17610/One Two Three Four, let's cause a little more.
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One Two Three Four, let's cause a little more. | |
Date of Scene: | 09 April 2024 |
Location: | Chinatown |
Synopsis: | A simple snatch and grab is turns into a knock out city when MJ crashed the party. Flashdrive gets home, but a copy of it is made. |
Cast of Characters: | Wilson Fisk, Mary Jane Watson
- Wilson Fisk has posed:
Down in Chinatown, the sound of silence and darkness pitch black. All the streetlights seem to have been disconnected at once, the lights of the stores are out as well. There are three figures moving down the street, in that darkness moving towards a store, that sells antiques. They are dressed like ninjas all in black, but the lead one is snapping his fingers to the pop music is blaring in his ear phones. The other two move with him, as they reach the door they stand there examining it.
- Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane has been out on a separate assignment. Phil Ulrich, the nearly Peter-levels unlucky nephew of Ben Ulrich, prized investigative reporter, had been sent to pickup something on the bad side of town. Through a convoluted series of favors called in, MJ had been sent to keep an eye on the kid as he was an easy route to get to the elder Ulrich. So as she goes along, her eyes are on the ever-so oblivious Phil going past as the redhead sticks to the shadows.
- Wilson Fisk has posed:
The man slowly spin something along the glass door, it slices into it one of them reaching into the door now to unlock and open it with a nod of their head. They move into the shop silent, on the winds except for that lead man snapping to the beat still, they are inside of the store dark as night inside of it. Flashlights shining around it now, they seem to be trying to find something exact, they are ignoring most of the items for now.
- Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Oh come /on/. Mary Jane goes to sigh. Phil can handle himself for a few moments. Mary Jane goes to slowly maneuver along. Snapping to the beat.. Really, is this Hypno Hustler? Mary Jane makes a point of putting in some earplugs just to be on the safe side while going to maneuver to try and flank the guys.
- Wilson Fisk has posed:
Inside of the store feels old, ancient, everything is so old and made out of jade. They are moving through it till the light is on a jade dragon. "Cool, this is what the man wants." The two guys on the side move towards the large dragon, picking it up now with little chuckle. "Too damn easy tonight, too damn easy. Come on boys." His voice is off the boat Italian. They start for the exit, him snapping his fingers and the two goons taking the very heavy prize in their hands.
- Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Well, that's interesting. Definitely not who she was thinking of here. Mary Jane pauses, and then goes to try and grab at the first thing she can use to cover her head. It's a gag Spidey Ski-Mask that she got knitted for her by a friend that's really, really bad. She goes to slide it on quickly, pulling it over her eyes.
"Hey, isn't it a little late for a reenactment of the Italian Job? You know Al Pacino really hated that movie?"
- Wilson Fisk has posed:
Snaps turns to look at her with a shake of his head. "That movie sucked, but no we just getting this to a buyer is all. You know." His voice is friendly, as he looks over at her and the mask. His hand is moves into his jacket pulling out his pistol, to wave it towards her. "Now get going, so I can get back to w0ork you know. Too many in masks get shot, don't get shot."
- Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would calmly look over at the gun, "Well, for starters I'm going to hate to have to tell you, you don't have a round chambered in that. Next, you had the safety off the entire time you had it in your jacket. You tried to pull it out looking all smooth there you'd have shot yourself in the junk if you weren't dumb enough already to not have it ready to fire. The More You Know." Actually, the gun may have actually been setup properly, but MJ was betting if this was a crew being this lacksadasical while robbing, they didn't have a lot of experience, and the guy might blink and look at his gun to confirm it.
THen she's going to if possible take the moment to charge in over at the man, swinging a nightstick styled baton at him.
- Wilson Fisk has posed:
The snipper fires a shot right by her head breaking a jade pot behind her head. "Nah, not my first as you American's say Rodeo, I think right?" His hand is moves to aim the pistol once more at her, as the other two start to head out the door. "Now any other statements or may I go. I would hate to shot you once again, I do hate murder when it is not needed."
They are moving now wanting to stay on the good side of this man it seems, they are scared of him by the quickness of movement.
- Mary Jane Watson has posed:
The pistol goes to fire over her head, and Mary Jane goes to charge in. The guy blinked, and she's moving to try and move to smash at him with her baton. The guy is hte leader, the other two are scared fo him. They're not going to effectively come to help him if he's in a scrap. The baton goes to swing over, trying to hit the inside of the man's wrist, twisting up in a twirl to try and bat the hand away that has the gun - hopefully making it so he can't aim at her. Opposite leg snapping up to try and kick him in the kneecap.
"You have to really commit to the mentality. Are you a wannabe Maggia Man? A beat poet? You're wishy washy." PIck a stereotype and stick to it!
- Wilson Fisk has posed:
That hat is goes flying fedora head over foot as his kneecap is smashed going down, as his gun is flys out of his hand hitting the wall. A stray bullet bouncing slamming into one of the big guys as he stumbles back, clutching his neck with a gurgle of blood pouring out of his mouth hitting the ground, his eyes rolling into the back of his head. He is out from the shock of the bullet, the wound is looks worse than it is. The other big dude screams running out the door, or trying to as the snapper lies there dazed.
- Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Dammit, dammit. Mary Jane ignores the two running out of there. Priorities. She goes down to the man, and moves to quickly yank out an improvised bandage - in this case one of the fake silk banners declaring a sale and moves to work on binding the injury.
- Wilson Fisk has posed:
The wound is easy to tie off, the dazed man is moves for the exit now stumbling out as he smashes into the dragon cracking it down the middle. His hand is pulls out a flashdrive, running now as he looks at the woman and the downed man without a care for his friend.
- Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Then Mary Jane goes to hurl the baton at the back of the man's head if she can, trying to hit him on the back of the skull to hopefully send him sprawling and have him tumble. Or failing her strike to make him instinctively duck.
- Wilson Fisk has posed:
The Snapper is it hit in the back of the head, turning to glare at her on the floor. "Mother..." He turns to walk towards her and than he stumbles from the blow and the kneecap going down the drive is slides across the floor towards the door. The big guy is turns now to see it rushing back reaching down to grab it now, leaving the other two down.
- Mary Jane Watson has posed:
The big guy (that does not have Rusty with him) gets met by Mary Jane going to try and charge right over at him wtih intent to try and catch him with a tackle as soon as he's out far enough for her attempted smash to not break anything more in the store, if she can trying to knock him down. "So, who are you guys trying to ape? Man Mountain Marko? The Enforcers? Crazy Eight? Turner D Century?"
- Wilson Fisk has posed:
The big guy is down easy as he was bending over, all of them out cold now with no talking, the sound of sirens coming can be heard now. That flashdrive is right there on the floor on the way out the door.
- Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Hmm. Now to see what this was all about. Mary Jane goes to jog over towards the flash drive, moving to quickly take out her second phone. First one was work phone, second one was friend phone, third phone was personal phone. The diskette is popped to the Spider-Comm (they need a better name for it) and contents copied in short order to hopefully be decrypted later. The original is left out on the floor for the cops to pick up to carry out thier own investigation. The dropped gun is rapidly field stripped and thrown to the side. Then she's off and into the night to keep track of Phil.
- Wilson Fisk has posed:
Everything on that flash drive is highly encrypted. It will take an expert to undo it.
Later that evening in the penthouse of one man with many on the payroll. That flash drive is placed on a single desk, for someone to view the files. It seems, sometimes even with the law's help things still end the way they should.