17560/Dinner and Taxes
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Dinner and Taxes | |
Date of Scene: | 02 April 2024 |
Location: | Shaw's Residence - Hellfire Club |
Synopsis: | The Black King and his Herald discuss important things while flirting. Taxes, the Club's public profits, and a bit of commentary on who the winner of the Egg hunt might be. |
Cast of Characters: | Sebastian Shaw, Tessa
- Sebastian Shaw has posed:
With Harry Leland settled in and attended to, Sebastian had been able to turn his attention to other matters facing the Hellfire Club. More mundane matters, such as reviewing the corporate tax filings that were due in a mere two weeks. He did not require Tessa, strictly speaking, to oversee THIS part - she had already reviewed and analyzed the taxes, found every possible loophole, exploited what she could exploit, and hidden the rest off-shore - so he had taken the papers in his room to conduct the laborious task of signing them right before eating. The signing passed quickly, the dinner less so, but it concluded nonetheless. He dabbed at his cheek to remove some of the wine as he waited for Tessa to return with reports of the more day-to-day sort of the Club. A bit of light business after the meal.
- Tessa has posed:
Tessa entered the room with a light knock, crossing the room with sure strides until she was standing next to Sebastian. "I have the reports, if you've finished with the review of the taxes," she said, setting her tablet and the few paper reports on his desk. "And dinner," she added wryly, reaching out with a perfectly manicured nail to press against a drop of wine.
- Sebastian Shaw has posed:
"Yes, of course," replies Sebastian as he slides the last of the paperwork into a folder, and then sets it off to the side so he can turn to focus upon Tessa and her arrival. His lips twist into a warm smile as her finger completes the mission that the napkin left unsatisfied, and then he nods. "Please, start with whatever you believe to be most pressing." His body already begins to relax, the effect that always seems to happen in Tessa's presence.
- Tessa has posed:
"The restaurants are doing well, even on the slim margins the industry tends to operate within," she started, leaning against the side of his desk as she flips through the numbers. "Staff retention is still excellent, of course, since we poach and train the best." Her voice held some small amount of pride at that, and the smirk on her face conveyed the rest. "The lower level is doing well, but doesn't it always? People do love to flaunt their depravities when they think they're secure. Of course, what they do in ostensibly public areas is not nearly as private as they think, regardless of what level they're on."
- Sebastian Shaw has posed:
"Naturally. As always, you deliver." Sebastian did not watch all of the recordings of the goings on within the Hellfire Club. But Tessa did, and she brought him the very best. The young very married Senator last week was particularly robust, even setting aside his position within the government. Those three girls all earned a significant bonus from the Club, and Sebastian had yet to decide how to wield that nugget. But there was always time. "That reminds me. It is time for my annual attempt to get you to admit something to me that you want." Despite the tenure of their relationship, Tessa rarely asked for anything for herself. Which always left Sebastian wanting...something...to give her.
- Tessa has posed:
Tessa's voice was wry. "World domination sounds nice. The power assisting the throne to glory, as always." Having a massive file of blackmail was extremely useful in her position, and despite the years of being at Sebastian's side, people were somehow always surprised when she wielded the information to his benefit. Fools, most of them, and she delighted in pulling them down, not that her face ever showed it. "I have what I need, and you know my tastes." Her fingers grazed the black pearls at her neck as she caught his eye.
- Sebastian Shaw has posed:
"Yes, I know all of that." Sebastian almost sounds annoyed. The concept of someone devoted to helping him achieve is still something he grapples with, despite every assurance and evidence that truly that is all Tessa covets. He is too paranoid, perhaps, always looking for some other angle. Because that is often the way he is. Except with her. "I do," he says, glancing up to regard those pearls, and the graceful neck that they are around. "I will think of something, then," he concludes, before sighing and leaning back into his chair. "Who do you think stands the best chance to win the contest tomorrow?" A shift of gears, to the prank challenge issued as part of the Hellfire Club's latest potentially annual event.
- Tessa has posed:
She runs her fingers through the hair at his temple as she thinks, unafraid of giving into that urge in these rooms. She doesn't need anything, and she always appreciates the beautiful things that appear in her closet, happy to wrap herself in the gifts and flaunt them in her quiet way. "If Deadpool decides to participate, he may win solely because half the building blows up. It really will depend on the participants." Tessa had her own plans, involving drinks and tiny umbrellas. A prank, subtle, and with the potential to make Sebastian laugh. Privately, of course.
- Sebastian Shaw has posed:
Leaning slightly into those fingers, Sebastian lets loose another soft sigh, a sure sign that his tension is finally starting to melt away. "I realize that. I had given half a thought to participating myself, but I realized that someone needs to judge, and who better to pass judgement on others?" He flashes a grin as he turns to look up at Tessa. "I did have half a mind to pull one on you, by the way."
- Tessa has posed:
"Oh? I suppose any pranks we play in here are fine," she replied. "I might have had the same thought for you. Not in front of the masses, of course. I enjoy it when you laugh." Tessa's fingers were sure as they continued to move, enjoying the feeling of her king relaxing under her ministrations. "Did you decide against it, or is that a warning?"
- Sebastian Shaw has posed:
"What happens behind our closed doors, Tessa, are for us and us alone." There is another grin from Sebastian as he regards her. "I would welcome a more playful side of you, if you want to let it breathe." His eyes close for a moment, savoring the way that she knows just how to touch him in the right away to evince that reaction. "I may still elect to do so, but not before the masses." he agrees. "They do not get to be privy to us."
