20118/Don't Let the Sequids Touch You!

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Don't Let the Sequids Touch You!
Date of Scene: 23 February 2025
Location: Launch and Arrival Platform - Atlantic Starport
Synopsis: Sue and Henry were hoping to watch a nice little shuttle landing. Instead, they got brain bugs and loads of trouble! Sue comes in clutch with Kirby!
Cast of Characters: Mark Grayson, Henry McCoy, Susan Richards

Mark Grayson has posed:
The Space Shuttle Reliant, sleek and powerful, emerges from the vastness of space, its engines glowing faintly as they begin their deceleration sequence. The ship has been away for three months, traveling to the asteroid belt and collecting rare materials and cosmic debris that will unlock new secrets of the universe. As the shuttle approaches Earth's atmosphere, the four-man crew is on high alert, preparing for re-entry.

As the Space Shuttle Reliant enters the final stage of re-entry, Mission Control's calm and reassuring voices fill the shuttle's cockpit, guiding Commander Lawson and his crew through each crucial step. The tension in the cabin is palpable, but the crew knows that they are not alone in this moment. They are surrounded by the expertise and experience of the entire ground team back at the Atlantic Starport.

The Reliant shifts once more, now perfectly aligned with the runway. The crew can now see the sprawling spaceport below, a series of complex landing pads and massive control towers stretching across the coastline. The majestic Atlantic Ocean waves gently lap at the shore just beyond. The shuttle's descent feels both surreal and inevitable.

"Reliant, you are clear for final landing approach," Mission Control calls, the voice almost a sigh of relief. "Landing gear deployed. Touchdown in 3, 2, 1?"

The shuttle's wheels make a gentle, but unmistakable contact with the runway, the thud of touchdown reverberating through the cabin. The brake systems hum to life as the shuttle glides smoothly along the runway. There's a collective exhale from the crew as the shuttle slows to a halt, the massive engine roar gradually fading into silence.

Henry McCoy has posed:
It was a rare treat for Hank McCoy to give himself the free time to watch a shuttle landing. Rarer still that the Reliant was carrying the results of a series of microgravity experiments that he thought might be very useful in nanofabrication. So here he was, in all his blue furred glory, wearing a nice suit and shoes despite the level of discomfort they caused his poor feet. Never stopped being exciting, the results of man's engineering genius.

And he was co-workers with an intuitive mechanical genius.

Susan Richards has posed:
The Atlantic Starport was a standard place, when you were a member of the Fantastic four. Since its creation, in the middle of the Atlantic ocean, it had become a hive of space related research, science, and exploration endeavors.

For Sue Storm, it was quickly become another home away from home. How many did she have now?

She was on hand for the landing of the shuttle, dressed in a bright blue F4 body suit, with a leather jacket worn over top of it, and a utility belt around her waist loaded with strange gadgets.

Her blonde hair shined like gold in the sunlight, as it whipped about her face in the winds. She watched the shuttle make its final approach, and quality landing, as others nearby were recording on hand held devices, she did not. She was an 'old school' kind of woman, and did not always need a device in her hand. Sometimes, her own two eyes were enough to enjoy a moment.

Mark Grayson has posed:
The moment the shuttle's doors open, the atmosphere shifts from a calm, victorious arrival to sheer chaos.

The first astronaut steps out, moving quickly and stumbling over her own feet, still in full gear. Her face, obscured behind the visor, is wild with panic. She doesn't even glance back at the shuttle as she stumbles away, her suit covered in hundreds of small, pink blotches-blisters that pulsate and squirm with unsettling energy. Her breath is quick and ragged as she stumbles over the tarmac, her boots clanging against the metal.

"RUN!" she screams, her voice muffled through the helmet. "RUN! GET AWAY-"

Before she can finish, the next astronaut emerges, his visor off, his face pale and covered in a disturbing network of pink blotches that seem to crawl across his skin. One of the larger blobs is latched onto his cheek, its tentacle-like appendages burrowing beneath his skin. His expression is no longer his own-his eyes glazed over, an unnatural calm washing over him as he speaks in a voice not his own, one that seems to echo with a collective resonance, as if a dozen voices are whispering together in his mind.


His words are cold, lifeless, yet full of purpose. The pink blobs attached to his body begin to wriggle and squirm, breaking free as others from the shuttle follow suit. They spill from the shuttle's opening like an infestation, hundreds of writhing pink blobs, each one eager to find its next host.

