2904/Water in the Urban Desert

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Water in the Urban Desert
Date of Scene: 13 August 2020
Location: Bushwick <Mutant Town>
Synopsis: IMP, Michael, Greer and Gabby assist X-Corp with some volunteer work and convincing a homeless group to evacuate a dangerous area. Alton demonstrates a dangerous flaw to Charles Xavier and Gabby and is offered suggestions and help.
Cast of Characters: Charles Xavier, Alton Schmidt, Michael Hannigan, Greer Grant, Gabby Kinney

Charles Xavier has posed:
    Bushwick is restored, something that everyone who's look at a news channel in the last few weeks knows. But it's hardly fully restored. Even with the area back to full size, the process of removing it severed most of the connections necessary for daily life - water, power, sewer, and the like.

    As such, water is at a premium, though one of the first public outreach that X-Corporation has done is to truck in water in gallons and water bottles for the locals to have while New York's finest works on reconnecting everything. Any who are willing to volunteer to help (and mostly important for restoring the connections, take direction from the people who know how they need to be reconnected) are welcome at least.

    Even Charles XAvier himself is present, helping to keep things organized and moving smoothly as well as acting as a liaison to the city workers and the volunteers who are showing up to help hand out water and bags of food.

Alton Schmidt has posed:
IMP shows up in costume for this...since the big man grabbed his daughter and left the planet, he's, as far as he knows, the last magneticist located within the atmosphere. IMP flies around, moving heavy steel beams, and helping reconnect the pipes below by forcing the metal to reconnect in the way it was before Brainiac hit.

IMP works tirelessly...or it appears so, but in truth, he's still just a teen and he's fairly exhausting himself. Just because things look effortless when you're riding magnetic waves, doesn't mean that's how it actually is. The only real evidence of this, at the moment, is the sweat dripping down his brow.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
It's been several days since the dorm fire but things are still hectic over there. The person he sees for vocal training has pretty much canceled sessions for the week which has left Mike with a pretty clear schedule for today. So, where does he go with this new found time?

That's the fun thing about New York. There's always something to do. Case in point, the musician is helping out with the food distribution. Hair pulled back, and soft smile on his face to those who look like they need one.

Greer Grant has posed:
    "Toot toot!" Shouts the furred Avenger as she has at least three cases of water bottles in her arms. Greer seems to not exactly be straining from the weight, but from the unstable natures of the cases being held by a biped, though her tail certainly helps with the counterbalance. She has it extended up and out, and the furr is puffed out in full. She's getting awfully sweaty in the New York heat and the sweat is dripping from her elbows as she carries them by huge loads as fast as she can. Gotta help people that need help.

Charles Xavier has posed:
    The food and water distribution is being kept more or less orderly by volunteers for X-Corp in shorts and button up short sleeve shirts, though a few more security oriented types dressed clearly as such are by the actual trucks. Telling people everyone will have their turn doesn't always work well, after all, but people are suprisingly chill, as a variety of humans and more obviously mutants take what they're offered, often thanking the people distributing it when they do.

    Xavier rolls out into the midst of it, mostly checking on things. He smiles a bit as he hears Greer, looking over. "Are you sure you don't need a bottle of that yourself to cool down?" he says curiously, nodding to Michael as he parks by his table for the moment. "No sense getting dehydrated, it's counter to the whole purpose of delivering the water."

    A thin man in a orange safety vest is coordinating with Alton. "Just a bit more....yeah...litttle bit....damn, youse got that nicely sealed, how the fuck ya doin' that so smooth?" the worker says, pulling out a device to check the current through the now restored power line as several lights in the area flicker to life with a hum. "Youse sure ya don't need no break? Ya been doin' this for hours? Got get some water or somethin' at least."

Alton Schmidt has posed:
IMP grins tiredly, "Last magneticist. If he hadn't gone crazy, Magneto could've put the whole city back together by himself, or nearly so. I'm not that good...at least not yet. But you're right about water." And IMP floats his way over to the water containers...

And it quickly becomes apparent how thirsty he is, because he downs the first bottle of water, tosses it in the trash, and downs half of the next before finally stopping. He probably dehydrated himself if he can drink that much.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Mike blinks, shuffling to the side to grant Greer the space needed to bring the large load over. Passing out food is not as labor intensive so he hasn't really broken a sweat yet. Once the Avenger has passed by, he turns to the next person in line, smiling to them before grabbing the next box.

Getting the sense someone is glancing over to him, the performer glances over to see Xavier nodding to him. He returns the gesture before handing over the food to the next family.

