17539/As the Hellicarriers Come Home
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As the Hellicarriers Come Home | |
Date of Scene: | 31 March 2024 |
Location: | Roof Landing: Triskelion |
Synopsis: | Some SHIELD Agents watch the Hellicarrier land and talk about how the agency accepts all types. |
Cast of Characters: | Mary Jane Watson, Priscilla Kitaen, Jemma Simmons
- Mary Jane Watson has posed:
It's a clear day along the rooftop of the Triskelion. High up and with a clear view of the skyline. Up above, one of SHIELD's Hellicarriers is coming in for docking. Landing struts down, clamps ready. The repulsorlifts that hold it skybound powering down as it would glide towards it's berth. Mary Jane is sitting over on a chair and just watching it as the bright sun reflects off it.
- Priscilla Kitaen has posed:
MJ described Priscilla's specially made outfit as something a 90s game character would wear. The former dancer found that amusing enough that she's wearing it still even during her off hours. Besides, the black, purple and gold garment is comfortable and it's backless to accomodate her wings should she shift and has a weird metal ring sewn in at her lower back for her tail. It just makes the garment look weirder when she's in her usual human form like now.
Pris pulls her hair into a messy bun atop her head as she watches the helicarrier come in with an awed expression. When she left earth several years ago, she'd had no idea the planet had this sort of tech. Hell, for all she knows they didn't then. She is new to SHIELD after all. "Wow." She can't help but utter softly.
- Jemma Simmons has posed:
There may be some that are watching the helicarrier land.
And then there's Jemma Simmons. She is out on the rooftop. But, she is not watching the hellicarrier land. Instead, it appears that she is testing out some of the drones. In particular, she seems to be testing out some agility and speed upgrades that Fitz has been working on. And...outside is more safe, relatively speaking, than inside the lab. Judging from the blur of motion, the drones are definitely improved.
Besides...you see one helicarrier land, you've seen then all.
- Mary Jane Watson has posed:
The Hellicarrier comes in to finally stand down. Docking clamps going up nad latching on. Repulsors retracting. Compartments opening as ramps would deploy up so personnel could come on and off. Supplies would be started to be carted up and into it, and things being taken out.
Mary Jane would look up and smile, "Yeah, I never get used to it. Never have the time to watch it fully so it's always great when I can see part of it. One of the benefits of the job. Being there during takeoff and landing is amazing but you don't really get to appreciate it quite that much."
- Priscilla Kitaen has posed:
Looking as if it's just dawned on her that she might be put on a mission where she gets to ride on one, Pris gives Mary Jane a brilliant grin. "I bet." How awesome would that be? So awesome. She doesn't mention that she can fly on her own. Priscilla feels a smidgen better about that thanks to what the other woman and Thor! (Holy crap she met Thor!!) told her, she's still deeply ashamed of her alien form and only shifts when absolutely necessary. Her former teammates wounded her badly and time hasn't yet diluted that any.
- Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would smile, "Yeah, when you're doing those it tends to be as you're being hurled into a mission or coming back from one. Launching at about five hundred miles an hour strapped in doesn't leave a lot of time for enjoying the view." She would grin. "Launchibg off Quinjets is pretty chaotic."
- Jemma Simmons has posed:
"In practice, the helicarrier operates the same as a drone and, if necessary, can be controlled via the same operating system as these drones. Still, that does not take away the fact that it is still a sight to behold when it lands. In theory."
Jemma taps in a couple of commands into her tablet. The drones hover in formation, trace a figure 8 at speeds faster than any known drone available, then land, in unison, into the carrying case that Fitz so carefully crafted to tend to his 'babies.' "In theory, the same enhancements that Fitz developed for the DWARFs could be used for the helicarrier. However, the high speed directional shifts would be quite detrimental to the superstructure. Not to mention the g-forces generated would certainly be deadly for those within it."
Again, delivered in a rather matter-of-fact manner. "Still, could you imagine landing a helicarrier with just a tablet?" Yes...there is still a bit of wonder for Jemma, too.
