17562/Brothers catching up.

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Brothers catching up.
Date of Scene: 02 April 2024
Location: Guthrie Residence
Synopsis: The boys talk girls
Cast of Characters: Jay Guthrie, Samuel Guthrie

Jay Guthrie has posed:
Sometimes things at Xavier's can get a little claustrophobic for Jay, who largely is an introverted loner. So during times like that he heads out to see if his brother is around. It takes him about an hour to fly from the grounds at Xavier's to Sam's apartment. He likes to fly high so he doesn't get noticed. Then at the last minute he dives down to land on the balcony. So there is probably a bit of a thud, followed by a knocking on the glass.

"Yo, Sam, you in there? Lemme in, it's fuckin' freezing out here."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie is in the living room listening to some music. The song playing is Never leave Harlen Alive, one of their Dad's favorite songs, but it is the newer version by Darrel Scott. At the sound he turns the music down a bit and looks over. His brow raises "Will you look at the size of those pidgeons." He teases but comes over to open the door for Jay.

Jay Guthrie has posed:
It's a chilly Spring day with a drizzle in the air, and a few thousand feet up it's even colder! As soon as Sam slides open the door, Jay pushes past his brother into the warm interior of the apartment. "Hey, man. Thanks." He peers around to see if anybody else is home. "I'm not, like, interruptin' anything am I?"

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie shakes his head and says "Na, just hanging out listening to some music." Jay may know as the next song comes on it is some music Sam listens to when he is down some. "You want something to drink? Ah got tea, Cheerwine, Cola, or can make ya something a bit warmer."

Jay Guthrie has posed:
Sam has a nice place, so Jay always has a tendency to move through it carefully so he doesn't knock stuff over with his massive wings. He moves cautiously to a dining room chair and plops down on it. "Psh, you got anythin' real to drink up in here? Some whiskey sounds good right about now. That'll take care of the chill."

He tips his head to the side as he listens to the tracks change. "Oh shit," he says as he starts putting two and two together. He looks around. "I don't see no girl things lying around here and you're listening to your Music-To-Jump-Off-The-Roof-To playlist." Jay peers at his brother. "Somethin' you wanna talk about, bro?"

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie chuckles a bit to his brother, and will walk over to the fridge and opens it up pulling a mason jar from the back or it, and setting the jar of clear liquid on the table before getting two glasses "It is just a bit frustrating Izzy got called back to the Shi'ar throne world and not sure when she will be back.

Jay Guthrie has posed:
The winged young man screws open the jar and pours two Extra Large portions. "Leaving you and your right hand all alone." He smirks. Maybe Jay isn't the most empathetic person when it comes to relationships. After all, he woke up at the bottom of a lake after being murdered, holding the dead body of his girlfriend in his arms. But the fact that he asked at all is a testament to just how fond of Sam Jay is.

"Good thing I'm here," Jay announces and then takes a big swig of the booze. He hardly flinches at all from the stuff. Jay's had it rough, and he has done way more than his fair share of drinking to make it all better...or at least to make it not as bad. Plus with his enhanced healing it wears off quick. "We can get drunk, send prank texts to Paige's phone, and watch the Mets wreck the Detroit tonight."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie chuckles a bit and says "Ah get uncle Luke to send me some every few months, figure lets him have a connection with the family without upsetting Ma to much." HE says as he sips his drink and says "Well Ah will need to make a call if Ah plan on getting drunk, but can do it. Just gotta make sure the precinct knows Ah can't be called in."

Jay Guthrie has posed:
Jay has already downed an entire glass. "This stuff tastes like shit," he says as he pours himself another heaping serving. "This stuff could dissolve the S off Superman's cape." Jay smirks a little, maybe proud of his joke or something.

Normally quiet and reserved, Jay is able to relax and be himself around Sam. He trusts his older brother completely. "There's this girl on campus. She got wings." He shrugs.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie 's brow raises a bit and will describe Patty "Wouldn't have to be a girl looks a bit like that would it?"

