17667/There is more to good Indian food than Shawarma
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There is more to good Indian food than Shawarma | |
Date of Scene: | 16 April 2024 |
Location: | The Lion of Mumbai Indian Kitchen - Gotham City |
Synopsis: | Some of the Birds of Prey ladies meet up for dinner together to catch up on everyone's lives. Meanwhile they notice two men that seemed to shake down the owner. More information will be needed! |
Cast of Characters: | Helena Bertinelli, Kate Kane, Zatanna Zatara, Dinah Lance
- Helena Bertinelli has posed:
Helena Bertinelli has been busy. Not always the good-busy. The sort of busy that means very little free time to catch up with friends and teammates. Also the sort of busy that probably involves clashing with certain "families" from Italy and Sicily. But eventually something always has to give and so tonight? Tonight Helena is determined to get out of her place and away from grading English midterm papers. So many papers.
A message goes out to the Birds.
<<Time to feed The Birds.>> An address is included, for an Indian restaurant - The Lion of Mumbai.
Of course there is a chance others can't make it but those who can...
The restaurant is more of a hole-in-the-wall - but the free smells emerging from within can be caught from half a block away. Rich spices, the smell of baked Naan chared inside a tandoor oven. C'mon. Go inside, you know your stomach wants you to.
The decor is decidedly influenced by Indian social and religious culture but not to the point of being gaudy. The sort of place a immigrant family would furnish to share their culture rather than an over the top corporate distortion.
Helena sits in an L-shaped booth near the front of the dining room with space for four or five more to join her if they should make it. A pot of hot water for tea, a selection of tea leaves offering different flavors and a tea ball rest beside it. She sips at her cup, relaxed. If no one shows? She'll still eat like royalty. And if others show? The quiet little dining room probably won't know what hit it!
- Kate Kane has posed:
Well, if nothing else, when Kate Kane shows up, worries about who's paying for the meal go right out the window. She decides to arrive on her motorcycle for a change, as that's far easier to evade the paparazzi. Plus, well, when Helena texts, she's definitely game to respond.
Parking her bike across the street from the restaurant, she sheds her helmet and dismounts, walking across towards the place with anticipation bouncing in her steps.
She comes in, wearing a black silk blouse and black jeans that hug her legs perfectly. Scuffed Army boots adorn her feet, and she grins over at, "Helena! How's it going?" With that, she makes her way over towards the booth, sliding in next to her as she says, "Good choice on the place, by the way."
- Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Zatanna stands in the doorway, inhaling the aroma, one hand knotted in her scarf, the only hint of color in an otherwise all-black palette. A slow smile lights her face as she crosses to Helena's booth, and slips out of her coat to hang it on a nearby coat rack. She slides in opposite Kate.
"This is perfect. I've been missing good Indian food and if it tastes anything as nice as it smells here, I think they'll have a new devotee." Her vivid blue eyes fix on each woman in turn. "Hey Kate, how've you been? How have you both been?"
- Dinah Lance has posed:
Dinah Lance is also on her classic Harley, and parks next to Kate, smiling as she sees the other bike. She stretches, taking her helmet off and storing it, then brushes her hair quickly to get everything straightened out. She hasn't been too focused on the Birds of Prey of late, so wanted to join in when the call went out. She walks in, and winks at Kate as she sees her friend, and says she's with Helena. Dinah is wearing riding leathers in a dark blue with a white blouse under the unzipped jacket. She heads over and sits by Kate, smiling happily.
- Helena Bertinelli has posed:
Helena Bertinelli's smile is large when Kate arrives. By the time Zatanna and Dinah enter, she can barely contain the smile. Seeing her friends has already lifted her spirits.
"Kate. Zee. Dinah!" She attempts to offer hugs as she can. But let's face it, sitting in the middle means reaching over one to try and hug another? Probably not the easiest.
"I'm glad everyone likes the idea. I've been on a Tika Masala kick. They have the -best- chicken tika in Gotham here. Really everything is good."
She looks to the others, "I've been good if busy. But not bad. How have you ladies been?"