- Priscilla Kitaen has posed:
"That makes sense. And it's probably harder to see how massive it really is when you're on it." Pris comments. Unless you could stand on the deck, but most people wouldn't be able to do that anyway once it reached a certain height. "Is SHIELD the only ones to have something like this?" She can't imagine the cost or how long it would take to build one of the things.
"I mean, it must be insane to build and if others had something like this.. I wouldn't think that would be a good thing." There is a lot of evil and just plain bad in the world and Pris is very aware of that. She looks over at Jemma and blinks. Her eyes go to the drones for a moment. Those are also impressive albeit on a much smaller scale. "Um. No. I can't really imagine that." She looks from the tablet to the helicarrier again and back.
- Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would turn her attention ove rto Jemma, "I don't think that would go well. I mean.. You wouldn't have the perspective on it or anything. There's a lot of stuff you need a thousand sensors for it and takes dozens if not hundreds of people to control it on the bridge.. Then there's all the preparations you have to do.. I mean, even if you could do it would it be a good idea?" She would look up at the Hellicarrier and then over at Priscilla.
"There are a few of them. They're ridiculously expensive. But I guess flying supercarrier."
- Jemma Simmons has posed:
Jemma regards Mary Jane with a flat glance. Still perfectly pleasant, because it is Jemma, after all, but neutral. "Agent Watson, you do realize that the vast majority of flight functions for the helicarrier are automated, yes. You are correct that there are sensors to allow for flight, but your argument of perspective is invalid. The bridge of the helicarrier has the same sort of lack of perspective as say as a person on the ground. Without those sensors, the section below the flight deck is virtually blind from the bridge."
Still, Jemma doesn't mean any disrespect at all. "As for if it will be a good idea for everyday flights, no...most certainly not. However, if the personnel on the bridge are incapacitated in any way, having an alternate method of controlling a flying metal aircraft carrier would be advisable, wouldn't you think?"
The scientist finishes with a quick tip of a wink to the newer recruit. "I wouldn't recommend taking a flying island for a joyride. However, since the mechanics of the helicarrier are surprisingly similar to a drone, one could practice by flying a drone. I am sure that there is even a scale model of the helicarrier around here somewhere."
- Priscilla Kitaen has posed:
Nodding along with MJ's explanation of how the carrier works, Priscilla seems relieved it's not actually being controlled by a single person with a tiny flatscreened thingie. She can use her smart phone and mostly operate her laptop but is hardly tech proficient. She's never even seen a drone up close til just a moment ago. A few of the Sheiks she danced for would use them during outside performances but her attention was on other things and they were way up in the sky anyway. "The ship we used had a computer that did most of the stuff for flying but it was all in space, not like we were landing it on planets or anything."
Priscilla starts to look uneasy again as Jemma talks about the helicarrier from her point of view. Still, what doe she know? About that kind of thing, not much, and she can See how serious the scientist is and her firm belief of how things work. "I am not good with stuff like that." Pris admits.
- Mary Jane Watson has posed:
The explanation that she is given by Agent Simmons makes sense, in a peripheral way. Technology comes to Mary Jane mostly by listening to far smarter people than she is work on things. "No, it makes sense. I just didn't get that you could take something so heavy and involved and reduce it to something like.." Well, aremote. The things technology can do boggle the mind. What's next, them making a modular shifting exoframe that the Hellicarrier is capable of altering it's physical state into?
"This is Agent Simmons, or Jemma. She's one of the smartest people you'll ever meet. And the scariest."
- Jemma Simmons has posed:
Modular shifting exoframe. Jemma chuckles at the thought. "No, Agent Watson. We are not going to make the Helicarrier into a transformer. Or, rather, it would be more of a mecha, I would imagine, since it would involve pilots rather than a machine with its own intelligence." Jemma tips a wink to Mary Jane. Yes, she's a scientist...but she's not out of touch with pop culture.
