2332/Ladies Book Club: This one time in a dirty subway

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Ladies Book Club: This one time in a dirty subway
Date of Scene: 04 July 2020
Location: The Wick
Synopsis: Good bye Trench Coat, gone but not forgotten.
Cast of Characters: Sera, Ariah Olivie, Stephen Strange

Sera has posed:
It isn't too long of a walk to The Wick in midtown, NY. Sera wasn't wasting time. She had money, but no trench coat. Magic sufficed to restore her regular Earthly clothing at least, but it was cold out. She buys a bottle of scotch and grabs some glasses. The far back table provides enough privacy that talking about magic doesn't draw too much attention. Besides, most entering the place can't see past the giant candle.

Seated, she pours out some whisky and wonders who might join her at this illustrious meeting spot. Whisky is sipped and her body relaxes. The spoils of Midgard are great indeed.

Ariah Olivie has posed:
    Far be it for the witch to decline a social gathering. Except the fact that she usually does. Nor are bars her thing. But tonight they were soldiers. And as one herself, she had downed, in her time, many a beverage in the name of those lost and living. So Ariah comes, following Sera to the Wick after the angel's outburst. She's still carrying her staff, though, possessing no extra-dimensional closet to store it in. She just joins Sera at that table, leaning the runed metal length carefully against the wall nearest her chair. If the angel is at all versed in Norse runes, she'll likely be able to tell the etchings on her staff are very similar.

    "Do they serve ice wine here...?" the white-haired witch asks softly, looking around as this is her first time here.

Stephen Strange has posed:
This is perhaps the furthest from the sort of thing Doctor Strange usually does. He rarely even ventures out of the Sanctum Sanctorum, yet in recent weeks he's been all over the place. He doesn't need to satiate his thirst, he's sure enough of that. But he does need to satiate his curiosity. So here he is.

The vestments of the Sorcerer Supreme are not worn here. Instead it's a simple suit of modest cut that looks like it would be at home in any decade from now until the beginning of the last century. He moves through the gathered crowd, eyes settling on the table that contains Sera and Ariah. Even without his tell-tale clothes, he cuts an obvious figure.


Sera has posed:
Sera sees an opportunity to be useful! She holds out her arm toward the bar where the menus rest and declares loudly, "Menu!" -- far be it from using magic, the bartender now knows her well enough that if he doesn't toss one over to her, she will try and use magic to get one and has made more than one mess in the attempts. So he tosses over a menu which she catches in her hand and offers to Ariah, "Perhaps we can discover if it is so."

Her attention rapidly moves to the staff though as her eyes roam over the runes, "Power staff?"

She looks up and smiles to Stephen and pushes a seat out with her foot, "Welcome Strange." She has his business card, she knows his name is Stephen.. but Strange is such an interesting name she can't help but not use it constantly. "Welcome both of you to the Ladies Book Club." An eyebrow waggles mischievously, "Which is just us magical types discussing magical things and getting to know each other... and perhaps being able to call upon each other for trading, consultation, contracts, or help."

Ariah Olivie has posed:
    Ariah nods up at Stephen when he arrives, helping nudge the chair with Sera out for him, as if inviting him to sit next to her. Probably because she's small and he'd fit better on her side. Then that menu is tossed over! She takes it from Sera, nodding her head politely. "Merci," she says in thanks, then her head drifts over to her staff when Sera speaks on it. "More or less," comes her answer. "It is helpful and almost required for some of my practice..." she says quietly, distracted by the menu. But she perks up at the mention of the group. "Ladies' Book Club?" she blinks owlishly, even with the explanation of what it is.

Stephen Strange has posed:
"An interesting name," Strange offers, holding up his own hand and shaking his head slightly at the mention of food and drink. There's a long moment where he looks around the bar, taking in the sight of it. It's been a long time since he found himself in a place like this outside of some sort of business.

"Is there some sort of initiation?" he asks Sera with a quirked eyebrow, hands folding before him on the table as he settles in alongside Ariah.

