2831/A visit from the little sis.

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A visit from the little sis.
Date of Scene: 08 August 2020
Location: =Sam and Alexis' Apartment
Synopsis: Brother and Sister talk about independance
Cast of Characters: Samuel Guthrie, Paige Guthrie, Alexis Carr

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam and Alexis's place is in an older building in New York. It has some apartments on different floors, but this one looks like it was businesses or something in the past as not a lot of doors in the hallway. The address brings you to a sturdy door that looks like it was installed recently, with a somewhat tech looking doorbell beside it.

Paige Guthrie has posed:
Paige had wanted to see his brother's apartment for a while. She had known he had moved in with his girlfriend so there's obviously something serious going on between the two of them, and what better way to learn about her potential sister-in-law than to snoop around the apartment.

So here she finds herself at the address that Sam gave her, staring at the unusually thick door, and the hallway which makes the place look better suited towards businesses than residential apartments. She turns back to the door and presses the doorbell.

Alexis Carr has posed:
    The building was older, classic Brooklyn brick-and-mortar with solid, thick wood bones beneath it all. Businesses would have set up shop through-out, though it doesn't seem like the building is occupied except for this apartment.

    Alexis must have missed Paige on the street. She's carrying up a couple of cloth shopping bags as she comes up behind the Guthrie sister, and the short, tanned brunette gives a wry little bit of a smile.

    "Huh. I wasn't expecting visitors today. I would have purchased something fancier than oreos from the shops!" she protests with a small smile, leaning a little against the wall as she looks up to Paige.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie was expecting Paige, and so comes to opening the door smiling, and offering her a hug "Hey there, come on in." He steps aside to let her in, and once inside, you can see the Apartment used to be a dance studio. One wall still has the mirrors and bar for ballet dancing. The floors are hardwood that has recently been redone. They have put up a couple walls here and there, doors leading to the bedrooms and bathrooms. The living room area had a rug area with furniture that seems comfortable but not to expensive . The dinning and kitchen area are open layout as well. The odd thing is the large piano in one corner, how the heck did they get that thing in here? It helps to know teleporters.

Paige Guthrie has posed:
"Oh! Hi Alexis!" Paige calls out when the woman walks up to her. She waves a hand dismissively, "No, it's okay. I love oreos. I just wanted to see where Sam was holing up in."

She turns and walks on in, giving Sam a great big hug. "Mmmmm," she says during it. "Good to see you again." She steps aside to let Alexis on in as she takes a gander at the place. With a whistle of appreciation she says, "This used to be a dance studio? Neat!" She turns to Alexis, "Do you dance?"

Alexis Carr has posed:
    "Hullo, Paige." Alexis gives a bright smile, and she carries in the cloth bags. She gotes to her tip-toes to kiss Sam's cheek, and she walks to the kitchen and begins to put some of the shopping away.

    "It did. One of the major reasons I enjoy this place; it reminds me of taking lessons when I was little." the smaller woman states. "And I do dance, on occasion, when it suits me. Italian and British style ballet, classical training. Both studying in the grace and floatiness of the Italian traditions and the technical preciseness of the English tradition. Do a little ballroom. And yourself, Paige? Any dancing experience?"

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie smiles and will close the door behind them, and locks it "Doug put in the security system for us." He says in explanation of the door. "Come in have a seat? Want something to drink?" He will move to help Alexis with putting up the groceries "And don't let her kid you she is really good, even has me practicing again."

Paige Guthrie has posed:
Paige nods enthusiastically at Sam when he mentions Doug's security system. "Neat! How's he doing, by the way? I haven't seen him since..." she trails off searching for words. "I don't even know what to call it. The Incident."

She shakes her head at Alexis. "Didn't do much dancing besides square or line dancing. We didn't have much money so I could never take dancing lessons." She claps her hands together, "Please tell me you're teaching Sam how to dance."

