4090/Be careful what you eat.

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Be careful what you eat.
Date of Scene: 10 November 2020
Location: Main Kitchen
Synopsis: Laura stops by the Xavier's Mansion kitchens for a quick snack and runs into Noriko who quickly gets herself into trouble. Sam stops by after his police training just in time to see the sparks fly.
Cast of Characters: Noriko Ashida, Laura Kinney, Samuel Guthrie

Noriko Ashida has posed:
It's past curfew.  The Mansion has fallen on one of the more silent times of night, even if scatterings kids are still awake talking from their beds and the like.  The kitchen itself is dark, save for the soft yellow spotlights that help people get to the switch.

Okay there's another source of light.  Blue electricity roils here and there, swelling and subsiding though still somehow jagged, like arcing tiny lightning bolts.  Nori has a few dry foods canisters down on a countertop on the perimeter.  Most of them are opened.  Nearby is a big, big glass of milk and a half bunch of bananas...and beef jerky.

Laura Kinney has posed:
It's rare for Laura to stop by the Mansion unless there is a mission in the works. It usually means she's here to mooch off the facilities or to pay Gabby or Logan a visit. From the outfit she's wearing, plain boring gym clothes, it's probably a 'making use of the gym' trip this time.

She slinks into the kitchen without bothering to turn the lights on. Her footsteps barely making a sound on the kitchen floor. If the poor lighting causes a problem you wouldn't know it as she moves directly towards the refridgerator.

She pauses to sniff the air and then, to avoid startling the blue haired teen too much, makes a polite little cough before she opens the refridgerator door.

Noriko Ashida has posed:
Nori probably wasn't planning on running into anyone.  She's in some roomy pj pants, some crazy cheap slippers she's drawn a :| face and ^_^ faces on, and a long john styled long sleeve shirt, though at least it is grey.  Kind of in her own little world, she looks over at the cough sharply.  Not a teacher.

Waaaait.  Noriko's eyes swing back for another look.  "You're related to Gabby?" Her words come out precise, but fast, barely a trace of a Japanese accent.  She puts the jar aside and speeds up closer with near instantaneous acceleration, ending up still probably a good four feet away from Laura.  "Who are you?" Noriko has only been around Xavier's a year and some change.

Laura Kinney has posed:
The glow from the refridgerator makes Laura's eyes faintly glow in a way that's rather cat-like. "That is one way of looking at it," she admits after a few moments spent silently picking things out. Protein mostly. Cooked chicken, some cheese and whatever fruit juice Noriko has yet to plunder.

There's another sniff of the air.

"You know Gabby." A statement rather than a question. "Has she been well?" She shuts the door and turns in search of bread. Once obtained she'll begin making a sandwich that seems normal. Up until she pulls a tiny vial from her pocket that has a skull and crossbones label.

"Laura," she informs. Finally getting round to Noriko's who question. "And you might be?"

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
There is some sound from the garage area, as seems someone has just gotten in. The first noticeable thing to Laura maybe the scents, Gun powder, gun oil, and sweat. The person is Sam Guthrie, who has been here at the school for some time. He will open the door to the kitchen the little bit of light from behind showing the outline of a police officer. He will reach towards the light switch but stops before flipping it as he realizes people are in the room. "All ok?"

Noriko Ashida has posed:
Noriko's head cocks to the side without much expression when she catches the way Laura's eyes glow.  "Yeah.  It's just easier and faster to say."  The girl definitely made a dent earlier in the supply, taking a few with her on the way out the door.  Laura is lucky though.

"I do.  Yeah.  I mean as far as I know."  Noriko shrugs.  She points to where the bread is kept, putting two and two together from Laura's ingredients.  The girl reaches up with her metal gauntlet to rub at the back of her neck like some instinct she can't get rid of no matter how many times she's pinched the back of her neck.

Sam's words seem to hit her out of nowhere and the teen's largely subsided electricity snaps out, her eyes blinking a vibrant glowing blue, then blinking dark again.  The rest of her subsides after a deep breath, but not without some little crackling along the way.  "Sorry.  Just hungry."