Jemma then turns to regard Priscilla. "Senior Agent Doctor Jemma Simmons....but Jemma would be just fine. It is quite a mouthful otherwise. I am usually in the Research and Development lab if I am not out in the field." Another glance is stolen over towards MJ. "And I am certainly not frightening in the least. I know of much scarier individuals, if we are being truthful." Oh...she can, too, if she wanted to. But she doesn't want to frighten anyone. "My specialty is biochemistry. Though I am knowledgeable in organismal biology, anatomy, physiology and physics. I also dabble a little with engineering, but that's only because of working in close proximity with Fitz." Hence why she was testing the drones.
- Priscilla Kitaen has posed:
Priscilla can definitely See that! So she nods. Though if she's being honest, MJ's secret passenger scares her more. Her Truesight is a closely guarded secret though. The one ability she did not admit to having. So she just smiles and nods. "Hi. I'm Pris. Or, Priscilla but I always hated the full name. My codename is Voodoo. It was the name I went by back when I was just a dancer. It's kind of a funny twist of fate that I actually might have the ability to learn that kind of magic now." She is looking for a teacher but only half-assedly. SHIELD and her volunteer works are keeping her busy right now.
"It's nice to meet you." Pris says with another smile. She has to think a little about Jemma's skills since some of those things are not at all subjects she's familiar with. Hell, one of htem she hasn't even heard of before. It's not that she's dumb, she just never applied herself to schooling. "That's.. really cool. I barely managed high school. I also fled home the last day of it and started dancing in New Orleans so I'm not exactly a good example of.. well, anything I guess." She says self depreciatingly.
- Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would sigh, "Well, I"m suret hat someone's drawn up plans for that just in case it's ever feasible." Or they have too much spare time on thier hands. Engineers that have desks cluttered with toys are a bit keen on doing that sort of thing when left unattended. "She's new with us. Think she did things with another group in the past." But MJ hasn't read her file, having just briefly met her before in the Swordfish.
"Basically she can tell you how something works, how you can kill it, how you can infect it with an alien disease, and how you can cure an alien diseases."
- Priscilla Kitaen has posed:
"That is useful. I know very well that at least some of the alien presence here is not up to anything good for the rest of the world, wherever those bastards are hiding." She glowers at the ground before looking up at the Helicarrier again and then watching Jemma wander off. "Man, if she went evil, we'd be in a lot of trouble." Pris jokes. Mostly. "Maybe I should give her a blood sample. She might be able to figure some things out for those guys. The Kerubim don't really care about Earth as far as I know and neither do most of the Daemonites but the rogue faction.. the are here somewhere."
- Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would fold her hands on her knees while watching up in the sky, "Yeah. Galaxy must.. Be bad out there. I think things are just bad enough here on earth. And.. Blood sample?" She would look curious, seeing if Priscilla would want to talk about it or not or wave her off.
- Priscilla Kitaen has posed:
"I mentioned I can shift forms. I'm kind of a freak. I've got two different kinds of alien dna in me and powers from both. For a long time I didn't know about either, then I only knew about the one. I didn't find out about the second until.. something happened and I was hurt and in a coma. One of my teammates entered my mind to try to help and they found out. They all hated the second race and started looking down on me. Then we ended up on this planet and I discovered the big awful war I'd been told about and gone through a lot of hell for had been over with for centuries. The two races lived in a sort of peace there. Or so it seemed. Only the Daemonites were relegated to a slummy section of the planet and thats where I was stuck. These people knew me for years, we were family I thought. I left after that and came back here." She sighs heavily and is quiet for a minute, lost in some unpleasant memories before shaking them off.
"I went back to dancing for a few years but this time for the really rich and reclusive. I built up a nest egg and retired. I was figuring out what to do next when SHIELD approached me. Seemed like a good idea. I don't really think I'll do well all on my own, even if I'm not sure I can trust a team again." Even her Truesight isn't infallible. "I want to try."
- Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would keep her hands curled up against her knees, sitting and watching the fully landed Hellicarrier as personnel would go off. "That.. Sounds horrifying. I can't even begin to imagine.." Her tone is gentle and sad. "It sounds relaly hard. I hope that you were able to get away from it and the.." War? Conflict? From the way that she spoke about it it seemed like the war was already over when she got there.
