18885/Entry into Sin

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Entry into Sin
Date of Scene: 22 August 2024
Location: Ready Room: Triskelion
Synopsis: The Agents of SHIELD and allies are given a briefing on Sinthia Schmidt, the heir apparent of Hydra, and seemingly the daughter of it's founder, the Red Skull!
Cast of Characters: Natasha Romanoff, Nick Fury, Stefani Houston, Karen Starr, Greer Grant, Yelena Belova, Camille Russo

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
A number of somewhat worrying reports had built up over the last few weeks, quite possibly overlooked in the increasing coming threat of Galactus. But Hydra had started getting it's act together. On enough of a level to be worrying.
    Standing up near a podium was a middle aged woman that most would probably be unfamiliar with, marked by dark hair and a sarcastic streak a mile wide.
    Contessa Valentina Allegra de la Fontaine, aka 'That B****'.
    As various heroes and SHIELD Agents would arrive, a holoprojector would flash, showing a crazed looking woman wearing red body armor and with red hair. "Greetings everyone, this is the latest feral fraulein that's come off the assembly lines." The Contessa would greet individuals as they arrived.

Nick Fury has posed:
The shadows seem to move as the man himself, Nicholas Fury appears, although he remains in the back. His eye scans the people present, but he remains silent. His eye patch also scans everything present, technologically.

Others were in charge of this briefing, and Fury was here to simply...supervise.

The smell of cigar smoke lingers as Fury watches the scene unfold. He was here to support and encourage, but not to be too "pressuring" by getting involved.

Stefani Houston has posed:
Being that Stefani had been on a number of the missions related to tonight's topic, she was in attendance. A quiet presence, as ever, but one with an intense stare that was ever attentive.

Dressed in a sleeveless black top, and form fitting black trousers, the young looking woman had her dark hair tied back in a loose pony that dangled behind her shoulders. She held a tablet computer in front of her, with her stylus playing across its screen here and there. Those who knew her, would know she often used tech to help communicate with thosee around her, as she was an amazing sniper, but not the most talkative.

Her emerald hued eyes played across the room, paying glances toward the others who shared it with her, before she looked to the speaker.

Karen Starr has posed:
    Power Girl isn't directly affiliated with SHIELD, but she is with the Avengers. Being up to speed with the latest on their main enemy is probably a good idea. So she's arrived for the briefing, standing near the back of the room. Better to leave the seats for the actual people more directly involved. Despite this, she looks over the redhead in the armor. No one she recognizes, so presumably a newer threat. Or at least one good at staying off the radar.

Greer Grant has posed:
    Tigra likes to keep her ears clean of what is going on. Even if she may not be one to show up to these meetings often, let alone on time. She managed it here today and is in one of the seats, looking a touch board. The tip of her tail slowly twitches back and fourth as she watches the government Karen giving her breathing. "Feral huh? Do you take classes in alliteration?" What she can make a catty comment, right? She leans back in the seat she has to balance it on two legs and study her claws briefly before flicking over to her teammate in the room.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
The Contessa would just smile at Greer, "It lends itself so naturally. It's practically an art." Turning at the perpetually-scowling Fury. "And Director, you look more like your father each day." Wait, Fury had a father?
    The Contessa would go on, "This woman is the one that much of Hydra has sworn allegiance to; both amongst the rank and file and many of the senior officers corps." The red woman, from a recent hologram of Venom beating her into a wall would showcase itself.
    "Sinthia Schmidt."

Nick Fury has posed:
Leaning against the wall, Fury watches. No nods. No movement. Except for the subtle mini-stretching, making sure those old bones are not stiffening up. He was there for morale support for now. If his opinion was needed, he would be there to help.

"Schmidt." Hrm.

Yelena Belova has posed:
Yelena Belova is disappointed. She thought she was That Bitch.

The Contessa does seem formidable, however. Yelena lurks, being a lurker by nature, in this case as far in the back as she can manage. She sees the images of the woman in the armor and gives a sneer.

"An obvious downgrade," she says. She, after all, had been one of the earlier models. Before she became good, of course. So good, guys. She's really cleaned up her act. Model Citizen Yelena Belova, at your service, fellow agent of law and order.

Nick Fury has posed:
Fury glares at Contessa. Her father comment actually got ythrough his cold, disciplined venear. "Hrm." Was all he said, but her words hit home.

Camille Russo has posed:
Cam is near Stefani, quietly sitting with her sometimes-teammate with her own tablet out. She's dressed similarly to the other agent in a black tank and black tactical pants that are tucked into her boots, short but well-maintained curls springing wildly around her head. There are no questions from her corner yet, she's just here to listen and learn. She eyes the Contessa warily, especially when she baits the Director, but her face stays carefully neutral.

Stefani Houston has posed:
Stefani's role was pretty simple here. She may come off as just an average SHIELD agent, a fly on the wall, but it went a little deeper than that. She might have to kill someone mentioned in this briefing. It was always good to know the details on someone who may fall to the result of your trigger pull.

She did afford a glance toward Director Fury, as he was a rare interaction, and though she did not affoard him a smile, she had to smile when she looked away from him. She liked the gruff types, as they always amused her on any given level.

Her eyes returned to the head of the room, though, as more info rolled out, and her stylus was tapped against her tablet's screen, soft and quiet.