Laura Kinney has posed:
Even before Noriko pointed Laura seemed on course for the bread. The nose knows. "Good evening Sam," she notes without turning to look. "A busy night?" She tilts her head. "You have been shooting at something."

She opens the little vial and begins putting droplets of the mystery contents on her sandwich. Putting it down for a moment to finish sandwich assembly and hunt for a glass to fill with juice.

"You may turn a light on if you wish." She offers in a rare moment of consideration. "It doesn't bother me either way." Juice acquired she returns the things she didn't use back to their home in the refridgerator.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks over and says "Yea, had a bit of target practice with the night training." He looks over to Noriko "No need to be sorry, just wanted to make sure all is ok, before turning on the lights, did not know if there was someone here who might have an issue with bright lights or something." He does wait a moment before turning on the lights, and now you can see he is in his cadet uniform. "Found out am a bit better with a rifle and shotgun than I am a pistol tonight." He says and looks over and says "Mind handing me the pitcher from the fridge and ice bin?" He moves to grab a glass from the cabinet

Noriko Ashida has posed:
Noriko's still getting used to the heightened sense of smell thing of all these Kinneys, so when she notices Laura heading there already, it pricks her mind.  But then a moment later she zips around and up to Sam's back to sniff, then move back over to check out the vial.  Her fingers on the vial, a forefinger with a drop out in one of the yellow spotlights for inspection.

Then suddenly, eyes wide-FLASH!  Nori starts doing hyper circuits around the kitchen with her mouth hanging open.  After quite a few laps race by she breaks through the doors, sending them wide.

Well, she's gone for now it seems.

Laura Kinney has posed:
Laura Kinney is part way through getting Sam the juice and some ice when Noriko begins sprinting around the room. "My hot sauce vial does have a warning label on," she notes matter-of-factly. "I assume she will be fine though." A slight tilt of her head. "Unless she forgets to wash her hands."

She hands the juice and ice over to Sam.

"Long arms tend to have better optics and stability. So that is not a surprise." she makes a tiny shrug of her shoulders. "I do not have much difficulty with any firearm. So I expect you will be able to master pistols if you put in enough time and effort."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie will raise a brow at the reaction and hmms a bit. She should be ok after a bit, I would think sorta surprised she did not hit the milk or bread." He says and puts some ice, and tea in his glass. "I grew up hunting with my pa, so have more experience with them. Did not have a lot of reason to go pistol shooting." He admits. He will move to the sink, and from under it looks around for a small drop cloth and hands it to Laura "Put that down in front of the fridge, for a few it might save a mess."

Laura Kinney has posed:
Laura Kinney blinks at Sam, but drops the cloth all the same. "From her reaction she will be less fine in the morning," she notes. "Perhaps sooner judging by her speed."

She digs into her own sandwich, which has multiple drops of the pure capsaicin in it, seemingly without any ill effects. But then Sam likely knows Laura has rather a high tolerance for pain. "Do not feel bad about using two hands to grip a pistol. Movies do not correctly depict the correct stance." A few moments more pass. "Generally you need to consume milk before spicy foods so it can form the chemical bonds. It has much less impact if consumed afterwards."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie nods a bit and says "Yea but most people think it will work and end up dumping it over themselves." He comments on the milk. He leans back against the counter leaving the sink free as well. "Yea, the teacher went over that. It is actually one of the first physical classes I aint been in the top three. Seems training around here is pretty good for there.

Noriko Ashida has posed:
It's not really all that long for the others before Noriko comes streaming back into the kitchen, stopping right in front of her abandoned glass of milk.  It's probably one of the biggest glasses she could find, and it is gone in three fourths of a second.  "Ah," the rushed noise escapes.

