17620/Not the Amazonian He Expected

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Not the Amazonian He Expected
Date of Scene: 10 April 2024
Location: Themysciran Arts Center
Synopsis: Scott Lang goes to talk to an amazon and ends up speaking to a Goddess from his past.
Cast of Characters: Scott Lang, Sofia Maroni

Scott Lang has posed:
"Hey. Do you know where I can find Wonder Woman?" a man asks what looks to be an Amazonian guard.

The guard is silent. So, the guy shrugs and moves on to the next Amazonian looking guard, "What about her sidekick? Associate? Kind of looks like her or a cousin?" the man asks to no avail.

Sadly, what guards perceive to be a normal man is actually Scott Lang. He's not the first to ask, just one of the first to have a legitimate reason to. "We did a thing, in space. I caught a ship!" and yes, that's completely true. "I just wanted to say 'Thanks!' Avenger to Amazon," and he continues to get blown off.

Shrugging, Scott just proceeds to look over the place. Quizzical pale green eyes taking in the sights. Wearing a pair of black slacks, a simple dark blue hoodie and a white button up shirt, he just walks about. There's no real destination. Just a man trying to see a side of New York that feels foreign to him. Like he's never been here, or it has been ages since the last visit.

And this is how he begins to explore the various training grounds. "Maybe I should cancel my gym membership and come here more," he muses to no one in particular. It's impressive and he's a semi-regular at Avenger's Mansion. "We need to team up with more Amazons," another idle comment. They have great equipment, resources and are beasts on the battle field. Scarily so.

If anyone recognizes Scott Lang, thanks to a public persona, he's not exactly hiding.

Sofia Maroni has posed:
Ever since talking with Diana about learning more of Amazon culture, Sofia has been spending most of her time in the Arts Center. The singer has learned a lot of their songs, of course. She has also been reading a the Amazonian history and tales of her mother, Aphrodite.

Right now, however, Sofia is just leaving the practice arena. Wearing sandals, greaves, bracers, pauldrons and a chest piece of hard, molded leather, Sofia's blonde hair is pulled back as well.
    She is sparring with a black-haired Amazon using sword and shield when Scott looks into the training arena. And from the look of it, Sofia is certainly holding her own.

Scott Lang has posed:
Scott will linger to watch the Amazons practice. He swears one is familiar. And so, he watches the combat. Sometimes it's like a brutal dance between the combatants. At one point, he will speak up, "I got twenty on...," his words trail because there are many options to pick. All of them feel inappropriate for a first meeting in a small spell.

"That one!" Scott will just point after he struggles to find the term. From there he leans against the nearest flat surface to watch.

Sofia Maroni has posed:
The dance continues, the two fighters trading blows that ring steadily on the shields. Both are fast, the fight moving not only back-and-forth but circling.

The black-haired woman's shield lowers a tad, and the blonde moves in. Pivoting, Sofia uses her own shield to knock her opponent's blade aside as she reverses the grip on her sword. Trying to stab like a dagger, her opponent's shield sweeps it up and aside at the last moment.

"Hold!" the black-haired woman calls, clearly the instructor. "No, Sofia. The gladius is not a switchblade. Stop trying to stab like like it is. You are strong and fast, but you fight like a thug."

Scott Lang has posed:
"What about giving her a dagger? Not as elegant as a sword, but it would lean into what she's doing?" Scott poses from the sidelines. He's just trying to offer a happy medium in this situation.

The instructor has a point. Sofia -is- using the sword like a small blade. The sword just looks too long when it's turned back like that. He does know daggers, billy clubs and sticks may be more her speed. Too much time with Natasha and others like her.

If anyone looks at him, he shrugs.

Sofia Maroni has posed:
The instructor gives Scott a look that is... well, it's not very nice. "We are -not- currently training in dagger combat." she replies. "That is an area where her skill is quite sufficient. The gladius, on the other hand, still needs work." Sofia gets a smile at the last.

The blonde is listening, but recognition is immediate. Brows knit, then a smile touches her lips. It grows steadily, until she chuckles. "Thank you for the lesson, Calliope. i will see you same time tomorrow." Still carrying the sword and shield, she turns towards Scott and walks over.

