17769/Walkies for Jeff!
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Walkies for Jeff! | |
Date of Scene: | 25 April 2024 |
Location: | Atlantic Ocean Coastline |
Synopsis: | Gwen shows back up in Quentin's life. Taunt, teases, and barbs are exchanged and things are left in a questionable state! |
Cast of Characters: | Gwendolyn Poole, Quentin Quire
- Gwendolyn Poole has posed:
Is it any real surprise that Gwen would know where Quentin likes to go to get his 'private' beach time? No, of course not. Is it any surprise that she would rudely interrupt that privacy by showing up suddenly, without notice, and with Jeff the baby Landshark at her side? It really shouldn't be!
Gwen has been absent from HAMverse for a few months, hanging out in Garbage Space after her last book was cancelled, catching up on her comics and in general just trying to plot out her next moves to get back into the readers' hearts and minds! She's been reading up on Quentin's latest activities and decides that dropping in on him is just the thing to get some attention... and well, Jeff adores Quentin. And vice versa, even if he would never admit it. Gwen is sure of it!
So it is that the pair can be found randomly running around on a largely deserted beach along the eastern coastline to the Atlantic. Frolicking about in the sand with Jeff, if they just so happen to cross paths with a certain self-styled Lavender Menace... well! All the better!
- Quentin Quire has posed:
Having spent the last few weeks dealing with the reappearance of the Sentinel Menace, Quentin did decide on a lark to get out of the city for a bit. Every city, it seems, having availed himself of the Brotherhood's resident teleporter to get a lift down to Florida, some abandoned stretch of beach free of tourists and locals and pretty much anyone else. Just Quentin, a cooler full of drinks, a beach chair and some music on his phone.
At least until Gwen and Jeff come marauding down the beach. He was stretched out, earpuds in, enjoying the Florida sun, and telepathically keeping the yokels off the beach this afternoon. So it's not like she was going to sneak up on him, Quentin already familiar with her particular flavor of chaotic mind.
"Hey there, Jeff..." he calls out as the baby landshark waddles up as fast as he can, sand spraying everywhere but on the telepath; easily deflecting the particles away, even as Jeff jumps on his chest.
- Gwendolyn Poole has posed:
"Mrrrp!" Jeff is happy as can be to see his other favorite person, tail wagging even as his feet are pat-patting all over Quentin's chest and stomach. Eager, but careful with the claws! Tongue lolling between razor-sharp teeth, happy as can be!
Gwen meanders up not long after, tsking loudly at Quentin, "What, no greeting for me? Rude! And after everything we've been through together..." All the arguing, the shouting, then the heavy makeout sessions regardless of who was present. The attempts to be somewhat nicer to one another before their natural personalities take over and the pair are sniping and sassing at each other again. Dating, breaking up, dating again, more breakups. They really can't seem to make up their minds!
At least half of which is Gwen and her ongoing chase for 'relevance' and 'major character' status. "Jeff was making sad faces at me. He missed you. And... maybe I missed you too. A little bit." It's offered grudgingly as she shuffles up next to him, blocking his sun as she pauses, hands on hips. "So! Here we are! I was glad to see you made it through the thing with these new Sentinels. Not sure how you guys are gonna deal with it but... let me know if I can blow anything up for ya!"
- Quentin Quire has posed:
Landshark claws on a bare chest aren't very fun, so Quentin is very thankful when Jeff keeps the claws curled upwards. He doesn't need a visit to the healer too. Quentin is also careful as he gives Jeff a patpatpat atop his little shark head, careful to pat in the right direction.
"You're the one that disappeared without a note." Quentin points out as Gwen meanders into loud talking range. "Again. So fairs fair." Or something. He pushes Jeff back off his chest so he can actually sit up, turning sunglass-shielded eyes towards the blonde-and-pink-haired hellion as she stomps up to block his sun.
"Of course I made it." he scoffs at Gwen as she expresses doubt on his abilities, puffing up slightly across the shoulders. "Haven't met a Sentinel yet that can stand up to Kid Omega. Even if now we've got two competing lines, it seems." he ends the boast with a shrug as the lid to the cooler flips open, a pair of cold beers shedding water and ice as they rise up on invisible strings. "There'll be plenty of them to blow up tho if you stick around."