- Tessa has posed:
Tessa let the wicked gleam hiding at the back of her eyes come out, pulling down the bit of partition that generally restricted the bit of playful she'd managed to cultivate over the last few years. "That can be arranged for you," she agreed. 'This man,' she thought fondly, tracing a teasing finger along his ear. She couldn't imagine ever breaking the amount of trust she had, Sebastian relaxed under her hands and just that small bit vulnerable. Showing him the various parts she kept partitioned away was just returning that trust. "They would misunderstand, and they would try to jockey for a position that they cannot hope to fill."
- Sebastian Shaw has posed:
"I would like that," Sebastian nearly purrs back up at her, a shiver running through his form at that caress of his ear. "They perceive any understanding as a sign of weakness, and cannot possibly fathom how we complement each other." A chuckle as he invokes wordplay. "Or compliment each other, my beautiful and genius Tessa." He reaches out himself now to brush a hand against her side. "Whatever did I do to deserve you?"
- Tessa has posed:
"Decided I was an asset worth cultivating." It was bluntly honest, and Tessa's fingers didn't stop tracing his face while they watched one another. "Gave me every opportunity, appreciated my abilities, gave me the respect I earned," she continued quietly. "Not equals, precisely, but you've never failed to value me, my King. Education, finery, trust." Her nails scraped lightly down the column of his throat. "The list of those with unfettered access to you is so short, yet there I am. Always. My ruthless, ever-vigilant King."
- Sebastian Shaw has posed:
That, more than anything else, earns the broadest smile possible from the Black King. "That list starts and stops with you, always. My ruthless, ever-brilliant Herald." The look of affection and admiration is unmistakable. "I am so glad that I found you. You would have been wasted in the hands of any lesser man."
- Tessa has posed:
Tessa laughs at that, pausing in her movements to cover her mouth until her laughter subsided. "Five more years and I would have taken over that part of the Russian mob," she confesses, eyes glittering with mirth. "These shadows are much more comfortable, and I would stand in the way of any that tried to take them from us." She cupped his cheek, thumb tracing the edges of that broad smile. "Where you go, I go, Sebastian. Regardless of what roles we put on for the public."
- Sebastian Shaw has posed:
"Three, I think," counters Sebastian. "But admit it, this is not just warmer, it is far more fun." His hand slips around against her side and pulls her slightly towards him. "Certainly, the fringe benefits of running that crew are nothing compared to what you get here. Access to power, to knowledge, to whatever you want." He laughs. "Let the others do their parades in public. You and I, together in Black. No one can stop us from doing what we want."
- Tessa has posed:
Tessa allows herself to be pulled, ending perched in Sebastian's lap. "Three then, and a significantly better return on my investment opportunity," she banters back, tapping him with a knowing smirk. "We should have planned to prank the entire Club," she murmured. "Next year? We could orchestrate an entire ridiculous parade."
- Sebastian Shaw has posed:
It is momentarily hard for Sebastian to think as Tessa settles into place, her words floating off into the distance of his mind, before it pulls back. "We still have time," he says quietly. "What can we arrange to do to everyone tomorrow night?" His other arm falls to rest against her lap. "I could give _everyone_ a golden egg, and have something truly meaningless inside, thus rendering the whole thing pointless."
- Tessa has posed:
"The random chance of getting something brilliant or terrible has merit," she mused, leaning back until her head is resting against Sebastian's shoulder. "I think an actual prize for interesting pranks, and the ability for everyone to obtain a single egg that could be a treat but is likely to require something they'd hate doing to get it. Upgraded membership for a set time, but they have to spend a weekend assisting the cleaning crew to get it. A set number of free drinks, but they're bartender's choice."
- Sebastian Shaw has posed:
Hand idly running against Tessa's thigh as Sebastian listens to her spit out a bunch of ideas, each better than the last, the Black King nods. "I like that. So my prank is that everyone gets an egg, your prank is that the eggs end up serving us as much, and not as useful to them." He grins. "I love it."
- Tessa has posed:
"If they're willing to do the tasks, it doesn't hurt us to extend some... charity. Are they desperate enough to see the inside to debase themselves? Or do they have the personal integrity to draw a line? Both could be useful." Tessa was relaxed in Sebastian's hold, half-lidded eyes watching the warm hand travel along her thigh. "I do love to cultivate an unexpected asset. We get such interesting information that way."
- Sebastian Shaw has posed:
"To be sure. It would be good to recruit some good talent." Sebastian's fingers tap idly along the top of Tessa's thighs. "Perhaps you can be tasked with identifying talent to recruit during the party, while I judge the pranks. And when all is said and done, we unsure that some manner of invitation finds its way into all of the eggs that the potential talent receives." His hand resumes its casual travel against her thigh as he looks up at her. "I rather enjoy uncultivated assets as well," he murmurs, although in his case, it is innuendo.
- Tessa has posed:
Tessa taps his lower lip with a teasing finger. "The house always wins," she murmurs, "and my King gets what he desires." A part of her mind was already processing the tasks and gifts they could match, lesser ones more freely given while greater ones would require effort on the part of the winners. Those thoughts were slotted in with the dozen other things she always had mentally running in the background, but the majority of her is present, body warm and lightly flushed as Sebastian's hand moves higher, the innuendo adding a lightness to the charged atmosphere.
- Sebastian Shaw has posed:
Sebastian knows that Tessa is already working through all of the problems, the tasks, and the challenges for tomorrow. Once set on a project, she will deliver, and she requires little help from him. Which leaves him free to enjoy whatever else she can focus her mind on. In this case, it is his roaming hand.
"It's good to be the King," he murmurs almost to himself.