17772/Just Another Thursday Night

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Just Another Thursday Night
Date of Scene: 25 April 2024
Location: Upper West Side
Synopsis: Tekkai meets with Thunderbolt and Tarot, some mooks are scared sober, and he learns about the Titans!
Cast of Characters: Shun Cruz, Mary Bromfield, Marie-Ange Colbert

Shun Cruz has posed:
It might seem a little strange, but not all the well known heroes are everywhere. In this case, one who is pretty close to an unknown happens to be going across rooftops carefully as he watches the street below.

And then again, it can be questionable if he is a hero. He looks like someone crossed him with some sort of insect or something. The only thing missing is a pair of antennae to complete the image. Tekkai is careful with how he makes his way along, glancing down on occasion with his glowing yellow eyes before pulling back to make sure he is not seen.

Down below is a small group of men who look like they are having a good time. And possibly gang members of some sort. Booze, beer, and who knows what else are in hand.

Tekkai finds himself at a bit of a problem as a wide alley is in his way next.

Mary Bromfield has posed:
One of the nice things about having the powers of Shazam... you can avoid super high cab fares. So it is that Thunderbolt is flying along the New York skyline, taking a bit of the scenic route with Marie-Ange Colbert as she grins, "Glad we finally got a chance to see Sweeney Todd. Didn't think we'd have a chance to before they left..."

She trails off a bit, noticing the group of men down in an alley, not too far away. "Hey, Marie, what's up with those guys?" She frowns a bit, not recognizing the people down there... and well, they do live in the area. Seems a little odd. Though she doesn't seem to notice Tekkai just yet.

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
It really is one of the positives! While Marie could also provide the transportation, two women flying through the air is considerably lower profile than the same two women... on the back of a giant creature flying through the same air. So, it really does make sense that the brunette handle the travel arrangements more often than not, unless they really /want/ to make a show. Today, however, was more about seeing a show.

"Oui, mon amour! Though, my heart broke for Monsieur Todd... to think, his love was there the entire time, and he did not see it until it was too late!" she mourns; though, clearly also enjoyed the show.

Unlike the superheroine, Marie is dressed for a night out on the town; sporting a conservative black dress, with heels and purse to match. She's wearing her hair loose today, forgoing her normal accessories. When Thunderbolt draws her attention downwards, Marie squints a bit, trying to place faces. "...I am uncertain. Should I...?" The unspoken part of the question is 'ask the cards'. Because yes, they're with her. They're almost always with her.

Shun Cruz has posed:
The scene below looks to be getting a little worse. The men are obviously drunk and fortunately for the following somewhat shadow up top, they turned down the alleyway.

That shadowy figure does stop, however, reaching up to hold his head with one hand. Then it turns and starts to look around. Definitely some guy, though. With glowing yellow eyes as he steps back to the light given off by a billboard as he continues to look around.

Moving his hands, what looks like some sort of sparkling energy forms out into a baton as he seems to be searching for something.

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Thunderbolt arches a brow, "Hey, let's set down on the roof there, and you can check the cards... something weird's going on down there." She lightly touches down on the roof near the alley, as even in New York not many people look /up/. She notices the insect-like being there, but she doesn't react just yet.

Mainly because she doesn't know what exactly is happening here, and she's not going to just leap in if there's no need to do that. Instead she holds back and waits for her better half to give her some insight.

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
As she's set down, Marie shuffles quickly over to the side of said roof and settles on the edge. Doing her best to keep the group in sight as she reaches into her purse to withdraw those cards... though her eyes widen a bit as she spies the sparkling baton. "Mon cherie, look!" she offers in a hushed tone towards Thunderbolt, nodding over the edge before turning her own attention towards her gifts.

For situations like this, she only really needs one card. Just enough to give her a 'yes' or a 'no answer... and the card she pulls makes her make a face.

"It seems tonight has become a work night, Thunderbolt... the cards insist we intervene. They will be trouble." she adds, fingers already working to select another card more suitable to the small quarters; she might not be dressed for the occasion, but she doesn't have to make a personal appearance, either.

Shun Cruz has posed:
Sure enough those men down below are drinking. A lot of it. And just tossing the bottles against walls. One poor man just passing by nearly gets hit upside the head and runs off.

Meanwhile, Tekkai has finally seemed to orient himself and moves the baton down to the side. He lowers his head a bit before turning to look up at the two ladies in the sky. At least whatever he is has a mouth it looks like as he gets an uncomfortable look on his face before turning to look over the alleyway again at the future drunks.

The baton is let go of and unravels into sparks that fall harmlessly to the rooftop as he puts his hands on the edge.

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Thunderbolt hrms, "Well, we're not the only ones here, and that guy has some mystic vibes, for sure." She then hops off the roof, falling down towards the alley and the men that have started throwing bottles around. Catching herself in midair since, well, she /can/ fly, she ends up hovering a few inches off the ground, standing up straight in midair as she looks sternly at the drunks.

"Okay, gentlemen, I think it's time you put the bottles away and maybe change up for some coffee instead." She keeps it low key, since... well, this isn't exactly a high threat level for her so far.

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
Drawing the eight of swords, she closes her eyes to concentrate and wills forth the blades on the card to appear as mystical constructs behind Thunderbolt, fanning out like a peacock's feathers and angling slightly in the direction of the gang of men.

