17880/Forging new friendships

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Forging new friendships
Date of Scene: 08 May 2024
Location: Back Yard
Synopsis: A group of people hang out outside. Discussions are had about tech and sentinels.
Cast of Characters: Patty Sloan, Monet St. Croix, Kevin Sydney, Henry McCoy, Forge

Patty Sloan has posed:
It is a bright, sunny day. The sun is moving its way to the west and Boy is it warm! Unseasonably so today. This has lead a number of students to have made their way outside as the school day comes to an end. The pool is a popular place today. It is just a really nice day for swimming and or playing baseball.

Some people though are out training because why not. Patty Sloan is one such person who happens to be training today. She has already run half the lake and is currently flying back. As she flies her way over the backyard, she flutters her wings downward and begins doing some yoga moves. The same ones she was taught by Kwannon who she believes was Betsy. The girl's definitely getting more flexible and getting stronger.

Once she finishes up a bit she focuses and the wind blows gently through the yard. Its a nice way to break up the heat and to maybe dry some of the sweat that she is coated in. Quietly she pulls a bottle of water from her pocket and takes a long sip of it. "Ahh that is so much better."

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Things have been.. Difficult as of late. But isn't it always that way? Monet St. Croix enters to the area, looking somewhat exhausted. One of her arms is up and over in a sling, and there are a few bruises about her that are visible despite the makeup she's clearly put on to conceal them and the telepathic nudges she's trying to give anyone in a 'don't notice it' sort of style. She continues to look irritable even as she would glance about, going to turn over to the training Patty to give a nod over while watching.

Kevin Sydney has posed:
Below the depths of Breakstone Lake lurks a monstrous creature, its coated in scales and slimey. It has a lamprey mouth full of jutting and crooked teeth. Its hair is a mat of tendrils and moss.

Slowly, it ascends toward the surface and begins to walk its way toward shore. It shambles with squishy sounds. It releases a gurgling moan then murmurs.

"Suffer my vengeance land-dwellers, your crimes against my lake-brethren will no longer be suffered!" The beast shakes a plastic bag full of collected trash: nails, cans, soda rings, etc.

Then abruptly, the creature morphs into a humanoid with pale white skin, a bald head, muted features, but exaggerated expressions. Wearing snorkel, goggles, fins, and a small black speedo, Morph gives himself a shake to discard excess water.

Henry McCoy has posed:
Hank McCoy was, for once, actually dressed. Nice smart business suit tailored for his physiology, shoes that could handle his spawling feet, silk tie, cufflinks, the whole nine. He was also carrying a smart leather briefcase in one hand but the expression on his face was a rare unguarded moment of sadness. Dejection. Like he'd put himself forward and was cruelly rejected for it. He was in no hurry to bury himself in his lab - or, more accurately, he wanted nothing more than to bury himself in his lab, which is why he was forcing himself to stay out of it.

Forge has posed:
    Unbothered by the heat, Forge appears to be taking... readings, maybe? He's got a tablet, and he's tapping on it sometimes, switching between screens, as he walks around the grounds, frowning to himself. The tablet sometimes makes little Chirps, then Forge will look around, and move to a new area in the back yard of the school.

    Of course, it's pretty interesting that he's here, as usually he's down in Texas, hiding... no... working in his secluded ranch workshop. He doesn't often show up on the mansion grounds, but here he is, having arrived sometime in the middle of the night, and quietly gotten to work. Charles may know he's here, maybe Jean, but he hasn't bothered to announce himself as yet.

    He almost bumps into Monet, as he walks, pausing in his wanderings, and looking up from his tablet, which chimes at him. He holds it out to her, frowns, taps something, and shakes his head.

    "Have you noticed anything.. odd.." he glances over as Morph comes out of the water, and then snorts. "Odder than usual on the campus grounds lately?" he asks with a calm voice.

Patty Sloan has posed:
Patty smiles to Monet. She doesn't mention the sling not wanting to draw attention to it. She knew how she felt after getting shot. She didn't want to to draw attention to it either. "Hey Monet. Hope your day is going well." She smiles and wipes some sweat off her face. Then there is Forge. "Ummm Hi! I don't think we've met. I'm Patty Sloan."

Then she notes the figure coming out of the Lake. She blinks a few times then they turn human and shake off. "Huh. Thats a cool power!" She smiles and gives a wave. Her attention then shifts as her eyes catch someone Blue... and dressed up! She gives a wave. "Hey Dr. McCoy. Looking good today. A little too hot in my humble opinion." She smiles as she tries to dry off. More wind blows and this time its directed on her as she tries to get the sweat to stop.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would give a nod over to Morph in passing, that she had barely met or interacted with if at all. "I hope that your training goes well." She would speak over to Patty. Then look to Hank. "I'm sorry that things didn't work out the way you wished they did." She didn't know what exactly had happened, she just could get the look of what she expected was a poorly resolved romantic affair.

