19983/These demons know who Conan is

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These demons know who Conan is
Date of Scene: 26 February 2025
Location: The bar
Synopsis: Alison and Mary Jane and Conan and Jimmy discover demons might be in New York. They start to investigate.
Cast of Characters: Alison Blaire, Mary Jane Watson, Jimmy Hudson, Conan
Tinyplot: Heavy Metal is from the Devil

Alison Blaire has posed:
Alison Blaire has asked her good friends to meet her at The Bar, a casual place around the corner that's not so busy this time of night. She's just a bit late getting there at the time she told her friends, maybe because she's escoring someone rather aggressively.

"Keep walking buddy!" Alison says to the man. He's a middle aged man and looks kind of like a stereotypical businessman in his blue suit and red tie.

"Okay okay! Relax!" the man tells her as she walks him into the bar.

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson is nto one of those good friends, but she's on.. Strange terms with one of the people involved. So by otherwise keeping track of them, it's gotten her to arrive here even with her likely not being familiar at all to anyone, really. She's come ready for trouble, two huge swords slung over her back.

Jimmy Hudson has posed:
Jimmy is friends with at least one person here. He sits at the bar with a glass of bourbon. He swirls the honey colored drink in the glass before taking a side. Sitting there in a simple leather coat, a brown button up shirt and a pair of black jeans, he's just happy to be here. A good drink, good company, there are worse ways to spend an evening.

A blonde eyebrow arches as Alison yells at a middle aged man. Jimmy says nothing, but brings the glass to his lips again. Another sip. That familiar burn runs down his throat. He won't get drunk off of it, but the taste is nice.

Conan has posed:
While awaiting the fabulous Dazzler, Conan has found himself a seat at the bar and a mighty mug of ale to occupy him. Resting next to him is a sheathed broadsword, new in appearance. Speaking of new, the barbarian is attired in a brown fur coat worn open over a black t-shirt and jeans. Despite being armed, he looks almost relaxed as Alison appears with a captive. A brow is raised, however, before the thief takes a mighty swig from his glass.

After wiping his mouth on his sleeve he says, "Alison! You have been busy." A grin starts to form, "Rarely are men marched thusly if they don't have interesting words to spill."

A glance is given to the redhead, and a respectful nod.

Alison Blaire has posed:
Alison Blaire eyes the middle-aged man and then looks over at Conan, "Ah ha! Conan! I was looking for you," she says and then motions to the middle-aged man, "This guy here has something to say to you," she explains. She motions to Jimmy and to Mary Jane to come listen, because they probably want to hear this.

The middle-aged man clears his throat and nods, "My name's Fred Wilkenson," he tells Conan, "I was just telling your friend here about some demons. That's all. You know..." he trails off.

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would pause over and then smirk at Conan "Cimmerian." She's amused. "If this man has spoken to you then why does he still have.." She was going to say 'his head on his shoulders', but it seems like the man wants to be actually helpful here. And who si Mary Jane to get in the way of that?

Jimmy Hudson has posed:
Jimmy raises a brow to something else. However, it lowers and he takes a big drink. "Ahhh." Although, Jimmy feels a little naked given that he doesn't have a sword slung over his back at the moment. Granted, there's not a need for it.

Lately Jimmy's thoughts to the supernatural elements have changed a little. Yes, he believed in those things. However, there's a difference between believing in these elements and knowing they exist.

Jimmy nods to the two strangers and then just listens to the man. "Do we need anything like wards? Holy water? That sort of thing?" he asks the group because this is his first time with a demon. Space creatures are a different manner though.

Conan has posed:
"It is good that I am no longer imprisoned, then!" Conan exclaims when he learns that Alison's been looking for him. His attention reluctantly leaves her to attend Fred, "Tell me about these demons, Son of Wilken. Spare no detail, for anything may be of import when dealing with the legions of Hell."

A glance is sent towards the Hyrkanian, "This New York is rife with magic and wickedness most foul. It is no wonder so many civilized folks need heroes to preserve them."

Alison Blaire has posed:
Fred looks at Jimmy strangely, "Well I'm not sure, I never summoned a Chimmerican demon before. I mean, 'accidentally' summoned," he says, "I mean, it wasn't such a big deal in the end."

"Fred is a music producer and quite an idiot as you can tell," Alison mutters.

"Hey! They were nice guys! I only wanted a new group to bring a cool vibe to the music scene and my new lawyer gave me a few ideas. You can appreciate that, right? They said they were lost and stuff anyway," Fred explains, "I mean, they didn't seem like demons to me. I mean, I'm sure you'd like them if you met them."