He glances back to Greer, getting a better glimpse to the sweat. "Couldn't hurt for you to take a break, Greer." He agrees, "You don't want to end up like the stagehand with the green poster board."

Greer Grant has posed:
    "I'm good for now, my hands are a- little full." Greer notes with a wink toward Charles as she goes zipping past with the nearly 75 lbs of water in her hands. "I'll have some in a bit after I'm done with this." She says turning her head back to curl her chin on top of the water bottles.

    "That dude with the green board was a hero and you'd do well to remember that. Remember, at the end of the day, he sacrificed himself and his body in order to get the shot." The Avenger says with a deep green slitted eye locking onto Mike for a brief moment before she goes back to concentrating on her trip.

Charles Xavier has posed:
    "Fair enough. I wanted to thank you for volunteering to help out today." Xavier says, as the trio all draw closer, resting his hands in his lap as he offers the second water to IMP. He raises a brow at Michael and Greer. "I would hope that we won't need to sacrifice anyone today." he notes dryly, a faint smile pulling at his lips. "Though...you do look a bit more capable of protecting yourselves. Perhaps I could prevail upon you to take on a quest, so to speak? Like a video game, as I understand it."

Alton Schmidt has posed:
IMP looks excited at that. "...Of course, Professor. I mean...I know I kind of have the badguy powerset here, but...I always hoped I could show the world what HE could've been if he hadn't lost his mind." IMP has a lot of theories over the how and why of that, and it led him to develop some tricks to keep himself from falling down that hole.

Still, he shares powers with the most famous Mutant gone nuts of all time, and he worries for himself...worries about keeping himself stable. Worse, he has all the object lessons in the world of what he could end up doing to the world if he doesn't stay stable. The warning is right there, floating on an asteroid in space.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
"And the squeak of shoes shall forever remain etched in your memory." Mike replies back to Greer, thinking to the guy crawling up to the interview set to wave the green sheet in front of Mike.

At the mention of the quest, he looks over to Charles, curiously, and maybe a bit warily, "Okay, I'm curious. What quest?"

Greer Grant has posed:
    "Do you want us to go do a fetch quest Charles?" Tigra asks, sounding rather casual with the leader of the School up north a ways. "I've heard squeakier shoes Nick." The woman says, motioning to herself while still carrying the supplies as she keeps walking away to put them down on a nearby table. Then organizing them as if it was something that she needed to do. Being helpful. Avengers. Yeah.

    Walking back and running her furry arm across her forehead and sighs, "What is it Charles?" She asks with a sign before looking back at Mike and shoving him by the arm playfully.

Charles Xavier has posed:
    "In a manner of speaking." Xavier says, then gestures towards where the worker who was helping IMP is by one of the open sections of the road leading down into the storm sewer. "I'm told that a segment of the population who are homeless have gathered nearby in one of the unused storm sewer junctions. My understanding is that that section is due to be repaired shortly, in which case it won't be safe for them, not to mention I doubt they have much in the way of supplies."

    He steeples his fingers. "X-Corp has arranged temporary housing nearby that should be sufficient for all of them, but someone needs to find them and convince them to come up to make use of it. Or at least to relocate and accept some of the food and water we've brought, if they aren't willing to take advantage of the housing. Though I feel I can make a very persuasive case if you can at least them them to talk to us."

    He gestures to the hole in the ground. "Of course, this means going underground, and while I understand the storm sewers are fairly large in this area, it is a purely volunteer journey, if you'd prefer to stay above ground. I thought it might be a good break for you from the drudgery of loading and unloading and fixing for a bit?"

Alton Schmidt has posed:
IMP needed a break, and this was as good a break as any. Better, it was a 'productive' break, and he'd still be doing good. "Closed quarters is fine, there's still a ton of metal down there." And as long as there's plenty of steel and iron, IMP's in good shape.

"Alright guys, let's go!" IMP seems content to float off downwards...but not without the two who are supposed to be coming with him.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Mike chuckles as his scarred arm sways back with the push before he lets the arm swing back to a resting position at his side. Giving a glance to Greer before looking back towards Xavier as he lays out a task that... is probably something most charities wouldn't ask volunteers to do. Powers or not. But, if the alternative is people accidentally being entombed in a sewer pipe well...

The musician glances to Greer before giving a brow raise and a slight shoulder shrug. "Alright." He nods to Greer, "After you."