Then over to Forge. "That.. Does not narrow down the field at all. You will have to be more specific." teh weirdness of the Mansion extended rather far, after all.

Kevin Sydney has posed:
Morph strikes a pose at Forge's offhand remark then wills his composition to change the more comedic swim gear into more reasonable set of swimming trunks minus all the accoutrements.

He offers a smile toward Patty and offers a wave as he draws nearer, "Kevin Sydney, Class of 2021, but you can call me Morph."

Monet gets a curious glance, his eyes momentarily glazing at the telepathic nudge not to make a big deal of her apparent injuries. His eyes regain clarity when they notice the dejected McCoy.

"Yea, what's going on Doc?" He adjusts his voice to match Henry's for a moment and raises a blue finger. "Your current demeanor lacks its normal jovial and amused countenance."

Henry McCoy has posed:
Hank looked up, pulled out of his thoughts by ... one of the only people who could out-prank the team of McCoy and Drake. "Hello." he said, trying to keep his voice light and mostly succeeding. "Just ... a busy morning downtown." he said, then forced a smile onto his face. "And given how nice it is out here I figured my lab would suffer me to enjoy a little sunshine before returning to its climate-controlled Stygian depths."

Forge has posed:
    Forge's focus spreads out a bit more, and he realizes that Monet isn't alone in the world. Hank and Patty suddenly are looked at sharply, and he holds up his tablet, scanning each of them. He even waves it towards Morph, and presses a few buttons, just in case. "Mmmm. It's probably not... that important." He says that, but his brows remain furrowed. "I'll get to the bottom of it soon enough anyway." he mutters half to himself, as he taps a few more things, and tucks the tablet into a web of pouches and holsters that hang from his body.

    "It is a pleasure to meet you, Miss Sloan. I'm Forge." he introduces himself with a calm smile, and a nod. "You must be a student here? Welcome. If you need any help.. Well.. Honestly, Hank's probably better equipped to help you than me. Hank, how have you been?" he asks the man, and smiles to Morph. "A pleasure to meet you as well."

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would look to Forge, "That does not narrow things down beyond aliens, demons, cyborgs, Sentinels, rioters, other mutants.." She goes to make a show of counting on her fingers with the arm that's not in a sling. She's being dramatic here after all. "Or in the event that Ms. Lee is not paying attention to them, the local vampire community.." Despite it being a bright, sunny day.

Henry McCoy has posed:
Hank then looked over to Forge and mustered a real, if somewhat, tired smile. "Forge! My stars and garters, something has sufficed to drag you from the Lone Star State in favor of Yankee territory?" he said. "Also, courtesy demands I ask - what _are_ you scanning for?" he asked. "Is aught amiss?"

Patty Sloan has posed:
"Its a pleasure to meet you both, Morph and Forge. You can call me Sylph if ya want but Patty works well enough." She smiles as she looks at Monet, "Ugh don't mention the sentinels. I'm still getting the occasional phantom pain from my last encounter with em." She shudders and then looks to Beast. "Ahh. Yeah I can understand not wanting to be cooped up in your lab on a day like today. Its just too nice. If not a little warm!"

Kevin Sydney has posed:
Henry gets a deep skeptical frown from Morph completes with hands on hips and side-eye. Ultimately, Morph relents with a deep resigned sigh. Nodding in agreement with Monet, he adds a quip toward Forge, "Sounds like a normal Wednesday on all accounts."

Patty gets a smile, "Nice to meet you, Sylph."

A brief moment and Morph is in full cowboy attire, giving Forge a feigned glare "Yea, what's going on cowpoke? You are wresslin' up a mighty fine scare with that fangled contraption of yours."

Forge has posed:
    Forge chuckles to Hank. "Well, if I knew exactly what I was scanning for, I would have simply called and let you do it." he declares with a slightly forced smile at Morph. "I had... well, a dream I suppose." he waves a hand. "I'm sure it's just a bad dream. But I figured it wouldn't hurt to come look around."

    The mention of Sentinels draws a frown from him. "Sentinels? I thought they were dismantled. Have there been new attacks?" he asks, clearly having not read recent news. He tries, but, sometimes a month or two or a year or two slip away from him at times, down in his seclusion. He lets the fact of Sentinels rest on his mind for a moment, seeing if that's what drew him back to Westchester and the Mansion, but that doesn't feel right. Still...

    "If they're being produced again... I will need to prepare some specialty gear. Do we still have the phasic destabilizer, Hank?" he asks as if anyone else would know what the hell he just asked for.