On the ground, the waiting landing crew, who had been prepared to greet the returning astronauts, take one stunned step back. Their faces are a mixture of disbelief and confusion, but it doesn't take long for that to shift to sheer horror.

Henry McCoy has posed:
Hank stared at the astronaut and the Attack of the Blotch Monsters. "Oh my stars and garters." he said quietly, kicked off his stylish-yet-annoying dress shoes, and went full Beast Mode. One leap cleared most of the observational gallery. Another one took him to the exit down to the landing tarmac. "Everyone, get clear! Seal the observational deck! Call the Avengers!" he shouted to make himself heard over the incipient mini-riot.

Susan Richards has posed:
The landing of the shuttle had seemingly gone so smoothly. They had glided in to a seemingly perfect landing... Everyone watching was cheering, and enjoying the show of it too, from a safe distance. But safety was relative, with a sudden situation was clearly unfolding in a harrowing fashion just outside of the shuttlecraft.

Sue's expression went from one of calm enjoyment, as she shared words with some of her personal assistants, and those who had come with her to the Starport today, to a look of dismay. After half a minute of seeing the chaos breaking out, Sue vanished, her leather jacket falling on the ground where she had been previously standing.

When she appeared again, she was down near the shuttle, her hands raising up, and her fingers splayed apart!

With a determined look on her face, her bolden hair blowing over her face, the Invisible Woman summoned two forcefield bubbles, that she dropped over the endangered astronauts, trying to seal them in to a protective barrier, not for themselves, but for the unleashing of alien species, possibly hostile, into the larger area of this isolated starport, that has seen its fair share of drama since it opened two years ago.

Mark Grayson has posed:
As the emergency procedures go into effect and start to try to keep the sequids at bay, a few brave souls are trying to help. A pair of them have manned a firehose and are pumping pressurized sea water from the Atlantic to push the little creatures back, while others are assisting with fire axes or security is using their sidearms in an attempt to keep things under control.

Sue manages to bubble the pair of astronauts, and when she does, one may notice that the sequids are no longer coordinated - they are moving about still - but not in that direct attack vector they were in earlier. Something has disrupted it!

Thick metal shutters begin to lower around the platform, part of an automated containment response. Yet, some of the Sequids slip through the narrowing gaps, writhing toward the open spaces beyond. Personnel scramble to block their path, using whatever they can-makeshift barricades, emergency equipment, even stamping at the creatures in desperation.

The air is filled with the sound of alarms, the hiss of water, and the frantic shouts of those on the deck. Despite their efforts, the pink mass keeps coming, relentless and ever-spreading.

And now that one can see them up-close, they appear to be small brains with tentacles spreading out from beneath them for transportation.

Henry McCoy has posed:
Hank, still using quadripedal locomation to make better time, decided to aid the efforts to push back the unwelcome visitors before bad things could happen to anyone else. Unfortunately for the good Doctor, he was unaware of the pink blobs primary forms of engagement.

Luckily for him, he was faster than most and hit harder than any normals. Unfortunately for him, he wasn't wearing gloves or any other form of containment.

Susan Richards has posed:
In the decades of space exploration that the Fantastic Four had under their belts, the amount of tentacle monsters the team had run in to was shockingly high. These ones were a bit unique though, in so far as to say that they were small, and seemingly plentiful. But where had they come from?

Sue's mind had a million questions, but there was no time to dwell on any of it.

"Get the fire suppression systems on them!" She shouted to one of the emergency responders who was responsible for the landing strip. "Hose them in the foam, it might stick them down and keep them from spreading so quickly!"

She kept the two bubbles up over the astronauts, until she saw the foam suppression lines being pulled out, and only then did Sue drop her hands, and release the two space explorers!

Her head spun around, her body folloing, as she shot toward the space shuttle itself, and toward the exit the crew had come from. Once more, Sue's hands went up, as the brain-like creatures spread out across the field near to her, and in an effort to curb the onslaught, she shot up another force field, to plaster it over the shuttle's hatch!

Mark Grayson has posed:
With a powerful leap, Henry landed near the edge of the fight, sweeping his arm through a cluster of the creatures and sending them flying. His strength made quick work of them, his sheer momentum keeping him ahead of their grasping tendrils. He twisted, vaulted, spun-always one step ahead, always avoiding contact.