Alexis Carr has posed:
    "I don't have to teach Sam how to dance. He's quite the elegant partner when it comes to dancing. Helps that he's a bit of a muscle." Alexis calls out, and she pauses, thinking back to Sam's team mates, and gives a small, sad smile.

    "Well. Sam's got sweet tea in the fridge, and I've an engagement that I'm supposed to be playing in ensamble this evening --" Alexis trails off a moment "Help yourselves to the oreos--" she continues grabbing a gig case from behind one of the couches. "Got to run -- ta!"

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks over to Paige, and says "Well the Professor had that one covered first few years we all took dance classes, yes your big brother can do the ballet moves, as well, as cut a rug in a few other different ways. I found I actually enjoy it. and it does help with the whole agility training, and knowledge of where your feet are when dancing or fighting. " He will move to give Alexis a hug and a real kiss, yuck mushy stuff. "See ya later tonight hon, your coming back here after I hope."

Paige Guthrie has posed:
Paige waves to Alexis as she departs, "Bye!" She folds her arms as Sam explains his class history with her. "Oh, so /that's/ what you were doing at school all that time. I should tell Mom that instead of preparing you for college, they were teaching you how to sweep girls off their feet." She turns towards the kitchen, "Can I have some of that sweet tea and Oreos?"

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie smiles and will get the tea, a glass for her and one for himself, and puts a plate of cookies together "Well the dance classes were before Ah met Alexis of course, but did learn a good deal. " He walks over offering the tea and sitting cookies on the coffee table. Oh ma knows about the dancing, heck Ma knows Ah went to Asgard. Maybe not that the Dwarven Princesses seems to have liked me."

Paige Guthrie has posed:
Paige's eyes glitter mischievously. "Look at you, a real ladykiller," she says, accepting the glass offered to her. She takes a sip and, dropping her carefully cultured neutral accent, "Mmm. Just like how Ma makes it." She takes a cookie and screws off the top so she can gain access to the middle stuff layer and starts licking at it." Other than that, how ya been?"

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks to her and smiles "Doing pretty good, taking some criminal justice classes this fall, looks like Ah am able to get into the police academy. Ah think Ah am going to keep on that, but Ah am looking for a better job till Ah finish training. I mean Alexis is paying for all this but wanna at least try to pull my own weight with it.:"

Paige Guthrie has posed:
Paige nods, "Understandable. Ah don't think it'd sit well with me if mah boyfriend was paying for everything." She done with the cream center and now nibbles on the chocolate cookie parts. "Not that I have a boyfriend," she hastily adds.

"Ah still haven't decided which college Ah'm going to, yet. It's kind of scary, finally going out on your own for the first time." She muses. "Ah mean, Xavier's really isn't 'out on mah own.' Got kind of a family there, you know?"

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie nods, and says "Well you got family here as well, and we do have a spare room if you need to crash here any time. And if you start dating Ah better get to meet him, and threaten him." He teases a bit and says "You been hanging out with the Titans still?"

Paige Guthrie has posed:
Paige grunts, finishing off the cookie. "Not as often as Ah'd like," she admits. "They're out in Metropolis, which is makes it a bit of a bear to get to." She thinks about going in for a second cookie for a moment before deciding to go for it, figure be damned. She scowls at her brother, though. "You need to behave if I ever bring a boyfriend over. Don't want you scaring him off."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie smiles and says "Ah am sure I can find a set of overalls, and my gun cleaning kit." He tells her. "You know Ah won't embarrass you to much." He gets a cookie as well. "And if you need air Sam Taxi you just gotta ask kiddo."

Paige Guthrie has posed:
"Ah appreciate it, Sam," Paige says, "But flying on your back scares the crud outta me." She shakes her head. "Ah know you said it's just like riding a horse, but a horse don't go close to the speed of sound."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie grins at her and says "I will just have to fly through a few buildings with you am sure that would help." He is joking maybe. Well, I have been thinking about something and talked to ma a bit." He will stand and moves to get a laptop, and brings it over opening it to craigslist and the auto section "2,5k" find ya one.