17803/Scenes from a New York Restaurant
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Scenes from a New York Restaurant | |
Date of Scene: | 28 April 2024 |
Location: | New York cafe |
Synopsis: | Angela finds a strange aura and makes a new friend. |
Cast of Characters: | Aldrif Odinsdottir, Kaine Parker
- Aldrif Odinsdottir has posed:
Angela comes into the new Fire Cafe Restaurant in her casual attire, reminded that she should not be trapsing around her battle attire carrying a honkin sword all the time. Jeans is fine, although if a hellspawn pops up, she's a bit out of luck. Looking around the swanky cafe, there doesn't seem to be any demons or hellspawn present.
The restaurant has a coffee bar and tables to sit along the windows facing the street. It is distinctly red, with a red and black color pallette just about everywhere. The place has been advertising its fire roasted coffee for weeks now, so there is a line up to the coffee bar. Some other people already have their coffee and are sitting.
Angela gets in line for one of these popular coffees.
- Kaine Parker has posed:
Kaine is in the cafe wearing a simple black hoodie and a pair of dark blue-gray cargo pants. It's function over fashion. Soemthing he can move and hide in at the same time.
He's at one of the tables trying to mind his own business. However, Kaine is a clone. Do clones have souls? Do they need to cause one to blossom? These are questions someone from Heven may not. And it may make Kaine stick out to Angela. Because to her senes, he's obviously not normal. Mabye it's smell? Mabye it's appearance? Maybe it's aura? Could be a combination.
Chocolate brown eyes look toward the crowd a little as he tries to focus on the sandwich in front of him. Also, the simple coffee that has free refills. Thank God for those refills.
- Aldrif Odinsdottir has posed:
Angela doesn't have a lot of patience but does finally get up to order her coffee. She takes it and turns toward the tables, where the humans are sitting. She looks absent minded, as if thinking of something else, such as planning her next hunt or deciding how to best stab a wild demon dog. Something then snaps her back to reality, to staring at those humans in front of her, some distinct smell or feeling, but she frowns because she really can't place it.
Angela carries her tall coffee to a table right next to Kaine's table and plops down at it. The feeling won't go away and she looks about. The sandwich lady comes over to Angela and looks at her carefully, "Care for a sandwich...?" she asks.
"No!" Angela blurts out. She frowns and tries to smooth things over by motioning the lady away, "No thank you," she adds.
- Kaine Parker has posed:
Angela sits down in front of him. Does it catch him offguard? Yes. Does it show? Not really. He's about to say something, but the sandwich lady stops him unintentionally. A brow goes up when Angela snaps at the woman.
"It's my cousins that have a history of tall beautiful readheads. You might have me confused for someone else," Kaine says, it comes off a little more standoffish than intended.
He holds up a finger, "Sorry. Strangers don't plop in front of me like this and I have one of those faces," he does look older than Ben and Peter. However, there is a "Family Resemblance."
Thankfully, she's not causing the senses to go off. "So, what do I owe the attention besides needing a table?" Kaine looks to see the tables. A few are empty. These actions by Angela are definitely intentionally.
- Aldrif Odinsdottir has posed:
Angela is a pretty good observer and keenly aware of her senses, which gives her some good insight when hunting. She doens't often use it in a restaurant. Angela turns slightly and looks at Kaine now, staring him down with a critique in her eye as if trying to figure him out, "You!" she utters darkly. She gets all pointy finger and narrows her eyes at him.
"You are different," Angela adds, though sounds cryptic and that's sorta on purpose, because she's not quite sure herself what's going on. She plants both hands on the table. She considers warning him or starting a war of words, but she grabs her coffee again and instead says, "Sorry, I thought you were someone else," she lies, smoothing over her outburst. Maybe she is learning a little bit being on Midgard so long. She takes a sip of coffee.
- Kaine Parker has posed:
Now, she has Kaine's attention when she starts to speak darkly. It makes him wonder if this woman is some kind of mob hitter. He's ruffled a few of those feathers lately. His gaze narrows in response to her own.
Then there's that comment, "You are different." Kaine pulls back a little bit on his narrowed gaze. Yes, her words are cryptic, but mob hitters don't use those words. The hands go on the table. "I get that a lot. Who did you think I was?" Kaine asks, making -sure- she's not a hitter. That's the last thing he needs right now. However, he does try to smooth it over. "I have one of those faces and if one of my faces wronged you, I'll be the first to kick their ass. Hard." It's a distraction. Get her to focus on his words while he's carefully taking in hers.
- Aldrif Odinsdottir has posed:
Angela plops the coffee down in a huff and frowns at him, this human trying to talk to her that way. "I am not the one with the strange aura. I am not sure /who/ you are," she blurts out again. She just can't help it. She's never been able to keep her tongue in check.
Angela leans back in her chair and crosses her legs, "It's fine. Nevermind. Forget I said anything," she tells him. She stares him down as if guarding herself against his impending attack. What a day to leave Xiphos behind.
- Kaine Parker has posed:
Kaine sighs for a second and leans back. Then he lets out a rue chuckle, "Well. That explains a few things," Kaine says softly. Leaning back down. He starts to speak low, "Magic or science? Does that drive what you know?" he'll ask. Words don't come from him for a bit, unless she answers right away.
"You have no war, or quarrel, with me. I'm not exactly human. It's a long and complicated story. I'm an expiriment gone wrong, or right, depending on who you ask." His gaze levels on her. "And because I'm not 'normal' I show on your radar. Probably a few others like it," he says honestly and waits for Angela to take this in.