A single Sequid, flung by the force of the hose, landed against his arm, its pliable form tangling into the thick fur. Before he could react, it slipped past the barrier of blue strands and made contact with bare skin.

It was not pain that struck him, nor fear, nor even revulsion. It was want. A slow, insidious murmur curling in his mind like a whisper in the dark.

Join. Serve. Spread.

For the briefest of moments, he felt it-the pull of unity, the promise of belonging. A great, pulsing network of thought, vast and all-consuming, pressing against his mind like a tide. The need to let go, to become.

The Sequids felt the shift.

They were many. They were one.

Their advance had been met with resistance, unexpected, but not insurmountable. The blasts of water had delayed them, scattering their bodies, but they had adapted. The hive-mind pulsed with understanding. Surface friction, weight distribution, kinetic force. concepts absorbed in mere moments. The fluid impeded movement, but not intelligence.

And now, something new.

The foam rained down, clinging to their pliable forms, slowing their spread. Some were pinned, their bodies held fast beneath the thick, cloying substance. They struggled, pulsed, but their directive remained unchanged. Spread. Connect. Multiply.

A new sensation rippled through the hive. A new mind. Strong. Fast. Intelligent.

The one with blue fur.

It had touched them. No, one of them had touched him. And through that connection, the hive felt. His thoughts, his instincts, his very sense of self-all laid bare in an instant.

He was resistant. He was powerful. He was useful.

A pulse spread through the collective. The Sequid embedded in his fur pressed deeper, tendrils seeking bare skin. And then-contact.

A spark of understanding flared between them. A whisper in his mind, a pull at the edges of his thoughts. Join. Serve. Spread.

The hive-mind swelled with anticipation. If this one fell, the rest would follow.

And it is to that end that they felt frustration when Sue has successfully sealed off the great many of their number within the airtight space shuttle. Their anger was known, trying to direct the blue on to take out his companion. To set them free.

And they are not alone in that thought. One of the sequids has managed to latch onto Sue's boot from behind and is trying to make it's way up her bodysuit to try to find skin.

Henry McCoy has posed:
Hank had been taught psi-defense by some of the strongest minds on the planet. Professor Xavier had laid the groundwork and the Phoenix herself had supplemented over the years. But as strong as they were, they were singular entities.

A hive-mind was something else entirely.
Hank fought for his self-identity. He gave it everything he had, holding onto his singular identity as hard as he could.

But that was the flaw in his defense. Hank McCoy didn't have a singular identity. He'd changed himself multiple times over the years, twisting mind, body, and powers in the pursuit of Knowledge.

As the hive-mind burrowed past his psionic defenses, they let the Beast out.

Susan Richards has posed:
Sue's sky blue eyes were locked on the side of the space shuttle, her left hand up to keep her shield over the hatch, as she reached for her belt. She turned her eyes to the right, to watch the effect of the foam and water, but saw it was minimal at best. "We're going to have to try something else!" She shouted, as she pulled a phase weapon from her utility belt cinched around her hips.

She was completely unaware of the creature crawling up the back of her leg, as she was shifting around on the tarmac, her athletic footware was connected to her body suit, and her suit covered her entirely up to her neck, which thankfully left little skin available, until one reached her shoulders. Thus, the blonde kept working, her small pistol being cycled through modes, her eyes cast down upon its tiny display screen, as she had a look of anxious anticipation upon her features.

Electric Blast Mode chimed, as she selected it on the sci-fi looking little pistol.

A clatter of the weapon being primed, followed by a creak of her bodysuit shifting as she extended her pistol hand out to the side, and unleashed a sudden blast of ball lightning toward the pink tentacle aliens in a cluster together, glistening in the sunlight from the water poured over them by the fire team!

"Miss Richards! Look out!"

Sue glanced back over her right shoulder, just in time to see the creature that had crawled up her back, now aiming for her face, and its exposed skin.

Sue dropped her left hand, her shield falling from the shuttle, as she went in to an evasive action-roll across the taromach, trying to knock the thing off of her shoulder!

