17758/Dropping in on a Bluebird
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Dropping in on a Bluebird | |
Date of Scene: | 24 April 2024 |
Location: | Apartment 701 |
Synopsis: | Harper does some maintenance on her off time and is given a surprise visit by Kara. They catch up. |
Cast of Characters: | Harper Row, Kara Danvers
- Harper Row has posed:
Row would have you know that when she's out of costume she's able to carefully keep identities secret. But one peek into her apartment wouldn't. If one is able to pierce the sheet of cunning laminate she's smoothed over her living room window. The one that looks over her kitchen table that bears cereal bowls, static-begone-pads, car batteries and half of her Bluebird costume.
Harper isn't cosplaying Rosie the Riveter, but she is looking remarkably similar, and the tiny slithering ribbon of vapour coming off her soldering iron is a nice touch. The window is cracked near the balcony, to allow the acrid smell to be stolen and made to dance out into Gotham's air. Tunes are on, vibing from the bluetooth of a nearby drone that is next in the queue to receive her tender touches. LEDs on its tummy provide a distracting lightshow as what are meant to distract or signal when on patrol, are instead trying to perform as an equalizer.
Harper's head tilts and bops to the beat while she chews at her lip ring. "...thinkin you a bad bitch...shake it like ratch-et...Go...Go gadget..."
- Kara Danvers has posed:
For someone who can see great distances through almost any substance on Earth; Checking in on her friends is a fairly simple process for Kara Zor-El. She need only look in the direction of Gotham, within relative distance anyways, and see that Harper is home. Then it's, but, a few seconds and she's tapping a single index finger against the window beyond the wall. Head tilt, pixie cut hair dangling around her small face so that the side falls back off her pointed left ear.
"Hello, Harper!" She loud whispers, careful not to be seen hovering by the onlookers.. not so much for herself, as for Harper's secret identity. By and large, Kara no longer has one of those. Or, at the very least, doesn't put a lot of effort into it anymore.
She's just Kara now.
Supergirl sometimes, but always Kara.
"May I enter your home?" She says this in a very very bad Dracula impersonation, that is still accented with her Kyrptonian (read Swedish).
- Harper Row has posed:
Harper lifts her chin and side-longs to the sound at the window. It helps free her lip from getting abused further and she's up and coming on over at the greeting. "Hello?"
She's blinking rapidly, eyes adjusting to distances that aren't milimeters away from her peepers, and the action reminds her eyeballs that they need a bit more moisture.
A quick look down at herself to make sure she's presentable, and a tongue cluck. But that's blessedly wiped away as apparently blood drinkers are on the prowl. It's quite disarming and damned cute. Harper laughs and nods, beckoning on in. "Abso-tutely you may. Damn, should I have gone with the garlic souvlaki after all? OMG, my Confirmation cross, where is it?!"
Harper does a little floor hockey hippity-hop and sends some balled up socks under coffee table and couch.
- Kara Danvers has posed:
Whether Kara saw the socks, she only smiles at Harper. Whom she hears quite easily despite distance and barrier, while running her fingernails down the glass in what would be absolutely horrifying, if it weren't coming from Kara... and it still might be with how awkwardly she just never stops smiling. "Goood... gooood..."
Only once she's inside, slipping through the window and turned to close both the slide and the curtains, does she drop the act to wrap her arms around Harper in a big tight (relative) hug. "Hello! It has been entirely too long since I have seen you and I blame myself. Do you have Garlic souvlaki? What is Garlic Souvlaki?" Peering side to side, leaning close, "Is it related to my imitation?"
While the player may know, Kara is clueless to most all human popculture.
- Harper Row has posed:
Harper offers a wry grin as she's hugged, and she return it by mounting her chin on one of those shoulder. "Ain't your fault, world saver." When she hugs, she does so with a tight enthusiasm that tries to communicate her fondness, not worrying about fragility on the receiver. She caps it off with a "Mmmngh!" and shifts while maintaining contact, bicep curling so RosieRow can jerk a thumb towards the kitchen. She says conspiratorially, "Only for Vamps, what with how Baron Greek flavours their take-aways. Total kryptonite for Noserfatu's and first dates. Oh, I've got enough if you want to share my leftovers."