"That's awesome shit."  Nori /did/ have the glass of milk on hand before the fateful taste, but she couldn't have known, so certainly it was for some other purpose, and worth coming back for.  While she's at it though, she cleans up her mess and packs kinds of nuts and some trail mix into some snack baggies, then packs them in gallon freezer bags.

Laura Kinney has posed:
"Remember to wash your hands," Laura notes. Unusually helpfully for her. "Otherwise next time you touch your skin it'll burn again." She pockets the vial before anyone else can have any mishaps. Then takes a few more mouthfuls of sandwich. Idly weighing up just how fast the blue haired girl must be moving.

She frowns at Sam "I do not understand why any mutant would wish to join the police force. They have often been willing participants in the oppression of mutant kind." There's a pause and then she adds "Unless this is part of a deep cover infiltration that is."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks over and shakes his head a bit and says "Na, plan on requesting to work in Bushwick, so there is a mutant friendly cop there, figure probably will be a few more, maybe even some openly visable mutants down the road. Ah want to give the folks there a sense that not all police are jack asses, and maybe help inspire some of the next generation to follow my lead.

Noriko Ashida has posed:
"Already did, but thanks."  Unusually polite of the teen, especially a stranger.  Noriko is leaning back against the counter, gauntlets at her hips, since they don't really fold in front of her all that easily.  Her eyebrows in mild self revelation.

"Oh yeah.  I'm Noriko."  The girl seems to stay in the here and now as she listens to Sam.  Then a microwave dings.  She races over to pull out a monster sized burrito.  Then she pops right back over, her burrito in hands, using paper towels between her gauntlets and the food.  It's probably as awkward as it looks.

Laura Kinney has posed:
Laura seems to consider Sams intended goal for a moment and then nods. "Try not to let anyone 'accidentally' kill you during a training exercise." She doesn't seem to have a high opinion of the New York police force. "Or frame you for a crime."

Her eyes flick back to Noriko and she nods in acknowledgement of the introduction.

"You should ask in future before tasting things marked with a skull." It wouldn't be that unusual for Laura to carry round some deadly poison. Although perhaps that's not exactly normal behavior for a visitor to a New York boarding school. "That could have been highly toxic."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie nods, and says "Ah will do my best to make sure, and for now, Ah have not let on Ah was a mutant. Told them Ah had been training for the olympics, and did not make the team. Figured best way to explain out training." He grins a bit and says "Heck half the time Ah am holding back, there training aint much compared to here for fitness."

Noriko Ashida has posed:
"It had a skull on it?  Oh yeah."  That was so long ago, even if Noriko knows it wasn't really.  "I figured you were putting it on your food," she shrugs.  "But I'll do that now."  Ask before putting strange things in her mouth, presumably.

No more talking though.  Not while she's devouring the burrito.  It's hard to believe she can enjoy food eating this way, but she rests a hand on her stomach, basking in the meal like a well fed python, eyes slightly closed.

Laura Kinney has posed:
Laura Kinney glances up at Noriko and raises an eyebrow. There's a faintly disapproving look from the petite mutant although she doesn't actually comment. If Xavier wants to teach his students to eat strange chemicals who is she to judge?

"Do they not carry out X-gene testing?" she asks Sam. "I would have thought that would be mandatory for law enforcement positions." Another shrug. "The training here is hardly difficult. Although the schools training facilities are quite excellent. Even if they frown upon disabiling the safety features."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks over, and says "Well lets just say right now, for all the records, Ah show up as human, and plan on keeping it that way. Know enough people to get rid of most paper or electronic trails. Ah am thinking about letting those in the neighborhood know Ah am one once there, but may continue to hide it and just try to show them a good cop in general.

Noriko Ashida has posed:
Can anyone really /stop/ Nori from doing what she wants?  Maybe, but it's an all or nothing sort of deal. A clipping of proverbial wings that not even the Headmistress, who knows exactly what Nori is usually up to, has resorted to.  And so the girl goes about learning the hard ways.

"Night guys," Nori offers, her not bright and cheery tone back in full swing. She disappears with her sacks to...wherever.