- Gwendolyn Poole has posed:
Jeff gives another small 'Rrrp!' over the patting, tumbling sidelong down onto Quentin's lap when urged off his chest. He settles in on Quentin's legs, leaning in against his stomach in clear affection and joy for the young man. Happy landshark is happy!
"Would it have mattered if I left one? You can't go where I go, and you'd hate being there if you could. Besides! How am I supposed to keep up with everything if I don't take the time to get caught up on all the differen runs and issues? I have to read Marvel *and* DC just to keep up!" Gwen's complaint in plaintive before she throws her hands up and sighs as if it's some huge imposition. She flashes a smile at him, "You saying you missed me?"
Snorting softly at the omega-level ego making its appearance, Gwen sticks her tongue out at him, "Yes, yes, so terrible of me to worry for your safety and express happiness at your continued survival. Especially now that they're self-repairing at a rate that could compete with Logan. Or Wade." Reaching out, she snags one of the beers from mid-air, flashinga grin at him before giving a shrug, "I'm all caught up on the current runs, so I'm around for awhile again! Why, you want to get dinner or something?"
- Quentin Quire has posed:
Telekinetically wrapping Jeff in a protective sheathe as the landshark rolls around in his lap and on his chest is pretty much second nature for Quentin at this point. Jeff gets to roll around and Q doesn't get his pretty skin shredded like a block of cheese on a grater. It's a win-win!
Quentin's a powerful telepath, and he's not above braindiving someone; even an on again, off again, gone again argumentative makeout session maker like Gwen; to check their memories to see if they're being truthful. But that still hasn't helped him make that final judgement call whether Gwen's telling the truth about this all being a comic book or if she's just suffering from the biggest delusion he's ever seen.
The deluded mind can make anything seem truthful to itself, even the most outlandish claims like her last one about him being a goodie-goodie X-Man like Cyclops "in some other runs," whatever that means.
Which generally means he just glosses past such comments when he can, like the teacher politely ignoring a disturbed students outbursts for the betterment of the class.
"Not this last batch that showed up in Mutant Town, anyway. Those were almost deceptively primitive, compared to the one that just stomped the Starport." Quentin comments as he holds his hand up for his own beer to float into hand, bottlecap twisting itself off and flicking itself back into the cooler. "Like fuckin' shitty early terminators from the first movie. The plastic skin and shitty face mask ones, not the Ahnold ones. These couldn't repair for shit, just fried themselves just as soon as we looked at `em." he gives another shrug as he gulps down the cold beer.
"Little early for dinner yet, but I could stand some lunch."
- Gwendolyn Poole has posed:
Gwen's used to people not believing her. About the only person that DOES believe her is Wade and that ends up being a whole other issue as they go back and forth over 'verions' and 'runs' and 'universal resets'. She doesn't seem bothered by his glossing over the part where she disappears into the 'real world', or at least as close to it as she can get these days.
Twisting the cap off the beer and tossing it towards the cooler, she manages to lands hers just a moment or two after his drops in. "Ha! Score!" She gives a little fistpump into the air before taking a swallow from the beer bottle. "Wonder if you've got competing villains... though from the looks of it, the one from the Starport was government issue. I know you're not a big fan of the X-ers, but you might want to work with them on that one. It's an election year, getting Luthor out of office might be a good thing."
Since he's sitting up now, she drops down to sit on the end on the lounger, copping a squat on it so she can face him still. "So who do you think is behind the old gen bots? Can't be anyone with decent funding or they wouldn't be so crappy." Jeff makes his way down between the pair so he can get attention from both, because Jeff is a smart little landshark. Gwen scruffs his head and grins at him before looking back to Quentin.
"Burgers on the beach? Or, well, this is Florida... fish and chips? Should be the freshest fish."
- Quentin Quire has posed:
"That's why I think it's two competing lines." Quentin replies as he draws his feet up into a criss-cross-applesauce position, giving Gwen the room to plop on the end of the beach lounger. "...there were these sentinel-like drones stealing tech from labs and shit, and when I caught one and took it to Doug to have a peek, he thought it was something from the future trying to pull a subtle Skynet job..." Wow, multiple James Cameron references in a single conversation. "...creating itself while not being obvious about it. And THEN the fucking UN pulls theirs out of whatever hole it was hiding in, totally decomissioned my ass..." he grumbles darkly as he takes another swig of the beer.