Marie's staying put on the rooftop where she can keep an eye on things, allowing her constructs to be her part of the confrontation; hopefully between the sharp pointies and Thunderbolt herself it'll be enough for the bad guys to stand down... though, she keeps finding her eyes drifting towards the other person, too. He wasn't part of the initial reading, so his motives are up for question as far Marie's concerned.

Shun Cruz has posed:
Now that he can see her better, Tekkai looks surprised. The swords have his jaw dropping a bit as he wasn't sure.

The drunks meanwhile, are not that drunk. And they do the smart thing. The beer is set down and they back away slowly from Thunderbolt, hands up in the air. Once they make the alleyway, they bolt every which way. Probably one of the easiet 'scare straight' times ever.

Tekkai looks relieved and wipes his forehead before he looks to Marie and turns to walk over. A casual walk at that, and no sparking mystic baton or anything in his hands at that. Once he's close enough, he rubs the back of his head, "Ah, thank you?"

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Thunderbolt grins, then launches back up into the air, laughing a little bit to herself as that was /way/ easier than dealing with the supervillain-of-the-week. Flying up to land next to Tarot, she grins, "Easy peasy. The floating swords were a nice touch." She pauses, then looks over at Tekkai, "Hey there. Hope I didn't wreck anything for you there, they just looked like they needed to be spooked sober a bit." Because, well, when more supers are involved, sometimes people get territorial.

It can be a whole /thing/.

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
And Marie? Marie's eyes just go wide as saucers, playing the innocent card out of reflex as the stranger approaches. Though, as Thunderbolt comes in for a landing next to her, she settles a bit, cheeks flushing faintly. "Oh... there is nothing to thank me for, truly. Madamoiselle Thunderbolt did most of the work." While Mary's closer to potentially-apologetic, Marie gives none of those vibes; the cards told her to act, so she did. They are the law of the universe, in her mind. "Merci beaucoup." she adds to Thunderbolt. "I would have switched to staves had they not ran, but I felt swords would be a more... impressive sight."

Shun Cruz has posed:
"They were." It's definitely not a trick that whatever this guy is? He's definitely not an adult. Too young sounding.

"Ah, it is fine. My only way to scare them would probably have me dodging bullets and bottles more than you showing up. I just spotted them and remembered there were rumors around my school that they had a reputation." Did his cheeks redden a bit? "I... ah... normally do not do this sort of thing... so... thank you again?"

He folds his arms over his chest and he shifts back and forth from one foot to the next.

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Thunderbolt grins, "No problem. I'm Thunderbolt, and this is Tarot." She shrugs a bit, glancing back at Marie-Ange and maybe flashing back a bit when she was first starting out as a hero, giving her a wink.

Then she turns back to Tekkai, "How long have you been doing this?" She gives Tekkai a somewhat knowing look, as she seems to have a bit of divine wisdom behind her eyes.

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
Barring his school being a very specific one... Marie does not quite share the same sort of deja vu that Mary does in this particular case. When she was that young, she was being trained for situations just like this! Granted, given her nature she was still more of a shrinking violet in combat situations... but thanks to a few different people, she's started to gain her confidence.

"Oui." she holds up the cards she'd drawn for emphasis, before sliding them back into her purse. "Dodging bullets is no common feat, Monsieur, and having the bravery to face them, rather than flee from them, is even rarer."

Shun Cruz has posed:
The young... man? Shakes his head, "Um, I picked the name Tekkai. Or Ironclad in Japanese. Not that I am in iron or anything." He looks hesistant.

"Not long... I mostly do not if I can help it, ma'am." He replies. That shifting from foot to foot is still there. "Uh... since the Battle of New York? Like six years ago? I kinda... dived head into it when my dad was hurt."

The idea of dodging bullets has him shake his head quickly, "Oh, no. I'm not that good... um... I can make shields that can stop them, though?"

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Thunderbolt smiles, "Well, if you ever need a group of heroes that can understand that, I am with the Titans. And they're pretty good at helping new folks get their footing. If you go there, tell them Thunderbolt sent you over." She doesn't give a business card or anything because, well, it's Titans Tower. It's pretty hard to miss!

Granted, it's in Metropolis, but it's not /that/ far away. "Tekkai is a pretty cool name though. But yeah, I've been doing this for a couple years myself. Anyway, we should probably get going... but seriously, don't be afraid to look up the Titans! They can definitely help people figure things out if they need it."

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
"Even better, then! Shields can help you and others as well." There's a brief temptation to demonstrate and pull pentacles or even the Wheel of Fortune out of her deck... but Marie opts not to for the moment. Then, as Mary starts to talk about the Titans, Marie nods along. "The Titans are wonderful heroes, oui. Very good people who are good at what they do, as well." She'd mention Xavier's, but... the School for Gifted Youngsters is much more secretive about things. Having to keep those secrets from Mary for so long was monumentally difficult!

"Learning in a team environment is very useful for a young hero," she can speak from experience on this, at least! "...so if you do wish to stand up to those who would hurt others... following Thunderbolt's suggestion would be most wise."

Shun Cruz has posed:
That has Tekkai looking at Thunderbolt like she grew a third head or something. "They... do that?"

He blinks a few times.

"Ah... um... thank you both." He nearly stammers out.

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Thunderbolt smiles, "Well, yeah. Just go over to Metropolis and knock on the door. They're pretty good folks all around there." She grins, "Anyway, I'll let you get back to it. C'mon Tarot." With that, she scoops up Tarot as if she were weightless, and takes off in the night sky, vanishing among the bright lights of the Big City.