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would glance over at Conan, "Heroes and yet unable to take things and save themselves." She would laugh over in a morbid sensation. "Dependent on others." That's not Mary Jane that's talking now. That's Sonja. Who always found the unwillingness of those to take action and defend themselves to be hilarious in a deeply morbid way. And she was not from an age of heroes. Nor was Sonja by any sense of it.
    But, Sonja goes quiet now as Mary Jane snaps back at her in the inside of their merged consciousness, and she goes quiet to listen over.

Jimmy Hudson has posed:
"The big guy has a point about heroes," Jimmy does agree with Conan's assessment. Blue eyes look between Alison and Fred. "Ah. A producer. That says all I need," Jimmy just shakes his head muttering, "Idiot."

He has questions about tohers in the group. Those he'll keep to himself for now. One question will go forward, "What's the difference between Chimmerican and your standard Demon?"

Conan has posed:
Fred gets a glare from the massive Cimmerian, who takes his time before speaking, "You meddle with magic so foolheartedly you summoned a demon by mistake? Idiot is not a strong enough word." He glances towards Jimmy and nods, "Yes, tell us of Chimmerican demons. I would know how they were brought forth and how to destroy them."

Alison Blaire has posed:
Fred does sound nervous as he relates his story, and smirks at Jimmy and Conan, "Destroy them? Well I dunno about that. My lawyer said that we'd get a non-disclosure agreement with these demons and there would be no problems. But they're kinda slobs. They took over my penthouse. Bit of a mess up there. My lawyer said it's not a problem though so I didn't say anything. Until they wrecked my Ferrari," he explains.

Alison nods to what Jimmy says, "I think he means Cimmerian."

Just then, the door is thrown open and a man with a black, scraggly beard calls out, "Yo Fred! I thought you were goin for beer? Who you talkin to?" he wonders. He has a black vest on and a series of tattoos up and down his arms.

"Oh hey Elric!" Fred calls back. He waves his hands at Conan and the group, "Shh shh, act natural."

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would just glance over by Fred over and move to speak, her hand going over to her massive sword over as she hears of 'accidental summoning of demons' while going to look at Fred. "Then let me help when it comes to your legal affairs." She smoothly draws her sword and twirls it.

Jimmy Hudson has posed:
Jimmy smirks and nods at Conan. At least he's on the same page with someone.

Then Jimmy lets out the biggest sigh. "There are some good lawyers. There are some slimy ones. Every contract lawyer aspires to be as good as a demon when it comes to contracts," there are a few different things that touch on that. Most of it is fiction, but the idea does need to come from somewhere. "Are you sure you didn't lose more than just your home and car? Might want to check out the fine print, with a magnifying glass," he says softly.

"Impressive," Jimmy says to Mary Jane's twirling. Then he looks back to Fred who seems startled.

Sighing, Jimmy has two options. He can either be zero for two when it comes to acting like the biological donor that created him, or he can try to be smart. "Hey!" Jimmy says to one of the people working the bar. "Give my friend Elric a round!" and he'll snap point to the big guy to get all eyes on him. "Free drink, buddy!" Jimmy winks and then he looks back to Fred. "Since you're all friendly and what not."

Conan has posed:
"Demons from Cimmeria?" Conan leans forward and pours the rest of his glass down his throat, then sets the cup down on the surface of the bar. "I would have words with demons that claim to know my home. If they stalk the land again after so long a time it can mean nothing good."

Mary Jane is given an approving nod as her sword is drawn, Conan starts reaching for his own when told to 'act natural'. Like a natural what? "Speak plainly, man! Do you mean for us to deceive your friend by acting as though we are animals? You bring new meaning to the word 'fool', if that is the case."

Alison Blaire has posed:
Alison Blaire looks at Jimmy and then Conan, saying quietly, "Yea, see what I'm talking about? This guy clearly is in over his head. Maybe he's on drugs or something. Or---" she explains.

Elric walks over to Fred and the group, "Hey what's goin on you guys?" he comments and smiles pleasantly, "Ah! Thanks, my friend!" he says as he gives Jimmy a handshake. He has an aura of a quite a charming guy, "Hey Fred, don't be rude, introduce me to your awesome friends," he states.

Alison looks away from Jimmy and Conan and Mary Jane to Elric now and smiles pleasantly at him, "Hey nice to meet you," she tells him. Elric winks.

Fred clears his throat, "Well I don't actually know all their names, I just met them myself," he explains.

"Hey hey! No problem. Hey we're having a party in a week at Fred's place," Elric tells Conan and the group with a charming smile, "You guys should all come by. Hey, we gotta go get that beer, Fred."