Harper smiles wider. "Real glad you stopped by. Pretty cool of you. Even if you're one of the undead now. But...I guess I'll just have to make peace with the idea of being a juice box. Y'know, when your thirst becomes too powerful and you. Must. Feeeeast. Eh, it's been a good run. I don't tan easy anyways. So long sun." she mock-pouts.
- Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara opens her mouth dramatically, makes a dramatic AYYAHHH sound, and closes her mouth on Harper's shoulder as if this is where vampire derive blood. It isn't, but what does she really know? Nor is it very hard and it comes shortly after a release of hugging and a bemused grin when she pulls her lips away. "Oh! Leftovers!" She claps excitedly for this. One can, if they wish, imagine she doesn't have much leftovers. Hurriedly moving towards the kitchen while slipping her cape off to lay across some of the various technology items becluttering the table.
This leaves her in just the costume.
And her uber cute short hair that shows off her pointed ears, which is definitely going to become a thing by how much it gets mentioned.
"Yes, precious. I shall leave you with plenty of your bloods to survive! Fine vitae stock must not go drained." Logic. Leaning over to peer into the fridge, wiggling side to side happily. Humming some tune that is decidedly /not/ Draculan.
- Harper Row has posed:
Harper's part of the Act suffers a significant wrench in the works. She just needs a moment to compose herself. "This better not awaken anything in me." she murmers to herself and rolls her shoulders. A nice little breath, in and out, a fingertip along an eyebrow, a licking of her chomps. It's hard to describe the feeling, but it's probably similar to someone blowing a party favour loudly and suddenly, when it curls up quick, that's her toes. Huh. Peeking at those ear tips over by her fridge is doing similar, on a different wavelength. "Nnnfff."
Motion, forward motion, get in gear girl. Harper wipes her palms on her thigh and comes on over to help hover near the fridge door. The interior light shines back, bright as an influencer's accessory, highlighting both girl's faces. "It's just to the side, near the cold packs and those boxes of CPU's. Watch out for those green vials, they're coolant. Or...Joker Juice? Cripes, I gotta maybe get an extra fridge. You can help me make some room by not letting it goes to waist. I'll help." Harper wiggles in beside, hip-to-hip, so they can fill that rectangular frame with question fingers and bodies as the cold seeps out. "I've also got some brews in the door. They go well with bad stuff. Compli-mentary. Like, cookies and cream. Peanut butter and jellies. Blondes and brunettes. A-hewh." She dorkily haa-haa's.
- Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara side glances Harper at the blondes and burnettes rib, "Oh, but you are hair of blue!" Reaching to run her fingers through it, then down the side of her friends face. A big cheesy grin and she peers back into the fridge light to pick through the remnants of foods until she comes away with whatever looks the most edible. Not that any of it would actually hurt her, but there has to be some consideration for TASTE! "Ah ha!"
With her prize, she stands up and peels the lid sniffing with a wrinkled nose. Sniff sniff. Snoot snoot. "Mmm.. also a brew. This is beer?" She takes one, right beneath her arm, cold against side boob and makes her way towards the cluttered couch where there is no doubt hidden objects looming beneath.
"I did not come to eat your food, I came to see you, but this is a delightful side adventure." Sniff sniff. She arranges things around her, but leaves room for a body. Presumably, that body is Harper. Because she pats the cushion directly to her left thrice times like summoning beetleguise.
- Harper Row has posed:
Harper hip-checks the fridge door closed, face hot, pawing at the fridge magnets to be all at the same tilted angle as she's called over. "That's smart. You get more XP when you go off the beaten path on the way to the destination. RPG 101, that's what that is. Might even find a secret."
Her own drink and additional snacks, some possibly dangerous to muggles, gets shoved to one part of a coffee table. She plants her caboose on the cushion and cracks her knuckles. "I'm glad you came. You should get your heels up whenever you can, take a weight of the world off. I'd offer to rub them even." Harper now has to devote some brain cells to that topic. "Would that even...would that even doooo anything? Your feet? My mitts? Gawd, would it feel weird, like if a baby was trying to beat me up?" Brain burp. "I'm reeeeally glad you came to see me. I've been trying to follow your biz. Y'know, like a fan."