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So this kid, this bloodsucker, and this hot chick walk into a diner...
Date of Scene: 22 March 2020
Location: Planet Herowood - Avenue of Tomorrow
Synopsis: Bea feels icky. Lia finds new angles.
Cast of Characters: Billy Batson, Lia Briggs, Beatriz da Costa

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson looks into Planet Herowood, his big eyes even bigger. No one here yet. He puts his bag down, steps away from the window and <POW>. Captain Thunder steps back, grabbing the bag. He just about has enough of the autograph money left for... breath mints. A hostess holds the door for Captain Thunder and he walks in,minding the cape. The maitre d' seems to have some training in recognition of Meta-humans. Or he's just trusting. Or he doesn't want to upset a large man who clearly lifts. He seats the good Captain, who waits a little nervously, noting the prices in the menu. I mean 25 bucks for a cheeseburger? Carp!

Lia Briggs has posed:
If life had a soundtrack, "Rich Girls" by The Virgins would start playing as the big black car pulls up in front of the restaurant. A big fellow in a suit that was obvious selected for him emerges, looks around to make sure there's no imminent danger, and then politely assists a passenger from the back seat.

Lia is looking even more fabulous than usual today, dressed to the nines, her hair all just so, sunglasses on, smile (no teeth) brighter than ever. She pauses for a moment after getting out of the car, a long-ago reflex for photographs that no longer does her any good. Then she thanks the fellow with the suit, and proceeds up through the doors to greet the hostess. "Oh, I'm here to meet a friend -- ah, there he is now. Thanks so much."

Beatriz da Costa has posed:
    Bea's own entrance--the second of the day--goes about as unnoticed as her first. A few appreciative eyes thrown her way, but since she's not a League first-stringer anymore and since her action figure is in the back of the display case (and very dusty) by virtue of being out of the public eye for years, there's nobody in Planet Herowood looking out for her.
    And being the kind of person it's almost impossible to cosplay, there's nobody cosplaying as her either, unlike Wonder Woman (there are five) or the Batman (seven at least).
    Hips' sway causing her chains and baubles at her waist to jingle, she swishes past the server, using Lia as a shield, so that she can find a table SHE likes instead of what the server wants her to see. Standing near the Red Cyclone (the name she still knows Shazam by), but facing the other direction, she turns in a semi-circle and...
    "Wait, Red Cyclone? What are you doing in Metropolis?!" She approaches Shazam ready to hug him in greeting. INCOMING bombshell!

Billy Batson has posed:
It is a sobering experience indeed to have the Wisdom of Solomon proclaim, //You poor bastard.// followed by the Courage of Achilles muttering something about discretion. Nonetheless, Captain Thunder gets up and seeing the place is crowded, waves both ladies over. No model goes unseated when he's around. Lia arriving first he responds to the hug and indicates Bea should get over there, peeping around Lia's coif.

"Good evening! Hihi! Uhm Ms. Lia Briggs, this is Fire of the Justice League. She's been mentoring me. Ms. Fire, this is Ms. Lia Briggs also again. She's been discussing modeling with me. She was also Looker of the Insiders. Outsiders, sorry. I... its crowded, maybe we all sit here?"

He can handle this. They're models. Probably split a grapefruit ~3.50. He can get the PBJonni Thunder~ $12.50 and be a big spender.

He probably should have lobbied for Panera. Solomon is calling him a poor bastard yet again.

Lia Briggs has posed:
Lia is of course polite enough not to take a seat, once she's seen Bea on the way over, until they're all there. "Of course," she says, warmly, when the good Captain makes his introductions. "You always had the knack of looking wonderful no matter how dreadful the situation was. That's just a gift -- you really can't teach it, no matter how hard you try." A smile (still sans teeth); "And I've loved what I've seen of your work lately. It's so lovely to meet you in person. Yes, do please let's all sit together." She suits action to words, and, once comfortably emplaced, signals for the closest waitperson without worrying about whether anyone's looking. Of course someone is!