"So who let you in here anyway, Lang?" she offers, lightly swinging the sword. If Scott were to look, the weapon rack is actually pretty close to where he's standing.

Scott Lang has posed:
"Sorry!" Lang apologizes and means that. He thought it is a freeform combat and not weapon specific. And he is used to that look. Although, that look with a sword is a little intimidating.

"Oh, you know how it is. The adult watching me, turned their head and I just wandered in here. What boy wouldn't be attracted to amazons and pointy things?" he grins.

"Actually space and amazon things, if you'd believe me," he decides to be honest rather than sarcastic. "The amazons were part of a large group helping some alien refuges. I was there, too. Word of advice, don't catch a spaceship hurling at fast speeds," he looks in Sofia's eyes. "I have a small fear of fire I'm still getting over because of it."

Sofia Maroni has posed:
Sofia Maroni steps right up close, unslinging the shield to hang it on the rack. The sword follows, and she turns to take a really good look at him. "Amazons in space, catching spaceships, and now a fear of fire. That sounds like a rather fantastic tale, Mister Lang." she offers, with a playful grin.

Demigod physique or not, Sofia is flushed from training. And is it possible to look even in -better- shape as the Daughter of Aphrodite? "I've been doing some soul-searching, and I have decided to embrace my mother's heritage rather than dodge it. It's a good phase for me.

Her voice lowers a touch, then, and she leans a bit towards him. "It's really good to see you again, Scott."

Scott Lang has posed:
"It was more chaotic and cooler than it sounds. The short version is, I was part of a large group helping alien refugees. One of my contributions was going giant sized. I caught a ship like a football, but it was going real fast," he sighs and shakes his head a little bit. "Fire happened shortly after. I had to be put out like a race car driver that just got out of a crash."

Scott nods a bit more, "Good. You need to embrace the -positive- parents. Just don't broadcast it. Well, the specifics," he looks at Sofia honestly. "Too many people will think you're better than E-Harmony at love connections. That could get annoying," he wants to point this out. People are looking for love, and he thinks they would -swarm- Sofia if any remoite connection to Aphrodite is revealed.

"It's good to see you, too. Really," he smiles and picks up on that tone. "What else did you do while soul searching? Where did you go? Did you catch on fire, too?" he smirks and shakes his head. "Sorry. I don't have too many exciting tales."

Sofia Maroni has posed:
Sofia Maroni listens, one hand on her hip. When he mentions catching fire her gaze flickers over his hands and arms to look for scars from the burns.

"The Amazons respect my heritage and they can keep secrets. But as far as anyone else is concerned, I am a Messenger of Iris." She smirks, then. "So you don't think I should start my own website?"

While they talk she eases a little closer, comfortably so. "Honestly, I tried to lose myself in the bar scene for a while. But after playing for so many years, I had already explored that dead end pretty thoroughly. So I followed the advice of a friend and made an appointment to see Diana. She gave me some books about my mother... stories recorded by Amazon historians... as well as some very good advice. So now I spend most of my days here. I'm free to come and go as I choose, of course, but it is becoming more and more like home."

Scott Lang has posed:
Scott feels the gaze and then he points to his legs. "Close call. Rescuers were -quick-." Alien technology may have helped, too.

"Iris, eh?" Scott says and nods and will use that term whenever they're in public.

"I mean you -could- do your own website, even get rich off of it. Would you be happy with it?" Scott asks seriously. Pale green eyes looking back to Sofia, honestly.

Scott's heart goes out a little bit here, "Why did you lose yourself in the booze scene? You're better than that, Sofia," he sighs and shakes his head. "But everyone can slip. Trust me, I've made some mistakes," he still remembers prison quite well. "Y'know, it suits you," he gestures up and down. "You're at some kind of peace. It suits you."

Sofia Maroni has posed:
Sofia Maroni smirks at the question about being happy with the website, and she laughs. "You know I wouldn't be." the woman replies. "And not the booze scene, but the bar scene. I played pretty much every dive bar up and down the East Coast. It was almost like being off the grid. But like I said, I did that before."

"And yes, Iris. Greek Goddess of Rainbows and Messenger Goddess, the female counterpart to Hermes." She shrugs a little, then adds. "It's where I got my wings." The large, rainbow-feathered wings she showed when she took Cassie for a ride.