"Well, I'm glad to have you with us. Being retired forever would probably be boring. I'm sure you'll have a lot more fun with us."
- Priscilla Kitaen has posed:
"It was." She'd thought that the worst thing that would ever happen to her was waking up on that alien ship after being experimented on. Having her teammates turn on her years later was worse. So much worse. "I'm glad it's all over with though." Though the hurt certainly remains. "I'm also glad I'm here too. Retirement was boring. I took a trip back to New Orleans and discovered I might have some new abilities I didn't know about, then I met someone from SHIELD. I figured they might be able to help me find someone I can train with and if not, at least I have a job doing something that matters along side some really good people."
Although... "I did stumble across something weird the other day. I'm not sure if I should say anything but.. I can read minds and emotions. It's something I try not to do most of the time but sometimes people are so loud or I'm just tired or whatever and things slip through.." This is all true. "I saw this symbol and it filled me with a sense of dread. I don't know what it means though." She actually saw it with her Truesight but it's not like she can admit that. So there is a small white lie in the explanation. "If I showed you, maybe you'd know if it was important right?"
- Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would smile, "Yeah, I can guess retirement would suck. Have all that stuff to do, no real reason to. You just have to keep on going with things. And you get bored. I'm not saying you need a rush, but you can't just say.. You must be about thirty? You can't just look at the next fourty years of your life at the minimum and not have any ideas on what to do. You'd drive yourself nuts with that. So we're lucky to have you here i SHIELD." At the going on talking about 'reading minds' she would smile.
"Is that in your official file or not? If not I'd just pass along to command it unofficially for notification just as a lot of folks here are really paranoid on telepaths, and you'll get your own mind gone over with a fine toothed comb if they think you're reading minds on awhim."
- Priscilla Kitaen has posed:
"I am about thirty. I'm gonna stay that way.. I mean, it's possible someone could kill me but if they don't.. this is about as much as I'm gonna age.. go me." Pris says unenthusiastically. She hasn't yet been able to see anything but the downsides to this part of her being. "The mind reading is yes." Hinting that perhaps there is something not in her official file. She nods. "They should be really paranoid about it. I don't mean anyone good any harm at all but if someone that did had the amount of power I do, that gives me nightmares sometimes." It really does! "I didn't read this person's mind further and just increased my shielding even though I felt like something was up."
Pris looks around and makes sure no one is paying them attention. She doesn't need to draw the symbol since she can just make a small illusion midair in front of them, a perfect replica of what she saw. "This was the symbol. I just.. I think it's maybe important. The guy was across the street from here. I dunno if he works here. This place is huge." The symbol floating in the air is the one HYDRA uses.
- Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would nod over, "Well, paranoia lends itself to the spy business. Get some, and remember that other people have it. And the more up front you are with it the easier it gets. But always keep a few things up your sleeve just in case so you have them as a.. Trump card available. But also don't hold back too much. It's a balancing act. Better for someone to read it in your file then you surprise someone with it out in the field."
- Priscilla Kitaen has posed:
Paranoia is something Priscilla has in spades. She nods. "That seems like good advice." Half-grinning she comments "It's not paranoia if they really are out to get you." Those Daemonites for instance. Other people or agencies if they knew the full extent of her power and what she is. That was the second secret reason Pris joined SHIElD but she's okay with telling Mary Jane that. "That's kinda the second reason I joined SHIELD. For protection from anyone out there that wants to use me for my abilities. Or some twisted science experiment or something."
- Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson ould take her hand up and over to rubit along the shoulder of Priscilla, "You'll fit in here just fine. We're all weirdos with weird abilities tryig to help save the world. Well, other than the folks who are deep cover spies from Hydra, clones, reprogrammed LMD's, and anyone who works in WAND."