Henry McCoy has posed:
Hank looked over at Forge. "Not only do we still possess a phasic destabilizer, but it's twelve percent lighter with a thirty percent greater endurance on primary and secondary power supplies. I, err, had a few moments to play with it." Which, in Hank-ese, translates into "I tore the damned thing apart to fix the parts of it that were really aggrivating me.". "How soon do you need it? I may have, err, scavenged it for parts a while back. Emergency, I'm sure you understand."

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would glance over at Forge, "They are always about, no matter how many times we think we have finished them." She looks passive at that. Too many times having been blasted or having nightmares of the trauma they had inflicted. "And.. I was not aware that you were prone to prophetic dreams, Sir. Is precognition one of you rnormal abilities? If you are worried of mystical threats, we should probably ask a specialist to aid in the investigation."

Patty Sloan has posed:
"Yeah. Not the big ones. Not yet anyway. There were some that were mechanical spiders in design that were trying to steal information from STAR labs. Then there were human sized ones at a recent protest that attacked the mutants there. Those bastards were nasty. They just opened fire in the crowd. People were trying to get away. I helped about a dozen of them but I got hit in the back of my shoulder." She shakes her head. "I hate those things."

Kevin Sydney has posed:
Morph gradually returns to normal and nods seeming satisfied with that answer. When a distraction for the dejected Hank and a more serious tone coming to the conversation, he dials back his normal comedic routine.

Slyph gets a concerned look regarding her recent encounter with sentinels. Morph rubs the back of his head and looks skyward, "I guess mutant kind is destined to compete with killer robots for all eternity. Its like we are competing for the prestige of being human 2.0"

Forge has posed:
y"Not... Precognition. Not exactly." Forge seems hesitant to discuss any of why he might believe a dream he had was more than merely a bad dream. The word Mystic draws a frown, and he shakes his head, "I'll talk to Charles about it." he decides, before refocusing on the Sentinels, and nodding to Patty with a frown. "An improvised design then? I'm sorry that you had to go through that. They didn't incorporate power blocker technology?" His voice sounds at once regretful, and hopeful.

    He chuckles at Hank, nodding "Impressive. And useful. I was thinking of taking some parts for a tracking unit. If there is a production center, and we align the phasic resonators to their communication signals, it should allow for a communication map to be rendered of their network." he posits. "At least, if their communications are anything like previous iterations."

Henry McCoy has posed:
Forge was an excellent engineer and something of a friend, but if there was one thing Hank _detested_ about the man, it's how he could just have _ideas_ like that. Out of the blue. Sure, it would have occurred to him eventually, but as usual Forge beat him to the punch. His professional and personal ego got _so many_ holes poked into it by the intuitive genius that he had to sternly remind himself that he had many advantages over the other man. "Sounds most efficacious." he said aloud musingly. "Welp, if you're done taking random readings I could show you to the lab, which comes fully-stock with fabrication equipment adjusted by yours truly to meet virtually any need. That's a new feature, dahling." he said, the last sentence in a disturbingly dead-on impression of Edna Mode.

Patty Sloan has posed:
"It was a learning experience. In this case, I learned to pay close attention to my surroundings when Sentinels are firing Willy Nilly. Not a fan of getting shot, I guarantee that." She laughs. "I can laugh now but omg did that hurt. Laser shot burned a 3 inch spot on my shoulder. Definitely not going to play nice with those buggers again."

Forge has posed:
    "I'm done enough. I'd love to see what you've done with your lab." Forge reaches out to pat Hank's shoulder, unaware of the jealousy that he inspires. Or rather, willfully unaware? He knows he frustrates many people, because he just... comes up with things, but he chooses to not think too much about it, particularly in regards to his friends, and he counts Hank as one of those. And a good engineer to clean up the 'messy bits' that his intuitive constructions sometimes have.

    "Yes. Sentinels, no matter the iteration or design, should always be taken seriously, and responded to in force. They are always too dangerous to treat lightly." Forge sounds deeply serious about this. "Where have they been sighted?" he wants to know.

Henry McCoy has posed:
Hank looked over at Patty and then smiled at her. "And, Miss Sloan, I haven't forgotten your request. I believe I can modily one of Mister Worthington's old wing harnesses for your torso size and physiology and that should improve comfort while providing adequate restraint." he said. Inside his mind, where the teenaged Magilla Gorilla lived, he snickered to himself. Repeatedly. "But for now I have a colleague who needs to reassemble a spectral analyzer and make it do things its creator - namely myself - never contemplated or intended."

Patty Sloan has posed:
Patty quickly responds, "New York City, STAR Labs and then in Mutant Town. I think Quentin got some bits of them but they either fled or destroyed themselves before we could gather information easily. Its like someone is trying to keep their goals covered up." She looks over to Hank and smiles to him. "Thank you so much Dr. McCoy. That will be a huge help." She grins, "I suppose I should head in and get cleaned up.