17510/When in Gotham see the sights
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When in Gotham see the sights | |
Date of Scene: | 28 March 2024 |
Location: | Alley |
Synopsis: | A job offer given out in the darkest of places. |
Cast of Characters: | Lucius Fox, Caleb Dykstra
- Lucius Fox has posed:
Working for people that like secrets, used to annoy Mr. Lucius Fox once. His pride, his views on the world, his morals, everything was to designed to be in the light back alley deals are for cowards and criminals. But, in time one learns the power of such things, the reasons for such things, the purpose of such things when in the service of justice and doing the right thing, grey was the color of others never his, but he has learned to respect it.
Gotham is twisted all alleys, it is used by those in the grey and the darker side of the world. But when rumors are reach his ears of someone with a sharp mind, that is off the grid he knows just the place to go one that is under protection of someone that flaps in the night. Leaving a message just in case for those that may be able to help him if he is in dire need, he walks down into the side of the world. Dressed like an old man today, no suit just a cheap tracksuit, with a pair of cheap glasses. His hand is still holding his simple black cane, his shoes are new balance just a crazy old man taking a walk where he should not, to those watching but down into the filth he walks moving through it following the well tread path for such clandestine meetings, this part of the alley is clean and dry, not smelling like a rubbish bin.
- Caleb Dykstra has posed:
"Alleys", a voice says. "In Gotham, no less." A slight pause, "That's asking for a day at the hospital in the least case scenario, or a coffin in the worst." The voice is from a young man in his late teens, early 20s at the most who is further down the alley, his head covered.
Caleb has managed to shake off the Gotham mob, but that doesn't mean he doesn't know how to get a message or send a message across. And then he's contacted. "What can I do for Mr. 'Wayne Enterprises'?" He shrugs, "E-mails normally have a name to go by."
- Lucius Fox has posed:
Lucius Fox looks over at the new arrival slowly he leans on that cane with a nod of his head at the youth with a soft chuckle. "Names are for the trusted, those that have earned a place. So, my name is Lucius Fox, you have earned that you have drawn my eye through a series of rumors of a skilled mind and hands." His hand is moves slowly upwards to offer the boy a handshake, his eyes are unmoving from the youths. "Also, rumor has it right now you need to do things quietly, to move around in the shadows. I figured invited you to the halls of industry would not be a wise move, did I think wrong?"
- Caleb Dykstra has posed:
Caleb does shake the man's hand, knowing the name. Techie that he is, names of companies and people of interest do circulate through the the underworld. "Pleased to meet you, Mr. Fox."
"And while I do enjoy the industry, I am but still learning the trade." He takes a breath. "I don't know about a wise move. I have, sadly and not by choice, a shadowy past I shirked away from along with my family, and have relocated outside of Gotham, to build a life of my own." He pauses there for a second. "I was curious over this message, however, so I came." He adds, "But it is a risk."
- Lucius Fox has posed:
Lucius Fox shakes the hand it is firm proper handshake, watching the youth in the hood. "I have come to offer you more to learn on if you wish, there is always room for bright minds on my payroll." His hand is moves slowly to reach behind the dumpster taking out a brief case offering to the youth. "A project for you to look over, I need help with this and I think you will be a great help. There are documents to sign, to make sure legally you won't talk of course that is a formality. Inside of this is a flash drive, with blueprints on it of things me and my team are working to make better. They will open up in a e-doc once you open the drive, you will be allowed to view them. I have an opening in our R&D for vehicles, I have heard that is something you do?"
- Caleb Dykstra has posed:
"Vehicles?" Caleb nods. "I can do vehicles... Among other things." He doesn't go into that, though.
"But, I am a high schooler, catching up after years of wrong-doing have driven him out of the city, lest I get a bullet in the head." He shrugs, "Encounter and meeting in person would be rare, to say the least. So, how will we proceed?"
- Lucius Fox has posed:
Lucius Fox looks over at the boy with a little chuckel, his hand is moves to produce a simple device. "Push it and it will reach me it is simple, not traceable." He walks over to push his hand over the kid's shoulder squeezing it with a little chuckle. "Do enjoy this work, do be in touch be in well. Now, than be good and safe." He turns walks off into the exit of the alleys.