Mark Grayson has posed:
Victory is so very close for the sequids. If they can take down the super-powered ones, the rest will be so easy to conquer. The starport will fall and then the sequids within the shuttle will multiply and spread across the Earth. That Sue Storm has managed to contain them within the shuttle is only a minor setback. As is the ones that are being blasted into the ocean to drown or eaten by sharks. Pink blobs litter the ground.

The object Henry is given is simple. Infect the girl.

Speaking of Sue. As she gets the shuttle sealed back up, that only means that there are a few sequids left that can act. Most are stuck in the foam. Or shot. Or axed. The few that remain continue to try to spread.

The warning from the starport worker is just in time. Sue manages to shake the creature off before it could latch onto her, plopping onto the deck of the tarmac. It wriggles as if to move again towards the woman, but one of the firefighters on the tarmac manages to cut into it with his axe, slicing it in two. He turns to Sue. "You alright, Miss Richards?" he asks, unaware of what's happening to Henry behind him.

Henry McCoy has posed:
Hank, in full Beast Mode, was dangerous. But unfortunately for the squids from outer space, he was far more dangerous as a thinking intelligent foe and not just the Beast.

The Beast they wanted, the Beast they got. So he dropped to all fours again, heedless of the damage to his suit, and loped himself towards the (currently not) Invisible Woman.

He couldn't stop them, but Hank could deny them the greatest weapon he had.

His mind.

Susan Richards has posed:
Sue was surprisingly nimble, agile, and fit. She rolled, she stood, and she didn't even seem winded by it. She shot her hand back up to the shuttle's starboard side, and sent another wave of kinetic shielding up to slap across it like a big blotch of energy tape, and with her golden hair strewn across her face, she looked back to the Firefighter who had skewered the alien on his axe. "I'm fine... Look." She cut herself off, and rushed toward him, keeping her hand aimed toward the shuttle to her left, she bumped in to the firefighter's shoulder, knocking him backward a step, as she swept her pistol up toward the incoming Beast.

Why was he rushing at her? She knew the X-Men's doctor well, and he was a friend?

It didn't take Sue's mind long to come to a conclusion, that these things were after their minds..

Sue's pistol was aimed directly at the incoming Beast, and if he were anyone else, she would have fired already, but because it was Hank McCoy? He got right up in her face, dangerously so, before she pulled the trigger.

An explosion of electric ball lightning burst from her pistol, but he was likely able to bull her right on over, if he so was being controlled to do so.

Mark Grayson has posed:
The sequid is still spurring Beast on. Infect the girl. Join. Serve. Spread.

As the firefighter is shoved to the side, he gives a gasp of surprise, just as a flash of blue passed by him and onto Sue as the electrical attack was unleashed. While the Beast may be nimble and quick and able to avoid even a point-blank shot - the sequid is neither that nimble. Or rugged.

The electricity washes over it and with a squall of noise, both on the outside and into Hank's mind, the little creature splatters against Henry's fur, severing the link.

Seems they don't like electricity very much.

Henry McCoy has posed:
Hank was also still Hank enough to turn his parasite into the blast. Ir liked being electrocuted even less than Hank did and just like that, he was temporarily free from the hivemind.

"Much obliged, Mrs Richards." he said with a grin and a wink. "Tell Reed that I saw his article in the Engineering Journal and I'd love to sit down and argue about it with him over beers." he said.

"Also, these things are some sort of hivemind. More your area than mine, I'm afraid." he said. "And they need touch to latch onto your mind." he added.

"Which is how they got me. Temporarily, thanks to your little gadget there." he said gratefully as he started to scrape the fried little alien off his body.

He foresaw a long hot shower in his future to get alien goo out of his fur.

Susan Richards has posed:
Sue had closed her eyes, expecting to get absolutely run over by the Beast. Why hadn't she gone invisible? Why should she? She knew how well good Hank's nose worked. She knew he was going to tackle her either way, if he'd been compromised by the creature on him. But! He did not tackle, he did not run her over like a boulder chasing an archaeologist in a stylish fedora. He stopped, short, and Sue's eyes opened.

She saw the creature sizzled by the electric blast, and because of it, she simply nodded toward Hank a single time. "We'll send out an invitation to Sunday dinner." She told him, before her expression went solid state stern.

Sue, keeping her left hand held up toward the shuttle - to keep the force field over the door, turned her right hand out.

Blast after blast of her electric ball lightning little gun began to crack out from Mrs Richards pistol. Sizzling balls of brightly glowing electric bursts were sent to any and all pink brains left visible within her line of sight.

