17616/Hot Dog Break!

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Hot Dog Break!
Date of Scene: 09 April 2024
Location: Weiner Hut
Synopsis: Sunny and Mark stop for hot dogs and get visited by Cain - who seems to know who they are, even if they don't know the same. But hey! Free meals! Woo!
Cast of Characters: Mark Grayson, Sunny Harlow, Cain Marko

Mark Grayson has posed:
It's been a nice patrol - really, patrolling Metropolis is really nicer than say Gotham - at least noone is growling at them to go away. And while it was a nice patrol, it was relatively fruitless for what Invincible really wanted to do - introduce Indestructibelle around to maybe a Kryptonian or two. So, that's how they ended up at the Weiner Hut.

"I hear Supergirl hangs out here. A lot." Mark is explaining as he opens the door to let Sunny enter first. "In costume and everything. So the hot dogs should be good?" he asks with a lift of his brow. Dressed in the familiar blue and yellow togs of his classic costume, he uhs. "You got this one? I didn't bring my wallet." he admits to Sunny with a faint coloring of his cheeks. "I know, I know, I should have a jacket!"

Sunny Harlow has posed:
To be fair, Sunny -had- met each of the big name Kryptonians, she'd fought alongside several and even once rescued the 'big blue' himself, much to a point of pride.

Now, the pair were here in constume, Indestructibelle giving a little laugh as she reached into the cropped jacket she wore for that exact reason: a bodysuit didn't have pockets!

Fishing out a few notes, she hands the cash over to Mark with a grin. "You're lucky you're cute," she teases lightly before making her way towards a booth.

Cain Marko has posed:
Well this is interesting. It's either suddenly nighttime, a solar eclipse has decided to spontaneously happen, or someone closed the shades as a sudden shadowing occurs near the pack entrance of The Weiner Hut where rear entrances towards the parking lot, staff areas and patron restrooms most certainly exist.

The source of this change in atmosphere? --- An immense man so gigantic he looks like he probably iwalking around with a palpable personal gravity well. Indeed, the gargantuan red-headed, lightly bearded, brute emerges from the back halls with all the fanfare of an elephant moving with practiced ease among a company of sheep. Big on a scale that implies he dines on super heavy weight bodybuilders, the entire defensive line of the AFC and a few decades past of the World's Strongest Men competitors.

By the way he's huge. The -real- question is probably something along the lines of: How the hell did he fit through the door or in stalls in the bathrooms and also wehre the hell does he plan to sit if he is hanging around. Given the compact nature of the place he's basically everywhere in it all at once.

Needless to say, the presence of a certain Citzen Cain does indeed turn heads but the seven footer plus gargantuan makes his way with shades covering his ice blue eyes and a sort of mild dismissal of any stares, phone cameras or wide eyes cast his way. Like a passing oil tanker, he begins moving past the booth towards the two superheroic love birds though his head seems to remain fixated on the food up ahead.

Mark Grayson has posed:
As Sunny hands over the money, Mark smirks. "Cute and smart enough to know you'd be carrying cash." he points out with a wink as he turns his attention to the menu. "What do you think? The Chicago looks interesting, with it's pickle spears. That Gotham though... is that a black bun?" his lips curl up in a small grimace and shake of his head. "Not feeling that adventurous. I'll have the Chicago, what do you want?"

While he waits for Sunny to order, that's when the large, very large man enters the building, passing by the Supergirl poster on the wall, and Mark finds his attention drawn over to the man's girth. He knows a few people that large - but the only one he's seen in any type of civilian guise was Wilson Fisk.

Either way, as he makes his way forward, Mark holds his place in line, assuming that Cain will stop and wait his turn as it should be polite.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
Sunny -had- actually met Cain before in passing, and she -had- heard of the Juggernaut, but she hadn't quite linked the two together. One couldn't assume in the world of mutants, metahumans and aliens that one big guy was the same of another.

"I think I'll stick with a classic," she offers, though her gaze does indeed shift towards Cain with a blink.

She could lift a tank, but even she found his bulk intimidating!

Cain Marko has posed:
The titanic man does indeed come to a stop. His foot impacts heavily against the floor of the building seemingly -just- shy of enough pressure to actually cause the place to rumble. Probably just the visual effect of seeing him come to a stop.

Thus he loms right behind Mark like some sort of wall wearing a tee-shirt with a grinning cartoonish godzilla plastered on it. Mark's head height probaly somewhere near to the big animated looking teeth being sported by this render of the kaiju across Cain's expansive torso.

Further up by some distance, Cain tilts his head down and takes a good look at Mark now and his eyebrows both crane up rising up over the rim of his dark shades. From Sunny's vantage point it's clear to her that the behemoth has taken a sudden interest in Invincible. This in and of itself is probably not -too- unusual. They are dressed for patrol Grade-A superheroes after all but Cain's mouth purses a tough tighter and his nose wrinikles abit as if he's pondering something very carefully.

He then finally reaches up and slowly pulls his shades down on his broad nose, giving Mark a very careful and close look now as if trying to make sure he's seeing what he thinks he's seeing.

When he speaks, it's a deep rumbly bass that vibrates through the air and perhaps even ruffles the dark hair cresting atop Mark's head. "Heeey...uh...aint you, uh...Invincible...?"

At this point his gaze flickers away from the hero and towards his partner in patrol..glancing over Sunny before flickering back to Mark.