"Everyone makes mistakes, yes. It's how we move on from them that matters."

There is a moment of awkward silence, then Sofia asks. "So how is Cassie doing?"

Scott Lang has posed:
"See?" Scott feels vindicated by her response. "Happy you're on the grid. The world is better with you in it, instead of in a dive bar. No disrespect to dive bars," Scott actually likes those places.

"Got it. Daughter of Iris, not as glamorous, but it fits," he nods actually liking that story. It fits and people won't pester Sofia. It's perfect.

That awkward silence nestles between the pair before Cassie's asked about, "Encouraging me to be social Making my hair go grey because she's going to ask me to get in our 'probono work.' I can feel it coming," he admits, much to his chagrin. "She's good. Real good. I'm trying to make sure I'm doing the good dad thing, the good hero thing, and then I can be mediocre everything else thanks to exhaustion," he knows that's not true. However, he's happy to sleep in sometimes.

Sofia Maroni has posed:
"Messenger of Iris." she corrects softly. "But you're right. And I don't need titles to be glamorous." It's not boasting if it's the truth, right?

When the subject turns to Cassie, Sofia's eyes light up and the smile broadens. "So that's what all the kids are calling it now, 'probono work'?" she offers. Reaching out, she rests a hand lightly upon his chest. "You are a -great- dad, Scott, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise."

Sofia looks thoughtful for a moment. "You know, I seem to recall that I owe Cassie a longer flight. With appropriately warm clothes, of course." Looking back at Scott, she tilts her head. "If her dad's okay with it, of course."

Scott Lang has posed:
"Messenger of Iris," Scott corrects himself with a smirk. He's amused.

"No. It's why I call it when I'm afraid people will walk in. I can't expose you," Scott knows it's far too late for him. Far far too late for that.

The hand goes to his chest and he looks down. It's not a bad look, "I doubt it sometimes. Thank you, I need to hear that sometimes," Scott is trying.

"I mean I might want a ride, too. But I trust you with her," it's a simple statement. Yet it says so much about his faith in Sofia. He trusts her with his most prized person in his life. That takes a lot.

Sofia Maroni has posed:
Sofia Maroni tilts her head, then, clucking her tongue softly as her expression become playful. "You think -you- might want a ride, too? Why Mister Lang, I'm honestly not sure I understand what you're asking..." she teases, putting on a southern accent that's a bit -too- good.

Sofia laughs, then. "It sounds to me like you've found your own hero-family with the Avengers, Scott. And that's a really good thing. It's important to stay grounded, after all."
    The humor fades a little, then. "And thank you for your trust. You know that you can call me literally anytime. There aren't many mortals who get that offer from me."

Scott Lang has posed:
Scott realizes he stepped into that one. "Well, you're no longer hosting a website where I would have to answer that question," Scott teases back. "And I know I'm missing a joke about Southern hospitality," he grins.

"Maybe. Judge is still out, but they're important to me," he admits. A finger goes up, "I still think you'd be a good fit, but," and that last word is why he has the finger up. "I like this Sofia better. Whatever you're doing, keep it up," he grins. "All I'm going to say about Avengers unless it's story or me-related," he shows Sofia that the old urge to get her Avenger's membership started is gone. Not in a bad way, either.

"Why me?" Scott asks, honestly. Scott knows he's an odd pill to swallow. "Y'know we live in a world where Captain America exists, right?"

Sofia Maroni has posed:
Sofia Maroni tilts her head, blonde brows lifting. "Captain America? Think you could give me his number?" she replies with faux innocence. Sofia -knows- how to contact just about anyone, after all. It's part of her job.

"And thank you, Scott. But to answer your question, I guess I'm still trying to figure that out myself. Maybe that's why I keep coming back." She pauses, seeking his gaze. "What do you say? Interested in helping me work it out?"

Scott Lang has posed:
"Yeah. I got him on speed dial," Scott starts to go for his phone. "I got it right here. I mean, a guy can't know too many Gods or Goddesses, right?" Scott figures she could do something godly to get a hold of the guy.