"Kirby," Sue spoke in to a com device on her collar. "Get your metal butt over here. Bring the Giant Sized Zapper with you." She ordered the family's droid, who was stationed at the Fantasticar they used to fly here in today.

Mark Grayson has posed:
Sue clears out many of the sequids around their immediate area, for the moment, giving the pair a moment's respite. The remaining tarmac works are moving to tend to the now sequid-free astronauts.

While that is going on a mechanical whir filled the air as Kirby zipped onto the scene, his small hovering frame weaving effortlessly through the chaos. His optical sensors scanned the deck, processing the unfolding disaster in mere nanoseconds.

"Warning! Foreign contaminants detected! Probability of uncontrolled infestation: unacceptably high!" the little robot chirped, his voice urgent but never panicked.

"Giant Sized Zapper is ready!" he chirps out, the device carried in his arms as he waits for further orders from Sue, but not before adding, "Also recommending Ms. Storm take exactly one deep breath before she overexerts herself!"

Henry McCoy has posed:
Hank had piloted the Blackbird. Put improvements into Quinjets as well as piloted them. And yet, somehow, he desperately wanted to get his paws on a Fantasticar. It was irrational but there it was. Maybe, if he was a good boy and ate all his vegetables someday he'd get to sit in one.

He had been on a team environment since his teens and thus knew how to get the hell out of the way when someone was throwing lightning around. And while this little robot was no Ororo, let alone Thor, lightning was lightning and would arc through his body quite happily if he let it.

So he was crowd control, shrugging out of his now-ruined suit coat and tearing it in half to cover his hands like the improvised handwraps they were. Anything got close, he'd turn it back or feed it into Kirby's line of fire.

Susan Richards has posed:
With Kirby's timely arrival to the scene, Sue could relax a bit. Her pistol was running out of a charge, and the indicator light on the back of its receiver was showing her just how many shots she had left in the battery before it would sizzle out itself. She lowered the pistol, and nodded toward the Firefighter beside her. "Get your people to go around with more of those axes, don't let them get on your skin. I think we got most of them out here, but... start a full sweep."

She knew that all of this was being recorded by those gathered around on the balcony levels, their phones instantly putting all of this online for the world to see. The first Starport incident since last April...

"Kirbs," Sue said, ignoring the bit about her breathing. "I'm going to pull the shield back on the Shuttle, and I need you to float up there, and zap everything that looks like a brain outside of a body. We have to clear out the interior of these little monsters..." She said, though part of her wanted to capture one for research, but... lives were on the line here.

Once the robot was in its place, Sue pulled back her shield, creating a gap for him to get inside. "Medical!" Sue shouted, motioning them toward the two astronauts who'd already come outside, and were suffering on the ground following the foam and water spray...

With her right hand going back to her belt, Sue reattached her pistol to its little loop, the power indicator flashing that it was being recharged.

Mark Grayson has posed:
Orders are given. The tarmac squad heads out on the squeamish task of destroying the remaining sequids that were on the deck. While they go about their gruesome duties, attention turns to the medical team that responds to Sue's command, driving out on a pair of medically converted ATVs to load up the two astronauts.

But there were four on the manifest.

Kirby chirps cheerfully at Sue's command, "Affirmative! Also noting that I am, as always, underappreciated!"

Even as the quip left him, his systems worked overtime, analyzing the creatures, predicting their next movements, and assisting the responders in keeping them from spreading further. The little robot may not have been built for combat, but when it came to crisis management, it is something he excels at. Plus, a robot's mind can't be infected - at least not by sequids. When Sue opens the door, he slips within and one can see flashes of blue light as the area within is illuminated by lightning.

After several moments, Kirby emerges from the shuttle. Smoke rises lazily from the zapper as the droid chirps triumphantly. "Per protocol on first contact with an alien speices that is hostile, I have procurred samples of them!" A panel opens to show four sealed glass containers. Each one of them has a single sequid trapped with. "I will expunge them if you ask. But they are weird brain bugs."

Henry McCoy has posed:
Hank looked at the samples that Kirby had brought back. "You mind if I take one of those back to Westchester?" he asked cordially. "I'd like to get the Professor or Phoenix to take a look at one of these. See if we can up our psionic defense drills against hiveminds." he said. "Would also love to get a look at their biochemistry."