"I captured one of the shitty skinjobs that attacked Mutant Town and I'm going to have Doug take a look, or maybe someone in the Brotherhood. See if it's the same 'sorta futurey' tech as the data-stealing drones, or something else." Because that's just what we need, three different Sentinel factions all vying for the elimination of mutantkind.
- Gwendolyn Poole has posed:
"Hmmmmmmmmm... you might want to look up Bishop. He's from the future, he might be able to help figure out what it is. If not him, maybe Cable? Both of them have experience with post-mutantpocalypse futures. it would be worth the shot either way. Worst thing that happens, you make a few new connections from the future." Gwen pauses, thinking about the others that are also from future worlds, but some of those are completely different dimensions as well and it's probably better if they try to stick as close to this world's timeline as possible. At least to start.
Nodding to herself, she tunes back in in time to grin at him, "Don't tell me you actually bought into Luthor's schtick? C'mon, he's a supervillain just WAITING to happen! Hell, in most continuities, he IS a supervillain. He's one of THE big supervillains! Here, he's a politician, which... I mean, that's just another word for supervillain at this point." Gwen flashes a grin at him and winks before taking another swallow.
"I mean, from what you were saying, whatever it is that attacked Mutant Town, your D-Listers could have shown up and kicked the crap out of those Sentinels. If that's the case then... ooooooooo, maybe it's like The Incredibles. Did you see that movie? Does it exist here? Anyways... basic plot... supervillain wants a superbot that can take down his nemesis. So he builds a bot and has it tested against heroes, repairing and upgrading it based on the data he gets from each fight, until it beats the hero. Then he moves on to the next hero, so on and so forth, until he thinks it's ready to go against his nemesis!" She chuckles, "Man, that was a good movie. Anyways, you could be looking at something like that."
- Quentin Quire has posed:
Quentin nods as she rattles off the names of the various time travellers hanging around this particular timeline; that he can mostly wrap his head around, after all. The concept of a multiverse isn't that hard to get behind, after all.
"Doug was the only one around Xavier's when I went a-knockin' for tech-hbeads to look at the drone I had in a faraday cage. That's why I want him to take a look at this crap model. Comparative examination or something, see if it's the same backer." he explains. "...doesn't do much good if they don't know what I'm looking for, after all."
He absently pats at Jeff as the landshark rolls around between the two, getting all the attention he can.
"And no, I didn't buy into the whole schtick, I just gave them more credit than I should have. They didn't even bother trying to disguise that Sentinel as being 'new'. I bet if I peeled it apart, it'd be the exact same model numbers as the last Sentinels fought, before the supposeded decommissioning." he says, taking another pull at the beer. "...which they did do, in part. Ran across a few Damage Control warehouses full of decommissioned parts when they were getting raided."
"You're probably right, which is a frightening thought. If it's the same sly Skynet group that Doug and I ran across, a test run with a shit batch might be their next step, after stealing all the data they could on design." he says, draining the beer as he tilts his head back, and then flicking the empty into the cooler.
"There's a seafood shack not that far down the beach that we can hit, if you want fish. Or we can go into town if you're more interested in meat."
- Gwendolyn Poole has posed:
"No I get that part, but you might want to run it past the future men just to see if they *recognize* it. If it's from one of their futures, then they can give some insight. If not, welp, new threat. Which is probably what it is anyways, but doesn't hurt to make sure." Gwen points the mouth of the beer bottle at him before finishing hers off and leaving the 'dead soldier' in the cooler.
Jeff is the happiest of landsharks, sandwiched between his favorite people and getting all the attention he can handle!His tail slaps lightly against Quentin's knee as it wags around, then against Gwen's stomach as he wiggles around.
Chuckling, she flashes a grin at him, "You. The great Kid Omega. Gave someone CREDIT? I'm *gob-smacked*." She's not. But she IS going to have fun teasing him about it. Lifting a shrug, she offers, "They were willing to fire on US civilians in order to detain aliens in the most 'yikes' political move in America since the Japanese 'Relocation Centers' during World War 2." Gwen squints at him and points, "Which I only know about because of George Takei, so don't go expecting brilliant deductions on the regular!"