Sera has posed:
Sera nods her head solemnly, "Yes, a most arduous initiation." She smirks and says, "You've passed. We've met, done weird magical stuff together. Success." She taps a finger against the table. "There was this weird magical pulsing a few weeks back that lead me to a grave yard, which is where I first discovered that humans are obsessed with my kind. Status of Angels everywhere. Very weird. I wasn't the only one drawn in by this beacon. Someone quipped that we were a book club, and so it was born - the Ladies Book Club."

She lifts up her whisky and takes a sip, "But Strange, if you want food or drink, I fear you'll have to approach the bar. He gets upset if you shout an order at him." She rolls her eyes as if this were apparently previously attempted. The bartender, hearing this, glances over with narrowed eyes to Sera, then resumes serving another customer. Her whisky glass is lifted up high and she says, "To my trench coat, may it rest in.. where-ever that was that we were. If some monstrocity attacks the city wearing it, may my magic smite its wearer and return it safely to me..."

Ariah Olivie has posed:
    Ariah takes a few moments, absorbing the words spoken--and reading through the menu. She did ask a question, and she is paying close attention to that answer she's given. "...so we are members now...?" the witch asks softly, looking up over the edge of the paper to look at Sera. There's a little shrug, though, and she doesn't really seem to mind. She does, however, take that advice and stands up, menu in hand. "...do you want anything else? I am going to order..." she says just loud enough to be heard over the people around, eyes drifting between Strange and Sera.

Stephen Strange has posed:
"I'm not hungry," Strange says, offering a tight-lipped smile towards Sera and then Ariah. The truth of the matter is the journey to becoming the Sorcerer Supreme made a great deal of changes, with one of them being the inability to imbibe mortal foodstuffs. Of course, that's always rather hard to explain to most other people so a simple 'I'm not hungry' will suffice.

"Well, the Ladies' Book Club has done the City a service today," he continues, "The Genius of Manhattan, who identifies themselves as 'the Power' I might add, is currently resting comfortably at the Sanctum Sanctorum."

Sera has posed:
Sera nods to Ariah eagerly, "Oh yes. Nachos. Bring the nachos." She nods to her with the importance of this mission. "I am enjoying Earth foods immensely. When one comes to a fantasy land you never expect it to live up to the hype, but Midgard surpasses the hype." Yup, rub that in a little.

"Who is the genius of Manhatten.. 'the power'.. and why are they resting comfortably?" She tilts her head with curiousity at the splurge of words that have no grounding in Sera's reality. "Is this someone being lazy who could have been helping us today, or is this your boss who is satisfied with a job well done?"

A beer coaster has made it to Sera's hands and she is tearing little lines in to it fidgetingly. "What is the custom with your Bleeker street home hm. Only come when invited? I have decided my home on Grace circuit is open to whoever wants to drop by. Angela may not share my enthusiasm but she is unlikely to do anything about it except grunt and say 'Who are you and why are you dripping on my carpet'... that's the scenario where it's been raining or you are bleeding."

Ariah Olivie has posed:
    The answers are given, and Ariah nods, heading towards the bar to take care of business. She comes back shortly, sans menu, with a wine glass in her hand. "...the nachos will be brought over when they are prepared..." she states, taking her seat back and settling in it. "I believe he was speaking of the spirit we liberated..." she attempts to answer Sera's inquiry, then slowly turns her head to look at Strange. "You should teach him to be more mindful of his surroundings. His phone usage is possibly what got him killed in the first place..." she murmurs then takes a sip of her wine.

    She might not be able to gain sustenance or even intoxication from the wine, but it's enough of a distraction. She'd used some of her energy tonight and she's a bit hungry, the only tell for that being her distant stare at some of the other patrons.

Stephen Strange has posed:
"The fellow with the glowing eyes," Strange explains, gesturing to his face, "And the suit? The spirit that manifested in the subway? It's a genius loci - a sort of local deity. Ms. Rasputina and I discovered that each of the five boroughs has one, and that they can be brought forth to help defend the City in times of need. The genius we encountered was that of Manhattan - this borough."