- Priscilla Kitaen has posed:
Priscilla laughs. "I.. what even is a LMD?" The explanation for that would definitely explain something else Pris saw. "I have been enjoying myself here so far. I still can't believe I met Thor! And you know him! And his Mom? I mean, he has a mom?? That's.. well it makes sense actually but I hadn't ever really thought about it. He was something else. I've never met anyone like that before. He was sort of like a giant oblivious man child but also with moments of real wisdom and seriousness and the hair! I always thought I had great hair but holy crap.. I was jealous."
- Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would laugh, "An LMD is a robotic replica as a person. Sometimes when there's a dangerous situation or a test they're sent in instead of the actual person to serve as a decoy. I mean they've occasionally been reprogrammed and replaced the people they look like, but no system is perfect." She would quip. "And his mom is really great. Really fun. Help her in her garden and she'll adore you forever. Thor.. His hair is so pretty."
- Priscilla Kitaen has posed:
"Ooohhh." Pris isn't sure if she is more or less creeped out by knowing what the machine person she saw actually is and is used for but at least now she knows! "Huh. I've a little window planter with herbs but an actual garden.. I could follow instructions at least." She blinks. "Does that mean you've actually been there, in Midgard? What was it like?" She has seen a few other planets and has seen beings from other realms and dimensions but the place of the Norse gods is something she isn't at all familiar with. "His hair is just amazing... so was the rest of him actually."
- Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would nod, "It's at the Asgardian Embassy down here in New York. I'm not sure if it's open to the public but you can definitely ask if you can go there sometime and help out. It's very relaxing. Also there's the Themysciran Embassy. Both of them are lovely and great places to relax in. And the Asgardian one is.. MOstly a frathouse?"
- Priscilla Kitaen has posed:
Priscilla considers and then laughs as she can imagine a place full of other men like Thor. Well, somewhat like him. She's pretty sure he's unique. "The Themyscirans are the Amazons, right?" She asks. "I have a lot to catch up on and learn yet. Before I left earth my focus was very narrow and kind of self involved. When I got back I was fixated on setting myself up so I didn't have to work and when I was doing that I was helping people. I volunteer at hospitals and hospices. Some of my gifts let me help people. I can't heal them physically but I can help heal their minds or help the dying pass over painlessly if they are ready." It's hard work and very trying at times but she is compelled to use powers to help others whenever possible, no matter what it costs her.
- Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would nod, "Yeah, they're the island of the immortal women that have just practiced warfare for a few thousand years. They're pretty good at it. You might enjoy going there and learning from them. I can't make any claims mind. I haven't really ever gone there before sparring a few times. You could try and work in the medbay here for a bit for c hange of pace."
- Priscilla Kitaen has posed:
"I didn't think of that. I actually didn't know we had a medbay but that makes sense." She ponders a race of immortal women for awhile. "That's good to know. That there are other long lived people out there. I could always do with more physical training. I have a little bit of fighting knowledge but not a lot. I was just starting to learn when things went bad." A basic knowledge of martial arts is all she has and not much practice with actually using it. "I mean I can turn into big alien monster and controll minds so I don't usually need to know how to fight but it would be useful if I'm in a public sort of situation."
- Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would nod over at Priscilla, "Well, we've worked with worse. You'd hardly be the first giant transforming monster that's within our ranks. There are a few. There's transforming golems, transforming cyborgs, transforming demons, transforming aliens.. The occasional shapeshifter or clone.. Do we count the sentient nanite beings or not? You don't have to worry, you'll fit in fine."
- Priscilla Kitaen has posed:
"I..." Pris doesn't know what to say to that long list of beings. "Wow. I guess I am in good company then." She finally says with a smile. The first smile ever in regards to her transformation actually. "I kind of hate it cause it's like the Hulk only he's handsome at least. I'm a lot smaller but also way more ugly." At least she is in full control of herself when she shifts, for the most part. "I would like to meet the Hulk someday. His icecream is great too."
- Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson goes to tkae her hand over to ruffle Priscilla's hair, "Well, there are worse places. Look ont he positives. And the Avengers occasionally have beer nights out. You could probably go out and join them sometime if you keep up with the news. There are weirder things that could go on. And I don't need to see your transformation."
