246/In the Dead of the Night

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In the Dead of the Night
Date of Scene: 03 March 2020
Location: Red Sally's Night Club
Synopsis: Megan runs into a punk girl and they rock the night away.
Cast of Characters: Megan Gwynn, Xiomara Rojas

Megan Gwynn has posed:
It's late at night, and probably past Megan's curfew..But she was pretty bored, and with all the long faces and serious atmosphere back at the school, she could really use some fun and games. Or course that doesnt come without a little trouble thrown in for extra measure. And Meg has always been a bit of a trouble magnet.

Fortunately there are no gigs playing tonight so there are no extra bouncers or checking for ID. As long as she stays away from the alcohol, they wont bother her. But she hasn't been to this particular place before, and it's full of potentially dangerous people. At least she kinda blends in with her black leather jacket and matching jeans, and a bright green t-shirt offsetting her bright pink hair. A normal person might think she were just a regular punk and most people leave her alone.

Oh yes, and the music's pretty good tonight, even if it's just a DJ and not a live performance. It's got her dancing and jiving and having a great time! If only those sleazy looking old men over there would quit giving her the eye..

Xiomara Rojas has posed:
    Crush keeps strange hours- late night is the same as morning as far as she's concerned. Most of her work happens at night, so, given a lucky night off she decides to hit up a club. CBGB's isn't having a show, so she's forced to find another place in New York to hit up. She passes through the door of the establishment with the collar of her jacket high- pausing only a moment. She looks towards the bar. It looks like they might ID.

    Which is terrible.

    Luckily, this punky girl has something for fun hidden in her jacket- a rather large flash of juice mixed with who knows what else. It's got to be strong if Crush is going to enjoy it.

    She makes her way out to the dance floor- just letting the music flow as she listens to the hard-dance style music that's just so popular in Manhattan- it's easy to dance to. And it's easy for the scantily clad workers to dance to.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn continues to swing and dance and twirl and dart this way and that. In a flashy place like this, she doesnt really need to hide her wings and she spreads them out for all to see. Heck, she could just be another one of those crazy punks in crazy costumes. The wings seem to glitter and flash in an array of bright colors, mostly pinks and purples tonight as if in tune to the music. She spies another punk - a REAL punk, and she grins and nods to her, "Heey! Love the outfit!" she grins, nodding to the hair. "who's your hairdresser?"

Xiomara Rojas has posed:
    With paper-white skin and the black around her eyes and on her lips Crush looks like the original KISS superfan. Up close, though, it's pretty obvious that is not make-up. That's her face!

    Crush gives a grin to Megan- her canines pointed, almost feral. "I do it myself!" she says, "I gotta straight razor and just make it nice. Let it grow in a little then shave it back down!" she shouts over the music as she dances, "Yo! You wanna drink?" she wonders of Megan, as she pulls that decently sized flask out of her jacket's inner pocket, throwing it back for herself and offering it to Megan.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn ooohs, peering closely at her skin. "Woow, if I didn't know any better, I'd think that was your real skin.." Hey, she's seen weirder, afterall, she's a freakin' fairy for cryin' out loud! Her wings flutter excitedly, really rocking this music tonight - further proof that they are not just fake cosplay wings. Hopefully there are no mutant haters around here.

"Oooh, whatcha got there?" she peers over at the drink, shrugs and grins, "Prettty!" and Megan being the totally naieve and curious girl that she is, doesn't even bother to wonder what it might do to her. She takes a sip and grins, wiping her mouth, handing it back, "Wow, sweet! You make it yourself?"

She giggles, glancing around, "Ohhh I get it..Yeah, I kinda slipped in too, guess I can't use a fake ID yet.!" she grins, "That's the good stuff though, you gotta teach me sometime how to mix good drinks!" she's clearly a newbie at the whole drink mixing thing.

Xiomara Rojas has posed:
    Crush just laughs. "It is my real skin." Megan clearly didn't mean anything by the statement, "As real as them wings you got." she says, taking another deep pull at her large flask. "It's just rum and tropical juice mix- they call it Caribou Lou." she explains, "A lotta rum, and pineapple heavy juice mix!" she says loudly over the music, "Eh, they wouldn't stop me if they wanted." she says, still grinning as she rocks to the music- offering the mixed drink back to Megan.

    "Just looking for a party, how about you? You know any good parties happening tonight or we forced to be at the clubs?!"

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn smirks and nods. "Awesome! I love it!" she responds without judgement, truly meaning it. Whoever or whatever she is, she's got Meg's attention, "Heh, me too, thought I'd chill out for a bit cuz everyone back home is sooo uptight lately.." she shrugs, not getting into details, "It's good though, this place is kinda fun, love the music!" As for the drink she just giggles and nods, "Oooh nice! You gotta knack for getting the proportions just right!"

