7331/All your Library are belong to US

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All your Library are belong to US
Date of Scene: 11 August 2021
Location: Library
Synopsis: Tabitha be studying, Ellie be tweeting. Boom Boom and Warhead meet.
Cast of Characters: Tabitha Smith, Negasonic

Tabitha Smith has posed:
Studying for finals... important but BORING! They only thing more boring than studying for a test is... Going to class. And that's a toss up. And books... are also boring. This is why instead of looking at the books on the table in front of her, Tabby is staring at her hand as a tiny time bomb forms. It barely gets to the size of a bb before she flicks it up in the air and counts 3, 2, 1... as it falls and then explodes with a soft pop about half a foot above her table, scattering papers and forcing Tabby to get up and collect them.

Negasonic has posed:
Studying is supremely boring and a huge waste of time.

Negasonic has no need to do so, here on the last few weeks of her summer vacation, but she has no other place to go. No family to go home to. No friends to hang out with. Ergo, she is hanging out at the school. When asked she will say it is to call them losers... Especially considering she goes precisely where nobody ever is: The Library.

With her cellphone in hand, she shoulders her way into the library with the soft glow of her phone illuminating her studded and hooped face on track towards a table... when Tabitha's mini-bomb go boom. Blue eyes glance up disinterestedly (seriously, an explosion in Xavier's is not surprising), and stares at the other girl silently. Lit only by her phone for dramatic effect.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
Tabitha Smith looks over at Nega when she comes in and drats. Caught. In the bloody library. With actual real for honest and true work in front of her even if she isn't really doing it. She snags the last of the papers that blew off the table and snaps her fingers then points at the other girl, "Hey there... uh... Elsie. Fancy seeing you in here." Or anyone really.

Negasonic has posed:

"Did you call me Elsie? Do you really think that's my name? Like for real?" The sound of her voice bleeds overt contempt with the frown on her face adding weight to the heaviness of her disdain. "Are you studying during summer vacation?" Flash of her camera, phone held out to take a picture of Tabitha caught in the act of school work when there shouldn't even BE school work.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
Tabitha Smith groans inwardly in response to the flash. "Did I? Is it not?" She struggles to think of if she's ever properly heard Nega's name if that's not it. Her face squinches up a little as she says, "Rude to take pictures without asking. Donchya know that?" She moves over to the table and shoves the papers back into her backpack where they can't be photo'd again.

Negasonic has posed:
Ellie shrugs at the notion that she's rude, "Wouldn't be the worst thing I've been called." Thumb scrolling over the picture to get the lightning right before posting it... or just saving it as blackmail later. "Ellie. Or Negasonic. Whichever... but not Elsa, or whatever the fuck you just called me." The phone disappears inside her leather jacket on the way to Tabitha's table. One of the chairs is turned around backwards for her to sit up against. "Why are you studying in August?"

Tabitha Smith has posed:
Tabitha Smith stands there a moment longer before moving back to the table and dropping back into her chair and forming another little seed of yellow in her and which is then immediately tossed into the air, this time over Nega's head rather than hers. "About four months late for finals?"

Negasonic has posed:
Ellie watches the formation of this mini bomb and it's traversal of space over her head, but doesn't flinch away when it goes pop. "Neat." Whether that's to the bomb or the nature of Tabitha's study session in late summer months. "You should go to class more. Truancy leads to alcoholism and prostitution."

Tabitha Smith has posed:
Tabitha Smith smirks, "You should see what that does to the coin box of a vending machine. Well I'd used a bigger one for that. Don't go in right if it's not shaped like a coin. And what's wrong with alcohol and sex? Two of my favorite pastimes right there."

Negasonic has posed:
"There are completely mundane ways of getting into vending machines that don't involve blowing them up for some schmoe to have to repair. Not that I care about Joe Schmoe, I'm just pointing out that if you were a real delinquent you'd know how to life hack ontop of blowing shit up." Which is ironic only because Ellie be blowing shit up pretty regularly. "Yeah, they're pretty dope." Sex and alcohol.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
Tabitha Smith grimaces as she looks at a math book she actually borrowed from a shelf for this particular study session. "Life hacking sounds like work. My way's faster. And not much work at... well not for me anyway... I guess." Damn. Just had to mention the schmoes. It's not that Tabby doesn't care. It's that she doesn't bother thinking about them ever.

The book is given another glance then Tabby finally actually opens it to the page she needed to read based on the papers Kitty gave her about what to study. "So what are YOU doing in the library, Nega?" See! Life hacking. Nega is so much easier than remember an actual name.

Negasonic has posed:
"Sucker." Ellie says with a sardonic, humorless, smirk when it's pretty clear she got the goad with that Schmoe comment. "They're human, who the fuck cares what they have to do for a nine to five, honestly? Look at it like this... blowing up vending machines for them to fix is job security. If you're going to be a delinquent, you're going to have to stop caring." This is just being obtuse at this point. But Ellie is obtuse.

"Wifi signal is stronger in here. Xi installed a second modem over in the lab section-" Pointing at the small bank of research computers, "I come in here to use the signal. Also to get away from people who I'd, quite frankly, rather not talk to."

Tabitha Smith has posed:
Tabitha Smith immediately loses interest in the book again and tugs her phone out of her pocket. A grin lights up her face "Hey! Cool. Never noticed that before." Because Tabby's literally never been in here before unless dragged in by someone else. "Never knew libraries were actually good for something." She fires up Twitter to scroll through her feed.

Negasonic has posed:
"I'm a wealth of useless internet information." They don't call her the Twitter Warlord for nothing, right? Ellie fishes her phone out and flicks it towards herself, "Give me your number. Next time I'll text ahead before I come to the library, just to make sure you're not in here being lame as fuck before I come to destroy some fat kids hopes and dreams on twitter."

Tabitha Smith has posed:
Tabitha Smith rolls her eyes but actually recites her digits before quipping back, "Maybe you should get yours and I can save you the trouble by texting you when to avoid the library on the very rare occasion that I might ever come in here again. Or maybe to borrow a car and go into town so you can demonstrate some of this life hacking of yours and how it's so much better."

Negasonic has posed:
Ellie plugs the digits into her phone, then lifts it and takes a surprise picture of Tabitha to add to the contact list. "Whatever. You want to go on a date, just ask." With that said, she's up off the chair. Phone once again up in front of her casting a blue glow on her piercings and cold features as she heads for the exit. "Seeya later, lame ass."

Tabitha Smith has posed:
Tabitha Smith lifts her own phone and snaps a picture of Ellie in profile as she starts to walk away. She shrugs and does not call back a retort before she finally looks back at the book on her table, grimacing again.