17867/Riding on the Winds

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Riding on the Winds
Date of Scene: 07 May 2024
Location: North Woods
Synopsis: Candace encounters J'onn while flying around in the park. She gets a lesson in Flight Agility!
Cast of Characters: Candace Hill, J'onn J'onzz

Candace Hill has posed:
Candace has had a long weekend. Her first day at Kord Industries was good but that was yesterday. This is today. And today, things are just too nice not to go outside to practice. She has eaten her lunch and is now enjoying the a flight across the North woods.

With a smile she dives down into the foliage and starts weaving through trees. She is going pretty slow, not wanting to get herself hurt. Sure she can take a little bit of a beating but she is definitely not invincible. She is a rookie in all aspects of being a hero so slow and steady it is.

J'onn J'onzz has posed:
J'onn J'onzz is flying about invisible and phased on patrol. He rarely does this any more but sometimes still engages and as he spots Candace weaving, stops to watch just to make sure she doesnt hurt herself. He will make himself known if she needs it.

Candace Hill has posed:
Candace keeps going. She doesn't know that J'onn is about. Her attention is completely on weaving through the woods. She ducks and dives, twists and turns, and even flies up and over getting a feel for how it is to fly in tight quarters. She misses a branch and she gets cracked across the face by it. "Oof!" Coming to a stop, she rubs her face and shakes it off. "That's gonna leave a mark." Thankfully she is wearing a pair of goggles that is keeping her eyes safe.

J'onn J'onzz has posed:
J'onn J'onzz becomes visible, for encouragement if nothing else. "Nice flying there. But yes, that might leave a mark" he smiles, "you alright?"

Candace Hill has posed:
Candace hears a familiar voice. She looks up and gives a smile. "Hello! Yes I am okay. Everything is very different!" She laughs a little bit before flying through the trees again and then upward, punching through some smaller branches until she is above the leaves. Quickly she raises her goggles and gives a smile. "I've had a really interesting few weeks." She smiles to him. "Nice to see you out and about. You look good." She smiles politely.

J'onn J'onzz has posed:
J'onn J'onzz smiles widely, "As do you. Want a spotter to make sure everything goes OK? And interesting good....or interesting bad?" He flies near her with ease, going invisible except a psychic illusion of himself phased that only Candace can see. No reason for gawkers to gawk.

Candace Hill has posed:
Candace lowers her goggles, not wanting anyone to really identify her flying around. "Sure! I could definitely use a spotter. I'm trying to get agile with my flying so when I move faster, I won't wind up going splat on the side of a building!" SHe snickers a little. "Well, In the past few days I got cocooned and I guess the universe decided to respond. Next thing I knew I was waking up in a lab to be studied a little before being turned loose. I actually have powers now!"

J'onn J'onzz has posed:
J'onn J'onzz smiles,"Glad to help. Are you looking for agility in battle or against obstscles?" He is an experienced teacher and quite used to helping this kind of thing,"And congears on powers. How did it happen? It sounds like Terragin mists?

Candace Hill has posed:
Candace smiles and responds while she continues fly through the impromptu obstacle course. "A little bit of both. Ted said he is going to help me with flying and such. I need to practice the other stuff on my own though. That is going to be a challenge. I mean the only ones I know who do what I do now is Superman and those like him. I absorb energy and use it to fuel energy bursts and stuff." She smiles as she does a barrel roll, avoiding a bird that happens to be flying at her.

J'onn J'onzz has posed:
J'onn J'onzz nods,"I can telepathically generate an obstacle course and foes if you like...it will help with your active skill." He listens and nids,"A very valuabpe suite of powers. And well placed."

Candace Hill has posed:
"That would be awesome! I Dunno if this is the best place for that though. Another place would be great." She smiles. "I am wanting to join a team eventually so I can actually get better and become an actual hero!" Candace smiles happily. "Thank you for the offer though." She grins and dives down to just above the stream running through the area. She reaches down and runs her hand across the water and smiles bright.

J'onn J'onzz has posed:
J'onn J'onzz nods and suddenly a flying set of rings appeaers in front of her as well as two star wars style droids that send stun bolts she needs to dodge. "Which team are you going to join?"

Candace Hill has posed:
Candace notes the rings and the droids. She smiles and darts her way through the rings. She doesn't try to fry the droids even though she probably could. This is largely because she doesn't want to accidentally hit any bystanders. "I don't know what team to join. I don't really know anyone except for you and Ted." She did meet Beast Boy but she doesn't remember that due to being in a cocoon at the time.

J'onn J'onzz has posed:
J'onn J'onzz hears that thought and smiles,"Well you cant blast telepathic illusions but these will respond to your actions...pure defense in Aereal combar isnt always the right mix. The Titans are my favorite teak and we taught most of them."

Candace Hill has posed:
Candace smiles and continues flying through rings. She is learning. She is flying slow and steady. She never really found out just how fast she can go but right now, flying through the rings is the important thing. "Come on Candace. Learn to move." She comments as she goes. "I can't wait to become an actual hero!" She smiles. "I've not done anything heroic yet. I'm just worried about hurting people you know?"

J'onn J'onzz has posed:
J'onn J'onzz kicks up the difficulty a notch since she is doing wrll. "You are a hero every time you do good. Hero is a state of mind not a destination." He smiles. "And worrying about hurting others is a heroic trait."

Candace Hill has posed:
"I'd Like to meet the Titans actually. They seem really cool!" She picks up her movements, trying to bend her body through the rings. Its a real challenge now but she is hanging on. "I just don't want to hurt people. I mean there is a time when I'll have to fight but that doesn't mean I wanna go full strength. I'm pretty sure I can take a person off their feet with a blast but I don't know for sure."

J'onn J'onzz has posed:
J'onn J'onzz says, "They are amazing. Controlling your strength for others is wise, focus on mobility a bit for a while." The dofficulty of the course slowly increases."

Candace Hill has posed:
Candace continues working her butt off, trying to continue flying the course. She keeps up with it for a while. Sadly she does start missing a ring here or there. She flies back and goes through them. "Its getting tough now." She smiles as she keeps going. "Maybe I will meet them, eventually. That would be really cool." She smiles as she starts flying the rings again.

J'onn J'onzz has posed:
J'onn J'onzz smiles,"If you arent challenged, you dont learn but regular sessions improve performance better than one time accumen. I can arrange a meetimg, or at least try to if you like.

Candace Hill has posed:
"We can do that! I know Ted wants to help me with flying too. I Just haven't gotten to talk to him today. I am on my... Oh no." She quickly pulls her phone out of her pocket. Oh no! I am late!" She quickly flies upward. "I need to go. I'm not used to having an actual job!" She blushes and looks around.

J'onn J'onzz has posed:
J'onn J'onzz smiles and says "Best of Luck" and waves as she rapidly flies off to aid with the call.