17544/Finding Trouble in the Most Likely Places

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Finding Trouble in the Most Likely Places
Date of Scene: 01 April 2024
Location: Abandoned Bath House
Synopsis: Osprey and Beast Boy investigate an abandoned place and find it's not so abandoned after all.
Cast of Characters: Austin Reese, Gar Logan

Austin Reese has posed:
Gotham has a lot of abandoned buildings, some are as simple as a warehouse, others are like the Robinson Park Bathhouse, long abandoned from the heyday of the city. But lately, someone or something has started using the place as a hideout. That's why Osprey has found himself staking the place out. Sitting in the dark in a tree overlooking the building, he has set up one of his drones to fly around to the other side of the building. He's not entirely sure what he's dealing with, but it's been suspicious enough that he wants to get to the bottom of it. He monitors the feed through the screen on his gauntlet, "C'mon, I know you're in there somewhere.." He mutters to himself, as he tries to guide the drone through into one of the broken windows. As far as he knows he's alone, he didn't tell any of the others where he was off to.

Gar Logan has posed:
Boredom stinks. It really, really stinks. Like, worse than that pile of clothes in the corner of the bedroom with the air freshener hung above it. Well, the pile that had been there before /someone/ he knows finally got him to do something about it. Anyway.

Scrolling through his phone, Garfield Logan picked out a random name to text. The unlucky victim, or is it lucky winner? Someone who's currently on a stakeout.

<<Dude, whatcha up to? Wanna hang out?>> comes the text.

Austin Reese has posed:
The text coming in gets a glance from Osprey in the HUD of his domino mask. He responds back while gliding the drone inside of the building.

<<On a stakeout at the old Robinson Park Bathhouse. Could always use some company if you don't mind hanging out and working.>>

With the text sent, he returns to guiding the drone down into the building, further and further in, "Hmm. Where are you at.." He knows there's more going on that meets the eye.

Gar Logan has posed:
<<You had me until the 'working' part, but I'll come over. Just give me, uh, like fifteen minutes.>> Gar sends back. During this time, it'll let him ensure he's got the right destination, along with giving Osprey time to scout the place out.

While he's on the way, another text comes through. <<So what's going on at that place? Isn't it all run down from what I'm seeing?>>

Austin Reese has posed:
<<There's been some kind of activity and I think they may be keeping something underneith in the old storage rooms.>>

The drone weaves through the facility, slipping down into the basement area. He keeps navigating it around, looking for something out of place. Like that new padlock on the door at the end of the hall.

Gar Logan has posed:
Soon enough, a green thing alights upon Osprey's shoulder. A robin, as it happens. "A little birdie told me I'd find you here, and I don't mean one of Batman's many sidekicks. Thank goodness they stopped wearing the green underoos a while back. People were starting to ask questions." Gesturing toward the place with a wing, he adds, "So what's the word? Find anything yet?" He turns an eye, along with his head, toward whatever the guy's looking at.

Austin Reese has posed:
The bird landing on his shoulder does get a glance from him, though it's hard not to know who it is when it's a green robin, "There's a brand new padlock on a door in the basement. Which definitely shouldn't be there." He folds up the panel on the gauntlet, "C'mon, lets go see what someone thinks is worth locking up."

He hops off the tree and lands on the dirt below, quickly slipping up to the busted side door, motioning for Beast Boy to follow.

Gar Logan has posed:
Garfield Logan chirps and takes off on his own, circling Osprey at first. "You got some tools for that? Are we being super discreet or blatantly obvious?" One guess what the most likely path is. Speaking of paths, he makes his way through one of the broken windows. "See you on the other side!"

Austin Reese has posed:
Osprey's not the best at stealth for sure, but he's also still more than capable. He has the tools he needs to get through the door, though of course Beast Boy is able to beat him inside. He switches his domino over to night vision and then moves towards the stairs that lead down into the basement.

The place is creepy, there's nothing that Gar can sense with his various animal senses. Nothing smells or sounds out of the ordinary for an abandoned bath house, at least.

Gar Logan has posed:
By the time they're at the door, Gar's left his bird form and taken on his more usual one, in the red and white costume with bare feet and the forearm gloves with open fingers. "And now the world-famous lockpicker is about to show everyone how it's done," he whispers, cupping a hand over his mouth.

There's also a need to step carefully around here, given the overall state of things. After all, it's abandoned. Some people have surely made use of it for various purposes and left things behind.

Austin Reese has posed:
"At least you're not calling me the Master of Unlocking or something." Comes the response, as he works on picking the lock. It takes him a little more than 30 seconds before the padlock pops open and he pulls it off of the door, "No idea what we'll find in there, just be ready." He says, before pulling the door open.

The inside is dark, and seems to go deeper into the ground than a basement like this probably should. Utility coridors, maybe? Or something more sinister?

Gar Logan has posed:
There's a quiet golf-clap as the lock is removed and set aside. The door even opens quietly, which doesn't go unnoticed. "Check it out. No squeaking, no creaking. They must have used some WD-40 on this sucker," he says.

As Gar takes careful steps down, there's a little more quiet commentary. "Sneak, sneak, sneak."

Austin Reese has posed:
"You know an important part of sneaking is not telling people you're sneaking." Osprey comments as he follows a few steps behind Gar. The path leads the pair deeper into the basement, or whatever it is underneith.

After rounding a few corners, the two find themselves stepping into a room that's larger than they had anticipated. Must be one of those storage rooms.

Before Osprey can make a comment, however, lights on the sides of the room turn on, giving Osprey a surprise as his night vision flares out suddenly, "Ah!" He yells in surprise, stepping back into a defensive stance as he tries to get his vision to clear.

Gar Logan has posed:
"I was being vewy, vewy qwiet," Gar answers, pulling off a spot-on Elmer Fudd voice, though he does hush up as they make their way further along - even when he steps in something wet and pauses to shake as much of it off his foot as he can.

Then, they're in the large room. And, those lights illuminate the place enough that sight doesn't come back properly right away. "Oh!" He rubs his eyes, trying to help steady his sight gradually.

And that's when the ambush is sprung...for another time.