it's best to let silence do the talking. Then he clears his throat. "Try it for a week." He shrugs. "I mean, it isn't gonna hurt anything if you stay as Shazam for a week. I mean, other than your podcast. But you can just tell your subscribers that you're going on a vacation for a week."

As the busy server passes, Freddy asks her, "Can I please get another Sprite, two pumps of vanilla and two pumps of orange? Thank you!"

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson says, "I can tell Victor and Rosa I'm going to look into some day trips for my show. Yeah. Hey! You can do the show. I have all the past episodes on the lap top. You know how the audio gear works from the old pod cast days. I can show you the camera in a minute. We can do the show together... depending on my decision I mean. If I stay Shazam, I'd want you to take it over."

Freddy Freeman has posed:
"Do you remember that time when the Breyer brothers hit me with their truck?" Freddy inquires. "And then they started beating me up for it because..." He shrugs. "...that's where their gorilla brains landed?" Freddy gestures in Billy's direction with a flick of his chin. "You could have walked away. You barely knew me! But you didn't. You came back and messed those guys up. And you didn't even have powers. /That/ is who Billy Batson is, my dude. /That/ is being heroic."

The server brings Freddy's refill and he smiles at her and thanks her warmly. Did we mention he's a flirt? After taking a drink of the beverage he says to his brother, "But if you think you're better off as Shazam, then you /know/ you have my full, unconditional support. I got your back no matter what. Period."