Then he realized that he could have been vastly misinterpreted.

"Beholden to the highest ethical standards, of course." he hastened to add. "Some fluid samples, some mindscans, then we'll return him to you for repatriation or however you think is best." he said.

Susan Richards has posed:
There was a lot going on around the tarmac around them, and because of it, it took Sue a moment to realize what her droid had done. When she did see it, Hank was already asking if he could have one. She leaned forward, peering at the glass containers inside the body of her robot's metal form. "Gosh..." She quietly said, before she straightened up again. "Yes, we'll let you have one, Doctor. In fact, you can ride home with us, and we'll drop you off at the school." She said, offering him a small smirk, and clearly scoring him that ride in the Fantasticar he so dreamt of!

With two emergency service workers approaching, they soon informed of the other two crew aboard the shuttle, to which Sue regarded her robot buddy again. "Did you see them inside?" She asked, before pulling her pistol from her belt once more. She didn't wait for a reply, as she dashed over the edges of foam and water, toward the stairs that extended from the side of the shuttle. Sue's athletic footwear carried her up the steps, and to the hatch of the shuttle. With her pistol leveled, the blonde woman, brazen and bold with confidence in her abilities, went inside the besiged space vehicle.

"Hey, Mission Officers. you guys okay?" She called out, as she swept her gaze, and her little pistol sights about.

Mark Grayson has posed:
Kirby followas after Sue as she bounds up the stairs and into Reliant proper. It's a smelly, gooey mess within. Pepto-pink stains the walls and control panels. The stench is terrible. Sitting at their control panels within the shuttle and still strapped in, the two remaining astronauts were sealed in tight.

Apparently one of them must have warned the other three in time for them to seal up before everything went south. It was just dumb luck that they got the pilot, who landed them on the Starport. Kirby chirps in response to Sue. "Both are inside. Vital signs say they are unconscious but stable."

Henry McCoy has posed:
Hank was tagging along behind Sue and Kirby, ready to offer his services as paramedic and not-a-MD doctoring skills if they were needed. "I think this is an area I may contribute to." he said softly. "I'm the X-Men's field doctor and the Avengers paramedic." he said, to establish his bona fides.

He was clearly nervous, if he was reiterating his credentials to Sue Storm.

Susan Richards has posed:
It was an unsettling thing, to see the two astronauts at the helm of the space shuttle, a shuttle that had so many of Earth's hopes and dreams of advancing its space program to other celestial bodies within the Sol System riding on its shoulders. When she forced herself to bite the bullet, and take a look, she saw that they were not dead. But might be in rough shape. She sighed softly, and let her eyes roam over their chairs, before she leaned back. "Might be tough to get medical attention to them like this. We're going to have to get them outside. I'll go tell the crew on the tarmac. God, what a mess..." Sue said, feeling the weight of the situation, and the knowledge of how this screw is going to cause a lot of problem with future missions.

"Thanks, Doctor... for being brave enough to jump in on this today. We had zero warning of this coming in, and frankly, well..." She trailed off, and clipped her pistol back to her hip, as she moved toward the shuttle hatch, hastily finding her way outside to get a team in here as soon as possible.

Henry McCoy has posed:
"People needed help." he said simply. "Wouldn't be right to sit back and do nothing when I could offer aid. My wardrobe, budget, alas, detests it when I decide to get heroic." he said sadly, looking at the remnants of his suit. "But let's get these two gents the medical assistance they need, then I'll take you up on that offer of a ride."

Mark Grayson has posed:
Beneath the waves, unnoticed in the chaos above, a single Sequid drifted, its gelatinous form undulating with the current. It had been flung from the platform, separated from the hive, but its directive remained unchanged. It must spread. It must survive.

A shadow moved through the water-sleek, powerful, alive. The Sequid pulsed in response, tendrils unfurling as the creature came closer. A shark, gliding effortlessly through the deep, oblivious to the stowaway waiting in the currents.

As the predator passed, the Sequid latched on, its pliable body molding to the shark's rough skin. It clung tightly, adjusting, learning. The shark did not notice, not yet. It swam on, carrying the Sequid farther and farther from the starport.

The hive-mind was distant now, its call a fading whisper. But this Sequid did not despair.

It had a new host.