17501/Why does it rain

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Why does it rain
Date of Scene: 27 March 2024
Location: St. Bridget's Church
Synopsis: A meeting between Lucius fox and Daniel Ketch in a graveyard. One there to see an old friend, the other waking up in mausoleum. A nice talk between the two, with the love of motorcycles being one of the connections.
Cast of Characters: Lucius Fox, Daniel Ketch

Lucius Fox has posed:
The rain is beating down around the church is violent, angry rain that rain that Gotham is very much know for standing there with a simple umbrella in his right hand is one Lucius Fox. He makes his way through the graveyard, moving slowly sober, a look in the older man's eyes of memories, of loss, of pain. His eyes are locked forward on a single grave, etched into the stone is the medal of honor. His left hand slowly brings out a single coin placing it on top of the gravestone, joining the others as he looks down at it with a frown. "Good day, my old friend."

The name reading Jackson P Anderson, 1981-1991, died a hero saving the lives of others. He will forever be our hero.

Tiny american flags are stabbed into the ground around the grave, as he sighs softly lost in the moment. The rain is hitting his umbrella, held in his right hand hard enough to sound like the beating of a drum.

Daniel Ketch has posed:
Oh, and it is also raining, of course!

Daniel wasn't around last night, but the Ghost Rider was. And somehow, he ended up in Gotham. Maybe last night was particularly bad in Gotham, but maybe no one noticed since he ended up in the graveyard. Which is where Danny wakes up about now.

Wet, cold, muddy and definitely not Brooklyn. Lucius might be able to hear some grumbled curses. And then a young man stumbling out of a mausoleum. And maybe he should be happy it was not just a grave.

Lucius Fox has posed:
Lucius Fox stands there with his ears perking at the sounds of curses, turning slowly from the grave to catch the man coming out of a mausoleum. "Good day to you sir, are you doing okay?" The voice is friendly, slowly soft spoken with a hint of a amusement. "That seems like a bad place to take a nap, but with the rain it is warm or at least dry I would hope?" He walks over slowly, offering the umbrella towards the man if it is needed by the new arrival. "I have another in the limo, do take this one."

Daniel Ketch has posed:
Daniel gives Lucius a tired, wary look. Then reaches for the umbrella. "I guess I am not in New York," he states. "Rich guys won't give you the time, much less an umbrella. Thanks." He opens up and steps out, looking around.

"There should be a motorcycle somewhere close," he comments. Then, he glances back. Someone, or something, broke down the mausoleum iron-barred door. It looks recent. There is not motorcycle inside, though. Maybe behind the mausoleum, the young man goes to check it, protecting himself from the rain the best he can.

Lucius Fox has posed:
Lucius Fox looks over at Daniel studying him for a long moment pushing his glasses up with a soft chuckle. "It depends on the rich guy, some care and some do not in this world. Lucius Fox at your service, good sir." His hand is moves to be offered to the man, as the rain starts to pelt against his suit with a little chuckle, walking with him hand still offered as they are looking for the bike. "I'm a fan of bikes, what sort are we trying to find in this downpour?":

Daniel Ketch has posed:
Daniel was leaving when Lucius offers him his hand, so he backpedals and shakes it quickly. "Dan Ketch," his hand is cold, but the grip is firm. Then he turns again, manoeuvring over wet grass and mud, "big, black, it was my mother's," which means little, until he grunts. "Yeah, there it is."

It is a big monster of a bike, sure. And Daniel gives Lucius the umbrella back so he can pull the motorcycle out of the mud. It is armored, unbranded, some kind of custom work from a style it was briefly fashionable in the 90s.

Odd thing, it is not something that could be easily overlooked, but until Daniel didn't point out to where it was, Lucius had not seen it. Maybe it was the rain.

Lucius Fox has posed:
Lucius Fox walks with the man slowly with a smile his own shake is pro just hard enough, not soft enough the handshake of a man that has done this game too many times. He takes back the umbrella as he looks over at the bike, with a little chuckle. "It is a lovely bike, there is much one could do to make it better for the purpose it might be serving in this wild world. There is a bit here where you could....." He stops mid-word as he chuckles softly. "Sorry my mind sometimes get the best of me and rushes out of my mouth. Such things have been my passion, to improve, to build and to make it the best it can be Mr Ketch."

Daniel Ketch has posed:
"Ah, I am a mechanic myself," replies Daniel. And he would add he keeps the bike running, but it would be a lie. It runs itself.

But hey, it hasn't a scratch, the paint looks new, and it is not even as muddy as it should after being half-buried behind the mausoleum. Then again, details are hard to check, it is as if the black-matte metal absorbed what little gets through the rain.

With some effort, Daniel pulls and pushes the machine back into the road.

Lucius Fox has posed:
Lucius Fox chuckles softly the rain is beating against the umbrella once again as he looks over at the bike staring at it. It seems to be his whole focus now, walking around it now fancy shoes is touching the mud without a care in the world. "Good, it's good to meet another that engines that work, so many are focused these days on other aspects of the world. But working with one's hands is always a good place to dwell, I will admit I get less time now to do it in my youth. But, one has to make the time for that they love. How did you become a mechanic, was it by choice or fate?"

Daniel Ketch has posed:
Daniel blinks at that question. "Definitely fate," beat, "because life can get weird, it... bah, nevermind. Thanks for the umbrella. I better get back to Brooklyn before my boss finds out I... uh, which city was this, again?"

It is a normal question, and it is not a question he should have asked, but he just woke up and his brain is muddy after a night of Ghost Riding.

Lucius Fox has posed:
Lucius Fox looks over at Daniel. "Gotham, do be safe Mr Ketch." He slides out a card with his name and title at Wayne Tech, handing it over to the man. "If you are in need of anything do be in touch, I should head back to the boredom of the boardroom. Be well, ride safe through the night, many paths lead to many places. By may the path be the right one for you." With that he is walking towards the parked limo outside of the church, that rain still beating down on to the umbrella.