When reference is made to her wings, she grins and flutters them more quickly, nodding, "Heheh, yup, they're 100 percent real! Although I think between the two of us, we're getting some attention..Check out the cute guys over there!" she nods to the slightly punkish looking older guys who are watching them and smirking, coming over to watch them all the more.

Xiomara Rojas has posed:
    Crush's red eyes turn to look at the 'cute guys' and she just laughs, "Ugh, no thanks." she says, "Disgusting, just vom!" she replies, turning her face into a bit of a grimace. "Anyways, they got a creepy vibe to 'em." Crush offers to Megan, "I don't like how they're lookin' at us."

    And indeed, Crush is watching them closely as she drinks more from her flash- just passing it back over to Megan as she continues to let the music move her. "They call me Crush!" she offers, "What do they call you?"

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn giggles and nods, waving them on, "They really do, don't they? although it's still nice to get attention.." But she's not sure she wants that kinda attention. She grins and nods, "Ooh, Crush. Love the name. I'm just Megan Gwynn. Nothing too fancy..Of course on stage they call me Pixie! Or they will, if I ever get to play on stage. Nice to meet you!" she takes the hand, shaking it.

And the two guys come over, their smiles creepy, eaching wrapping - or attempting to wrap an arm around the two girls. "Hey there pretty ladies, mind a dance with a couple of handsome men?" they reek of tobacco, and alcohol. They also reek of trouble of some sort.

Xiomara Rojas has posed:
    "Get your hands off me." Crush says simply to the man as he puts his hand on her. "And you take your hands off her, too!" Crush growls over towards Megan's new 'friend'. "Just like some dude to come up and touch women without no permission." she says, suddenly very on edge.

    Of course, it helps that Crush is likely taller than the man trying to put an arm around her, "Keep your hands to yourself, creep. You wanna dance, you wanna talk- fine, but keep your hands to yourself- or you deal with me." she says, showing her pointed teeth as she stands somewhat protectively near Megan- perhaps less trusting of strange men in clubs than her new friend.

    "Megan, don't let these creeps touch you without your permission." Crush says over to the Pixie-winged girl, "It ain't right and it ain't respectful."

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn blinks slowly, not quite as tough or experienced perhaps, as Xiomara. On the one hand, she finds the attention flattering, but she trusts this girl's judgement more than her own. "Eww...Yeaah, where's your manners guys? Umm, maybe another time?"

Well Crush is pretty intimidating and the guy backs away pretty quickly, holding up his arms in surrender. "Okay, okay, rrorrwwwr what a bitchy lil' chick you are!" they both turn on Megan, grinning sleazily, and Megan freaks, wings fluttering quickly. Maybe it's just a trick of the light, but suddenly her wings light up in pink glitter, showering the two of them..

Next thing you know, the two men stagger backwards, giggling madly and pointing at a blank spot on the wall. Well at least they're no longer paying any attention to the two girls!

Xiomara Rojas has posed:
    "Shit." Crush is very ready to kick the bejesus out of BOTH these guys- already raising a fist when they turn towards Megan- but it seems Megan has it well in order as her wings glow. "Okay. Not the way I'd have gone." she says, as she reaches over to take Megan's hand. "We better get outta here. People around these parts don't like showing powers and shit." she says, eyes now searching the room for trouble.

    She's ready for trouble, and it's obvious.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn cant help but giggle as she watches the two men continue to stare and point on a blank spot on the wall, giggling madly. "Heh..What a buncha lunatics!" she laughs a bit more slowly as it dawns on her that Crush might be right though. "Oh...Shoot...Umm...Yeah, let's go!" people are certainly starting to stare now, who knows, they may just suspect she sprinkled them with illicit drugs or other weirdness. A bouncer or two is certainly looking their way now.

She follows after Crush, darting this way and that to avoid the crowds that seem to block 'em at every turn. "Meep, which way?"

Xiomara Rojas has posed:
    Crush is heading right for the exit, leading Megan out the front door. Anyone who gets in Crush's way is easily pushed aside- either by a particularly angry looking Czarnian face, or a hand. It doesn't take long to get out the front door and back to the street. "Hooo, you gotta be careful with that stuff, Megan. People get pissy quick- and I mean, people like me ain't gunna be around alla time, you know?" she wonders over towards Megan- visibly relaxing once they've hit the street. Surely, here, they are safe!