Greer Grant has posed:
    Greer's jaw slowly, SLOWLY drops at every word Charles speaks. She looks down at him, bends at her knees to put herself at his eye level and places her hand onto he back of his and rubs it softly, "You want me to go into the sewer? I have fur... There's poop in there..." Greer says as sweetly as she possibly can, like, the young daughter to her elderly father as she looks into Charles' eyes and she has the most revolting scrunch to her face of all time. She... looks to Mike and then Alton and then Charles again... "If I do go... there's a shower and a **** for me afterwards. Immediately."

Charles Xavier has posed:
    Charles raises a brow at the brushing of his hand. "...booties can be provided." he says amusedly. "And a shower can be provided afterwards. Though I'm afraid I can't help you with the latter. Though it is a storm sewer, not a normal one, so it has water running through it regularly normally. There may be random trash, but you will probably avoid anything worse than rat droppings."

    He glances at IMP and Michael. "Thank you for being willing to go, I appreciate it. You likewise are welcome to shower afterwards, and I'll be happy to have someone bring you some X-Corp clothing to change into if you' prefer."

Alton Schmidt has posed:
"Well, he has a point. If people were going to hide in sewers, they'd probably pick the one that isn't full of, well, human waste product. It'd almost have to be a storm drain. Remember, the people hiding down there are presumably sane, so they probably picked one of the better smelling places down there to hole up in." At least, it makes sense in his head.

"I'll definitely want the shower regardless, thank you Professor." He's just waiting for the fastidious kitty to get her butt in gear so they can go save some people.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Mike turns his head looking to Greer, head tilting as she talks to Xavier in the oddest manner. Ok. So yes. A shower probably wouldn't be a bad idea. Xavier's suggestion isn't turned away either. "... Changes of clothing ready for coming topside would probably be a good idea. Not sure what we'll come across."

Like for instance, oh say.... skeleton hands popping out of the ground to grab at the legs or something of that nature. Or random chimera...

He nods to Alton's words, "What he said Greer. Just because someone had to resort to staying in a pipe doesn't mean they got rid of all sense of standards."

Wait. What?

Mike looks over to Greer, giving a bit of a slight bow and a grand gesture towards the pipes.

Greer Grant has posed:
    "I'm, yeah, trash getting caught up in this fur is going to smell for weeks. If I was the only one here, I'd gladly go in to help your friends, but as it is, these two are here, they got you." Greer says with a frown before she stands back up and moves over towards the water truck to help move more water for the victims and heroes helping.

Charles Xavier has posed:
    Xavier nods, not looking overly perturbed. "That's fine, Miss Greer. Please take if you need it though, at least to cool down." He hands off Alton and Michael to the worker, who gets them equipped with a lantern and booties if they wish before they descend down the ladder.

    The water is minimal at least...the storm sewers were severed much like the rest of the connections, with most of it running down into the underground lake that formed where Bushwick used to be while it was absent. But it's still mildly damp and not entirely clean. The line of where water normally runs is visible on the walls, of course. Luckily it doesn't take very long to get there.

    After maybe five minutes or so of walking, you can see light up ahead and hear talking. For those with more refined senses, there's a smell of unwashed bodies and clothing; for those with more magnetic senses, a scattering of probably battery powered devices here and there. Actually, the former is pretty easy to smell even without enhanced senses.

Alton Schmidt has posed:
IMP accepted the booties, wearing them over the superhero boots that goes with his hero outfit. Once down there...he doesn't actually touch the ground. Instead, he floats above it as he goes, not willing to chance touching whatever's down here.

"...I feel electronics down here. I think we're getting close." He'll have to be a little careful now...these people have suffered enough, he doesn't need to go ruining their phones with an EMP blast. This is 2020. If you're looking for sentient life, follow the electronics. That's what IMP's gonna do

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Someone take a picture. Mike is wearing booties! Unlike the time at the dorm fire, the musician's descent into the underground is not as stylish. He takes the ladder normally, hopping down to suffer Murphy's wrath as his booted feet manage to STILL find a puddle. He pauses, giving a slight nod before stepping forward. "Yeah, Greer would have hated this." He muses aloud to Alton. It's not high on Mike's to do list either but he has this special power called frugality which means his clothes are not at all expensive. Less to worry about.

As Alton floats around, the elder man just lets him have the lead, following behind as he takes in his surroundings. Including the smells unfortunately.

He scrunches his nose momentarily before he ends up admitting to himself that this is NOT the worst smell he's experienced. It's just last time he had an enchanted bandana to take the smell away. Of course, he COULD cheat a little and use his powers...

Nah. Alright guys time to FOLLOW YOUR NOSE! "We're close. I can smell it." And so can anyone else, really.