Beatriz da Costa has posed:
    Bea takes the proffered seat, and unlike Lia, her smile is toothy and genuine. "How pleased to meet you. I know of your work and to be honest I missed your heyday. Even while I was with the League I kept up on the rags and you were a genuine hot item in most way that the term can be used." She tilts her head to regard Lia. "Retirement really suits you. If anything you're more gorgeous now than when you were modeling."
    Seeing Shazam's face, and not needing to be a telepath to read his mind, she adds, "Listen, I'm intruding, and I'm also here as a newly-reactivated League member. So ... since I'm here with two metas, this will be on me. Or, more specifically, on the League. I'll expense it as intelligence-gathering or recruitment or some such."
    She waves her hand dismissively. "I'll let the brain trust upstairs deal with the justifications."

Billy Batson has posed:
//So far so good.// Billy is still a little panicked, and exhilerated. "What am I supposed to do with two women?" A torrent of advice follows before Solomon shushes everyone. //Yes Hercules, Billy knows 50 in one night. Amazing none of them managed to escape.// Achilles steps up: //Be unfailingly kind to both. Listen. Be outwardly calm, despite what you feel for then they will be calm. Also... enjoy!// The waiter hands menus to the trio, with a wine list for Captain Thunder... Holey Moley! This much for sour grapes. Wait I can get bombed on rthe League's dime?

"Good evening all, may I get you drinks while you decide on your orders? We have a breakfast for dinner theme: Wonder Waffles, Supermancakes, Aquaman-sticks..." No Captain Thunder dish yet. Give it time... and a little sulkily, he says, "I'll have a cherry cola."

Lia Briggs has posed:
The redhead gives a little laugh, saying, "You're /so/ kind to say so, thank you. We all like to think we'll never get any less good-looking, but getting more so is a rare compliment." She's treating it as between-model chitchat, the sort of thing that always gets said when two fabulous people meet, even if neither one of them believes a word ... but it's also not difficult to see that her vanity's flattered by the compliment nonetheless.

"So, how did you two come to know each other?" she asks, studying the menu with every appearance of interest. "And will you" -- here she addresses the Captain -- "be joining the League? How exciting, if so!" And, she has the good taste not to add, how profitable for anyone who might be trying to find work for him as a model.

Beatriz da Costa has posed:
    "Well, Red Cyclone here was dealing with a little breakage problem on the Brooklyn Bridge while I was crossing over it in a taxi. I thought I'd lend him a hand since he seemed to be trapped in something of a jam, needing to hold very heavy cables and a bridge segment and not having anything to actually fix the parts." She pauses and addresses the hovering server. "Cranberry soda for me, and a grilled chicken salad wrap. Whatever Booster decided to call that."
    Continuing, she adds, "So he held, I welded, repeated three or four times, and that was that. I told him to call me and we had a little talk on a building. Then suddenly I run into him here in Metropolis."
    She tilts her head quizically again, looking at Lia. "What's this about modelling? You run an abbatoir?" Code for supplier of fresh meat to fashion shoots. Modeling agency. "And you're signing Red Cyclone up?" Her eyes drift over to Shazam thoughtfully. "He does have that god-like physique. He could make a mint off that chest and those thighs alone. The face also has nice structure and projects a certain innocent naivite that would light up a romance novel cover."
    She pulls a book out of her spun-glass shoulder bag, dropping it cover up on the table, Lia's direction. "Picture him in this pitching the hay instead of that generic latin lover look."

Billy Batson has posed:
Shazam hehs. The humility comes through then -big time with the talkmof chest and thighs and he says, "The League doesn't know I'm alive. Maybe, if they asked... but I may have to much on my plate and I'm not available all the time."

The waiter comes back, "Management has instructed me to inform you that we are working on the Thunderwich~ it is an overstuffed ham sandwich. I can bring you a prototype if you like for endorsement..." Captain Thunder's facial expression does a good imitation of a yo-yo.

"We... no longer have the da Costaccino coffee or Lia-guine with red sauce on the menu, but the kitchen staff will produce them if you wish." He smiles the sick smile of a man watching has tip fly away with the speed of Mercury. Shazam leans into Bea, eye to eye contact and says, "I'm going by Captain Thunder now. Red Cyclone was derpy sounding." Darla said so. He looks down at the book, eyes straying only briefly. "Holy Moley! I... I mean he's... is he... oiled? I... what's a albatross agency?" Why do there seem to be boobs everywhere? He grabs for his glass of water. "Excuse me a minute, I need to hit the hea... heheheh restroom." He gets up, wrapped in his cape and strides to the restroom.