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would let out a sigh, "The way one deals with such demons is slaughter. If they are empowered by slaughter, just kill everyone around them before you slaughter the demons. Hack them into small bits, set those bits on fire, then collapse the ruin they are in atop them. That should contain them for awhile. At least enough for whatever fiend summoned them in the first place to be consumed by them for their lack of sustenance. They are quite effective when it comes to enforcing failed compacts."

Jimmy Hudson has posed:
Alric is in close, and Jimmy just smiles. "What kind of party?" he inquires nicely. Oh, that friendly aura seems a little unsettling. Kind of like that person everyone suspects of something because that person is too nice. It's a very similar feeling here. Jimmy is still all smiles as he looks at Alirc.

He will note what Mary Jane says. She seems to be the most adept at killing demons. That's something he notes for later.

Conan has posed:
"The She-Devil knows of what she speaks," Conan confirms Mary Jane's words solemnly. Then his gaze focuses on the newcomer and he sniffs the air, trying to pick up any unusual scents. "Yes, tell us of this party. I am not one to miss out on a festive occasion! I would see what a music producer lives in."

Alison Blaire has posed:
"Yo yo chill, it's cool," Elric cautions Mary Jane, and then smiles at her in a charming way, "Everyone's invited to the party. Especially you, Red! You know, we just got here from London. Fred thinks we got a strange way of doin stuff, but we're only English," he explains and chuckles.

Alison smiles and nods to what Elric says, "Oh I see. Ohhh you're from overseas," she says in an interested way. She seems to forget what Fred told her earlier. Elric downs his drink Jimmy bought for him.

"Yeah, you know, music and drinks. Cool right? Fred has this totally awesome penthouse suite," Elric tells Conan, "It's got this bar. And more than one bedroom. Yeah, we'll clean up a little, no problem! I'll send you guys the address for the party. Is that cool?" he asks them, "Anyway, me and Fred gotta pick up this beer and stuff. We'll catch you later. Don't forget about the party!"

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would sigh over and shake his head, "Idiot." She would go to mutter under her breath while putting her blade away. "I wish you luck. I suggest you consider sacrificing this man over to said demons at the end of things. And his lawyer. Just to cover your bases and entire that there is no repeat of this incident."

Jimmy Hudson has posed:
Jimmy just listens to the story. How Alric claims to be from over the pond. How the party seems to have everything. Keeping his thoughts to himself as he looks at the producer get taken away by his friend. Jimmy's making no plans to stop them. What does concern them is the amount of time between now and the party. That's the perfect time to set up a trap in the guise of "Cleaning."

Conan has posed:
"The foolish producer will surely be food for the demons, as will anyone who attends this party," Conan says, frown of concentration deepening on his face. Then he rather suddenly barks out a laugh, "Ha!" There's a grim look on his face, "I wager that they would not expect guests so soon. We catch them when they don't suspect it and let the butchery begin!"

Alison Blaire has posed:
Fred and Elric leave the bar together. Alison frowns at Conan, "Hey Conan, come on now. Maybe he's taking a little advantage of Fred, but he didn't seem like a demon to me," she explains. She puts her hands on her hips.

"What do you mean?" Alison asks Jimmy, "I'm not sure I understand you guys."

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would let out a sigh over then and go to flip out her sword once more. "Don't make us regret letting those whom willingly enter into a ocmpact with a demon and then need rescue to survive."

Jimmy Hudson has posed:
"They say the road to Hell is paved with good intentions. Lots of mythos explain the devil and the like to be silver tongued. The whole 'Silver Tongued Devil' expression," he nods to the door. "Let's trust Fred at face value. Alric's nice guy routine, part of that whole deviltry. Be so charming the people will trust you into doing things like signing a contract," then he shrugs. "Think of that movie Bedazzled. It's all about tempting Brandon Frasier with nice offers to get his soul, but in the end, the offers weren't that nice. Same problem just meaner given that I suspect real demons aren't as friendly as Elizabeth Hurley was," Jimmy orders another drink for himself.

Shrugs, "What? I watch random movies when I grade papers sometimes." It keeps for a less boring day.

Conan has posed:
"That they have even heard the name Cimmeria is strange for the men of this time," Conan explains to Alison. "Demons in my age lurked in the dark corners of the world, or were called out by foul wizards! That he attributes knowledge of my homeland to someone and claims they are a demon makes me trust his words."

A glance over at Jimmy, "Demons can come in many guises. In my time all but the most clever hid away in the dark corners of the world or answered a wizard's bidding. I know not of Bedazzled, but your words carry wisdom nonetheless."

Alison Blaire has posed:
Alison Blaire nods to what Jimmy says, "You're right. Bedazzled. Right. We shouldn't be so quick to trust anybody. Alright, we'll keep our guard up and keep investigating. This guy Elric probably knows where the demons are," she comments.

"We'll have a look around his place," Alison suggests.