Karen Starr has posed:
    "But Schmidt." Power Girl chimes in. "Good to know nepotism is alive and well over at HYDRA. What do we know about her? Other than her name and her looks?" HYDRA operatives are rarely a problem one on one. It's the assets and resources that make them dangerous.

    She considers the others here, making mental note of them as she considers who might be new on the block.

Greer Grant has posed:
    "More alliteration," says Greer Grant. Yes the irony is not lost on her. "She got a name like Lady SS or something racist and vile?" She's sure the information is coming but she's trying to take an active roll. Her eyes are on the picture, looking to see what she can glean from the footage. Her eyes narrow before agreeing. "Just for her look and name I want to give her a good punch."

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
The Contessa would smirk at Fury, continuing with the banter while speaking to the crowd, "Hydra's nominally about as prone to infighting as any other organization. But large swathes of the rank and file swearing fealty to the same individual and seemingly meaning it? What exactly could her claim be? A few interrogated fanatics have gone on about 'the heir' and 'the father' and the normal yammerings. We didn't have a great deal to go on until.."
    A picture is shown of Venom, chunks of bitten off Sinthia dangling down his teeth and tendrils. "We had some fresh meat to work with and had a few chats with our agent before things went tits up."

Stefani Houston has posed:
It isn't as though Stefani had not witness a number of gruesome things in her life, but she still grimaced at the shot of the Venom one, and the entrails that dangled from his jaws.

She emitted a low huff of an exhale, her head shaking side to side. She turned her eyes toward some of the others, to gauge their own reactions to it, before she looked down to her tablet, and jotted something down with a few quick strokes of the pen's rubbery tip upon the glass screen.

Greer Grant has posed:
    Greer's first thought of having intense loyalty coming from Hydra agents is simple, "Mind control or brainwashing?" The chair will fall to all four legs on the floor and her attention comes forward at the latest picture. Again those green eyes study the photo, the graphic nature not bothering her one bit. If anything the single thrash of a tail may show it is more the opposite.

Karen Starr has posed:
    Power Girl considers. "Well, given that it looks like he's got parts of her in his mouth, and we're still having a briefing on her, at least cyborg? Possibly healing factor?" She seems to be approaching it from the scientific side. Get the data, process, find a solution. "Or are we still at the "find out' stage? Do we know where she's operating?"

Camille Russo has posed:
"Word," Camille says in response wanting to punch the woman over her name. "Feels like that's been done before by her father. What do we know about the mystical element within HYDRA right now? Mind control or brainwashing is about what I was thinking too, but it could be spells or ritual too." She nods at Greer and makes a note to let Constantine and Sara know, just in case. They might have things she wouldn't, be able to fill in gaps she couldn't alone.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
The Contessa would reply to questions rapidly. "Over all of Hydra? They're fanatical and insane as it stands. If it were simple enough to mind control all of them we'd have them just walking into a volcano and make it simple. The fanatics called her the heir apparent, the successor. And she could be a great many things. Listing the things we can cross off the list of potential origins is shorter than the possibilities.""

And the Contessa laughs at Camille, "Oh, figured it out already? She's declared by much of Hydra that we've been in engagement with to be the heir to the Red Skull. She's his daughter. At least Hydra believes such. We didn't give it much credence before we acquired some.. Material."

The image of fleshy bits dangling down Venom's jaw would fade out.

Karen Starr has posed:
    "Are you willing to share some of the tissue samples?" Power Girl asks. "I might be able to analyze them; put more brains on it." And put Kryptonian tech on it. SHIELD's good and all, but they're still mostly limited to Earth tech.

Greer Grant has posed:
    Tigra can't help but roll her eyes at the mention of who, at least allegedly is this woman's father. "I won't ask about the mother." That sounds like an unpleasant conversation and not relevant to this briefing. With the images going away Greer leans back as if bored and uninterested now. "Scent can be useful too," is added after Power Girl's question. "Assuming they aren't smothered in Venom drool."

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
The Contessa would gesture at the holo, "Various samples of the Schitt's were run and compared against it." A flash showing pictures from OSS Archives marked 'Howling Commandos', a picture of the crashed bomber that had put Captain America into deep sleep. And others, those being the ones that stood out the most.

"Within a.. Margin of error, the tests seem to confirm that somehow the r***** having her guts torn out is the duaghter of one of the most evil men of the last century that lived. Or at least close enough to it that it's good enough for Hydra. And I am more than fine with it." Of letting Karen have them.
    "I am, however, not in charge. I'm sure that there will be no issues whatsoever having them shared."

Camille Russo has posed:
"I mean, the last name is... obvious. Not uncommon, but obvious. Last name, red scheme, terrible first name... let me guess, she goes around calling herself Lady Sin or Red Sin or something equally stupid and obvious, because girl obviously ain't got a single damn clandestine bone in her body." Cam shrugs. The pictures are gross, and her eyes narrow on the woman's image. Just what they need as a rally for HYDRA. Ugh.

Karen Starr has posed:
    Power Girl looks amused. "Really, I should just fly in there. Blonde hair, blue eyes, ubermensch. Shouldn't they just basically all follow me and I can Pied Piper them right to jail." She quips, sarcastically.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
The Contessa would grin, "I like this one. But, Agents, your mission is to ensure that little Schitt-stain is remembered purely as that. Whatver she is, wherever she's from does not matter. What matters is that she is -broken- and takes Hydra down with her. The specifics are just for the analysts to take note of. Dismissed!"