Lia Briggs has posed:
"Oh, I'd just like a Bloody Mary," Lia says to the fellow, agreeably. "Did my assistant pass along the information about my dietary restrictions? She diid? Lovely." Turning back to Beatriz, she can't help but smile at the story, and admits: "I do -- have to do something to keep from getting bored, after all. And Brion's so /busy/ over in Europe now, there's not much call for me in my other career. Yes, that was my thought! Just perfect for the right sort of campaign, and there's no shortage of those." The novel cover? She can appreciate that idea, for sure. "I can see we're right on the same page. Really, a face and a body like that just sell themselves." She directs a smile at poor Billy that's definitely predatory, but only in the capitalistic sense, rather than the literal. "Oh! Don't go too far, darling."

Beatriz da Costa has posed:
    "I'll just have, oh, a white wine with the meal and stick to the cranberry soda for the appetizers then," Bea says accomodatingly before turning back to Lia.
    "I'm not in the abbatoir side of things. I went design and have a small little design house. I often co-show with Janet van Dyne as a featured designer. You know. Because I like being outclassed all the time. Though I really LOVE modeling her outfits!"
    Her eyes very obviously stray, right to the point of leaning out into the aisle a bit to see more clearly, as Shazam leaves.
    "But darling, he's a gold mine if you market him right. Looks fine coming or going, and has that innocent act down pat."

Billy Batson has posed:
Splash goes the water into the face. "It... doesn't even feel cold, just wet. Yuck. Cold, fire, bullets, none of these bother me, why do bazongas? Stupid adult body! Stupid adult feelings! These things never bothered me... before... Holy Moley." Captain Thunder makes a decision, a hard one, Thank you Achilles.

There is a muffled clap of thunder from the restrooms. The door opens and Billy Batson steps out and walks with purpose to the table. He says in a level voice, "I'm Captain Thunder, or Red Cyclone's alter ego. Call me Billy. I was having some issues as the Captain. I decided to be honest with you ladies. You deserve it." He stands waiting for the response. Dreading it too. He also checks out the goods. Right not nearly as bad as before. Still spectacular but he can <think>. "Captain Thunder is a big dope at times."

Lia Briggs has posed:
"We ought to collaborate," Lia says to Beatriz, while they're waiting for the Captain to return. "I follow your work, of course, and I think I have some talent who would suit it perfectly. Let me see if I have anything on my phone --" Of course she does. The two of them are probably exchanging photos of models and designs and ideas on how they best work together when Billy arrives.

Lia is clearly expecting him to ask for an autograph, or something of the sort, since she already has her red Sharpie at the ready. So ... yes. She goggle-eyes at him while reading his mind to make sure that he's not just elaborately pranking them. She looks at Bea, she looks back at Billy. "So -- wait -- you can just ... turn into him? Whenever you want?" Unasked but obvious is her follow-up question: 'Why would you ever turn back?'

Beatriz da Costa has posed:
    For her part Bea just stares, eyes widened a moment. She physically turns in the direction of the bathroom, then back to Billy. Eyes still open wide. Unblinking. Blindly she reaches for her drink. Misses. Adjusts. Drinks it. Curses its lack of alcohol inwardly. Finally she finds time to blink.
    "You're ... Captain Thunder." It's not a question. It's more someone trying to convince herself that this is real. That reality hasn't broken down like it does around Zatanna when she's high on mushrooms.
    She gulps something again, mostly to conceal that little cringe of self-loathing she has now, using the time to recover and attach her bland face.
    "Well. That is interesting."
    She turns to Lia. "This is Red ... I mean Captain Thunder." Her eyes are begging for help. "Have you met?"