Mark Grayson has posed:
"I'll have one Classic Combo and one Chicago combo, please." Mark offers to the lady behind the counter, who it takes a couple of seconds for her to accept the order as well, because she too, is staring way up at the mountain that has arrived behind Mark. Finally, though, she accepts the order - because seeing someone in costume in Metropolis getting food is normal, but Cain? Cain is way different and attention grabbing.

That rumbling step that Cain makes causes the ground to vibrate slightly and Mark feels it through his heels, unaware that he's being looked over with such scrutinity as he was about to grab the drink cups for him and Sunny.

That is until Cain speaks and it reverbs through the young hero's body. There's a brief pause, before he tilts his head backwards to look up and up at Cain. And with his mask on, it's hard to see the rise of one of his brows as he takes in the massive form.

"That's me." he offers with a quick smile, "Uh. Hi?" That said as he gets two drink cups and change and steps aside so that Cain may order, offering one of the drinks to Sunny.

Cain Marko has posed:
There's that animated movie with the fish and sharks.

No the good one.

A scene where the two small fish are greeted by a smiling great white shark. Such is Cain's grin as looks Mark over. His lips pulling back into a full toothed smile that stretches from one ear to the other as his eyes squint and he stuides Invincible for long.

Too long.

Then his deep rumbles out a simple: "...Hello." in response to his greeting, followed by, "...Big fan..."

His gaze then drifts to the nervous cashier and he holds her in his stare for an uncomfortably long moment before finally plucking his glasses from his nose to then rest them on top of his closely cropped red hair.

"Lemme cover theirs for 'em." he offers, indicating Sonny and Mark with a gesture of his head and flare of his barrel thick neck. "I got 'em. GIve him his mnney back." He slips a hand into his pocket to reveal a thick roll of rubber banded cash.

Mark Grayson has posed:
There's something familiar. And the small fish is looking up at the toothy shark, Invincible feels that little excited shudder again. Adrenaline - something that humans have that Viltrumites don't, and probably what sparked his sudden strength growth after facing off with someone just about Cain's size - okay, he's a bit shorter without the helmet and boots! - and what his father ended up doing to him before leaving the planet.

But before Mark can get too deep into his own thoughts, Cain offers to buy his and Sunny's meal. And that gives Mark a complete blank, before he ohs softly. "Uh, if you're sure? Thanks!"

The cashier is not about to argue with anything and Mark offers his change to exchange for the cash he handed over earlier - which is dutifully presented back to his girlfriend so she can put it back in her wallet.

"I appreciate it!" Mark says, a smile appearing for a moment. "I hope you have a nice meal."

Sunny Harlow has posed:
That was...unnerving, but it -should- be positive. Was this like....breaking a gift policy or something? After all, Sunny wasn't actively -employed- as a heroine.

"Oh uh...thank you Mr...?" she offers, adjusting her position where she sat and then gently leaning into Mark to speak softly. "That's not...like, a non-blue Mauler twin in disguise, right?"

Cain Marko has posed:
In full regalia...he's practicallyt wice as big. But with a fight like that and Cain's heavy looming presence...Mark can be forgiven for not having the exacts of the scale right. Juggernaut is a hard behemoth to take in after all. One of hte biggest. One of hte strongest.

Cain's not doing much, for his part, for making things seem less unsettling either. That grin of his is big but no true 'mirth' reaches his eyes. If anyting he seems amused at some private little joke he's having.

"I'm sure." he answers Mark. "Anything for our protectors. I might be able to bench a team of linebackers but I aint out there trading punches with Hulk or something."

His smile returns then. Perhaps a bit smarmy but...he did pay for the food and do them some good so there is there.

"Marko." he answers Sunny, turning to give her a good look now as well. He studies her for a moment as if searching for recognition and something to jar his memory. "Cain Marko."

Mark Grayson has posed:
"Too big." Mark responds to Sunny. "And they always travel in pairs." he points out as well, after handing the cash and drink cup with her. And then Cain is introducing himself, and it seems only polite that Mark return the favor, right?

"Well, you already know I'm Invincible." comes his comment as he holds the cup. "This is Indestructibelle." There, introductions are made. Not so awkward anymore, right?

There's a glance over to the drink machine. "It was nice meeting you, Mister Marko. We're just going to go over here and get our drinks. Thanks again for the meal!"

Sunny Harlow has posed:
"Marko," she repeats, putting two and two together. She'd served him, as her civillian self, when she'd been working at Joe's. Coffee, pie and a big breakfast. Unaware that he was also a supervillain she'd seen the aftermath of more than once that seemed to put the young woman at ease before Mark makes the introductions and she gives a little nod in agreement. "We really appreciate it."

Cain Marko has posed:
"Don't worry about it. It's no problem..."

Cain's voice actually loses a bit of it's brooklyn-brawler like smarmyness for a moment there. The repeated thank yous seem to have managed to crack his facade slightly and ...he supposes he doesn't mind actually, despite his personal humor at it all.

"It's fine. I feel like...I owe ya one.."

He lets that cryptic comment linger in the air and then adds with a more friendly, sounding, "...and pleasedtameetcha."

He gives them a slight wave with two of his massive fingers as Mark indicates their next step. "See ya kids around..." And with that, he turns to get back in line as his extended conversation caused him to lose his spot.