Jay Guthrie has posed:
Jay nods a bit and grunts a bit. He's maybe not so great at the self expression, this one. "Yeah, that's her," he says. "Penny or Payton or Melissa or somethin'." The tip of his nose is a bit red as he starts downing his second drink.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie will move to the jar to slow Jay down a bit but not cutting him off. It might be a habit he has picked up from Bartending. "Yea Patty, Izzy and Ah ran into her at a dinner a while back, suggested talking to you or Warren about quick release wing harnesses.

Jay Guthrie has posed:
Jay snorts. "Warren," he says. "That poser." Then he giggles a little bit, already a bit drink from the powerful homemade hooch. Luckily his enhanced regeneration will burn through it quickly.

"Whatever," he says, snorting again. "I don't even like her anyway. She's prolly a vegan or somethin'." Jay peers off at the wall. Clearly he kind of likes her.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie shakes his head and says "Na a meat eatter, a cheese burger and fries if Ah remember right." He tells his brother, and will stand up and walk over to get to a couple plates from the fridge, one has some left over fried chicken, and one some meat loaf, as well as some tater salad. "Speaking of food."

Jay Guthrie has posed:
Jay's eyes light up when his brother brings out leftovers. What's better than instant food you don't have to cook? Leftovers are bomb. He starts digging in to the food with gusto.

"Cheeseburger, huh?" he says around mouthfuls. "That's cool I guess. Did she get dessert?" Yeah, no, he doesn't like her one bit.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie has to think about it for a moment and says "Pie and Ice cream Ah think, but don't remember what type." He tells his brother. He makes himself a meatloaf sandwich and yea Sam did learn to cook from their mom.

Jay Guthrie has posed:
Jay eats in silence for a bit, suddenly lost in thought. Thinking about girls has taken him to a place he doesn't tend to like to go. Finally, after long, quiet moments: "Y'know," he says in a soft voice. "Most'a the time I can't even remember what Julia's face looks like anymore. Sometimes I try for hours to remember." He looks up at this brother. "Do you think she would have forgotten my face if she lived and I died, Sam?"

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks to his brother and says "Ah don't think any more than you did, but to be honest Ah don't think she would want you to punish yourself over it. She seemed like a good girl from what Ah heard, and Ah will be honest, never thought Ah would be saying that about anyone with the last name Cabot. From what you and the little ones have told me about her, she would want you happy, and living your life to the fullest"

Jay Guthrie has posed:
With an annoyed expression and a dismissive flick of one hand, Jay just shakes his head. "It don't matter anyway. The chances of her liking me are like...zero. Most'a the time if you like somebody, the odds are they aren't gonna like you back. And even if she did like me, most relationships don't last." An old world romantic, this one. A real poet.

Jay reaches past his brother to fetch the bottle that Sam slide away. He knows his brother's tricks. Jay pours himself some more Fuck It Juice.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks to his brother and says "Ok, Ah might not be the poster boy for lasting relationships, but you gotta take the chance. Ah know we aint been through the same thing Josh, but if you decide to act like Josh Guthrie, Ah am sure she will think your ok, if ya decide to be a big red cock, well then your the one decideing that.

Jay Guthrie has posed:
The half-drunk Jay smirks out a little giggle. "You said cock," he blurts out.

Apparently that's as much as he cares to say about relationships. He tucks into the meatloaf, chowing down on some cold slices with his hands. But then after some silent moments eating, he can't help but add: "She does have wings. That's pretty sick."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie nods his head a bit and says "Ah aint see them yet, but yea she told me. It was nice to be able to fly with Izzy, aint been able to do that with anyone else. Mind you Tabby has been trying to mimic my flight, but without a blast field or regeneration, not sure on how smart that idea is."

Jay Guthrie has posed:
Jay can only take so much emotional talk. And Sam is on a VERY, VERY small list of people he's even willing to have such discussions with at all. But clearly Sharing Time is over as far as Jay is concerned. He gets up and heads into the living room to hunt for the remote. "Let's listen to some pre-game bullshit. I like watching overpaid fools share their wrong opinions." He flops down on the couch still holding a glass of the homemade gut rot.