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson pulls his chair out and sits. Great, now he's eye almost level with stuff. The waiter brings a Thunderwich and sets it down looking a little puzzled at Billy. Billy takes a bite of it and smiles because... ham. He looks at Lia and says, "I have the best of both worlds and I do need an education. Why would a kid ever want to be an adult all the time? Captain Thunder feels great but... it's so hard to pretend all the time. I mean O got these gifts... I want to earn them, you know? I haven't always done the right thing with them. I took selfies with people and signed autographs for money back in Philly and ditched school and bought beer and there was this one club... nev er mind. I ran from fighting my enemesis, though I stood against him in the end. I made mistakes... then I met a real hero~Spider-Man~he told me what it's really about. I help people get home safely now. This stuff with wizards and robots and all is just window dressing.

"I'm not in it for money anymore, thank you for covering the check, Ms. Bea. I can use the model-money for my foster family and like college and stuff and that isn't misusing my powers, just using my chest and looks. Thanks to you both for all your help. I couldn't lie to you or... possibly... lead you on, though it would be really fun because like, you're both really hot and smell really nice and you're both really sweet. I mean I heard models were all stuck up. Not you too. I'm pretty sure... my foster sib is going to call me an idiot for doing this." Billy noms on... Shazamwich? Omygosh...

Lia Briggs has posed:
Lia looks completely sandbagged. She, alas, has no help whatsoever for Bea, mutely shaking her head, her eyes wide. Her mind is still trying to process this. "I ... I ... I ..." Reducing to speechlessness people who take the bizarre in stride for a living is, if nothing else, an accomplishment, of sorts. "He's ... telling the truth," she confirms, after a moment. "It's definitely him and ... he's ... "

She is probably wishing for a pint or two of frosty A positive right about now, but there's none to be seen, and so there's no other option but to deal with this. Which she does by finding something to grab on to: "Does ... does your foster family know about this? Because someone is going to have sign ... ah ... and ... and I'm going to have to rework the marketing. A little." Just a tad. No oiled-up photoshoots with strategically obscured models, that's for sure.

Beatriz da Costa has posed:
    Bea's reaction is more morally focused. Aside from that icky feeling she had realizing she was undressing a minor with her eyes. This is a minor. And she was mentoring him in dangerous situations. THAT is going to need some processing.
    She points at Lia. "What she said." Stops as if that's enough, then realizes it isn't. "Does your foster family know you're doing ... that ... uh ... really dangerous thing?"
    Being a hero.

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson takes another bite of sandwich. "My parents don't know. My foster sibs are protected. I do not want any money from the modeling jobs. I wangt hyou to make donations to the Vasques Family. That way no income tax to file, if we do it right, the Vasques get whatever I make. I haven't told my folks yet. Would you? If that spoils the modeling career so be it. I'll pay you back for the shots. Sorry." Unthinking he reaches out to grab both their hands and hold them lightly. He feels, calm. He's being himself. that is a good reason to turn back to Billy. "I think I'm going to call myself Shazam. That's where I get my power from, like a spell. And a Baked Shazam Sandwich just sounds too good." He smiles finally.

Lia Briggs has posed:
By now Lia is starting to reach the point where she can process all this without sounding like a complete idiot. "That's ... I have so many questions," she says, "and probably too many to find the answers to." She looks across at Bea, who is fortunately thinking along similar, even if not identical, lines.

"I ... I'll have to talk to Legal, but I think something will still have to go on paper. But ... let's not give up yet, I have an idea. So your folks can know what's going on, but not /all/ of what's going on." A pause. And then she adds: "Actually ... I like that. It's good. Short. Snappy. Doesn't confuse you with all the other Captain Whoevers. Plus I'm pretty sure it's not trademarked yet."

Beatriz da Costa has posed:
    Bea is still aghast at this development. "I'm not sure..." She starts to speak. Then she shuts up. That brood of mutants. Superboy. The Titans. Minors abound in the heroing world. She's just never mentored one unknowingly...
    "Forget it," she says. "It's not important. I'm letting surprise run away with my thoughts. But ... I'm a little uncomfortable hiding this from your parents. I'll have to think about this. The biz you want to be in is not a game ... uh ... Billy. It's very dangerous. People try to kill you in it. Is it right to try to hide that from your parents?"

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson shrugs. "I will tell them when the time is right. When I am sure I have a handle on Shazam. I'm just working out how I fit in my new family and I want to approach them already with answers for their questions. And it will be soon, seeing as this worked so... right."