Charles Xavier has posed:
    Continuing along, you arrive at a small campsite, made of a variety of materials apparently salvaged from here and there, from plywood to sheet metal to cardboard and random boards here and there, including a tent or two. Maybe a dozen people in all. As you approach, you can hear activity and by the time you round the corner those there are more or less drawn up in a group, some holding boards or a bat in one case. An older woman is at the front, wearing several layers of clothes as she squints at the pair. "Who are you?" she says bluntly.

Alton Schmidt has posed:
"We're here to rescue you...and ask you to come up above ground. They're going to reconstruct large sections of the pipelines above the city, and it's possible areas like this one might collapse. We'd...rather not have the reconstruction stained with blood. Well. More blood than Brainiac already spilled. The smart heroes got together to put the city itself back, but they didn't manage to reconnect all the pipes and powerlines and such. That's the kind of construction going on now."

IMP may be dressed like a hero, but he's still very young. It'd come through his voice, even his mask hides his face. "X-Corp and Professor Xavier sent us down here, if it matters to you." As if he understands it might not.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
As Mike pops in, he gives a smile to the older woman. Which ends up faltering as he looks over to Alton's description. His jaw drops slightly. Um.

He glances back to the woman, working on a less dramatic explanation, "Hi. I'm Mike and this is..." He pauses, looking to Alton for a moment.

"I'm Mike. And, we're volunteers with the food and water distribution thing going on aboveground and wanted to invite you up to get some supplies. There's also an offer to help arrange for temporary housing but you don't HAVE to accept that if you just want the food and water."

He pauses, "... Also the repair work is going to end up coming over here soon so it won't be safe to be hanging out down here while that's going on. So you might as well pop up and get some supplies squared away while waiting on that."

Charles Xavier has posed:
    The woman raises a brow at blood being involved. "Seems fine t'me..." she grumbles a bit, folding her arms across her expansive chest. "What' sthis about staining with blood?" That at least has her slightly worried, though she frowns a bit at Michael. "...and what else do we have to do to get this food and water and stuff? We can't just pack up easily, you know..."

Alton Schmidt has posed:
"Like I said, the place might collapse. And, well...some of you might be able to survive tons of stuff falling on your head. My bet is most of you can't though. So we'd really rather not have things falling on people's heads and burying them beneath the city."

What else do they have to do? "We just want you to be safe, so take what you can before the construction starts. I can help you float out your metallic stuff, but I really do recommend evacuating."

Upon hearing Mike doesn't have a name for him, "I am IMP." His 'hero name.'

Gabby Kinney has posed:
From further in the tunnel come a fast approaching set of footsteps. Some splash in puddles of rainwater that had not quite flushed out causing it to echo a bit as SOMETHING approaches where the homeless woman speaks with Alton and Mike. From around the bend a dark haired girl appears weilding a katana with some blood on it. She skids to a stop, and Gabby squints at everyone here with a deep breath. "Okay, I don't want to alarm anyone but there might be zombie rats further in there just FYI."

Charles Xavier has posed:
    The woman blinks, looking over at Gabby. "...eh?" she says uncertainly. "We've heard stuff skitterin' around, but we figured it was just the alligators again." she grumbles. She eyes the now trio uncertainly. "Wait, yu're with these two?"

Michael Hannigan has posed:
"Imp. PLEASE." Mike begs, looking to the younger man. He brings a hand up to his forehead, rubbing it. Oh God is this what Mike sounds like to his roommate?! "People that age can be so dramatic."

So says the guy who is physically stuck at 21.

"Okay, To get the Food and water. You show up and get in line." Mike replies, "That's it. Now, the Professor Xavier he mentioned earlier would like to discuss the possibility of you folks being placed in safer housing while all the building and repair work is going on down here. Because... yes. The s-"

Mike stops, turning to look over to Gabby as she shows up proclaiming the existence of zombie rats. "The ***?"

So much for diplomacy.

Alton Schmidt has posed:
"It's supposed to be heroic." So says the guy who called himself IMP.

"...Did you just say there were actual undead rats? How do you know they're undead and not just malnourished?" IMP isn't ruling it out, but undead...well, from what he's heard, if the actual living dead are involved, it's usually something magic related, and there weren't a lot of mages around here.

"Well, if there's actual undead down here, we better stamp 'em out. That's also another good reason for you folks to get above ground. In the event they are actual undead, they won't stop for anything."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"What? With who?" Gabby blinks at the woman and then looks to the guys who were dressed a bit better than the woman. Clearly from above and a higher pay grade than a homeless woman. Not that she was much better in her jeans and laser-cat t-shirt. "Oh, no, I don't know who they are," she says to the woman with a shake of her head. "And definitely zombies, escaped from a lab I was er.... looking into. Anyway most are dead-dead now, but you know they're rats." The sword she carries is held in a relaxed posture as she shrugs expressively causing it to swing through the air with a little flapping motion.