Scott's brows furrow just a little bit. "I'm trying to figure out if that's a compliment or not," then he will nod to the question. "We will figure it out. And just for the record, those dates we had. They were never because of who, or what, you are. It was because of this," and he will slowly reach out with a hand. It rests over her heart, "It's this. Because every Goddess doesn't ask to give a little girl an out of this world ride upon meeting the child's Dad, after months apart." Pale green eyes look into her own eyes, the hand not leaving her chest. "It was always -this-. Don't forget it when you become as big as Thor."

Sofia Maroni has posed:
Sofia Maroni doesn't look down as he reaches out, pressing his hand against the molded leather. "I know it wasn't because of my parentage, Scott." she replies softly, laying her palm against the back of his hand. "And you should know that the only reason I offered to give Cassie a ride was to have an excuse to spend more time with her dad."


"Well, that and I'm still really taken with Cassie, of course. But that much you understand." At the mention of Thor she smirks again. "I'm going to have to work out a LOT more if I'm going to get as big as Thor."

Scott Lang has posed:
"Making sure," Scott wants to make that abundantly clear. And then he grins. "You just really want to give her father a ride, right?" He goes back to the banter.

Everything goes back to serious, "I know. I never questioned it for a second. Like I said, Gods and Goddesses don't just do that. And you're a Goddess now. Bonafide. Well, half, but same diff." He gives a nod, "You'll get there. All he can is make Thunder. You could make millions off of all the desperate cougars looking to get married to their much younger second, and third, husbands. Now -that- is impressive," he winks. The hand doesn't retreat, even if it's a little odd.

"I don't know what your powers do. One day, I wouldn't mind knowing. Just cause. Sounds like you have some new tricks," he grins.

Sofia Maroni has posed:
Sofia Maroni says, "Think of me as a Messenger, not the Demigoddess of Love, and you'll be closer to the mark." Sofia replies. "You've seen my wings, of course. I'm also strong and durable, some of which you've seen."

She doesn't so much as glance down at his hand, hardened leather chestpiece or not. "I will get faster, in time. Perhaps I'll even be able to go into space. I'm not really sure of my own potential. All I can do is to keep pushing and see how far I get.""

Scott Lang has posed:
"Hermes, but cuter," he nods. "Got it." And he nods. "I have. I have seen many things about you." And then she talks about flying into space. That's scarily impressive. Because Sofia can possibly go into space.

"I go through the same with my growing and shrinking. Won't know how big, or small, I get without pushing myself," he admits, knowing it's good to push themselves. "Just don't leave the planet unless you're mostly sure."

Sofia Maroni has posed:
Sofia Maroni clucks her tongue again. "Flatterer." she accuses. "And when I become able to leave Earth's orbit, you'll be the second to know. But right now, I'm very happy doing what I'm doing and I see no reason to leave."

Sofia considers for a moment, then asks. "How id we get onto such a serious subject? Anyway, there haven't been a lot of stories written about Iris, much less her servants like me."

Scott Lang has posed:
"Space tends to do that, especially with variables. Those kind of talks tend to make people concerned," Scott says in all seriousness. Having recently been to space, he saw a lot of fear.

When it comes to flattery he will cling to that line, even if it is skipped over for a bit. "We could always go about flattery," he gives a soft smile. "Better conversation than space seriousness."

Sofia Maroni has posed:
Sofia Maroni chuckles softly at that. Taking his hand lightly by the wrist, she brings his palm to her lips and presses a kiss there. "There are better places for conversation as well. Better than a training arena while I'm all sweaty and wearing combat leathers." Her expression turns wry, then. "Although I don't think you really mind me being sweaty." Lacing fingers with his own, she looks thoughtful.

"I think we should maybe go out again first. Before subjecting Cassie to me after so long, I mean. Thoughts?"

Scott Lang has posed:
"Well, you're the Goddes with flight and you know where I live. So, guess that ball about visiting and another place to talk is in your court," he grins and then she kisses his palm. A smile comes to his lips.

"Careful or I'm going to think a Goddess has taken a shine to a human," he grins. A nod comes forward, "Yes. I know Cassie wants a 'Second Mom,' but I do want her to be special, too." His gaze slips toward her "All you have to do is find me, Goddess."