He glances sidelong towards Ariah then: "I don't believe they were ever truly a mortal. Maybe certain mortal thoughts impacted their manifestation. But they are more the spirit of what the City is. It's physical manifestation. At least, the physical manifestation of this part of the City."

Sera has posed:
Sera tilts her head and looks dumb founded, "Oh, that makes SO much more sense. I even understand why he was acting so strange now. He was.. _was_ Manhatten." She hmms and taps a finger against the table top. She looks urgently over to the bar. The bartender stares back. The staring contest ends when the bartender is needed to serve a customer.

"And yes, Ladies Book Club is more of an opt out deal rather than wooden paddle on the backside initiation opt in sort of deal." She glances sidelong, "Unless requested." She starts to fold a different beer coaster, the first one has ended up as a seashell like design when lifted and let dangle.

"Then I shall help get more of them if you need me. Nothing for nothing, when it comes to the defence of my home, I consider it in part due pay. And if I go above and beyond, well the world can owe me. Ideally, I'd just be paid in kind up right. Hospitality usually works well. I think this planet understands what I'm talking about, it has made me feel quite welcome."

Ariah Olivie has posed:
    "Oh?" Ariah queries, listening to Strange's explanation of the spirit. "...a manifestation of the city itself..." she shakes her head. "I admit my knowledge of spirits and the spiritual realms is vastly limited..." she says quietly. "I am primarily a soldier," she explains, then takes another slow drink of her wine. Her brow quirks at the mention of paddles, "I am not into spanking," she says simply, flatly, perhaps more telling than she realizes.

    Whether or not Ariah is into BDSM is to be left for another time, as the waitress arrives with Sera's nachos. She brings three tiny plates, like places always do, even though nobody uses them for nachos. Seriously. "Merci," she says quietly, then "Plus de vin, s'il vou plait?" When the waitress gives her a -look-, Ariah blinks again, "...Excusez-moi, more wine please?"

Stephen Strange has posed:
Doctor Strange's eyebrow simply arches at the mention of spanking, though he says nothing to that end. He nods his head in understanding, hands folded before him on the table. He doesn't partake of neither nachos nor wine.

"I think the pair of you should go to Brooklyn," he offers, looking from Sera to Ariah and then back, "The trauma of Bushwick being abducted may have caused one of the genii to manifest already. It will be weaker and more prone to corruption. I suggest bringing Agent Croft with you, as she still has the Crystal of Kadavus and that may be of some use."

Sera has posed:
Nachos! NACHOS! Sera transports some of the nachos in to the tiny little plate no one uses. She smiles and says to Ariah, "Thank you, I owe you one." She lifts an eyebrow, "This is how Nothing for nothing works. Perhaps I'll entertain you with a story of my bounty hunting days with Angela, before I died."

To the waitress, she tries to 'help', or perhaps just be a bit silly. From her lips comes a sing song language of angelic enochian, "Symp roxtan ulcinin g".. she waits for the extra confused look from the waitress before saying, "Also more wine please.. for her," she motions to Ariah, letting the poor waitress depart extra confused.

Sera nods to Strange, "Very well, home it is. I live in Brooklyn you see, very convenient. A bit noisy at the moment with all the helicopters and planes and vigils going on over in Mutant Town though. I go and speak to those in mourning and lend them my shoulder and those who have been hurt from scuffles and attempted riots, I heal them for a small fee." Sera pauses as if contemplating something, staring a moment too long at Strange. "How did you both learn the forbidden arts?," Sera asks.

Ariah Olivie has posed:
    That poor waitress. Now she has two customers speaking in tongues and the big guy not even ordering anything. Fridays, am I right? "Brooklyn?" she inquires, then listens intently, nodding. "...the more hands the better... do you know what we might be facing or how to quell the corruption?" She's interested, for sure, and her wine glass is empty in short order.