"Wait there are gators down here? Aw man. I didn't see any." Later. She'd have to look later. "Anyway yeah it's probably not good to go further in there at this point just in case there's some that got loose."

"Plus I heard they're hooking this line back up to the water in a few days and are gonna backflush through it or something so any left over rats will get washed away."

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Mike looks to the pair blankly, still trying to get around the sudden topic change from free food and water to zombie rats. For someone who occasionally swings by the Sanctum, this should NOT be a hard thing to adapt to. But, how on earth to get this back to the original in-

And then Alton uses the zombie rats as a reason to go above ground.

He looks over to the woman, giving her a pleading look. "Can we just go topside and you guys get your food and water while they figure out what's going on regarding that? It's been a rather long week already."

Charles Xavier has posed:
    One of the older, more wild-eyed men suddenly speaks up. "Zombie rats?!? WAit...you said you was an IMP?!? HE'S A ZOMBIE RAT SUMMONING DEMON!!!!" The spokeswoman sort of rolls her eyes, and rubs her face. "Here we go.." she mutters.

    "He don't look like that kinda demon. Besides those are the little cherub demon things or something. So he's like a big evil flying baby thing or something." pipes up one of the other grizzled looking women. A younger teen with prismatic skin says. "So like Warcraft? But his nose isn't that big...or his ears! And he floats. Maybe he's a warlock?"

    The spokeswoman says. "Will youse guys just SHUSH already? Sweet baby jebus, I tole ya, there ain't such things runnin' around down here.

    "But she said there were zombie rats!" the younger girl points out, pointing at Gabby.

    "Prob'ly just albino ones an' she said she got 'em all." the woman says dismissively, then frowns. "...but if they're gonna flush stuff, yeah, we better get outta here." The group mutters, then sort of scatters, starting to pack up what they can of their stuff.

Alton Schmidt has posed:
IMP facepalms. "...I'm not a demon, I'm a magneticist. Ya know, like the really famous one who just took off on an asteroid. But I'm not that good yet. Gotta think more of magnetic pulses. ...or maybe I just need to change the hero name. I never thought people would call me a demon. Didn't think that through."

But, they also agreed to leave when they heard about the flush, so now they're getting somewhere.

"So, let's get out of here..."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney glances over at the man yelling looking just a bit startled. Not scared, just startled. Having someone jump up yelling like that wasn't really expected. "Right, well... What she said," she agrees with the spokeswoman gesturing toward her with a solemn nod. Slinging her sword over her shoulder she starts to head out as well having no other luggage besides that.

"You talk a lot about yourself, you know?" she points out before flashing a grin toward him and Mike. "So! Out. Yes. I need a shower after this. I think everyone should be out by the time the zombie sloths get here."

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Mike looks over to the others that came in and then looks over to the woman sympathetically. As they scatter to get their stuff together, he waits patiently for them to get ready. Once they are, he gives a smile, giving a nod to them before waving them towards the ladder from which he and Alton came.

Hopefully they get to keep the X-Corp gear. Because the conversation, truly painful.

Charles Xavier has posed:
    "He's a what now?" "I think he said magnetoian." "...that's not a thing." "Yes it is! He said he was like that guy who took the asteroid. Prob'ly onna them clones." "Clones?" "Yeah, everyone's got clones. It's how the lizards infiltrate." "...he's a magnetic lizard clone?" "YES! WAKE UP! THEY'RE AMONG US!!!"

    There's a swat sound from the direction of the crazy eyed guy as the spokeswoman waps him with a practiced gestures as she goes back. "Sam, take yer meds. Ya know how ya get." she says sternly. The old man grumbles but pauses to dig a bottle out of his backpack.

    After about maybe ten minutes, the group is ready to follow people out again.

Alton Schmidt has posed:
"...This is where I just shut the hell up."

IMP says nothing more on the way back up. Notes from this journey: Change the hero name. Don't compare self to Magneto or Polaris. It evidently won't end well.

He's almost sullen at how badly misintepreted he's been while he's down here. And he just wanted to help too. At least there's no terrible things on his shoes, mostly because he flew the whole time.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney is quite happy to get above ground though she takes her time to wait for others to go first. Even if she wasn't with the two that had come down here to get the homeless crew out, it wasn't hard to catch on to what was going on after the small bits of conversation she had heard. So she lingers behind to make sure everyone gets a chance to get out safely. Once they are she's up above herself in no time having tucked her sword away behind her on a rather bland but utilitarian scabbard for it.