Laughing richly, she grins at him, "I'm usually right! But yeah, scary to think about. Also means you guys are going to want to start checking in on the D-and-C-listers. See if any of them are disappearing. That's where they'll start, and work their way up to the A-List crowd."
Without a moment's hesitation, she grins at him, "When have I ever turned down your meat, Quentin?" Hopping up, she whistles for Jeff and looks back to him with a grin, "Gonna rock the speedo and flip-flops in town or do you plan to go Pooh Bear?"
- Quentin Quire has posed:
Is it really credit if he never actually gave it to anyone other than his own internal monologue? The world may never know. Nor will it care. Patting Jeff out of the way, Quentin climbs up out of the lounger. Thankfully he settled it deep enough into the sand that it doesn't catapult up and flip Gwen ass over teakettle. "Pretty sure everyone our age knows that reference from George Takei." who is just as flamboyantly famous here as he is in reality. He flicks a hand towards the cooler and the lid snaps shut.
He grabs his shirt off the back of the lounge chair, a flashy Hawaiin-shirt looking deal, that on closer examination is a bunch of variations on the familiar (X) logo. Tossing it on over his bare shoulders he smirks at Gwen. He runs his hand down to gesture at his hips and the radiation-symbol branded speedos. Which shift into a pair of longer boardshorts as he telekinetically manipulates the molecules in that time-tested trick.
"No, I will not be Pooh Bear'ing it into town." he says as he steps into a pair of flipflops. A clap of the hand, and then a shimmering pink energy form takes shape. A motorcycle and sidecar made out of telekinetic energies, the better to ride into town on.
- Gwendolyn Poole has posed:
With Jeff gamboling eagerly around Gwen's feet, aware that there's something exciting that's going to happen, she hops up to her feet after Quentin stands. She flashes a grin, "George Takei is universal. Hell, he's multiversal. I haven't found one where he didn't exist, and if I did, I'd want to nuke it from orbit because clearly that 'verse needs to go." She sets one hand on the hipslung fannypack (holster) and watches as Quentin gets dressed in front of her.
There's no attempt made to hide the ogling, she just grins at him once he's changed into shirt and shorts, "Pity. Pretty sure we could have gotten a discount if you had." Scooping up Jeff amidst fish-scented licks, Gwen laughingly scruffs the landshark's head once more while Quentin whips up some stylish transportation for them. "Very slick. I still have that dirtbike with the minigun on the front." She heads over and desposits Jeff into the sidecar with an admonishment to 'be good' before looking back to Quentin with a grin, "So. We gonna argue over who drives?"
- Quentin Quire has posed:
Quentin's skin doesn't go into a multicolored glow as he makes his magical girl transformation, completely uncensored. But the telekinetic costume manipulation happens in a blink of the eye anyway, so there's no need for censor bars. "It's a tourist town, pretty sure they've seen it all." he comments as Gwen loads Jeff into the sidecar. "..although you're still rocking the hotpants I see, so that's good in our favor." he says, making no move in turn to hide his oogling of long legs in combat boots.
"No, we're not. Jeff drives." Quentin says as he plucks the squirming landshark out of the sidecar and plops him onto the gastank before swinging his leg over the bike. "You get the sidecar..." he cackles slightly.
- Gwendolyn Poole has posed:
To be entirely fair, Quentin's magical girl transformation comes with it's own pink glow and shimmer. The multi-hued skin would just be a little much on top of that. That it happens so quickly leaves her to pout at him briefly before she's smiling and chuckling once more. "Pretty sure they've never seen me. I don't usually hit up Florida unless it's to bust up a ring of some sort." She wiggles her spandex-cladd butt in his direction and laughs, "Can't cover up legs like these! It's a crime!"
When he gives her the sidecar, Gwen laughs, vaulting over the back end of the motorcycle to hop into the sidecar, lounging back and letting her legs cross over the front of the sidecar like a passenger with her feet on the dashboard. "Sounds good to me!" Folding her arms behind her head, she winks at him, "Once around the park, Jeff."
