5960/Roland to the teacher's lounge came.
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Roland to the teacher's lounge came. | |
Date of Scene: | 17 April 2021 |
Location: | Teacher's Lounge - Happy Harbor High School |
Synopsis: | Colette gives Roland the tour of Happy Harbor school and introduces him to some of the madness. |
Cast of Characters: | Colette O'Connail, Roland Livingston
- Colette O'Connail has posed:
Colette swipes her card on the lock and pushes the door to the teacher's lounge open. "And this is where you go to escape the kids," she explains of this last stop on the tour. "You will probably spend more time here than anywhere else. Except when there's a lot of photocopying to be done, which is most of the time."
She raises an eyebrow to Roland, her expression cynical as she strides into the room and straight over to the coffee machine. "Being a TA involves learning about how to control a class and getting experience in teaching -- but mostly it's grading work and photocopying course materials because the teachers are too lazy to do it themselves. Need some caffeine?"
She fetches a pair of cups from the sink on the assumption that nobody refuses coffee, and pours two coffees, then tips the rest of the pot down the sink and starts making some fresh, too.
- Roland Livingston has posed:
Following Colette into the lounge, Roland takes a look around there and chuckles softly, "I imagine it's not the most fun job in the world all of the time, but I'm hoping for the opportunity to educate some people."
When she goes to make coffee the Englishman leans up against a wall and watches her work, not wanting to get the in way of an expert at work. "I'd love a cup, thank you." Then he says, "I'm looking forward to trying my hand at a position in academia. I was tutored privately growing up so it will be a new experience for me."
- Colette O'Connail has posed:
When the new pot is on the go and busy dripping away, she brings a cup over to Roland and takes her own over to one of the comfortable chairs scattered around the room. "Help yourself to sugar, milk or creamer if you want it," she says as she takes her seat.
"You'll get to do a bit of educating, though mostly under close supervision. The best bit is volunteering to do extra credit classes, that way you're in charge and can come up with your own lesson plan. Wait until you've been here a couple of months and built up some trust with the staff, then put in a proposal or two."
"I had quite a bit of private tuition, but it was always on top of going to school. Good for the grades, but missing out on a shared educational experience... well it's not the option I'd chose. More fun when there are other people around. What qualifications do you have?"
- Roland Livingston has posed:
Taking the coffee cup from Colette, Roland nods to her, "Thank you." Then he moves to join her at the comfy chairs, sinking into one of them before taking a drink from his cup.
The suggestion of teaching extra credit gets a smile, "I was brought on to teach magical history at some point. Or perhaps an introduction to magical theory." His shoulders shrug, "My education had to be tailored to meet the needs of my family. We were warrior scholars who traveled the world gathering arcane knowledge and mystical artifacts. Mostly I was educated alongside my siblings and cousins to make sure we were able to learn everything we could conceivably need." He smirks faintly, "As a result I'm one of the leading experts on the mystical side of our world."
- Colette O'Connail has posed:
Colette raises her eyebrow at Roland over the rim of her cup, staring at him for a moment before taking a sip.
"Magical History," she repeats. "Huh. Well that certainly sounds like you've got your whole line of extra credit lessons planned out then. I'm sure there would be some interest in that. I'm sure you can imagine the make-up of the student intake kind of tilts interests towards the more exotic ends of the spectrum. Watch out though, we've got a Zatara studying here. Cousin, I think. That could potentially be awkward."
"Warrior-scholars is an interesting combination," she says with a smirk. "I noticed you weren't afraid to face up to one of those soldier idiots the other day. That education included the warrior side as well as the scholar side then, I assume."
- Roland Livingston has posed:
As Colette speaks Roland drinks some coffee, not too much as he wants to avoid burning his mouth on it, and watches her intently. "I think it'll be valuable for people to learn what they can about the mystical side of our world. It's generally a subject people find inaccessible, but I hope that the youths who choose to learn about it will benefit from what I have to teach."
Then he chuckles softly, "Yes. We were globe trotting adventurers in search of knowledge and arcane items and weapons. Quite an exciting livelihood, if I do say so myself." He nods, "I'm a talented warrior, trained in unarmed combat and with more weapons than most people can identify, but I prefer long swords and bows. I'm currently developing my abilities with firearms."
- Colette O'Connail has posed:
"I met a wizard a few months back," Colette says. "Basically Gandalf. Got to go to this party at his... actually come to think of it I've met a few wizards recently. Magic seems to be popular these days. If you're planning on expanding your knowledge you're probably in the right part of the world here. Place is crawling with them."
"So uh... about that whole thing of facing up to one of those soldiers thing." She puts her coffee cup down, half empty already. She can't have a particularly sensitive mouth when it comes to heat. "You've had the briefing on this school. Some of the staff and even a couple of the students are members of one or other of the local superhero groups. You know, Avengers, Titans, things like that." If he had initially thought she meant some small c-list groups, that's clearly not what she had intended. "While keeping the students safe is kind of part of our jobs, keep that in mind. There are a few people around who are really well qualified for that kind of thing. Not that we should be encouraging the kids to get in danger, but it's a good idea to get a handle on who's who."
She glances over to see how the new pot of coffee is coming along before returning to her half-finished cup. "So how long you been in America?" she asks.
- Roland Livingston has posed:
"Excellent," Roland says with a grin. "I'll need to get to know some of the good sort. Most of my experience has been dealing with the sort that uses their mystical abilities to harm people or raise the dead and whatnot."
"I imagine it would be important to know who among the faculty and students can more than take care of themselves. I'm not about to let someone get hurt if I'm anything close to responsible for them without intervening in some fashion, however. I don't care for sitting idly by, but if I think someone can assist I'm not going to stop them from trying should they choose to do so and have the ability to take care of themselves." When asked how long he's been around he says, "Just a few months. Trying to rebuild what my family had collected has been an extremely difficult, slow process. I live in Manhattan now, but I don't mind a little commute to come out here."
- Colette O'Connail has posed:
"Not much of a commute if you take the hyperloop," Colette says. "Just a few minutes from Battery Park Station. I actually live in Metropolis, but even that's only fifteen minutes away with the hyperloop. Though I have to admit I do rent a place close to the school for those days I'm not in the mood to travel."
"As for who's who... well there are privacy issues, but sometimes it's obvious. You probably noticed Vivian isn't exactly human, and she's not hiding it any more. I'm not entirely sure what she can do, but she's on the Titans and spends her spare time fighting off alien invaders and so on, so you could probably rely on her." She looks over to the coffee pot again. Obviously this girl likes her coffee.
"Rebuilding a collection of magical stuff?" she asks. "I'd imagine there's pretty stiff competition for that kind of thing. I got lent a magic camera once. One of those old-fashioned Polaroid ones that prints the photo directly. I had to give it back though."