- Priscilla Kitaen has posed:
Priscilla smiles. She's glad Mary Jane doesn't want to see her other form. She likes the woman and is convinced no one will want anything to do with her once they see her other self. She's kinda biased there but for good reason. Or bad reason actually but.. hopefully she'll be able to get over that. "I'm trying. I've got more positives to focus on now at least." She looks at the Helicarrier again. "And lots of cool shit to see too." Watching that thing come in was pretty amazing. "Good company too." She smiles again.
- Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would laugh, "Good company I am? Sure, I'll take it. And you're not bad yourself. If it makes you feel better I'm sure that you could find some folks here who wanted to see you work the pole over in your other form. So you don't have to worry about having folks be prejudiced against you. You're pretty safe that way." Might that get her laughing?
- Priscilla Kitaen has posed:
Both eyebrows raise practically to Pris's hairline and her mouth drops open. It takes her several seconds to wrap her mind around that thought. "Uh." Is all she can offer up in response before dissolving into not quite but almost hysterical laughter. Judging by the things she saw in people's minds before getting a handle on her psychic abilities, she knows that isn't far off the mark for some people. "Ohmygod I can't.." disturbing on *so* many levels and yet fantasies don't hurt anyone so.. it's not like she's one to judge anyway. Unless it comes to herself. "Ohhh.." Pris leans over holding her stomach and shaking, still laughing. When she stands up she wipes a tear from one eye and grins. "I needed that."
- Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would go to fold her hands together, "SEe? There's all kinds of freaks here. I mean, I'm guessing quite a few of them will want you that way mor ethan they want you this way. There's this guy in WAND. Demon. Real, real big fist. Made out of stone. Has a gun with him all the time. No one even gives him a second chance unless he's threatening them for making the jokes he gets a thousand times a day."
- Priscilla Kitaen has posed:
Pris looks at Mary Jane. She can tell that's true but seems to be having trouble with it. "A real demon? And he's not doing evil things? I've had to exorcise one, it was a minor one and it was such a battle. I barely managed to win and save that lady and I didn't feel clean for a month and that was only after visiting a church." It gives her something to think about though. There seems to always be exceptions to the rule. That makes her feel better. "What kind of jokes?" She can't help but ask.
- Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would shrug" It takes all kinds. And you'll meet all kinds here. So just expect the weird, and remember that you're far, far from the top of oddest folks you'll work with. So don't worry! You're not going to have people judging you and being terrified of you. Making /fun/ of you, sure. Just don't worry about getting worked up. And about the power of his fist."
- Priscilla Kitaen has posed:
"The power of.. Oohhhh." She groans. "Oh. Geeze." A tiny snicker escapes though despite herself. Pris smiles again. "Okay. Thanks. I feel better about some stuff now and I'd never judge others. Just myself I guess. I know I need to work on that." It's hard though. Some things not only take time they take active work and while she's got time aplenty learning to trust others again and view herself as something more than a freak isn't gonna be a thing she does easily. At least Pris can now see it as a possibility.
- Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would keep on stroking Priscilla, "See? It's not as bad. Nothing to get worked up over. Things are gonna be weird. Just like any new office engivronment or job. You'll get used to it. You're also surroudned by people who are fluent with the weird. So you'll have people just as prone to freaking out as you are. For example, one of the recent reports is dealing with an alien duck from another dimension taking refuge in the Bronx."
- Priscilla Kitaen has posed:
"Mmm." Priscilla agrees quietly. Joining SHIELD might just have been the best thing she could have done. She's definitely enjoying the physical contact and the revelation that she isn't going to be the weirdest thing around, that's amazing honestly. "That's good." Wait what.. "What.. an alien duck??" She looks askance at Mary Jane, clearly baffled. "I.. that's.." Okay that is definitely bizarre. "The people that get these reports must have interesting days."
- Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would nod, "Exactly. So just remember that your own personal thing of turning into an alien bug thing when you sneeze is nowhere near the top of the list. So just shrug your hsoulders, and go with it." Going to keep on patting Voodoo on the head to help relax her. "So come on, you've seen the Hellicarrier land, what's the next sheannigan you wanna do?"