- Kate Kane has posed:
Kate gives Helena a kiss on the cheek as well as the hug, "Hey, Helena, good to see you." She looks pretty happy between Helena and Dinah at the booth, casually sliding her arm around Dinah and giving the blonde a hug and a grin when she sits next to her, "Hey you." She looks over at Zee and smiles warmly, "Been doing pretty good Zee, keeping very busy because /someone/ is adverse to teams, so I've been hopping a bit out of town." She rolls her eyes a bit at that, then glances back to Helena.
"So it's been good, but I've been pretty occupied and busy in New York, which feels weird at times... definitely a /lot/ different there. And yeah, the chicken tika is to die for here, for sure." Kate smiles, looking far more relaxed and genuine now that it's just a small group of friends in a private setting.
- Zatanna Zatara has posed:
After exchanging air kisses and across the booth hugs, Zee settles down. Energized by seeing the others, Zatanna shares Helena's smile, her eyes dancing with pleasure.
"Yes, Kate, New York can be intense. I like it in smaller and smaller doses these days. I've cut back on shows a lot recently since I've been on the track of some strange incidents that I can share with you after we get through the serious business of eating. Yum, chicken tikka! But, right now I want veggies. I hope they have a vegetable thali with dal, cauliflower, spinach, mixed vegetables, pickles," and rice."
- Dinah Lance has posed:
Dinah Lance smiles softly. "One of the performers for the Wizard of Oz is quite enjoyable to be with - she does a great Wicked Witch." She then blinks. "No offense, Z." She grins as she is holding hands with Kate. "So, I haven't done much Indian food. I would need some suggestions. Don't mind broadening my palette but I don't know what to expect. Rather not do the spicy - it could mess up my perfect singing voice."
- Helena Bertinelli has posed:
Helena Bertinelli returns the hugs and kisses and sits back to listen to the others talking. SHe can't help but smile. This is home away from the clocktower.
"New York.." she pffts playfully at Kate. "Gotham's better than NYC any day.."
To Zatanna she tilts her head. "Obligations keeping you from shows, Zee? Hopefully you can get a few in soon. If you do please let me know? I'd love to catch another of your performances even if I will never figure out how you do your tricks." Which is the mystique and point of it all. "Yes. They have a wide selection. The roasted red pepper hummus is great too. And the -best- garglic and herm smeared Naan bread.. it goes right to the hips the moment you look at it. But y'know.."
To Dinah she smiles, "They have some very mild dishes that are still incredible. Not every dish will curl your hair. Promise. The Tika is good. Any of the lamb. You really can't go wrong."
- Kate Kane has posed:
Kate gives Dinah's hand a squeeze, grinning over at her before looking back at Helena, "No kidding. I much prefer the character of Gotham, which feels weird, but it is nice to work with Captain America and the others over there. Gotta admit, sometimes the JLA it feels like there's demigods and nonsense and then I'm over there with like, 'Um, well, I was kicked out of West Point so hi?'"
Kate chuckles a bit, and hmms, "Not sure what I'm getting yet, but I don't think there's a bad choice here... well, long as it's kosher anyway." She grins at Helena, leaning over towards her, "What would you recommend? I'd normally ask the server, but you're right here." With that, Helena gets a wink.
- Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"Menus, we need menus. And we make sure they don't over-spice for you, Dinah. They want return customers. They really look like they know what they are doing here. Good for Gotham. New York can't beat it out all the time for cooking. Besides Gotham is a great place to live." She gestures to the table, "We're here."
Zatanna's smile fades as she cocks her head thoughtfully to one side at Helena's question, "I've been pulling back from shows. Zachary is carrying the torch while I take care of behind-the-scenes issues. The JLA does keep one busy."
- Dinah Lance has posed:
Dinah Lance nods as she glances between everyone. She is behaving herself for now - sometimes Dinah likes to do voice imitations to mess with her friends. She finds something that looks good and chooses it, especially as it's noted as not being spicy. Coughing can cause... issues. She nods at Zatanna. "I do like Gotham better - New York is too...." She trails off. "Wholesome. It's boring." She smiles softly as she calls the waiter over with a well-placed yoo-hoo that was localized to the waiter's location and finally the menus arrived.