"I'm a man of science, it's something I believe in. And it's something I'm a biprodcut of. I can do some sleight of hand, but that's the closest I get to real magic," his eyes stay on her. "I'm not a threat. Just someone trying to make up for doing a lot of bad things in his past. No more. No less."
- Aldrif Odinsdottir has posed:
Angela raises her chin as if a bit on guard for the amount of logic he tells her. It's almost a neat little explanation and his honesty is somewhat refreshing. "I see," she mutters as she considers what he says.
"You have nothing to fear then," Angela states more calmly and more honestly, "My "radar" is always on. Sometimes it gives me surprise in the middle of a crowded cafe with minor humans. But ..... if you are a demonic hellspawn in disguise, I am Angela of Heven, and it is my duty to destroy you," she says and shrugs a bit, as if that were a given, "Just ignore me. Continue with your coffee," she comments.
- Kaine Parker has posed:
Kaine's a little relieved. Angela seems to believe him. That's a very good thing.
Then there's a pause. "Heaven?" he thinks. Sadly, he cannot see how "Heven" is spelled. He leans in close, "Heaven is real!?" Yes, he knows Gods are real. However, he can separate himself from that. Gods do God things. Heaven? That can affect -him-.
"Do I have a soul?" he asks with the utmost fear in his voice. "Does that mean you're an Angel?" he looks at her and really questions that name now. "You were hard to ignore before. Now you're impossible to ignore, Angela. I question if I have a soul and an angel thought of smiting me," he speaking low and deals with a misunderstood revelation.
- Aldrif Odinsdottir has posed:
Angela frowns a bit at Kaine's newfound attention, as if a bit frustrated that he's suddenly put her on a pedestal and attributed things to her that are not really true, "You don't understand. It is not part of your human religion. There are actually ten realms of reality, and anyone who tells you different is ignorant or lying," she explains rather directly, "It is true. I am...technically an Angel. But the Asgardians have closed my home and cut it off. I am not really worthy of such questions such as yours. I can't offer any religious relevations. I am sorry."
- Kaine Parker has posed:
A different Heaven? Interesting. Kain leans back and he nods. "Ten realms. You were cut off." Pause, but she is an angel? "What are you doing on -this- realm?" he asks. "And -why- did they cut you off? Were you the black sheep or was there a war?" he asks curiously. Wanting to know things. Yes, his attention is on her, but it's not clinging. She does not have the answers to questions that keep him up at night. Although, it's not every day an angel sits in front of you randomly.
"I'm a clone," he admits softly. "That's why I stand out. That's why I have -those- questions."
- Aldrif Odinsdottir has posed:
Angela lowers her chin now and almost relucantly says, "Yes, tis a thing I share too. I stand out too. I cannot ever return home. Black sheep? Is this a metaphor? Yes, I have been cast out from Heven," she explains and shrugs a bit, "Tis a long and complicated story. Perhaps it is my impulsiveness. Since then, I have been here in Midgard. Someday perhaps I will find a way back and prove myself," she explains, sounding a bit omnious and depressed, thanks to Kaine's questions.
- Kaine Parker has posed:
"Black sheep is an expression. It's when your family believes you're the social outcast. Even the family is horrible, and you're good, they can call you the 'Black Sheep.'"
He's quiet a bit, too. He understands that tone. "You're worthy. Not everyone will sit down with a stranger then attempt smiting them. You're comitted. You're comitted to your redemption. You're worthy, even if they're too stupid to see it," he looks at her. "I'm trying to be worthy myself. Not sure my end goal, but trust me, you're worthy," he admits all of this honestly. Although, he feels a little bad for himself. Kaine's unsure where he stands.
- Aldrif Odinsdottir has posed:
Angela nods to what he says about human expressions and his own situation, "You speak forthright and honestly like me," she states a little amusedly, "Yes it has gotten me in trouble many a time!" she laughs now. "Yes, we have much in common, young human," she explains to him, looking at him with a knowing glance.
"What do they call you?" Angela asks him simply.
- Kaine Parker has posed:
"It tends to rub people the wrong way. When you're too honest with the world. It bugs them," Kaine smirks with amusement. "At least we can be honest with each other," and then he nods to her. "Black sheep trying to redeem ourselves," he adds the obvious.
"Kaine, not like the biblical version despite how it sounds. Much like your 'Heaven.'" The irony of that similarity is not lost on him. His gaze levels. "So, tell me more about yourself Angela. Whatever you want to say."
- Aldrif Odinsdottir has posed:
Angela hmms, "Well met, Kaine," she tells him then and grows quiet, perhaps not really a socialite like other people, "My friend said I should go to coffee shops and not carry my sword all the damn time. Tis less imposing," she states and chuckles.
"About me?" Angela wonders, "Well, when I am not hunting hellspawn, I help the ...humans with jobs and consultation," she explains, "I...well most of my work takes me traveling across Midgard. It can be interesting."
- Kaine Parker has posed:
"It is to most. I would probably ask to feel the heft," he looks at her. "My past. I'm not a stranger to weapons and stabbing weapons are -very- silent," and that's all he will say there. It's a hint of the man he was.
"Well, if you ever need a partner I can hold my own," Kaine snags a spoon off the table. He bends it with his thumb with the utmost ease, then puls it back. "I can hold my own," he says letting Angela see a little bit of what he can do. "If you don't mind a partner on your journey."
- Aldrif Odinsdottir has posed:
Angela looks surprised this human volunteers to come with her, "Oh? You have the skill?" she asks him, "I am impressed, human. You either have great courage or great skill!" she laughs. She waves her hand as if trying to dispel any concerns about offending him.
"I wilt remember your promise, Kaine," Angela tells him and nods, "Sometimes there are things in Midgard unknown to me even though I've been here a while. Yes, I will ask you."