Streeetching her arms above her head she lets out a sigh. "Ah, mostly fresh air!"

Michael Hannigan has posed:
There are no terrible things on Mike's shoes because of the booties. Therefore. Do NOT. Knock the Booties.

With some idle chit chat between the group, the underground residents are eventually led above ground and led over to where the Food and Water line is. After ensuring their spot in line, Mike sheds the booties and ends up getting some fine booty, in the form of X-Corp swag. He also gets a shower and more time behind the table to distribute food packages.

Charles Xavier has posed:
    Somehow....Xavier is waiting when you return, parked nearby. Perhaps he was waiting this whole time? He raises a brow at the addition of Gabby. "Miss Kinney! I wasn't aware you were volunteering today." he says idly, his hands clasped in his lap. In the whole 'and why were you in the sewer?' is unspoken...if she escapes quickly, perhaps he won't get to ask! As the homeless people start following everyone up, a few volunteers waiting nearby move over to speak to them and take over getting them what they need.

    "Well, gentlemen, thank you very much. You've certainly earned your reward in X-Corp clothing." he says amusedly. "But quite seriously, thank you, I'm glad to see them out of possible danger." He nods to Michael as he heads back to the table he was working previously, then focuses on Gabby. "Miss Kinney, if you'd like, I offered a shirt and shorts set for these gentlemen for venturing into the depths, perhaps you'd like to take advantage of that as well? If so, that smaller truck over there has them, just let them know that I sent you over for them." he offers.

Alton Schmidt has posed:
When he gets out, and sees the professor again...well, it's evident he was flying the whole time, because there's nothing horrible on his shoes. At least not for now. Still, once outside of the sewers, he can land, and operate normally for a while.

"Ummm...professor? There was something I wanted to ask you about, if you can spare a bit of time?" IMP has a lot on his mind, and the reactions of the people below didn't help matters for him.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney practically freezes when she spots Charles there. Like the proverbial deer in the headlights. While she didn't know Alton or Michael she certainly knew this man. A toothy grin is flsahed his direction while she reeeeally hopes that he doesn't notice the sheathed sword on her back. It was the least lethal of some of her weaponry though she'd turned most over to the school armory for safe keeping.

Except that hidden sewer stash.

"Oh! I wasn't ... I mean I wasn't not gonna volunteer I just wasn't meaning to right now I was visiting..." here she pauses with a littel flicker of emotion flitting over her. A look to the others all around, and she lets out a sigh. "Visiting my sisters graves. They're still there. ... Then there was this whole thing with a laboratory and some zombied animals but that's another story," she blurts out with hands spread in a helpless shrug. "But it's handled."

Glancing over towards Alton she grins again. "So you were helping the Prof huh? Good on ya." She'd heard Logan say that once. It was a thing, right? Not outdated? Meh.

Charles Xavier has posed:
    Something in Xavier's eyes suggests he did, in fact, notice the sword, but isn't bringing it up, though his expression softens a bit at Gabby's explanation. "I see. You should really take someone with you, your sister perhaps. In the future at least let someone know, please, in case something happens." He's not going to elaborate beyond that in front of someone who doesn't know Gabby's background, of course. "...though I will want to hear about this laboratory later." he amends, before turning his attention back to Alton. "Yes, IMP? I have time, ask away."

Alton Schmidt has posed:
IMP looks down, then away..."...Am I doomed? I think...I think I might know why Magneto is the way he is. His own powers fuel his mental trauma...I call it synaptic static. ...I tried to come up with a means for discharging it, and it kinda works, but...I don't wanna end up like him."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney smiles faintly at Xavier with a nod of understanding. Her eyes skirt over to Alton as he speaks, and she pauses. "Nothing like that's happened to Lorna..." She pauses here, and shrugs. Maybe it was a different kind of thing with him. Lightly clearing her throat she adds, "Hope you work it out!" Before using the distraction of Xavier having to talk to someone else to scoot off to get cleaned up.

Charles Xavier has posed:
    Xavier looks genuinely suprised by the question, leaning back in his chair as he gathers his thoughts, before he speaks. "While Magneto's powers are said to contribute to emotional instability, they are not solely responsible for his mental state, I would say." he says after a moment. "Mind, this is mostly observation of his behavior and some knowledge of his background as a psychatrist. But he has many underlying mental traumas, layered on top of each other, combined with a sense of meglomania in his belief only someone of his power can change the status quo for the better when it comes to mutant rights. Thus, he is already driven to extremes by the demons of his past. His powers are a contributing factor, but only because of the underlying issues."