    "So... you wanna find another party?" Crush wonders over towards Megan as she once more offers the large flash to her newest friend.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn is grateful for the bigger girl's barrelling ways, and she stays behind her, knowing she'll be easily knocked out of the way of the bigger punks. She still hasn't figured out exactly what Crush is but she seems to be friendly enough. "Phew, that was wild.. I totally wasn't expecting them to shake me like that.." she pouts a bit, drawing in a breath of cool air. "Sorry about that, I guess I don't get out much.." she shrugs, peering around and grins, "Sure! Know any good places with less creepy people?"

Xiomara Rojas has posed:
    "Uh, well I'd suggest CBGBs, but they ain't got nothin' goin on tonight." Crush admits, frowning a bit to herself. "It was stupid, is what it was- them guys was real creeps." she says, "It's good you did what you did to'em, but giggling and pointin' was too good for'em. Shoulda let me give'm a second thought about botherin' women in clubs." she growls a bit.

    "Anyways, we can probably find another place. Lots of bars and shit open, right? Make our own party."

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn blinks slowly, "CBGCs? Hmm never been there.." she peers around curiously, wow so much to see and do..Megs really neds to get out more. "I'm sorry.." Megan sighs, "I shouldn't have lost control like that.." she grins sheepishly, wondering how much she can reveal about herself but seeing as the girl already saw her wings flutter on their own. "Ehh..Yeah! How about we just walk til we hit the next one? Even if it is a Monday night..There's bound to be stuff going on.." she grins, "Soo you around from these parts? I've never really seen someone like you before.." like she's one to talk..

Xiomara Rojas has posed:
    "Yeah, CBGBs." Crush replies, "It's like the epicenter of punk in New York City. It has been since like the seventies." she explains, as she passes the flask back over towards Megan while they walk. "Oh. Uh.. No. I'm from like space or something." she says, "I'm like..an alien, I think. But, it's one of those things. I was raised here on Earth." she continues to explain. "What about you?"

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn ooohs, "Ooh? Cool! I'd like to check it out sometime.." she probably should mention that her crazy hair and attempted punk outfit makes her a tryhard at best. But Megs doesn't wanna make a quick enemy out of her, or look like she's trying to mock the punk outfit or anything. She does arch a curious brow at the whole space thing, "Oooooh, wow, like, an alien or something?" but hey, Superman's an alien too, but he looks more..Human? "You think? You dont know?" she shrugs, "Me? Umm...I'm uh..A fairy, I guess..Kinda?" well it sounds better than mutant anyway, especially with the whole Genosha thing. So she decides to stick with it.

Xiomara Rojas has posed:
    "Yeah, it's a pretty cool place." Crush replies, "But it's closed tonight, so, that's no on the list of places we can wander into." This particular punk alien doesn't seem to care what anyone things about her clothes- or about someone else's clothes.

    "I mean, I grew up here. And I know who my biological father is, but it's not all that important." she relays, taking another long pull at her flask- and just putting it away in her jacket.

    "A fairy? That's pretty cool." Crush says next, "And yeah, alien. Czarnian." she finally answers, giving Megan something to look up if she so decides. It won't show anything good- there's really only one famous Czarnian, and he's a psychopathic genocidal maniac.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn nods and smiles, "well, that's cool. I guess what's happening here is what matters. It must be kinda interesting having an alien parent though, maybe?" she doesn't wanna pry too much though. "Heh, I guess so! Yup! I even know a few magic spells, but I'm just starting out..Ooh Czarnian, never heard that name before, sounds pretty badass!" wait..Maybe she has heard that name somewhere..She pauses a little, scratching her head. Well...This girl seems alright. "Oooh, why dont we throw our own party? Ever been on a rooftop before? I mean up there looks like they're having a rooftop party.." she points waaay up to the top of some sort of condo building. "Of course it might be hard for a *normal* person to get in.." she grins and winks, clearly with an idea in mind..

Xiomara Rojas has posed:
    Crush looks over to Megan, "Naw... I've lost my party spirit." Talking about her dear old Dad is a raw nerve. "I should just get going." she offers the flask over to MEgan, "You can give this back to me later, I just gotta jet." Assuming Megan takes it, she's done. "I'll see you around, Megan." she offers, before she takes a few steps and then she jumps.

    And into the air she goes- taller than most of the buildings and down the street- miles away before she'll even start to come down to the ground. That girl is strong, that's for sure- judging by the cracks she left in the pavement.

Megan Gwynn has posed:
Megan Gwynn awwes, "I'm sorry, that's too bad.." she glances at the flask and nods, taking it. "Thanks, Crush..It was nice to meet you..See you soon, maybe!?" she blinks as she watches the girl fly off. Strange girl but kinda nice.