- Helena Bertinelli has posed:
Helena Bertinelli laughs at the banter. She sips at her tea. "Menus. Drinks. The whole menu. It's all good and I'm starving" she jokes. "Hungry Bird."
She grins to Kate, "The Butter Chicken, the Tika Masalla. The Veggie dishes. I think maybe we can order a bunch of things and everyone can have a bit of everything and see what you think. Because I'm going to vote that we make this our home-away-from-home for food..." she says with a grin.
- Zatanna Zatara has posed:
A laugh erupts from Zatanna at Dinah calling New York wholesome. "If they are wholesome, then what are we? Wicked?" Laughter sparkles in her eyes as she glances at Dinah, shaking her head.
"Good, thanks for the menus." She finds her vegetables and orders enough for everyone to share, adding chickpeas and raita to her list of veggies. "I'm a happy girl. This reminds me of my childhood when my father would perform overseas."
- Kate Kane has posed:
Kate grins, "We are absolutely wicked, Zee. Thought you knew that by now." She tosses a wink at both Dinah /and/ Helena, looking perfectly content right now as she adds to Helena's proclamation of this being the Unofficial Birds of Prey Hangout, "And I'll second that. I've not been here in a while, but I'm sure they won't disappoint."
With that, she orders the tandoori chicken, noticing that that it is available kosher. A rare thing, but all the more reason this place is special.
- Dinah Lance has posed:
Dinah Lance decided to echo Kate's order - but not the kosher version. It sounded good. Chicken was always her favorite. She hums softly. "I dunno - is this place classy enough for us elegant ladies?" she asks, trying to stifle a smirk. "There are, y'know, standards we have to maintain."
- Helena Bertinelli has posed:
Helena Bertinelli smirks at Kate and Zee. "I'm not wicked. I'm Catholic" she states with false piety. Sure she sort of is. But the last time she attempted to go to confession she could hear the Father's hair turning gray with each confession she shared. Of the deaths on her hands in the past, adding a priest.. seems like a very poor venture.
"I think they'll lower their standards to ours Di. At least as long as we pay and don't tear up the place too badly."
As the orders are sent to the kitchen and drinks are delivered around the table, Helena contents hereself with listening to the conversation. But then movement near the kitchen catches her eye. Two men dressed in suits are speaking with the owner quietly. However the course of conversation does not seem to be to the owner's liking. She may be able to hide her frown behind a smile, but if the others look at her, there is anger in her gaze.
Before any action may be discussed, the two men turn and exit through the back of the restaurant into the alley beyond.
- Kate Kane has posed:
Kate frowns a bit, eyes traveling to follow Helena's gaze, "Shakedown, you think?" Her voice grows quickly professional, as she looks like she was about to give Helena a quip about wickedness. Slipping her hand free from Dinah's, she tilts her head, "Figures I left most of my gear at home. Play it subtle, or not so much?"
- Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Zatanna catches the cloud shadowing Helena's smiling contentment. She waits for the men to leave before leaning over the table to ask in a low voice, "Was that it?"
Leaning back she looks thoughtfully toward the backdoor, "Did you know them?"
- Dinah Lance has posed:
Dinah Lance raises an eyebrow at the men and their conversation. "They were a bit too quiet for me to hear..." She smiles. "Fortunately, my combat gear comes attached tome." She gestures to her fists and her throat. "But if they don't come back, I say leave them be, and monitor for future efforts. Could be as simple as a botched delivery."
- Helena Bertinelli has posed:
Helena Bertinelli shakes her head and replies to the table quietly, "I didn't recognize them but I know that body language from five miles away." A nod to Kate to confirm her belief it was in fact a shakedown of some sort.
She looks to the trio, "They've left. Why don't we stay and enjoy our meal. If they come back we can deal with them. Otherwise I'm sure Barbara will be able to dig up details for us to act on easily enough.." It sucks when 'work' always interferes with downtime. But that is the price paid to help watch over Gotham.