- Priscilla Kitaen has posed:
Priscilla blinks and then laughs. It more reptillian than bug and wow, there is something to be grateful about. "Do you think we could go on there before they have to take off again? Or.. we could sneak.. but I reckon that would just get us in trouble. I can kinda make us invisible. Not for long and not for a big distance but.. I can do it." Which could actually lead to all kinds of pranking shenanigans but she's yet to think of that. Her life has been nothing but lonliness for the last couple of years.
- Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would sigh, "You could go ahead and ask. Not sure how long it's landed here though. Probably would have to plan ti out. If you're caught, just say you're testing security procedures and seeing how htorough they are on keeping up attention. That tends to work. So go ahead and plan it for next time."
- Priscilla Kitaen has posed:
Pris visibly weighs her desire for a closer look at the inside of the giant craft against the possibility of getting in trouble and then eyes Mary Jane. "We could go to that bar that people hang out at after a mission or shift's over." She offers instead. She's enjoying the other's company and can see she's less excited at going aboard. It'll happen eventually Pris figures. She can be a toal geek about it then.
- Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would laugh, "All right, works for me. You rhe type of girl who spends her off duty time in a bar or mostly wandering about doing her own stuff? And you living at the Triskelion or commuting from wherever?" She would query while going to stand up and stretch out, offering her hand to the other woman.
- Priscilla Kitaen has posed:
"I need to practice my healing powers more so that I can turn it off. Once i learned to turn it on, it's been on all the time and I miss alcohol working." She growls. "I like bars though. I like people watching but am used to doing things on my own too. I have a studio apartment in Hell's Kitchen. It's not huge but it's nice and I own it. I have a car and driver to take me wherever I need to go so they drive me here for work and drive me home or whatever after." Pris takes Mary Jane's hand, oddly enough she's smiley but with a rather shy look on her face. She really does seem like she isn't used to hanging out with people.
- Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would hold the hand of the dancer and tug her along, "Come on then, gotta get started somewhere. And you'll definitely stand out.. In bug form or not bug form." She would tease, her fingers squeezing PRiscilla's hand back. "So are you counting this as like a date or just a chance to get out?"
- Priscilla Kitaen has posed:
Well, at least she's used to standing out due to her human looks. Huh, theres another thought, maybe she can use that foundation to help her get used to her other form. She laughs and follows after Mary Jane then does a double take. "Oh. Um." She blushes. "A date." God, it's so sad, Pris can't even remember the last date she went on. "I haven't done much of that in, well ever really. People look at women like us, I mean you must know, your gorgeous but they tend to only see that. That gets old pretty fast."
- Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would pff, "Well yes, which is why I go otu in tactical gear and wear a sword on my back. IT tends to help a lot when you get those sorts of stares. You can just sort of see when minds change. Hearts and minds, hearts and minds. So I totally get the impression from you, Priscilla, that you do not get out like at /all/. You are a total shut-in. Am I wrong there? So what do you spend your time doing?"
- Priscilla Kitaen has posed:
Laughing, Pris nods. "That sword is something." It sure left an impression on her! She looks down and then back up with a wry grin. "Yes. I am. Outside of work here and volunteering I pretty much stay at home. I read, or watch old tv shows. Lately I've been trying to research Voodooism and supernatural stuff though I can't be sure what is true and what's made up. It's better than not knowing anything. Sensing those zombies in New Orleans freaked me out. I couldn't do that before. Also.." She hesitates. "I am good at reading people. It can make you kind of jaded after awhile. If I'm gonna live forever though I don't wanna be alone anymore. So here I am."
- Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would continue to keep her arm around the waist of Pris. "Well, just remember that you'll always know the answer to the song." Who do the Voodoo? "ANd ugh, zombies are icky. I totally can sympahtize there. Well, not all of them are I guess.." The fact that she had to put qualifiers around that statement spoke to the way life was. "Wlel, glad to hav eyou with us. And we still gotta get you out more and doing things."