    He sighs. "Magneto...no, Erik Lenshaar, he has the capacity for greatness. When he is at his best, he is a beacon that inspires people, mutants, to strive for more, to push towards a better world. It's just that his methods are rooted in a belief that the ends justify the means, that conflict is inevitable, and that change must happen immediately, by force...which is never a good choice.

    He shakes his head slightly. "People cannot be forced to believe in something, or to have faith something. They must choose to believe. Otherwise...it's only fear. Ironically, the same fears that drive some of his traumas, I suspect."

    He nods to Gabby. "Yes, his daughter Lorna, from what I have seen of her...she has some of the same lows and highs of emotion, but I would not call her mentally unbalanced, or at least no more than anyone else who struggles with depression or bipolar disorders. People like that aren't mad, certainly. Like any bodily imbalance, they just need help to find their balance." He smiles. "So, I would say as long as you feel you do not have some underlying traumas you wish to discuss with a professional, that you are likely fine, IMP. Though I'd be curious to hear exactly what you've discovered that you think counters this effect."

Alton Schmidt has posed:
IMP sighs. "...I wasn't gonna demonstrate here, but I'll show you how it works. Unfortunately, if there's a way to transfer the charge into something that isn't alive, I haven't mastered it yet."

He touches, with his bare hand, a passing worker on his hand. And...the worker, who was previously in a good mood, immediately starts bawling on the ground for reasons unknown.

Walking back over to the professor, "...I basically discharge the static. The effect it would have on me...I pass it to someone else, and my head stays clear. I don't know if it has any long term effects on the people I discharge it to, because I've mostly been discharging on the criminals I fight when I stop a bank robbery or whatever. I'm kinda hoping it doesn't, because they're not experiencing it constantly the way I would be if I didn't discharge. Unfortunately, I can't not do that if I touch someone skin to skin. It happens automatically...instinctually even, to try to protect my own head. If I don't do that, I have wild mood swings, about like that guy."

That guy is still sobbing uncontrollably.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney had not made it far at all in her attempt to sneak out of the conversation when Alton made his move to 'demonstrate' on an unwilling, unconsenting bystander. Whatever he did sends the poor man to his knees causing her attention to jerk back to them. "What the hell...!? You don't just DO things to people! Why would you do that!?"

She doesn't expect him to respond; he's ignored her since she showed up in spite of her attempts to be nice to him. Now she was done with it. A look of sheer disgust is thrown at him as she turns to the man to crouch down beside him.

"It's okay, it'll be okay. I'm sorry. I know it feels like a lot right now. Just deep breaths okay? It'll pass..." At least she HOPES it will, but Alton's own remarks about not knowing the outcome earns another shocked look from her. She bites down on saying more in favor of muttering a few more soothing things to the man. "Do you want a glass of water? Let's get you somewhere you can sit okay?"

Charles Xavier has posed:
    Charles blinks at the demonstration, then frowns, reaching down to unlock his chair and immediately rolling over to the man with Gabby, waving over one of the other volunteers. "Carolina, if you could help David over to the chair there...he's had a long day and I think he needs a moment to rest." he says firmly. "Thank you Gabby, if you wouldn't mind helping Carolina with him?" He waits until the young woman and perhaps Gabby have helped the sobbing man up, then starts to lead him away, talking to him quietly and soothingly as she does. Because of course Xavier would pick the student working on her psychology degree for this.

    That done, he rolls back over to Alton, frowning at him with a stern expression. "An explanation would have sufficed, IMP." he says steadily. "Am I to understand you have been doing this to many people over time, and just did it to a random indivdiual with no knowledge if it has longterm side effects?" He shakes his head. "That is not a responsible use of your powers. Just because someone has committed criminal acts does not justify possibly permanently altering their minds or emotions. Even setting aside the basic ethics involved, if someone is already criminally disturbed, from the sound of it this effect would make them severely criminaly disturbed if unchecked." Xavier himself fights with himself over the ethics of this, after all...so seeing a young mutant falling into that mindset is especially disturbing.

    He takes a breath, moderating his tone. "Nor does it seem to solve the underlying problem. If you are having mood swings, are you seeing a psychatrist to help you with it? There are numerous stabilizing meds that can help you with that, without you resorting to more extreme measures..measures, if I am understanding it, you do not precisely control because they are automatic and instinctive? Or perhaps, since this is a charge of electromagnetic energy, you could find a way to discharge it into something other than a person."