    Sera's question earns a blank sort of blink from the little witch, and then slowly she offers a shrug. "...I was born with the affinity... I am but a conduit for primal energy. Raw, untamed power for me to shape and mold at will..." she explains, then frowns at her empty glass. The server does have other tables to handle, and she hasn't come back around yet.

Sera has posed:
Sera nods her head, "Ah yes. I understand that is unusual for humans. But how did you learn to shape and mold it hm? Did someone teach you or did you figure it out yourself?"

Nachos go in to her mouth, then some more whisky as she sits back on her chair points to the door, "In seven seconds, here he comes.. watch." seven seconds on the dot, a man peeks his head through the door wearing a beret. He looks around a moment, then his head retreats and he is gone.

"Very strange. I will get to the bottom of beret man one day."

Ariah Olivie has posed:
    "It is something I could use... and then I was trained, honed, and... modified... to be able to wield it better. There are things I can do with it. I can protect, and I can attack," and she watches as Sera eats snack. Of course, there's the moment of beret man, and Ariah blinks, staring for that moment, then turns her head back to Sera. "...you are here often enough to set your watch by this man?" she asks. Ah, there's her wine. "Merci," she says quietly, and sips again, eyes closed.

Sera has posed:
Sera leans forward as if this were a conspiracy, or perhaps it's just Ladies Book Club business. "That's not even the most interesting question about beret man. The best one is if you're standing outside watching the doors to the place, will he appear to stick his head in and then leave?" She lifts an eyebrow, "Nope! Not once. Next experiment, have one person outside the pub and one person inside the pub to see if beret man appears or doesn't appear." She taps the side of her nose, "Mystical science yes?"

She sits back again and smiles smugly at this plan she devised. "I taught myself. Most angels have the ability to tap in to the mystical source and draw on it, but not all are trained it if they are not worthy of it. Most are trained in regular warrior ways. Some of us, myself, are taught the magic to preserve the memories of those angels fallen battle. I would sneak in to the forbidden library and read the forbidden tomes to learn about other magic. I taught myself to read and write and I figured out how to translate that in to my a'hana - song."

Ariah Olivie has posed:
    Ariah seems... at least passingly interested. "Most curious. Are you here every night?" she asks softly. "...maybe he is always looking for a friend of his, and does not find them, and then departs?" she offers as a form of explanation. Then another sip of her wine. "You, too, are a warrior scholar, then?" she asks, which may be somewhat telling about her own 'profession' of sorts.

Sera has posed:
Sera hmms and shakes her head, "Gosh no. I only come here to talk to magical people. Mostly because of the giant wick. Zatanna insists they drip more wax on to it over time to make it so big, but I think magic might be involved. She's probably right." She shrugs whimsically and says, "Beret man is just an added bonus, a mystery to be unraveled like the tastes of a fine whisky." She lifts up her glass again and sips it. "Though I did buy the bottle, so I shall be taking that home for Angela to try." Her smile is warmer now that she is easing in to letting the excitement of earlier wane, "I'm an Angelic Sorceress and a bounty hunter and an assassin.. well, was, revolutionary? that might also go in the list of titles.. ultimately, I'm just a Sera. I do not rate as a 'warrior' where I come from. I was an anchorite, not a warrior, as far from it as one can get. Angela is the warrior."

Ariah Olivie has posed:
    "Ah.. my mistake.." Ariah says quietly, "you did say most were trained in warrior ways, but you were trained in magic..." she trails off, lips once more pursed. "...but you still fight with magic, do you not? And are also a bounty hunter and assassin?" she queries. "That classifies you as a warrior of at least some variety..." she explains her thoughts. "...a pleasure to see you again, Sera. you should give yourself more credit..." the witch nods matter-of-factly.

Sera has posed:
Sera nods her head, bottling the whisky, "You're right. I should charge more." She winks and stands up. "I'll be seeing you both around. Ladies Book Club for life.. and after life probably. Meeting adjourned."