- Quentin Quire has posed:
Jeff, to his credit, wiggles about on the fake gas tank, front paws up on the psionic handle bars, snout pressed against the illusionary windscreen. Faintly vibrating with excitement, the little landshark is. "Usually I'm not this far south either..." Quentin points out as Gwen hops into the sidecar. "...but weather in Westchester's fuckin' wonky cold lately, and Ororo doesn't seem to have much interest in fixing it." he adds.
There's no engine noise, because there's no engine, of course. There's no feel of the road underneath, either. It's like floating on a pink cloud! In the same of a Harley fatboy with archaic sidecar bolted to the side. At least there's no nazis chasing them.
Leaving Quentin's beer and beach chair behind, the little trio head off the beach and into the tourist town. Which is literally RIGHT THERE; Quentin was just telepathically ensuring that no one else had any real interest in going to the beach this afternoon. The boardwalk is packed with people, tourists hitting up little chintzy shops, locals making what money they can off the tourists, and so on and so forth. Your typical Floridian economic system at work.
Said burger place isn't that far down the boardwalk, either, the psicycle pulling up in only a few short minutes.
Quentin was just showing off, naturally.
- Gwendolyn Poole has posed:
Gwen is more than happy to ride in comfort rather than hoof it to the boardwalk. Riding in style, Quentin fashion! "Good point. Yeah, not sure what the Hell's with the long winter up north. Can't believe it's nearly May and it still hasn't broken out of the high 50s!" She looks over at the eagerly awaiting Jeff and chuckles, "He loves car rides almost as much as he loves long walks on the beach."
And Sure enough, as they ride along, Jeff is a good boy and stays on the gas tank, watching through the windshield, tail a-wagging!
For Gwen, it's comfortable enough she could almost fall asleep! Scratch that, she COULD fall asleep, but the company is scintillating enough to keep her conscious. She looks around the tourist trap as they drive through the little town, chuckling at all the little curio shops and beachfront stores. The people strolling around in little more than their bathing suits. Florida is it's own brand of strange.
When they pull to a stop, she hops out of the sidecar before Quentin can make it disappear out from under her, flashing him a grin and asking, "Can we fly Air Quentin back after this? I kinda want to see what sort of plane you'd make for the trip." Whistling for Jeff, she scoops him up into her arms to keep him from running off as they head to the burger place!
- Quentin Quire has posed:
The bright pink motorcycle and the baby landshark don't get a second glance from the tourists and the townies. Either they've seen far worse, or Quentin's just running a perception filter on the crowds so as to not deal with gawkers and autograph hounds. He climbs off the fauxycle once they've come to a stop, and waits for Jeff to hop off before dispelling the psionic energies.
"I mean I could." Quentin starts as Gwen prods at him to make a fancy aeroplane. "Not sure I want to though, that's a long ass flight back to Westchester." he notes as he snags a couple menus off the hostess stand and moves out onto the patio, laying claim to an empty table under an umbrella. "I just snagged a teleporter down here this morning.
- Gwendolyn Poole has posed:
Gwen doesn't question the lack of stares, this is pretty standard fare in Quentin's company. He likes to keep a low profile... until he doesn't. And that's fun too! Still, she keeps Jeff close so he doesn't go running off. The last thing they need is to be chasing a baby landshark around a Florida town!
Following along after him, she chuckles when he just swipes up a couple of menus and starts for a table. Sidling up before he can seat himself, she bobs her brows at him and grins, "What's the matter, afraid I'll distract you from the flying and we'll end up in Albuquerque instead?" Bumping her hip against his, she sliiiiiiides around him to drop into one of the chairs, sprawling comfortably with Jeff on her lap, his front paws on the table's edge as she stretches towards Quentin for scritches.
- Quentin Quire has posed:
Quentin is chaotic on his schedule, not somebody else's, that's for sure. "That was one time and it was only because we didn't get off the bus at the right stop." he counters as she brings up that impromptu trip to Albuquerque. How they didn't notice getting there on a _bus_ is probably better left to the mysteries of the universe. The hipbump is met in turn with a smirk from the telepath as he settles down opposite Jeff, sliding the menu over under the baby landshark's front paws as they scratch at the table. Then he peruses his own menu. "Not sure what the rules are on passengers though for the teleporter, so I guess I might have to."