Alton Schmidt has posed:
"I don't know how to transfer it into objects. I've tried. Logically, steel or iron should be able to receive the charge...for reasons I don't understand, it doesn't. ...And it's not quite fair to say I have no control over it. It happens instinctively if I touch someone skin to skin. If I wear gloves...and the gloves of my uniform are actually designed to prevent me from transfering the static on accident...the static will not transfer. It will still transfer if someone touches my face with their bare hands, though. If...you could help me find an object to take the charge, I'd be happy to use it. I...don't actually want to do what I just did."

He finally responds to Gabby...the charge having left him, he seems to be able to respond now. "...I'm sorry, Gabby. I was kinda shut down there for a while...I feel better with the discharge. I just don't have any better solutions right now. I don't really have a team or any science friends to help me with this, so I kinda had to survive as best I can."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"Dude, touch a fish or something!" Gabby calls back even as she shakes her head. The poor man was being taken care of better by the other volunteer than her, though she'd at least helped him get somewhere to sit. After that, she wasn't sure what to do besides offer a hug and right now she kind of smelled like sewers. Even if it was just a drainage pipe it was kind of... yucky.

Running her hand through her hair she turns away again giving the pair a nod. "I'm gonna go before I do something stupid because that made me kind of mad right now and you know how dad gets with his anger sometimes," she remarks only to nod again firmly, and stalk off. At least she wasn't beating things up willy nilly.

Charles Xavier has posed:
    "Miss Kinney makes a good point." Xavier says, clasping his hands in his lap. "If, despite being an electromagnetic charge, it cannot charge to a magnetically inclined metal, a simple organic brain like a fish that is at least complicated enough to respond to trauma would be a possibility. Though honestly...the way you are describing this, it seems like it might be more an empathic ability than a magnetic one, if the charge only can transfer to organic brains."

Alton Schmidt has posed:
IMP considers. "I...never thought of it that way. I always presumed I was using the same electromagnetic static that drove a much more powerful magneticist mad. I never considered there might be some sort of side ability. I do know the charge only transfers to other people for about a day...after I go to sleep and wake up, it's safe for me to touch people again without doing harm."

"Touch a fish? ...I've honestly never tried touching animals. It never occured to me." Why it didn't occur to him, he couldn't say. "...I'm not sure why I thought it had to be sentient brains."

Charles Xavier has posed:
    Xavier mmms. "Try that. It's easy enough to get a small fishbowl and a goldfish to test it on." he suggests. "But as I said, I would also suggest finding a reputable psychiatrist and discussing your emotional ups and downs with them. There's no shame in asking for help, and as I said, there are quite a few mood stabilizers that might help without you needing to discharge like this." He reaches into a pocket, then pulls out a card, offering it to Alton. "Try those. If they don't work, then you can contact me at that number and I can perhaps reach out to others for some sort of way to make it safe for you to touch people without gloves."

Alton Schmidt has posed:
"Okay. Fish are easy to come by. Do you want me to call you if the fish doesn't work? And...I have the money to pay for a psychiatrist. I just never thought that normal psychology would be able to help with what I considered to be an electromagnetic problem. Likewise, I can afford whatever medications I feel like trying, but I was never sure they'd be able to keep me as safe as a discharge."

"...But I'll try those things. I...wanted to be a better person than I was today. A better hero, even. That's what the costume's for."

Charles Xavier has posed:
    "That's good. The desire to improve is always the first step." Xavier says, resting his hands on the arms of his chair. "And yes, I would. I suspect the first will likely work, if it just requires an organic brain, but to be honest, having someone to talk to about any issues or traumas you've been through will likely defuse some of the underlying emotional static as well. A ground, if you will. If it doesn't work, then at least you've tried."

    He nods to IMP. "For now, feel free to get your swag, and perhaps something to eat and drink, you were working hard. I hope the advice helps." He smiles faintly. "Pardon, I need to go keep track of our arriving supplies. Good day, IMP."

Alton Schmidt has posed:
"Thanks for not kicking me out, professor. I know you could've if you wanted to. Still...at least I had someone to actually advise me about all this. Trying to figure it all out on my own was...hard. The discharges seemed the lesser evil compared to becoming the bad guy Magneto is. ...But if there doesn't need to be a lesser evil at all, maybe I can get around it entirely."

Well...The good news is, Alton is wealthy. Generationally wealthy, even. He can pay for the best shrinks in existence, and the highest end medications too. And...if that stuff doesn't work, there's now a third line of defense...a man who can probably help if all else fails.