- Gwendolyn Poole has posed:
"Because I distracted you." Gwen grins smugly at him, scritching at the base of Jeff's tail lightly. She wiggles the menu out from under excited paws, then urges the baby landshark over to go crawl around on Quentin for awhile. Looking over her own menu, she muses, "I mean, I could meet you there, but I'm not sure they would be any happier with me just 'popping in' there on my own, either." She scans the burgers even as she pointedly doesn't say anything about having assumed that she'd be going back to his place with him.
"I'm thinking this breakfast burger looks tasty. How about you?" Gwen glances at him from over the top edge of the menu.
- Quentin Quire has posed:
Distracting Jeff with a breadstick snatched off a nearby table, Quentin reviews the menu on his own. And then eyeballs Gwen over the top of his menu in turn. "Considering I moved upstairs...." he says, giving a tilt of the head towards the heavens. And Asteroid M circling high overhead. WHich is only slightly better than trying to sneak her into Xavier's. Not a lot of options for a mutant looking to surround himself with his kin, and it's not like there's a lot of penthouse options in Mutant Town.
He shrugs and turns his attention back to the menu, "Pretty sure that bourbon bacon cheeseburger is more bacon than burger, if this menu isn't totally lying to us, soooo.... and speak of the devil."
Having come to a conclusion on food, Quentin nudged a waitress over to the trouble and she walks up with a chirpy introduction that she'll be your server tonight and can she get you any drinks? "The bourbon bacon cheeseburger, that any good?" Quentin asks, "...looks like they pile the bacon on..." to which the server replies in the affirmative, nodding her ponytail'd little noggin' up and down. "Okay, then I'll have one of those and a Guiness..." he says, adding "And the breakfast burger for her..." he says, nodding across the table to Gwen. He also throws in her favorite brand of beer, too.
- Gwendolyn Poole has posed:
Gwen glances up, then back to Quentin and shrugs, "Being in the sky doesn't change the panel. I can still climb out of this one, skip ahead, and drop back into the panel showing your bedroom." She flashes a grin, "Comic mobility. I can skip ahead to whenever I need to. I can even potentially pull other Gwens from other panels in with me! Just think... a whole room full of me's." Because that's not terrifying at all!
she nods about the bourbon bacon burger, "I might steal a bite of that. And you can try a bite of mine if you want to!" She hands over her menu with a smile for the waitress before looking back to Quentin with a grin. "Also, aw, you remembered! I'm touched." Then she's tapping a fingertip to the table. "I need to get a place somewhere. I keep ending up having to crash with people. Which, you know, can be fun with the right person." Gwen winks at him, "but it would be nice to have my own space too."
- Quentin Quire has posed:
As she starts waxing about walking through comic panels, Quentin gives her that long suffering eyebrow. As she posits cloning herself, that eyebrow climbs a little bit higher towards his pink mohawk. "That's not frightening OR enticing at all, really." the telepath deadpans.
Passing over his menu and adding a couple orders of breadsticks to it, Quentin sits back, plucking the half-gnawed breadstick out of Jeff's maw to toy with the landshark.
"Don't have any recommendations for you at the moment, other than NOT Mutant Town." he points out. "...not after Rogue, the Juggernaut, and the Blob knocked down a couple of buildings taking out Sentinels yesterday."
- Gwendolyn Poole has posed:
Gwen sticks her tongue out at him and grins, "You wish you were that blase over me, Quen." She chuckles and props her chin in her hand, watching him with his eyebrows hiked almost to his hairline. "Besides, who says they would all want you, hm? Maybe some of me is gay. Or curious, at least."
Jeff is delighted when Quentin teases the breadstick around, leaping and snapping at it in little empty-mawed chomps, his hind end waggling wildly. "MrrRRP!" Chompchompchomp! He gets nothing but air, but he keeps trying!
"I can always check with the Queen, maybe get a room somewhere in Genosha, but man, that's a lot of panels to climb around just to get back and forth..." Her face screws up at the idea of it before shaking her head, "Nah, Mutant Town is a little 'lively' for my tastes. I create my own fun, I don't need it provided for me."
- Quentin Quire has posed:
"Yeah, still an enticing thought there..." Quentin replies as she proposes that maybe some versions of her are bi-curious. Or maybe bi-furious. Although if her trick is supposedly pulling other Gwens from other panels, wouldn't that just be duplicates of this Gwen along a different timeline? So they'd be just like her, down to that mole on the...
Quentin just grins a cocky smirt as he toys with Jeff, keeping the landshark chomping mostly at nothing, but letting him snag the end of the breadstick often enough to stay interested.
"I mean, that's all I got. You won't fit in with the X-Men at the Mansion, I'm not sure you can crash on Asteroid M, and Mutant Town's... well, Mutant Town. Throwing yourself on the mercy of her Majesty might be the best option." he points out as he picks up his tall glass of guiness, just dropped off by their waitress. Along with Gwen's beer.
- Gwendolyn Poole has posed:
Chuckling as she follows Quentin's line of thought (not psychic, she just knows him well enough ... and has read enough about him... to know better), Gwen winks at him, "Mmmmmmmmmhmmmmmmmmmm... a whole gaggle of me.. and one of you... and a room..." Glancing up as the waitress drops off their beers, she smiles at the woman, waiting for her to head off before murmuring, "Food for thought."
Jeff, completely unaware of the flirtation happening above him, is eagerly chasing the breadstick, getting just enough chomps in that he doesn't get discouraged, though the breadstick will eventually get short enough that Quentin may want to give him the rest just to save his fingers.
"Oh, no, no doubt. I wouldn't want to hang out in Westchester anyways. They might try to put me through school or something!" Shaking her head, Gwen mutters, "Genosha's no fun without the crush of all the mutants having to be there. I'll find somewhere in the city to hang out. I *could* always go back to my toom in Garbage Space, but time works differently there, I can't always get back to when I want to. Like this last bit... I meant to go back to like.. a month or two after I left. Ended up here, almost five months into the year."
- Quentin Quire has posed:
Quentin gives over the blunt end of the breadstick once Jeff manages to get into finger-chomping range, plucking another one up to tease the playful landshark with. Gwen's retort just brings a silently lifted brow of incredulity as he takes another drink off the glass of guiness.
"I mean, plenty of other questionable parts of New York City to hang about in. Sure there's some murder apartment you can rent in Hell's Kitchen or something. Maybe a nice flat above a meth lab in Chinatown." he helpfully offers with a shit-eating grin.
The topic of conversatyion brings a startled look from the waitress who JUST arrived with their burgers, and she's quick to set the plates down with a hurried 'let me know if you need anything!' before moving to leave the weirdos to talk about murder labs and meth houses.
- Gwendolyn Poole has posed:
"Oh like you've never thought about it," Gwen sticks her tongue out at Quentin, then lifts her glass to take a swallow of her beer. There's an air of 'wouldn't YOU like to find out' hanging around her as she smugs it up on her side of the table. She tears off a piece of an end of a breadstick to nibble on while they wait for the burgers.
Jeff chomps up the tail end of the breadstick with little rrowl's and chompy noises. As soon as it's gone, lo! There is another! It's MAGIC! Jeff waggles his tail and leaps up! CHOMP! This is why Quentin is the Other Favorite.
Laughing when Quentin suggests the places she might hang out, Gwen sobers when the waitress drops off their food with a clatter before hurrying away. "Awwwwwwww, dammit Quen. You know she won't be coming back now, and I wanted ketchup..." Gwen turns her head, looking, *staring* at Quentin. As if expecting him to manifest a bottle of ketchup for her.
- Quentin Quire has posed:
Quentin knows enough to keep Jeff from wandering off to find interesting trouble to get into. On Genosha or whatever dive Gwen's crashing in? That's one thing. Popular beachside tourist town, not so much.
"I dunno, sometimes one of you is annoying enough. Imagine how annoying five or six of you would be!" is the counter. It's weak, but the writer is tired, leave him alone.
"Sweet..." Quentin says to himself as his double bacon cheeseburger is delivered, and it is indeed more bacon than burger. Which doesn't mean to say that they skimped on the burger, they just really love their bacon. MURICA, FUCK YEAH. Cramming the slices of pickle back into the burger he takes it up with both hands, sinking his teeth into the juicy meat.
And glaring back at Gwen around a mouthful of meat as she whines about her catsoup. capsup. catchup. ketchup. RED STUFF THAT GOES ON FRIES AND BURGERS AND THE LIKE. So he telekinetically snags one off the other table, along with a bottle of msutard, both condiments flipping through the air across the room before clattering to their table.
- Gwendolyn Poole has posed:
Snorting, she grins at him, "What, afraid you're going to be unable to resist making out with all of us? Worried that you don't have enough mouths for multiple me's? Afraid you'd be.. overwhelemed?" Overrun by a pack of voracious Gwen's! The HORROR! The TERROR! The... unmitigated FUN!
She eyes his burger for a moment, "Damn, they really do pack it full of bacon. Nice!" Still, she has a juicy burger with a fried egg, some hashbrowns, and bacon! Now if only she had ketchup.... right! She stares at Quentin some more.
She lets the mustard fall where it will, be the ketchup bottle is snagged out of the air with a bright smile, "You're the best!" Applying a liberal amount to her burger, she chomps into it a groan that should probably not be uttered in public. But since when has Gwen EVER behaved in public? Pulling a bit of burger free, she flips it to Jeff to chomp out of the air, the meat quickly disappearing down his gullet.
"Good boy, Jeff!"
- Quentin Quire has posed:
<Obviously someone is forgetting who they are taunting.> Quentin replies telepathically, since his mouth is still full of meat. mmmm, cow and pig mingled together. And then Gwen gets a telekinetic tweak in her side, along with a telepathic brush of emotion right up there with her enjoyment of that first bite of bacon. <Pretty sure I could handle a pack of you.> behind the grease and bits of meat across his lips, there's that cocky-ass grin.
- Gwendolyn Poole has posed:
Gwen lifts a brow at Quentin when he taunts her telepathically. Though, yes, yum! Pig and cow, they go together! The tweak to her side gets a smothered snicker as she twitches from the ticklish sensation, though the emotional brush leaves her choking on the bite of burger for a few moments before she manages to choke it down. Following it up with a gulp of the beer, she narrows her eyes at him, that challenging smile curving her lips. "Bet."
- Quentin Quire has posed:
Oh, Quentin, what did you just get yourself into. FInishing that bite of burger and bacon he continues to smirk back at Gwen as he takes a refreshing drink of his draft of guiness. A cool as can be and as innocent as a lamb is the look on his face (aside from the smirk) as she glares back at him in turn. "Uh huh. How's that old boomer phrase go? Your mouth writing checks that your ass can't cash?" he taunts, flicking Jeff a bit of his bacony burger and some steak fries too, before grabbing up the ketchup bottle and dumping a pool of ketchup onto his own plate, to dunk burger and fries into.
- Gwendolyn Poole has posed:
"Pfffffffft, please. My ass is FABULOUS and can cash any check anywhere. Even from independent third parties using a different bank." Ahhhhhhhhhhh, check humor. So old school. "Besides, it's YOUR ability that's being called into question here, not mine. *I* will be the one judging whether or not you can... satisfy. All of me." Gwen smirks right back at him as she chomps into her burger again, finishing off all but a bit of the burger and bacon and egg to toss to Jeff.
Rising up, she leans forward, one hand on the table as she slides right up into his personal smile. Until he smell the burger and beer on her breath. "Challenge accepted. You best get some rest, Q-bert, it's gonna be a looooooooooooooong night."
- Quentin Quire has posed:
A snort of his own as Gwen leans all up in his grill, beer and burger on her tongue. "So you say, so you say." he says, telekinetically flicking the tip of Gwen's nose to get her to back off. Not hard, just like flicking with a finger, a little FLICK. "You better stock up on the carbs, cuz all of you..." and a gesture to Gwen and her supposed doubles hiding up and down the timeline "...are gonna need it to keep up in the first place."
- Gwendolyn Poole has posed:
The flick doesn't work this time like it did the first. She's ready for him now. Instead, she reaches up and flicks his earlobe in return, "Uh huh. You kept coming after me because I couldn't keep up with you. That's it. Because YOU would ever keep after someone that couldn't keep up with you." She gives him a wide smile, then flicks the tip of her tongue against the tip of his nose before whirling away with a laugh! "Lickies, Jeff! Get 'im!"
Jeff yips excitedly and leaps up onto the table to lick all over Quentin's face! Other Favorite! He shows his appreciation well.